Tools for Mining MONWRITE Data

Sometimes we get asked about the tools available for formatting or otherwise manipulating MONWRITE data. Here is a table citing the ones we know about. To send us comments about the table, send us a feedback.

Last updated: 2018-03-28

Task You'd Like To Do A Tool You Can Use
Reduce MONWRITE data, produce reports, and monitor running systems. z/VM Performance Toolkit
Reduce MONWRITE data, produce reports, and monitor running systems. OMEGAMON XE
See the topological placements of the physical cores and LPARs on your CEC. D0R16TOP
See the entitlements and logical core polarizations of the LPARs on your CEC. CALCENT
Reduce the CPU MF host counters information found in MONWRITE data. CPUMF
Reduce the CPU MF host CPACF counters information found in MONWRITE data. D5R13CRY
Reduce the SMT counters information found in MONWRITE data. SMTMET
Reduce the encrypted paging counters information found in MONWRITE data. D3R2EC
Reduce the D6 R28 MRIODHPP HyperPAV pool activity records found in MONWRITE data. HPALIAS
Reduce the D1 R31 MRMTRSRV CP Service Configuration record found in MONWRITE data. D1R31
Reduce the new EDEV-related monitor records shipped in APAR VM66095. R4MON
Automate the routine collection of MONWRITE data. LINMON
From a large MONWRITE file, remove or "rip out" a small time-range of data in the middle, so the small time-range can be reduced separately. MONRIP
Using a MONWRITE file as input, build the files necessary for input to IBM's zCP3000 or zPCR tools. CP3KVMXT
Unwind a MONWRITE file into a simpler file having a format that is more usable by ad-hoc tools, such as tools one might write in Rexx or in CMS Pipelines. MONVIEW

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