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Extended Diagnose X'44' Fast Path

The Apache workload was used to create a z/VM 5.2.0 workload for evaluation of the performance improvement described in the Performance Improvements section.

In addition to the measurements provided in this section, there is a comparison to z/VM 5.1.0 described in Apache Nonpaging where this improvement is one of the contributing factors.

Since there are so many other differences between z/VM 5.1.0 and z/VM 5.2.0, isolating the benefit of this improvement by comparing to a z/VM 5.1.0 base was not possible, so base measurements were on the same z/VM 5.2.0 system with the Diagnose X'44' (DIAG 44) fast path extensions removed.

Comparisons were made on both a 5-way and a 9-way to show that the benefit varies inversely with processor utilization. As utilization increases on the real processors, virtual processors are more likely to be in a real processor queue. If any virtual processor is queued when a DIAG 44 is issued, the fast path conditions are not met and thus it must use the normal path.

An extra 9-way measurement was completed with additional virtual processors to show that the DIAG 44 fast path percentage varies inversely with the number of virtual processors. As the number of virtual processors is increased, more are likely to be in a real processor queue. If any virtual processor is queued when a DIAG 44 is issued, the fast path conditions are not met and thus it must use the normal path. There is no evaluation of the overall benefit with the extra virtual processors.

These three comparisons demonstrate all the following expected results.

  • An increase in the total virtual DIAG 44 rate
  • A high percentage of the virtual DIAG 44s handled by the fast path
  • Increased transaction rate
  • Increased virtual microseconds (µsec) per transaction
  • Decreased CP µsec per transaction
  • Decreased CP system utilization
  • Less benefit as the base becomes more processor constrained
  • Lower fast path percentage as the number of virtual processors is increased

The following table contains the Apache workload parameter settings.

Apache parameters for DIAG 44 workloads

Client virtual processors 3 or 6
Server virtual processors 1
Client virtual machines 2
Server virtual machines 20
Server virtual storage 1024M
Client connections per server 1
Number of 1M Files 2000
Location of the file Xstor MDC

The following table contains results for the 9-way measurement.

9-way Apache DIAG 44 workload measurement data

Fast Path Code Enabled No Yes
Run ID EXPT5200 EXPTD440
Tx rate 76.994 82.146
DIAG 44/sec - Normal 121035 8898
DIAG 44/sec - Fast Path 0 487087
DIAG 44/sec - Total 121035 495985
Percent Fast Path 0 98
Total µsec/Tx (h) 110252 103788
CP µsec/Tx (h) 51515 43869
Emul µsec/Tx (h) 58737 59917
Total Util/Proc 84.7 83.6
System Util/Proc 5.6 1.7
2064-116; 9 dedicated processors, 30G central storage, 8G expanded storage; z/VM 5.2.0; 40 connections; 3 client virtual processors

This comparison demonstrates the DIAG 44 fast path extensions provided the basic expected benefits.

  • Total virtual DIAG 44 rate increased by 309%
  • 98% of the virtual DIAG 44s were handled by the fast path
  • Transaction rate increased by 6.7%
  • Virtual µsec per transaction increased by 2.0%
  • CP µsec per transaction decreased by 14%
  • CP system utilization decreased 69%

The following table contains results for the 5-way measurements.

5-way Apache DIAG 44 workload measurement data

Fast Path Code Enabled No Yes
Run ID EXPT5209 EXPTD442
Tx rate 88.949 90.232
DIAG 44/sec - Normal 9056 3436
DIAG 44/sec - Fast Path 0 20525
DIAG 44/sec - Total 9056 23961
Percent Fast Path 0 85
Total µsec/Tx 59893 59070
CP µsec/Tx 22941 22646
Emul µsec/Tx 36952 36424
Total Util/Proc 92.8 92.3
System Util/Proc 0.8 0.6
2064-116; 5 dedicated processors, 30G central storage, 8G expanded storage; z/VM 5.2.0; 40 connections; 3 client virtual processors

Overall processor utilization was 92% compared to 83% for the 9-way measurement. Basic improvements for this 5-way comparison were not as good as the 9-way, thus demonstrating less benefit as the base becomes more processor constrained. As utilization increases on the real processors, virtual processors are more likely to be in a real processor queue. If any virtual processor is queued when a DIAG 44 is issued, the fast path conditions are not met and thus it must use the normal path.

  • Total virtual DIAG 44 rate increased by 164%
  • 85% of the virtual DIAG 44s were handled by the fast path
  • Transaction rate increased by 1.4%
  • Virtual µsec per transaction increased by -1.4%
  • CP µsec per transaction decreased by 1.3%
  • System utilization decreased by 25%

The following table contains results for the 9-way measurements with 3 and 6 virtual processors.

9-way Apache DIAG 44 workload measurement data

Client virtual processors 3 6
Tx rate 82.146 77.751
DIAG 44/sec - Normal 8898 31945
DIAG 44/sec - Fast Path 487087 401210
DIAG 44/sec - Total 495985 433155
Percent Fast Path 98 92
Total µsec/Tx 103788 117033
CP µsec/Tx 43869 51716
Emul µsec/Tx 59917 65317
Total Util/Proc 83.6 91.5
System Util/Proc 1.7 3.6
Sched Spin Lock Rate 13735 28739
Sched Pct Spin Time 0.373 1.234
2064-116; 9 dedicated processors, 30G central storage, 8G expanded storage; z/VM 5.2.0; 40 connections

This comparison demonstrates lower fast path percentage as the number of virtual processors is increased. Percent of the virtual DIAG 44s handled by the fast path decreased from 98% to 92%. As the number of virtual processors are increased, more are likely to be in a real processor queue. If any virtual processor is queued when a DIAG 44 is issued, the fast path conditions are not met and thus it must use the normal path.

Overall results with 6 virtual processors were not as good as the results with 3 virtual processors. Transaction rate decreased by 4.8% and CP µsec per transaction increased by 12%. The increase in CP µsec per transaction is caused by a 259% increase in the normal-path DIAG 44 rate. Processing a normal-path DIAG 44 requires use of the scheduler lock and this caused the scheduler spin lock rate to increase by 109%. The percent of time spinning on the scheduler lock increased by 230%. This also accounts for the 111% increase in CP system utilization.

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