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Performance Management

These changes affect the performance management of z/VM:

  • MONDCSS and the SET RESERVED Command
  • Space for MONWRITE Data
  • Monitor Changes
  • Command and Output Changes
  • Effects on Accounting Data
  • Performance Toolkit for VM Changes
  • Omegamon XE Changes


The SET RESERVED command can be used to specify the number of pages of your monitor saved segment (MONDCSS) that should remain resident even though the system is paging. Reserved settings are not preserved across IPL, so you will need to include the SET RESERVED command for the monitor saved segment in your IPL procedure. For more information on SET RESERVED see z/VM CP Commands and Utilities Reference.

Space for MONWRITE Data

z/VM HiperDispatch emits the new D5 R16 MRPRCPUP event record every two seconds. As a result, MONWRITE files might be larger than in previous releases. Keep track of space on the MONWRITE collection disk and make adjustments as needed.

Monitor Changes

Several z/VM 6.3 enhancements affect CP monitor data. There are four new monitor records and several changed records. The detailed monitor record layouts are found on the control blocks page.

The next generation FCP adapter incorporates a "data-mover" hardware function that provides direct memory access (DMA) between the FCP adapter's SCSI interface card and memory. The data-mover function eliminates the need to store SCSI data within an interim buffer in the FCP adapter, which is typically referred to as a "store-and-forward" data transfer approach. The following monitor records are updated for this support:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 1 Record 19 Indicates configuration of a QDIO device
Domain 6 Record 25 Indicates that a QDIO device had been activated

z/VM HiperDispatch provides z/VM host exploitation of CPU topology information and vertical polarization for greater processor cache efficiency and reduced multi-processor effects. z/VM HiperDispatch can be used to increase the CPU performance and scalability of z/VM and guest workloads to make more efficient use of resources.

The following monitor records are added and/or updated for z/VM HiperDispatch support:

Added monitor records:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 5 Record 15 Dispatch Vector Assignments
Domain 5 Record 16 Park/Unpark Decision
Domain 5 Record 17 Real CPU Data (per CPU)
Domain 5 Record 18 Dispatch Vector High Frequency Data

Updated monitor records:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 0 Record 2 Processor Data (per processor)
Domain 0 Record 16 Logical CPU Utilization Data in a logical Partition
Domain 0 Record 23 Formal Spin Lock Data
Domain 0 Record 24 Scheduler Activity (per processor type)
Domain 1 Record 4 System Configuration Data
Domain 1 Record 5 Processor Configuration
Domain 1 Record 16 Scheduler Settings
Domain 2 Record 7 SET SRM Changes
Domain 4 Record 2 User Logoff Data
Domain 4 Record 3 User Activity Data
Domain 5 Record 2 Vary Off Processor
Domain 5 Record 3 Processor Data

Traditional System z HiperSockets messages are transmitted synchronously by the sending CPU, and feedback on success/failure is given immediately in the form of a condition code. However, in short-burst scenarios where more data needs to be sent than can be supported by the current number of queues, performance degrades as drivers are given busy conditions and are asked to make the decision to retry or fail. HiperSockets Completion Queues support provides a mechanism by which the hardware can buffer requests and perform them asynchronously. The following monitor records are updated for this support:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 1 Record 19 Indicates configuration of a QDIO device
Domain 6 Record 25 Indicates that a QDIO device had been activated
Domain 6 Record 26 Indicates activity on a QDIO device
Domain 6 Record 27 Indicates deactivaiton of a QDIO device

z/VM's dump capacity is increased to support real memory up to a maximum of 1 TB in size. The following monitor records have been changed:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 1 Record 7 Memory Configuration
Domain 3 Record 1 Real Storage Management Data

The z/VM memory management algorithms are redesigned to enable support for real memory up to 1 TB. These enhancements are intended to improve efficiency for the over commitment of virtual to real memory for guests and to improve performance. The following monitor records are changed for this support:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 0 Record 3 Real Storage Data (Global)
Domain 0 Record 4 Real Storage Data (Per Processor)
Domain 0 Record 6 Auxiliary Storage (Global)
Domain 0 Record 7 Shared Storage Data
Domain 1 Record 7 Memory Configuration Data
Domain 1 Record 15 Logged on User
Domain 2 Record 4 Add User to Dispatch List
Domain 2 Record 5 Drop User from Dispatch List
Domain 2 Record 6 Add User to Eligible List
Domain 2 Record 8 System Timer Pop
Domain 3 Record 1 Real Storage Management (Global)
Domain 3 Record 2 Real Storage Management (Per Processor)
Domain 3 Record 3 Shared Storage Management
Domain 3 Record 14 Address Space Information Record
Domain 3 Record 15 NSS/DCSS/SSP Loaded into Storage
Domain 3 Record 16 NSS/DCSS/SSP Removed from Storage
Domain 4 Record 2 User Logoff Data
Domain 4 Record 3 User Activity Data
Domain 4 Record 9 User Activity at Transaction End

Virtual Edge Port Aggregator (VEPA) is part of the emerging IEEE 802.1Qbg standardization effort and is designed to reduce the complexities associated with highly virtualized deployments such as hypervisor virtual switches bridging many virtual machines. VEPA provides the capability to take all virtual machine traffic sent by the server and send it to an adjacent network switch. This support updates the following monitor records:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 6 Record 21 Virtual Switch Activity
Domain 6 Record 35 Virtual Switch bridge port activity

VSWITCH recovery stall prevention provides additional virtual switch uplink and bridge port recovery logic to failover to another backup device when encountering a missing interrupt condition. The following monitor record is changed for this support:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 6 Record 22 Virtual Switch Failover

To provide additional debug information for system and performance problems, z/VM 6.3 added or changed these monitor records:

Monitor Record Record Name
Domain 0 Record 17 Physical CPU Data Utilization Data for LPAR Management
Domain 0 Record 20 Extended Channel Measurement Data (Per Channel)
Domain 3 Record 4 Auxiliary Storage Management
Domain 3 Record 11 Auxiliary Shared Storage Management
Domain 5 Record 8 I/O Processor (IOP) Utilization
Domain 5 Record 10 Crypto Performance Measurement Data
Domain 6 Record 3 Device Activity
Domain 6 Record 4 Cache Activity Data
Domain 6 Record 7 Enable Terminal
Domain 6 Record 8 Disable Terminal
Domain 6 Record 14 Set Subchannel Measurement Off
Domain 6 Record 31 Minidisk Activity
Domain 9 Record 3 ISFC Logical Link Definition Change

Finally, it should be noted that in APAR VM65007 IBM introduced z/VM support for the zEC12 processor. This support is now available in base z/VM 6.3. Part of this work was to enhance z/VM to collect the kinds of CPU Measurement Facility counters the zEC12 emits. The D5 R13 MRPRCMFC record was not itself changed to handle the zEC12, but reduction programs will see that the MRPRCCMF record contains the zEC12's CPU MF counter version numbers if the record is from a zEC12. Existing MRPRCCMF payload carriage techniques were used to carry the zEC12's counters.

Command and Output Changes

This section cites new or changed commands or command outputs that are relevant to the task of performance management. It is not an inventory of every new or changed command.

The section does not give syntax diagrams, sample command outputs, or the like. Current copies of z/VM publications can be found in the online library.

DEDICATE: The DEDICATE command is not supported if the partition is vertical.

QUERY PROCESSORS: The output is modified to display whether a CPU is parked.

INDICATE LOAD: The output is modified to display CPU polarity. Also, the CPU utilization is now percent of a physical CPU's capacity instead of percent of time without a wait PSW loaded.

INDICATE QUEUES: The output is modified to indicate DSVBK placement.

QUERY SRM: The command is modified to display polarization, CPUPAD, EXCESSUSE, and work distributor.

SET SRM: The command is modified to set polarization, CPUPAD, EXCESSUSE, or work distributor.

SET DUMP: The command is modified to allow specification of up to 32 RDEVs.

SDINST: This new command installs the stand-alone dump facility.

DUMPLD2: The command is modified to add a new operand, DASD.

SET AGELIST: This new command controls the global aging list.

QUERY AGELIST: This new command displays information about the global aging list.

SET RESERVED: This command is modified to allow setting reserved frame amounts for an NSS or DCSS.

QUERY RESERVED: This command is modified to display new information about settings for reserved frames.

INDICATE LOAD: The output's STEAL clause is removed.

INDICATE NSS: The output is modified to display counts of instantiated pages and reserved frames.

INDICATE SPACES: The output is modified to display counts of instantiated pages.

INDICATE USER: The output is modified to display counts of instantiated pages.

SET REORDER: The command now always returns RC=6005.

QUERY REORDER: The command now always displays that reorder is off.

IPL: The command supports a new DUMP option, NSSDATA.

SET VSWITCH: The command provides a new UPLINK SWITCHOVER function.

QUERY VSWITCH: The output is modified to contain uplink switchover information.

Effects on Accounting Data

z/VM 6.3 did not add, change, or delete any accounting records.

Performance Toolkit for VM Changes

Performance Toolkit for VM has been enhanced in z/VM 6.3.

The following reports have been changed:

Performance Toolkit for VM: Changed Reports

Name Number Title What Changed
AUXLOG FCX146 Auxiliary Storage Log
  • Added Paging column group
AVAILLOG FCX254 Available List Log
  • Dropped for z/VM 6.3 and later
BENCHMRK FCX173 Benchmark Log Selection Menu
  • Added HPFLOG string
CPU FCX100 CPU Load and Transactions
  • Added %PR and %ENT columns
DEMNDLOG FCX259 Demand Scan Log
  • Dropped for z/VM 6.3 and later
GVNIC FCX268 General Virtual Network Device Description
  • Added new columns with bridge port information
GVSWITCH FCX266 General Virtual Switch Description
  • Added new columns with bridge port information
IOCHANGE FCX185 I/O Configuration Changes
  • Added information string with information about changes for HPF features
  • Added HPF channel model group
LOCKLOG FCX265 Spin Lock Log
  • Support for new spin lock
  • Added new column CPUTypeCap
  • Deleted Summary of Physical Processors table (its content is available in PHYSLOG (FCX302) report)
  • Added new column CPUTypeCap
MENU FCX124 Performance Data Selection Menu
  • Added some items to menus
MONDATA FCX155 Monitor Data Statistics
  • Added support for the new monitor records
NSS FCX133 Shared Segments
  • Added Reserved Pages column
PROCMENU FCX236 Processor Load and Configuration Logs Menu
  • Added some items to menus
PROCSUM FCX239 Processor Summary Log
  • Added new Unpark column
QDIO FCX251 QDIO Activity
  • Added new types for QDIO format (Hiper-Bridge and Hiper-IEDN)
  • Added support for XIV SCSI devices
  • Added selection for the LGR performance reports
STORAGE FCX103 Storage Utilization
  • Added paging fields and Agelist group
STORMENU FCX260 Storage Management Logs Menu
  • Added some items to menu
SYSCONF FCX180 System Configuration
  • Added support for HiperDispatch (topology and polarization fields)
SYSLOAD FCX198 System Load Overview
  • Central Monitoring System Load menu can now be shown in mixed case
SYSLOG FCX179 System Facilities Log
  • Added Transport columns for HPF feature
SYSSET FCX154 System Settings
  • New SET SRM options added (initial and changed)
SYSSUMLG FCX225 System Summary Log
  • Added new Unpark and Polarization columns
SYSTEM FCX102 System Counters
  • Some fields dropped for z/VM 6.3 and later
USER FCX112 User Resource Usage
  • Added guest scatter metric
USERLOG FCX162 User Resource Usage Log
  • Added guest scatter metric
VDISKS FCX147 Virtual Disks in Storage
  • Added some columns and number of VDISKs
VNIC FCX269 Virtual Network Device Activity
  • Added the type of the virtual NIC and bridge port indicator

The following reports are new:

Performance Toolkit for VM: New Reports

Name Number Title Description
DEVICE HPF FCX282 HPF I/O Device HPF I/O Device screen displays DASD devices with HPF support.
HPFLOG FCX283 HPF I/O Device Performance Log HPF I/O Device Performance Log screen displays a "by time" log of HPF I/O performance data for the selected disk.
DEVMENU FCX284 I/O Device Data Selection Menu I/O Device Data Selection menu displays a selection menu of available device reports.
LGRELOG FCX285 LGR Event Log LGR Event Log screen displays information about the live guest relocation events that have occurred on the system.
LGRDATA FCX286 LGR Data LGR Data screen displays information about the live guest relocations that have occurred on the system.
TOPOLOG FCX287 System Topology Machine Organization System Topology Machine Organization screen displays LPAR topology information.
UPGMENU FCX289 User Paging Menu User Paging menu displays a list of all the available user paging data displays.
UPGACT FCX290 User Page Activity User Page Activity screen displays detailed information on z/VM's management of each virtual machine's memory management activities during the last measuring interval.
UPGACTLG FCX291 User Page Activity Log User Page Activity Log screen displays a log of user page activity.
UPGUTL FCX292 User Page Utilization Data User Page Utilization Data screen displays detailed information on each virtual machine's utilization of z/VM paging resources during the last measuring interval.
UPGUTLLG FCX293 User Page Utilization Data Log User Page Utilization Data Log screen displays a log of user page utilization data.
AVLB2GLG FCX294 Available List Data Below 2G Available List Data Below 2G screen displays "by time" information on the below-2-GB available list.
AVLA2GLG FCX295 Available List Data Above 2G Available List Data Above 2G screen displays "by time" information on the above-2-GB available list.
STEALLOG FCX296 Steal Statistics Steal Statistics screen displays "by time" information on z/VM's memory management stealing statistics.
AGELLOG FCX297 Age List Log Age List Log screen displays "by time" information on z/VM's management of the Age List in real memory.
PUORGLOG FCX298 Logical PU Organization Logical PU Organization screen displays PU organization information for a partition.
PUCFGLOG FCX299 Logical PU Configuration Log Logical PU Configuration Log screen logs the calculations and decisions z/VM makes regarding how many logical processor units of each type are (and are not) actively doing work.
DSVCLOG FCX300 Dispatch Vector Configuration Log Dispatch Vector Configuration Log screen displays each dispatch vector (DV) and the LPUs assigned to the DV. Each DV is identified by its ID and is then annotated with information about its topological location and about the LPUs assigned to it.
DSVBKACT FCX301 Dispatch Vector Activity Dispatch Vector Activity screen displays the activity of the DSVBKs.
PHYSLOG FCX302 Real CPU Utilization Log Real CPU Utilization Log screen displays real CPU utilization by time.
DSVSLOG FCX303 DSVBK Steals per Processor Log DSVBK Steals per Processor Log screen displays information about DSVBK steal rates.
PRCLOG FCX304 Processor Log Processor Log screen displays monitor data from z/VM release 6.3.0 and later releases.
LPARMENU FCX305 Logical Partition Activity Menu Logical Partition Activity menu displays a selection menu of LPAR reports.
LSHARACT FCX306 Logical Partition Share Logical Partition Share screen displays a summary report of LPAR weights.
LPARLOGM FCX307 Logical Partition Logs Menu Logical Partition Logs menu displays a selection menu of LPAR logs by time.

IBM continually improves Performance Toolkit for VM in response to customer-reported or IBM-reported defects or suggestions. In Function Level 630 the following small improvements or repairs are notable:

  • SORT performance improvement.
  • Added support for device groups (FCONTROL DEVGROUP).
  • Added support for OSA types 6 and 7.
  • FCONX $PROFILE (sample) file corrected for optimal default settings.
  • Added an ability for automatic scrolling of CP messages.
  • Support for more than 100 logical CPUs in a LPAR.
  • Unify the rules for suffix letters to express multipliers on datums (binary/decimal scaling factor).
  • Added Left/Right buttons for wide reports on the web.
  • Update the sizing exec FCXSEGSZ for new OMEGAMON tables (for handling SSI and LGR data).

Omegamon XE Changes

Omegamon XE has added several new workspaces so as to expand and enrich its ability to comment on z/VM system performance. In particular, Omegamon XE now offers these additional workspaces and functions:

  • CPC workspace which shows your total processor usage, by processor type
  • Single System Image
  • Live Guest Relocation
  • Emulated FBA on SCSI (EDEV) disks
  • Integration with Smart Cloud Monitoring
  • Cognos Reports
  • Self-defining Agents (automatic updating of your ITM infrastructure)

To support these Omegamon XE endeavors, Performance Toolkit for VM now puts additional CP Monitor data into the PERFOUT DCSS.

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