Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 16 (Minor): SPOOL file receive nit

==================== 1999-04-12 13:22:03 (-04.00) ====================
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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A BKWLIB TXTLIB fixing this problem has been posted on  Thanks!
==================== 1999-04-12 10:51:25 (-04.00) ====================
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Brian, yes, I think the "correct" behaviour (at least from my point
of view) is that the SPOOL ld not reply back to the sender with an empty
spool file. The SPOOL ld should, I think, be consistent with the
behavour of the other line drivers, imho.
My service was accepting SMTP batch mail files, and the empty spool
file response was being sent back to SMTP. Since SMTP did not know what
to make of an empty spool file, it just transferred it to TCPMAINT. 
I only noticed this because I got a message on the console saying that
TCPMAINT now had over 1000 files in it's reader.... :-)
==================== 1999-04-12 10:25:00 (-04.00) ====================
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I had a look at the various record-oriented line drivers as regards
what they do if the service is silent.  All but the SPOOL driver
seem to say nothing (no console output, no MSG output, etc.).  The
SPOOL driver sends an empty spool file.  I will change this so that
the spool driver emits no spool file if the service instance was
silent.  Thanks for the report!
==================== 1999-04-12 08:03:02 (-04.00) ====================
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It looks like SPL_OUTPUT_FT is set to RSKRESP in your server.  Do
you think that no spool file should be sent if the service is
==================== 1999-04-10 15:47:33 (-04.00) ====================
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I've begin testing a new version of BKWLIB TXTIB that Brian made available
yesterday that contains a fix for this problem with the SPOOL line driver.
The RSK error message is no longer displayed (good), the spool file
is received and correctly processed by the service (also good), but now
an empty spool file is being sent back to the sending user id. The
service name is SMTP, the SPL_INPUT_FT is set to MAIL, and the service is
started via SPOOL START SMTP. The returned spool file has no records, 
and is named SMTP RSKRESP (RSK Response?)
==================== 1999-04-09 15:52:12 (-04.00) ====================
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BTW, I should mention that I'm using the GA level of the RSK on an
VM/ESA V2.3 system at RSU 9801.
==================== 1999-04-09 15:45:48 (-04.00) ====================
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I've written a service that processes incoming SPOOL files. When an
instance of this service terminates after receiving a SPOOL file and
processing it (correctly), I then issue a QueueSend message back to
the LD with vl_b_stopack=1 and vl_b_newdata=0, informing it that the
instance is terminating. This causes a BKWSPL1206E error message to
appear on the console, stating that RSK could not correctly encode the
instance data stream. Since I haven't sent the LD any data to encode,
what's RSK complaining about? I guess you might call my service a
'silent' service, since it gobbles up data but never produces any...

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