Copying NFS-mounted files

The OPENVM GETBFS command allows you to copy an existing NFS file, and the OPENVM PUTBFS allows you to create one.

Following are some examples which assume that the NFS-mounted file system is at /nfsdir.

  • Copy an NFS file to an SFS or minidisk file

    openvm get /nfsdir/data.txt data text a

  • Copy an NFS file to a BFS file

    openvm get /nfsdir/data.txt data.txt

  • Create an NFS file from an SFS or minidisk file

    openvm put data txt vmsysu:userid. /nfsdir/data.txt

  • Create an NFS file from a BFS file

    openvm put data.txt /nfsdir/data.txt

When you are copying to or from an SFS or minidisk file, the bfsline option allows you to tell CMS how to decide when a record (line) is complete. For example, including (BFSLINE CRLF says that carriage return and line feed characters (X'0D25') mark the end of each line. BFSLINE NL (newline, X'15') is the default.

See the OpenExtensions for z/VM Command Reference for more information about the OPENVM GETBFS and OPENVM PUTBFS commands.