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Performance Considerations

As customers begin to deploy z/VM 6.3, they might wish to give consideration to the following items.

Planning For Large Memory

Planning for large memory generally entails planning for where your system is to put the pages that don't fit into real storage. Generally this means planning XSTORE and planning paging DASD. Because z/VM 6.3 made changes in the capabilities and effects of the CP SET RESERVED command, new planning considerations apply there too. Finally, if you are using large real storage, you will need to plan enough dump space, so that if you need to collect a system dump, you will have enough space to write it to disk.


With z/VM 6.3 IBM no longer recommends XSTORE as an auxiliary paging device. The reason for this is that the aging and filtering function classically provided by XSTORE is now provided by z/VM 6.3's global aging list. For z/VM 6.3 IBM recommends that you simply convert your XSTORE to real storage and then run the system with no XSTORE at all. For example, if you had run an earlier z/VM in a 32 GB partition with 4 GB of XSTORE, in migrating to z/VM 6.3 you would change that to 36 GB of real storage with no XSTORE.

Amount of Paging Space

The z/VM 6.3 edition of z/VM CP Planning and Administration has been updated to contain a new formula for calculating the amount of paging space to allocate. Because this new calculation is so important, it is repeated here:

  1. Calculate the sum of the sizes of the logged-on guests' primary address spaces,
  2. Add to this sum the sizes of any data spaces they create,
  3. Add to this sum the sizes of any VDISKs they create,
  4. Add to this sum the sizes of any shared NSSes or DCSSes,
  5. Then multiply this sum by 1.01 to account for the DAT structures associated with all that pageable data.
  6. Add in the total number of CP directory pages reported by DIRECTXA. (Remember to convert pages to MB, or GB, or whatever units you are using in your calculation.)
  7. Add in min(10% of real storage, 4 GB) to allow for system-owned virtual pages.

When you are done with the above steps, you will have calculated the bare minimum paging space amount that would ordinarily be considered safe. Because your calculation might be uncertain or your system might grow, you will probably want to multiply your calculated value by some safety margin so as to help to protect yourself against abends caused by paging space filling up. IBM offers no rule of thumb for the safety factor multiplier you should use. Some parties have suggested adding 25% headroom, but this is just one view.

The Paging Layout

Planning a robust paging configuration generally means planning for the paging channels and DASD to be well equipped for conducting more than one paging I/O at a time. As the paging configuration becomes capable of higher and higher levels of I/O concurrency, z/VM becomes increasingly able to handle concurrent execution of page-fault-inducing guests. The following recommendations continue to apply:

  1. Remember that paging well is all about being able to run more than one paging I/O at a time. This means you should spread your paging space over as many volumes as possible. Get yourself lots of little paging volumes instead of one or two big ones. The more paging volumes you provide, the more paging I/Os z/VM can run concurrently.

  2. Make all of your volumes the same size. Use all 3390-3s, or 3390-9s, or whatever. When the volumes are unequally sized, the smaller ones fill and thereby become ineligible as targets for page-outs, thus restricting z/VM's opportunity for paging I/O concurrency.

  3. A disk volume should be either all paging (cylinders 1 to END) or no paging at all. Never allocate paging space on a volume that also holds other kinds of data, such as spool space or user minidisks.

  4. Think carefully about which of your DASD subsystems you choose for paging. Maybe you have DASD controllers of vastly different speeds, or cache sizes, or existing loads. When you decide where to place paging volumes, take the DASD subsystems' capabilities and existing loads into account.

  5. Within a given DASD controller, volume performance is generally sensitive to how the volumes are placed. Work with your DASD people to avoid poor volume placement, such as putting all of your paging volumes into one rank.

  6. If you can avoid ESCON CHPIDs for paging, do it. An ESCON CHPID can carry only one I/O at a time. FICON CHPIDs can run multiple I/Os concurrently: 32 or 64, depending on the generation of the FICON card.

  7. If you can, run multiple CHPIDs to each DASD controller that holds paging volumes. Consider two, or four, or eight CHPIDs per controller. Do this even if you are using FICON.

  8. If you have FCP CHPIDs and SCSI DASD controllers, you might consider exploiting them for paging. A SCSI LUN defined to the z/VM system as an EDEV and ATTACHed to SYSTEM for paging has the very nice property that the z/VM Control Program can overlap I/Os to it. This lets you achieve paging I/O concurrency without needing multiple volumes. However, don't run this configuration if you are CPU-constrained. It takes more CPU cycles per I/O to do EDEV I/O than it does to do classic ECKD I/O.

  9. Make sure you run with a few reserved slots in the CP-owned list, so you can add paging volumes without an IPL if the need arises.
Global Aging List

Unless your system is memory-rich, IBM recommends you run the system with the default global aging list size.

If your system's workload fits entirely into central storage, IBM suggests you run with a small global aging list and with global aging list early writes disabled.

The global aging list can be controlled via the CP SET AGELIST command or the STORAGE AGELIST system configuration file statement.


Because z/VM 6.3 changed the capabilities and effects of the CP SET RESERVED command, you will want to review your existing use to make sure you still agree with the values you had previously selected. Earlier editions of z/VM sometimes failed to honor CP SET RESERVED settings for guests, so some customers might have oversized the amounts of reserved storage they specified. z/VM 6.3 was designed to be much more effective and precise in honoring reserved settings. Review your use to make sure the values you are specifying truly reflect your wishes.

z/VM 6.3 also permits CP SET RESERVED for NSSes or DCSSes. This new capability was especially intended for the MONDCSS segment. In previous z/VM releases, under heavy storage constraint MONDCSS was at risk for being paged out and consequently unavailable for catching CP Monitor records. Because CP Monitor records are especially needed when the system is under duress, IBM suggests you establish a reserved setting for MONDCSS. Use a reserved setting equal to the size of MONDCSS. This will assure residency for the instantiated pages of MONDCSS.

Seeing the Effect

A vital part of any migration or exploitation plan is its provision for observing performance changes. To observe the effects of z/VM 6.3's memory management changes, collect reliable base case measurement data before your migration. This usually entails collecting MONWRITE data and transaction rate data from peak periods. Then do your migration, and then collect the same measurement data again, and then do your comparison.

Planning for Dumping Large Systems

If you are using very large real storage, you will want to plan enough system dump space, so that if you need to collect a dump you will have enough space to write it. The guidelines for calculating the amount of dump space to set aside are too detailed to include in this brief article. Refer instead to the discussion titled "Allocating Space for CP Hard Abend Dumps" in z/VM Planning and Administration, Chapter 20, "Allocating DASD Space", under the heading "Spooling Space". Be sure to use the web edition of the guidelines.

Planning For z/VM HiperDispatch

Planning for z/VM HiperDispatch consists of making a few important configuration decisions. The customer must decide whether to run horizontally or to run vertically. If running vertically the customer must decide what values to use for the SRM CPUPAD safety margin and for the SRM EXCESSUSE prediction control, and he must also review his use of CP DEDICATE. Last, the customer must decide whether to use reshuffle or rebalance as the system's work distribution heuristic.

On Vertical Mode

IBM's experience suggests that many customers will find vertical mode to be a suitable choice for the polarity of the partition. In vertical mode PR/SM endeavors to place the partition's logical CPUs close to one another in the physical machine and not to move the logical CPUs within the machine unnecessarily. Generally this will result in reducing memory interference between the z/VM partition and the other partitions on the CEC. Further, in vertical mode z/VM will run the workload over the minimum number of logical CPUs needed to consume the forecast available power, should the workload want to so consume. This strategy helps to avoid unnecessary MP effect while taking advantage of apparently available parallelism and cache. Together these two behaviors should position the workload to get better performance from memory than on previous releases.

When running vertically z/VM parks and unparks logical CPUs according to anticipated available CPU power. z/VM will usually run with just the right number of logical CPUs needed to consume the CPU power it forecasts PR/SM will make available to it. This aspect of z/VM HiperDispatch does not require any special planning considerations.

Some customers might find that running in vertical mode causes performance loss. Workloads where this might happen will tend to be those for which a large number of slower CPUs runs the workload better than a smaller number of faster ones. Further, vertical mode will show a loss for this kind of workload only if the number of logical CPUs in the partition far exceeds the number needed to consume the available power. When this is the case, a horizontal partition would run with all of its logical CPUs each a little bit powered while a vertical partition would concentrate that available power onto fewer CPUs. As long as entitlement and logical CPU count are set sensibly with respect to one another, the likelihood of this happening is remote. If it does end up happening, then selecting horizontal polarization via either CP SET SRM or the system configuration file's SRM statement is one way out. Rethinking the partition's weight and logical CPU count is another.

Choosing CPUPAD

In vertical mode, in situations of high forecast T/V ceilings z/VM will attempt to reduce system overhead by parking logical CPUs even though the power forecast suggests those logical CPUs would have been powered. The amount of parking done is related to the severity of the T/V forecast.

The purpose of the CPUPAD setting is to moderate T/V-based parking. In other words, in high T/V situations CPUPAD stops z/VM from parking down to the bare minimum capacity needed to contain the forecast utilization ceiling. CPUPAD specifies the "headroom" or extra capacity z/VM should leave unparked over and above what is needed to contain the forecast utilization ceiling. This lets the system administrator leave room for unpredictable demand spikes. For example, if the system administrator knows that at any moment the CPU utilization of the system might suddenly and immediately increase by six physical CPUs' worth of power, it would be a good idea to cover that possibility by running with CPUPAD set to 600%. Ordinarily z/VM runs with only CPUPAD 100%. The CPUPAD setting can be changed with the SET SRM CPUPAD command or with the SRM system configuration file statement.

In building the T/V-based parking enhancement, IBM examined its warehouse of MONWRITE data gathered from customers over the years. IBM also examined the T/V values seen in some of its own workloads. Based on this work IBM selected T/V=1.5 as the value at which the system just barely begins to apply T/V-based parking. By T/V=2.0 the T/V-based parking enhancement is fully engaged. Fully engaged means that parking is done completely according to forecast CPU utilization ceiling plus CPUPAD.

The same study also revealed information about the tendency of customers' systems to incur unforecastable immediate spikes in CPU utilization. The great majority of the data IBM examined showed utilization to be fairly steady when viewed over small time intervals. Simulations suggested CPUPAD 100% would contain nearly all of the variation seen in our study. No data IBM saw required a CPUPAD value greater than 300%.

To disable T/V-based parking, just set CPUPAD to a very high value. The maximum accepted value for CPUPAD is 6400%.

Keep in mind that no value of CPUPAD can cause the system to run with more logical CPUs unparked than are needed to consume forecast capacity. The only way to achieve this is to run horizontally, which runs with all CPUs unparked all the time.

If the workload's bottleneck comes from its ability to achieve execution milestones inside the z/VM Control Program -- for example, to accomplish Diagnose instructions or to accomplish VSWITCH data transfers -- it would probably be appropriate to run with a high CPUPAD value so as to suppress T/V-based parking. While the CPU cost of each achieved CP operation might be greater because of increased MP effect, perhaps more such operations could be accomplished each second and so ETR might rise.


When z/VM projects total CPU power available for the next interval, it forms the projection by adding to the partition's entitlement the amount of unentitled power the partition projects it will be able to draw. Our z/VM HiperDispatch article describes this in more detail.

The default setting for EXCESSUSE, MEDIUM, causes z/VM to project unentitled power with a confidence percentage of 70%. In other words, z/VM projects the amount of excess power it is 70% likely to get from PR/SM for the next interval. z/VM then unparks according to the projection.

A 70% confidence projection means there is a 30% chance z/VM will overpredict excess power. The consequence of having overpredicted is that z/VM will run with too many logical CPUs unparked and that it will overestimate the capacity of the Vm and Vl logical CPUs. The chance of a single unfulfilled prediction doing large damage to the workload is probably small. But if z/VM chronically overpredicts excess power, the workload might suffer.

SRM EXCESSUSE LOW causes predictions of unentitled power to be made with higher confidence. This of course makes the projections lower in magnitude. SRM EXCESSUSE HIGH results in low-confidence, high-magnitude predictions.

Customers whose CECs exhibit wide, frequent swings in utilization should probably run with EXCESSUSE LOW. This will help to keep their workloads safe from unfulfilled projections. The more steady the CEC's workload, the more confident the customer can feel about using less-confident, higher-magnitude projections of unentitled power.


In vertical mode z/VM does not permit the use of the CP DEDICATE command, nor does it permit use of the DEDICATE card in the CP directory. Customers dedicating logical CPUs to guests must revisit their decisions before choosing vertical mode.

On Rebalance and Reshuffle

IBM's experience suggests that workloads suitable for using the rebalance heuristic are those consisting of a few CPU-heavy guests with clearly differentiated CPU utilization and with a total number of virtual CPUs not much greater than the number of logical CPUs defined for the partition. In workloads such as these, rebalance will generally place each guest into the same topological container over and over and will tend to place distinct guests apart from one another in the topology. Absent those workload traits, it has been IBM's experience that selecting the classic workload distributor, reshuffle, is the correct choice.

Seeing The Effect

To see the effect of z/VM HiperDispatch, be sure to collect reliable base case measurement data before your migration. Collect MONWRITE data from peak periods, being sure to enable the CPU Measurement Facility; the z/VM 6.2 article describes how to collect the CPU MF counters, and this CPU MF article describes how to reduce them. Be sure also to collect an appropriate transaction rate for your workload. Then do your migration, and then collect the same measurement data again, and then do your comparison.


In previous z/VM releases the percent-busy values displayed by CP INDICATE LOAD were calculated based on the fraction of time z/VM loaded a wait PSW. If z/VM never loaded a wait, the value displayed would be 100%, assuming of course a steady state.

The previous releases' behavior was considered to be misleading. A value of 100% implied that the logical CPU was using a whole physical engine's worth of CPU power. In fact this was not the case. A value of 100% meant only that the logical CPU was using all of the CPU power PR/SM would let it use. Further complicating the matter is the fact that unless the partition is dedicated or the logical CPU is a Vh, the amount of power PR/SM will let a logical CPU consume is a time-varying quantity. Thus a constant value seen in CP INDICATE LOAD did not at all mean the logical CPU was running at a constant, well, anything.

In z/VM 6.3 CP INDICATE LOAD was changed so that the displayed percentages really do reflect percent of the power available from a physical CPU. A value of 100% now means the logical CPU is drawing a whole physical CPU's worth of power. This removes confusion and also aligns the definition with the various CPU-busy values displayed by z/VM Performance Toolkit.

The CP INDICATE LOAD value is actually a time-smoothed value calculated from a sample history gathered over the last few minutes. This was true in previous releases of z/VM and continues to be true in z/VM 6.3. No changes were made to the smoothing process.

z/VM Performance Toolkit Considerations

Large discrepancies between entitlement and logical CPU count have always had potential to cause problems as the CEC becomes CPU-constrained. The problem is that as the CEC becomes CPU-constrained, PR/SM might throttle back overconsuming partitions' consumptions toward merely their entitlements instead of letting partitions consume as much as their logical CPU counts allow. A partition accustomed to running far beyond its entitlement can become incapacitated or hampered if the CEC becomes constrained and PR/SM begins throttling the partition's consumption. In an extreme case the workload might not survive the throttling.

Throttling of this type was difficult to discern on releases of z/VM prior to 6.3. About the only way to see it in z/VM Performance Toolkit was to notice that in the FCX126 LPAR report large amounts of suspend time were appearing. This phenomenon would have to have been accompanied by physical CPU utilizations approaching the capacity of the CEC. The latter was quite difficult to notice in antique z/VM releases because no z/VM Performance Toolkit report directly tabulated total physical CPU utilization. On those releases, summing the correct rows of the FCX126 LPAR report so as to calculate physical CPU utilization was about the only way to use a Perfkit listing to notice a constrained CEC. Fairly recent z/VM Performance Toolkit editions extended the FCX126 LPAR report with a Summary of Physical Processors epilogue which helped illustrate total CEC utilization.

On z/VM 6.3, PR/SM throttling a partition toward its entitlement is now much easier to see. For one, the FCX302 PHYSLOG report directly tabulates physical CPU utilization as a function of time, so it is simple to see whether the CEC is constrained. Further, the FCX306 LSHARACT report displays partition entitlement, partition logical CPU count, and partition CPU utilization right alongside one another, so it is easy to see which partitions are exposed to being throttled. Last, in vertical mode z/VM 6.3 parks unentitled logical CPUs according to the power forecast, so if PR/SM is throttling a partition whose logical CPU count exceeds its entitlement, z/VM will begin parking engines, and the FCX299 PUCFGLOG report will show this parking right away.

Because of the changes in z/VM 6.3, many z/VM Performance Toolkit reports became obsolete and so they are not generated when Perfkit is handling z/VM 6.3 data. The AVAILLOG report is a good example of these. Other reports' layouts or columns are changed. The SYSSUMLG report is an example of these. If you have dependencies on the existence or format of z/VM Performance Toolkit reports or screens, refer to our performance management chapter and study the list of z/VM Performance Toolkit changes.

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