VM/Pass-Through Facility

Product Number: 5684-100 Release 2.1.1

MPVM EXEC Enhancements

With APAR VM61373, the MPVM EXEC will look for the existence of MPVMLINK EXEC, which is an exit point for link and access, or release, of the MPVM common disk. This exit point can be used to access any minidisk or shared file system directory.

  • When the MPVM EXEC is ready to access the common disk, it will pass control to the MPVMLINK EXEC (if it exists) with GET as a parameter. Possible return codes from MPVMLINK EXEC are:

    Return Code Expected Result
    0 Tells MPVM EXEC disk is linked and accessed
    4 Tells MPVM EXEC to do the link and access
    8 Tells MPVM EXEC to terminate the session
    All Others Will cause the MPVM EXEC to terminate

  • If the MPVMLINK EXEC had linked and accessed the common disk, it will be passed control to release and detach the disk with RELEASE as a parameter.