Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 4 (Major): SPOOL Line Driver loops

==================== 1998-08-13 11:05:33 (-04.00) ====================
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Resolved in beta 3.
==================== 1998-06-15 14:54:17 (-04.00) ====================
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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The SPOOL line driver incorrectly decoded SPLINK blocks in cases
where SFBVLEN was set.  The punched records were not completely
reconstructed, which meant the NETDATA decoder tried to run with
bytes of the NETDATA stream missing.  This has been repaired and
the next beta will contain the fix.
==================== 1998-06-12 10:40:01 (-04.00) ====================
Name:        ** Suppressed **
Company:     ** Suppressed **
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SPOOL line driver loops decoding Netdata files.  It looks like
some Netdata segments have actual lengths shorter than the
segment length bytes.  There must be something I don't yet
understand about Netdata.  Should have a fix shortly.  Thanks
to Dave Jones of Velocity Software for reporting this.

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