z/VM V6.1 resources
Updated: August 28, 2012
This page includes reference information specific to z/VM V6.1 and made available in the time period following its announcement. For daily to weekly VM site updates, also visit VM News/Site Changes to keep apprised of z/VM-related news as it happens.
Preview, Announcements, and NewsWorld Wide announcement letters | |
June 26, 2012
System SSL Cryptographic Module Receives FIPS 140-2 Certification - more information about this announcement is available on the z/VM Security and Integrity Resources |
July 22, 2010 Announce
IBM z/VM V6.1 - Enhancements for IBM zEnterprise System Virtualization US - 210-234 -- Europe: ZP10-0301 AP - AP10-0216 -- Canada: A10-0617 LA- LP10-0311 |
Oct. 20, 2009 Announce
IBM z/VM V6.1 - Foundation for future virtualization growth US - 209-401 -- Europe/LA: ZP09-0459 AP - AP09-0381 -- Canada: A09-1311 |
July 21, 2009:
Faster data access with FICON Express8 for System z10 US - 109-417 |
July 07, 2009 Preview
IBM z/VM V6.1 - Foundation for future virtualization growth US - 209-207 -- Europe/LA: ZA09-0015 AP - AP09-0200 -- Canada: A09-0700 |
July 07, 2009:
Summary and Statements of Direction z/VM V6.1 summary with Statements of Direction |
Ordering and Availablility
z/VM V6.1 ordering begins: October 20, 2009
z/VM V6.1 general availability: October 23, 2009
SDO (System Delivery Offering)
The z/VM SDO is the only method
can be used to order
z/VM V6.1.
Internet delivery
for z/VM Orders via ShopzSeries
Tips for ordering
z/VM on DVD
via ShopzSeries
Upgrade to z/VM 6.1
Licensed Products Migration Matrix for z/VM V6.1 & z/VM V5.4
Vendor (ISV) Product matrix for z/VM V5.3
Service and Support
z/VM V6.1 planned
End of Service:
April 30, 2013.
z/VM V5.4 planned
End of Service:
extended to December, 31, 2014
or until the z9 EC and z9 BC are withdrawn from support,
whichever is later.
RSU (Recommended Service Upgrade) content
Red Alerts (updated April 2011)
Red Alert
pertaining to customers who run Linux on
z/VM V6.1 and/or z/VM V5.4.:
APAR VM64862 is in error.
View details at
z/VM Red Alert.
(April 18, 2011) - Red Alert pertaining to z/VM V6.1 and z/VM V5.4 customers: SSL Server Performance and Scalability Enhancements - Packaging Updates (August 4, 2010)
- Red Alert pertaining to all z/VM customers running guest coupling support when they have both an IBM System z10 and the PTF for APAR VM64793 (June 2010)
- For users of OSA-Express3 devices with microcode level 7.31.0 and beyond who have a z/VM TCP/IP stack configuration that includes a VIPA interface. (Oct. 2009)
Required Service
- Required service for z/VM to run on IBM zEnterprise EC12 System. (08-2012)
- Required service for z/VM to run on IBM zEnterprise 196 and 114 Systems. (07-2011)
- Important information if you have applied APAR VM64822. z/VM service required for IBM zEnterprise Unified Resource Manager for z/VM V6.1 to run on IBM zEnterprise System. (updated 05-2011)
- Required service for support of Crypto Express 3 and for using 3590 and 3592 tapes for Ficon Express8, Express4, and Express2. (Nov. 2009)
Reference information
z/VM V6.1 Architecture Level Set
z/VM V6 Reference Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
- z/VM V6.1 FAQ (faq61ze) for enhancements associated with the IBM zEnterprise 196 and the zEnterprise Virtualization (July 22, 2010)
- z/VM V6.1 & z10 FAQ (faq61) (Oct. 20, 2009)
Customer references and stories
Data Sheets
z/VM V6.1 Data Sheet
Linux on IBM System z with z/VM V6.1
z/VM virtualization and Linux on IBM zEnterprise System
Online product documentation and publications
z/VM V6.1 General Information
z/VM V6.1 Information Center
z/VM V6.1 Product library
z/VM V6.1 Program Directories
z/VM V6.1 CP and CMS Data Areas and Control Blocks
z/VM V6.1 Monitor Records
Redbooks for z/VM and Linux on System z
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