Description of GUIONE

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From Kris Buelens, IBM Belgium
GUIONE is a package to help you write a CMS/GUI program in REXX. The result, GUIONE EXEC, is a very simple VM performance monitor.

Version 1.1

The improvements for Version 1.1 are mostly the correction of typing errors in the GUIONE HTML file. At some instances, a bit more CMS/GUI background is given too.


  • We explain how you use the CMS/GUI builder to interactively build a CMS/GUI panel. Hence you also need to download a CMS GUI Builder:
  • OS/2 users
    An old version of the builder exists for OS/2 on VM's download library (GBUILDER package), but, you need the latest level that is included in the GUIONE package.
    Users of Windows/95
    A builder has been placed on VM's download library as GUIBLD95 package (get it now)
  • Then we very briefly explain some CMS/GUI principles; for more information, we refer you to the CMS/GUI Redbook SG24-2542-01, VM/ESA GUI Facility Developer's Guide REXX and C++ GUI Programming

  • Then we'll help you, step by step, to code the program's attribute connections and the program logic.

  • To code the attribute connections, a great feature of CMS/GUI, but a bit tedious to do, we'll use the convenience routines of the GUISKEL package (get latest version now), as well as the XEDIT DT coding assist named DTXED. DTXED lets you select DT objects and attributes from popup menus.
The main part of GUIONE is an HTML document that you should read while coding the GUIONE EXEC.  If you blindly follow the instructions, after 1 hour, GUIONE is up and running.  If you want to understand what you do, count half a day.