Real Time Monitor VM/ESA

Product Number: 5798-DWD Release 1.5.2

Common Problems and Suggestions

  • If RTMSYT compilation fails on z/VM 4.3.0, you need the z/VM 4.3.0 support PTF (UG03928).

  • If you get "error dms160e invalid free storage obtained" and you have assembled RTM using HLASM release 4, check to make sure that you have HLASM APAR PQ42642 (PTF UQ48241). Without this you may have incorrect EQUs generated in the RTM code. You will need to get this PTF and then recompile all of RTM.

  • If you haven't made any changes to RTM but it begins to behave differently (hangs, abends ...), this could be caused by changes to control blocks or fields used by RTM. Possibly from applying service to CP. Recompile and rebuild.

  • DMS type abends may be related to virtual storage for the RTM virtual machine. Increase the virtual storage for the RTM machine.

  • Symbol PLSSYSP1 undefined in RTMCMD

    This error is usually an indication that you are missing service related to a specific VM/ESA release. Ordering and applying the latest service will usually take care of the problem.

  • %UT in I/O screen very high when running TCP/IP

    TCP/IP makes good use of never-ending channel programs. This can result in very high %UT rates from the I/O screen and in the device section of the GENERAL screen for one device with practically no utilization for it's mate.

  • Running with more than a 10 way.

    RTM with the latest service defaults to a 10 way processor. APAR GC05445 (PTF UG03888 4/98) changed several of the %cpu fields to use h to denote hundreds. For example, an 11 way running 100% on all processors will show as 11h. If you have more than a 10 way you need to make a local mod to RTMDAT for NUMCPU EQU to set it to the number of processors. The maximum that RTM can handle is 16.

  • Can I eliminate the LOGMSG 22 for a specific device?

    There is a known requirement to provide a facility for LOGMSG 22 similar to ULIST for userids. For a single device, you might consider a local mod to RTMIOP to check for a specific device and skip the LOGMSG 22. Here's a sample of where to start:

             MVI   INTACT,22           SET ACTION NUMBER           @NC002UF
             L     R2,DVSPCTUT         GET PERCENT UT              @NC001UF
             BZ    DOPCTCN             OK, DO PERCENT CN
    *  SKIP LOGMSG 22 for DEVICE 0101                             *LOCALMOD
             CLC   DVSADDR,=X'0101'                                LOCALMOD
             BE    DOPCTCN                                         LOCALMOD
             SPACE 1                                               @CC000UF
    The added lines are identified by "LOCALMOD".

If you'd like to contact me you can: Send e-mail to me at

Or mail to me at:

Bruce Dailey
Dept G32
IBM Corp.
1701 North St.
Endicott, NY 13760