Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 9 (Minor): Length error in SSASMSRV MACRO in VSSGPI MACLIB

==================== 1998-10-28 15:11:09 (-05.00) ====================
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Yep, it's fixed in the GA level.  It is supposed to say 'DS 0C'.
Sorry about that!  BKW
==================== 1998-10-28 15:09:10 (-05.00) ====================
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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The SSASMSRV MACRO appears to have an invalid definition in it:
VC_LDDATA                       DS       CL0
Upon assembly, I get:
                                    2553          SSASMSRV ,
 000108                             2641+VC_LDDATA                       DS
  CL0                            01-SSASM
 ASMA068S *** ERROR *** Length error - L
 ASMA435I ** WARNING ** Record 120 in VSSGPI   MACLIB   C1(SSASMSRV) on volume:
** SFS
 Assembler Done      1 Statement  Flagged /  12 was Highest Severity Code
I changed SSASMSRV in a local maclib to be VC_LDDATA EQU * as a workaround.

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