z/VM V6.1 resources

Updated: August 28, 2012

This page includes reference information specific to z/VM V6.1 and made available in the time period following its announcement. For daily to weekly VM site updates, also visit VM News/Site Changes to keep apprised of z/VM-related news as it happens.

Preview, Announcements, and News
World Wide announcement letters
June 26, 2012
System SSL Cryptographic Module Receives FIPS 140-2 Certification - more information about this announcement is available on the z/VM Security and Integrity Resources
July 22, 2010 Announce
IBM z/VM V6.1 - Enhancements for IBM zEnterprise System Virtualization
US - 210-234      --   Europe: ZP10-0301
AP - AP10-0216   --   Canada: A10-0617
LA- LP10-0311
Oct. 20, 2009 Announce
IBM z/VM V6.1 - Foundation for future virtualization growth
US - 209-401       --   Europe/LA: ZP09-0459
AP - AP09-0381   --   Canada: A09-1311
July 21, 2009:
Faster data access with FICON Express8 for System z10
US - 109-417
July 07, 2009 Preview
IBM z/VM V6.1 - Foundation for future virtualization growth
US - 209-207       --   Europe/LA: ZA09-0015
AP - AP09-0200    --   Canada: A09-0700
July 07, 2009:
Summary and Statements of Direction
z/VM V6.1 summary with Statements of Direction

Ordering and Availablility
z/VM V6.1 ordering begins: October 20, 2009
z/VM V6.1 general availability: October 23, 2009
SDO (System Delivery Offering) Updated07-2011
      The z/VM SDO is the only method that
     can be used to order z/VM V6.1.
Internet delivery for z/VM Orders via ShopzSeries
Tips for ordering z/VM on DVD via ShopzSeries
Upgrade to z/VM 6.1
Licensed Products Migration Matrix for z/VM V6.1 & z/VM V5.4
Vendor (ISV) Product matrix for z/VM V5.3  10-2009

Service and Support
z/VM V6.1 planned End of Service: April 30, 2013.
z/VM V5.4 planned End of Service: extended to December, 31, 2014 or until the z9 EC and z9 BC are withdrawn from support, whichever is later.
RSU (Recommended Service Upgrade) content 12-2010
Red Alerts (updated April 2011)

  • Red Alert pertaining to customers who run Linux on z/VM V6.1 and/or z/VM V5.4.: APAR VM64862 is in error. View details at z/VM Red Alert.
    (April 18, 2011)
  • Red Alert pertaining to z/VM V6.1 and z/VM V5.4 customers: SSL Server Performance and Scalability Enhancements - Packaging Updates (August 4, 2010)
  • Red Alert pertaining to all z/VM customers running guest coupling support when they have both an IBM System z10 and the PTF for APAR VM64793 (June 2010)
  • For users of OSA-Express3 devices with microcode level 7.31.0 and beyond who have a z/VM TCP/IP stack configuration that includes a VIPA interface. (Oct. 2009)

Required Service

Reference information
z/VM V6.1 Architecture Level Set Updated 07-2011
z/VM V6 Reference Guide (07-2010)
Frequently Asked Questions

  • z/VM V6.1 FAQ (faq61ze) for enhancements associated with the IBM zEnterprise 196 and the zEnterprise Virtualization (July 22, 2010)
  • z/VM V6.1 & z10 FAQ (faq61) (Oct. 20, 2009)

Customer references and stories

Data Sheets

z/VM V6.1 Data Sheet PDF (10-2009)
Linux on IBM System z with z/VM V6.1 PDF (10-2009)
z/VM virtualization and Linux on IBM zEnterprise System PDF

Online product documentation and publications

z/VM V6.1 General Information (GC24-6193-01) PDF
z/VM V6.1 Information Center
z/VM V6.1 Product library
z/VM V6.1 Program Directories
z/VM V6.1 CP and CMS Data Areas and Control Blocks
z/VM V6.1 Monitor Records
IBM Redbooks for z/VM and Linux on System z


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