VM/Pass-Through Facility

Product Number: 5684-100 Release 2.1.1

DVMUSI (PASSTHRU) Enhancements

APAR VM61373 provides significant enhancements for the DVMUSI MODULE, the module invoked when the PASSTHRU command is issued. The MPVM screen handler has been incorporated within DVMUSI which provides the following advantages:

  • The terminal will now properly refresh when a warning message has been displayed, previously the terminal may have hung.
  • The ability to allow messages sent to your host ID to be displayed immediately instead of after exiting PASSTHRU. Again the terminal will be properly refreshed.
  • When temporarily disconnecting from PASSTHRU, the colors will be properly maintained. Previously when reconnecting, the colors would be different. The same occurs when a PMSG is displayed.

In addition, a starting row and starting column can be specified when using the NOTEPAD facility.

Three new parameters the PASSTHRU EXEC will accept are:

  • Parameter 12 can be '*' or 'YES'
    YES indicates that IMSG and MSG settings should be left as is to allow messages to be displayed while using PASSTHRU, if the user so chooses through their settings. Any other value indicates to set IMSG and MSG off. The default (*) is to turn them off.

  • Parameter 13 provides a starting row for notepad.
    Specifying an * results in starting at the top of the screen. Acceptable values are 1 through nn, nn being the maximum number of lines on the screen of the accessing device. If you specify a value for start row, then you must also specify a value for notepf. If the lines parameter was defaulted, then that value will be the number of lines from the start row to the bottom of the screen minus 2.

  • Parameter 14 provides a starting column for notepad.
    Specifying an * results in starting at the left most column of the screen. Acceptable values are 1 through 132 for 3278 Model 5, or 1 through 80 for other display stations. If you specify a value for start column, then you must also specify a value for notepf. If the columns parameter was defaulted, then that value will be the number of columns from the start column to the end of the screen.