z/VM Application Monitor Data

z/VM provides the capability for virtual machines to contribute performance data to the CP Monitor system service. This is accomplished by exploiting the diagnose x'DC' interface. Documentation for this interface can be found in CP Programming Services. Additionally, the Care and Feeding of Monitor APPLDATA discusses this with examples.

Registering Your Product Identifier

If you have a use of the Application Data interface and need to register a product ID, please contact IBM and choose 'Feedback for VM-related topics'. Include the following information in your request:

  • Subject: APPLDATA Product Identifier
  • Your name
  • Company name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number

Existing Product Identifiers

Included in the interface is a product ID which is meant to identify the source and type of data in the application monitor record. The following are known product IDs:

VM Application Data Product Identifiers
Product ID Description Additional Information and Mapping
5684112SF1010100 SFS and CRR servers The Shared File System and the Coordinated Resource Recovery servers contribute application data. These are standard components of the z/VM Product. There is a single record type for this product ID. The mappings for these records are contained in Appendix D of z/VM: Performance.
5684030MT1020100 CMS Multitasking Data When CMS Multitasking is used, it can emit application monitor data. There is a single record type for this product ID. This is a standard part of z/VM. The mappings for these records are contained in Appendix E of z/VM: Performance.
5735FALSTx0ttt00 VM TCP/IP Server Data The TCP/IP stack server machine will generate multiple records dependent on the configuration of the server. The sub-record type is indicated in the 10th byte of the product ID (shown as x). The exact function level of the TCP/IP server is indicated in the 12th through 14th bytes. for this product ID. This is a standard part of z/VM. The mappings for these records are contained in Appendix F of z/VM: Performance.
5735FALSSLx00000 VM SSL Server Data The VM SSL server machines generate monitor records. This is a standard component of z/VM. The sub-record type is indicated in the 11th byte of the product it (shown as x). The mappings for these records are contained in Appendix H of z/VM: Performance.
5739A03RM0000000 VM Resource Manager Data The VM Resource Manager (VMRM) server machine generates a single record. This is a standard component of z/VM. The mappings for these records are contained in Appendix G of z/VM: Performance.
IBM-RSKffn010100 Reusable Server Kernel Data The Reusable Server Kernel (RSK) has the ability to generate monitor records. This component of z/VM provides an infrastucture for creating server virtual machines. The RSK provides various types of data for the server contained within this single record. The mappings for these records are contained in Chapter 13 of Reusable Server Kernel Programmer's Guide and Reference.
LINUXKRNLx260100 Linux Kernel Data The Linux 2.6 Kernel provides various appldata records representing different areas (processor, memory, etc.). The sub-record is the 10th byte (shown as 'x') and is a byte value, not a string. The mappings for the kernel-provided records are included in chapter 14 of Linux on System z Device Drivers, Features, and Commands.
LNXAPPLffnvvrrmm Linux Application Monitor Driver Data The Linux Application Monitor Driver allows Linux applications to contribute data to the VM monitor datastream. The product ID is partially described as by the device driver. That is, the first 7 bytes are always LNXAPPL. The remaining bytes are application-specific. The 'ff' is the application number (a byte, not a string) and 'vvrrmm' is the version, release, modification as set by the application.

When 'ff' = x'0001' (mon_procd) - Gathers system summary information and information on concurrent processes on Linux on z/VM.

When 'ff' = x'0002' (mon_fsstatd) - Collects physical file system size data from Linux on z/VM.

The mapping for this data is application-specific. The general description and specifications for the driver are in Chapter 15 of Linux on System z Device Drivers, Features, and Commands.