Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 5 (Note): Beta 3 Release Notes

==================== 1998-08-13 11:01:13 (-04.00) ====================
Name:        ** Suppressed **
Company:     ** Suppressed **
Telephone:   ** Suppressed **
E-mail:      ** Suppressed **
What's new in Beta 3?
<li>ssServerRun correctly returns return code from PROFILE VMSS
<li>Server terminates correctly when author used BPX1 routines
<li>SERVER CONFIG command no longer prints NOMAP_SPOOL twice
<li>SPOOL line driver correctly handles spool files with SFBVLEN set
<li>In ssCacheFileOpen, end-of-file implies end-of-record
(there need not be an end-of-record marker after the last record)
<li>ssCacheFileOpen now returns date last modified
<li>IUCV line driver receives correctly from client
<li>Worker API added - see doc for details

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