Description of GUI-APPL

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From Guy De Ceulaer and Kris Buelens, IBM Belgium
GUI-APPL is a pointer to several CMS/GUI applications written in REXX.

  • ALLCHARS shows all 255 characters on the workstation (allows to see how the host codepage translates to the workstation). This is included in CPQUERY Package. More info
  • GUIONE helps you writing your first CMS/GUI application in REXX, we hold your hand until the application runs. The application is a very basic VM performance monitor.
    The latest level of the CMS/GUI Builder for OS/2 is included as well. More info
  • CPQUERY issues more than 20 CP commands to query the real VM system and presents the results on the desktop in an attractive manner. Version 2.0 of CPQUERY greatly extends the information for Saved Systems, one can even PURGE segments. More info
  • GUISET helps end-users to tailor or review the numerous XEDIT settings via CMS GUI panels. More info
  • GUISKEL A skeleton that provides a framework to build CMS-GUI applications: easy exploitation of the WSA GUI Builder's output, and lots of conve- nience routines are provided. A saving of 50% can be achieved in the size of the application, compared to the traditional way of coding. More info
  • MOVIE is a sample exec that comes in two versions: coded classically and a new version based on GUISKEL. This is included in the GUISKEL Package. More info
  • GUITELL allows to send messages to communication partners. Compared to 3270 TELL, it allows longer messages, logging of messages and saving of destination partners. More info
  • PRFGUI allows analysis of PRF Trend and Summary files. VM/PRF Trend and Summary files contain a wealth of information, but not in a "ready to use" format. For example, it does not store a "pagerate/second" but stores the number of pages read during an interval and the length of that interval. PRFGUI will help you to produce graphs, with a user friendly GUI interface. More info
  • PRFVIEW gives you a better look on VMPRF reports: see more than 80 chars of the listings, jump between reports "with one mouse click", see same report in a listing of another day with a single mouse click, ... More info