Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 10 (Sug): Sample assembler based server

==================== 1998-10-28 15:18:09 (-05.00) ====================
Name:        ** Suppressed **
Company:     ** Suppressed **
Telephone:   ** Suppressed **
E-mail:      ** Suppressed **
Just getting started with the RSK.  To gain some familiarity
with it, I thought I'd build a very simple server.  I want to
write something that takes messages from CP MSG, produces some
output on the server console containing the client information,
and then sends a msg back to the client.  I figure this will
get me started and over the hump of which maclibs, txtlibs to
use, what assembler and link options to use, etc.  We do not
use PLX here, so the PLX example has provided limited help.  It
would be more helpful to have something written in assembler as
an example.  Alternatively, if someone can help me get past
this hump, I'll gladly donate a sample server once I get it

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