Default File Permissions for Settings in BFS

The following table shows the default permissions set by the system:

      ___________ _____________ _________________________________
     | Task      | Using       | Default Permissions             |
     | Create a  | mkdir shell |     owner=rwx                   |
     | directory | command     |     group=r-x                   |
     |           |             |     other=r-x                   |
     | Create a  | OPENVM      |     owner=rwx                   |
     | directory | CREATE      |     group=r-x                   |
     |           | DIRECTORY   |     other=r-x                   |
     | Create a  | XEDIT       |     owner=rw-                   |
     | file      | command     |     group=r--                   |
     |           |             |     other=r--                   |
     | Create a  | ed editor   |     owner=rw-                   |
     | file      |             |     group=r--                   |
     |           |             |     other=r--                   |
     | Create a  | Redirection |     owner=rw-                   |
     | file      | >           |     group=r--                   |
     |           |             |     other=r--                   |
     | Create a  | cp command  | Sets output file permissions    |
     | file      |             | to the input file permissions.  |
     | Create a  | OPENVM      | If any execute permissions are  |
     | file      | GETBFS      | on in the source file:          |
     |           | command     |                                 |
     |           |             |     owner=rwx                   |
     |           |             |     group=r-x                   |
     |           |             |     other=r-x                   |
     |           |             |                                 |
     |           |             | If no execute permissions are   |
     |           |             | on in the source file:          |
     |           |             |                                 |
     |           |             |     owner=rw-                   |
     |           |             |     group=r--                   |
     |           |             |     other=r--                   |
     | Create a  | OPENVM      | If the source file is a BFS     |
     | file      | PUTBFS      | file and any of its execute     |
     |           |             | permissions are on, or if the   |
     |           |             | source file is a CMS record     |
     |           |             | file in MODULE format:          |
     |           |             |                                 |
     |           |             |     owner=rwx                   |
     |           |             |     group=r-x                   |
     |           |             |     other=r-x                   |
     |           |             |                                 |
     |           |             | Otherwise, default permissions  |
     |           |             | are:                            |
     |           |             |                                 |
     |           |             |     owner=rw-                   |
     |           |             |     group=r--                   |
     |           |             |     other=r--                   |

The OpenExtensions for z/VM Shell's initial setting of the mask is 022, which means that read, write, and execute permission is set on for the owner, and read and execute permission is set on for group and other.

When XEDIT creates a file, it attempts to set the permission bits to rw- r-- r--; if you have a umask in effect, those bits will be downgraded accordingly.

Shell command Default File Permissions

When a shell command creates a new file (other than character special files), the default permission settings assigned to the file are read and write for the owner and read for group and other. The exceptions to this rule are:

c89    Read, write, and execute for owner, group, and other
ln     Read, write, and execute for owner, group, and other
       (for ln -s)
cp     The permissions of the file that was copied.

These default permissions are subject to filtering by the umask in effect.

File permission settings for the OPENVM GETBFS command

When the target file is a new BFS and the source file has at least one of its execute permissions on, the permissions for the new file are set to 'rwx r-x r-x'.

When the target file is a new BFS and the source file does not have any execute permissions on, the permissions are set to 'rw- r-- r--'.

File permission settings for the OPENVM PUTBFS command

either of these conditions:
  • The source file is a BFS file and at least one of its execute permission bits is on.
  • The source file is a CMS file and the MODULE option is used or is the default because the the file type of the source file is MODULE.

If neither of these conditions is true, the permissions are set to 'rw- r-- r--'.