z/VM V7 System Image and Stacked RSU
The z/VM System is a pre-built VM system that serves as an installation platform for other IBM Licensed Products in the z/VM SDO package. The z/VM Installation Guide should be followed to load the system from the delivery media. Once loaded the z/VM System may be tailored to your individual requirements.
The pre-built VM system contains the following:
- Prequisite IBM licensed programs (pre-installed):
- EREP/VM, V3.5 (5654-260)
- ICKDSF for VM, V1.17 (5684-042) (includes ICKDSF Standalone release 17)
- z/VM System Image components and facilities:
- Control Program (CP)
- Conversational Monitoring System (CMS)
- Dump Viewing Facility (DVF)
- Group Control System (GCS)
- HCD and HCM for z/VM
- Language Environment (LE), function level 620
- REstructured eXtended eXecutor (REXX)
- Single System Image Feature (SSI)
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),
- Transparent Services Access Facility (TSAF)
- VM Serviceability Enhancements Staged/Extended (VMSES/E)
- SFS and CRR file pools
- Dasd Dump Restore (DDR) program
- Translated CP and CMS message repositories
- English and upper case English z/VM HELP files
- z/VM optional priced features:
- z/VM Stacked RSU is available separately with they z/VM 7.1 installation
media and for z/VM 7.2 it is available on Disc 2.
The Recommended Service Update (RSU) is included with all z/VM product orders. For additional information see the RSU page. After installation, it is important to remain current on service refer to the service page for additional information.
- ICKDSF and EREP are not part of the z/VM product. They are separate prerequisite IBM licensed programs that are included in the z/VM System Image for convenience. Before using ICKDSF and EREP/VM you must be already licensed for them, or you must place orders for them to establish licenses.
- The DirMaint, Performance Toolkit for VM, RACF Security Server for z/VM and RSCS Networking for z/VM optional features are included in the z/VM System Image for convenience. They are installed disabled. If you decide to use any of these features, you must place orders for them so that you can enable them.
- The DFSMS/VM optional feature is not included in the z/VM System Image. If desired, DFSMS/VM must be ordered as a no-cost optional feature of z/VM.
Product Packaging
The z/VM V6 & V7 System Image is available as:
- Binary image on DVD or Internet delivery
The restricted source and the PL/X source are not orderable or shipped with z/VM V7. Both will be available as no-charge downloads from IBM Resource Link at:
If you are not registered with Resource Link, you will be required to register for a user ID and password. You must also be licensed for z/VM and entitlement will be verified when you request the source code. After approval, you will receive instructions describing how to download the code.
Except for EREP, ICKDSF/VM, and the NLS HELP files, the products/components/features are serviced on the stacked RSU. The stacked RSU will be updated and refreshed in the product install package. The naming convention for the stacked RSU is 72nn (ie. VRnn, where nn is incremented by one for each level built).
Note! |
z/VM is the successor to IBM's VM/ESA operating system. Some products and functions supported on z/VM and some publications might continue to use VM/ESA in their names. |