Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 12 (Minor): Problem with install?

==================== 1999-04-09 15:54:58 (-04.00) ====================
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Turns out to have a DMSRP MACLIB, you must have installed the optional
PL/X source code feature of VM.
==================== 1999-01-25 09:22:18 (-05.00) ====================
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I believe they are in DMSRP MACLIB.
==================== 1999-01-22 12:55:52 (-05.00) ====================
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Brian, I've ordered and installed the PTF for the RSK for VM/ESA V2.3.
All works as designed, but I can't seem to find the PL/X macro library
anywhere. DMSGPI is updated with the ASSEMBLER macros for RSK, and
MAINT's 493 disk (K) has the SSPLX.. COPY files, but there is no
corresponding MACLIB. What have I overlooked? 
At the moment, I'm just going to build a PLX maclib by hand (how 
hard is that?)

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