Description of SFSULIST

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From Kris Buelens, IBM Belgium

SFSULIST is a FILELIST like application to handle your SFS enrolled users more easily. The effort to view a user's DIRLIST is just hitting PF11; FILELIST of the top directory is PF23 ... For the change history, refer to SFSULIST Change history

Here's a cut&paste of the screen image

 KRIS     SFSULIST A1  V 160  Trunc=160 Size=42 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=0
 Group No.         Blocks In-Use   Blocks Free          Pool: SFSWERK
 ?     1          117,493 -  76%        37,437         ? Log full: 4%
 ?     2          622,626 -  42%       862,696         ? Catalog:  d54% i82%
Cmd  Userid  StorGrp  Block Limit  Blocks Committed      Admin  Connected Type
     _GUIMON       2        1,000            38-04%        no      no      bfs
     _JAVA         2       20,000         6,223-31%        no      no      bfs
     _JNRCMS       2        1,000            29-03%        no      no      bfs
     _NETREXX      2        1,000           396-40%        no      no      bfs
     GUY           2        1,000             0-00%       YES      no      SFS
     HTTPD         2      200,000       100,487-50%        no       4x     SFS
     HTTPDBFS      2      100,000         1,029-01%        no      no      bfs
     KBCWERK       2       20,000         5,592-28%       YES       1x     SFS
     U14756        2        1,000             0-00%        no      no      SFS
     U14756W       2        1,000             4-00%        no      no      SFS
     U23638W       2        1,000             6-01%        no      no      SFS
     U23759W       2        1,000            14-01%        no      no      SFS
     VMCOLL        2    7,000,000     5,392,676-77%        no       2x     SFS
     FTPSERVE      -            -                 -       YES      no       -
     KRIS          -            -                 -       YES       1x      -
     MAINT         -            -                 -       YES      no       -
     SCHEDUL       -            -                 -       YES      no       -
     SMSMASTR      -            -                 -       YES      no       -
     SMSSRV01      -            -                 -       YES       3x      -
     SMSSRV02      -            -                 -       YES       2x      -
     TSLARUN       -            -                 -       YES       1x      -
     VMBACKUP      -            -                 -       YES       3x      -
Slash symbols:  / =pool:user.   /n =user   /p =pool   /d =dirid (pool:user.)
1= S(Usr/Adm)2= Refresh 3= Quit     4= S(Grp/Conn) 5= S(Used/Type)6= ?
7= Backward  8= Forward 9= Sort(%) 10=            11= DIRL/FILEL 12= Sort(size)
                                                            X E D I T  1 File

By using the / symbols, you can execute any command you like. Some examples:

  filelist                                     ( SFSULIST starts FILEL * * /)
  filelist * listing
  access / z
  modify user +2000 for /u /p                  ( you know the syntax)
  modify user +2000                            ( SFSULIST helps you )
  delete user /up                              ( you know the syntax)
  delete user                                  ( SFSULIST helps you )
  grant auth * * / to myfriend (WRITE
  q filepool disable filespace for /up         ( you have to know syntax)

Before you shoot the tool smith, please read the following:

The syntax of many SFS commands is not "obvious", surely not for the SFS admin commands. SFSULIST tries to help a bit by looking at the commands you enter.
Making a perfect "default substition" as in FILELIST is not possible:

  • For file and dirid related commands, the best default "slashsub" is pool:userid.
  • For SFS Admin commands though, the best default would be userid pool
We try to help you. As a consequence, it depends what we substitute for "/" or what we append when no / is in the command:
  • We intercept DELETE, ENROLL, and MODIFY USER and insert "pool:user." or "user pool:" as appropriate.
  • We also recognize FILELIST: when you enter "FILEList", we will execute "FILELIST * * pool:user."
  • For all other commands, we decided to select the file related substitution as default behaviour. That is: "pool:user." is appended to the command when no / is in the command you enter. A / on its own is replaced by "pool:user." too.
So, where we say on the panel that Slash symbols: /=pool:user. this isn't always true: when we understand the command, it may be something else.

Listing your SFS servers

The SFSLIST EXEC lists all your SFS servers. You can (re)start or stop them, or use SFSLIST as a bootstrap to SFSULIST:

  |          SFS servers for BRUVMBRS                      |
  |           Commands you can enter:                      |
  |   PF11 List SFS users                                  |
  |   S Stop an SFS server                                 |
  |   R Restart the SFS server                             |
  |   L stop and Logoff the server                         |
  | _ VMSERVB  SFSBCRS:  active    --> stg 2 81%           |
  | _ VMSERVR  VMSYSR:   active                            |
  | _ VMSERVU  VMSYSU:   active                            |
  | _ VMSERVS  VMSYS:    active                            |
  | _ VMSERSMS DFSMS:    HCPTHL045E VMSERSMS not logged on |
  |           Enter=Submit Request(s)                      |
  | PF:  2 Refresh  3 Quit  11 SFSUlist                    |

It can be observed above that a quick check is performed to detect possible problems (like Storage Pool 2 of SFSBCRS that is 81% full). SFSLIST performs checks on filepool level only, not on filespace level.

As there is no method to easily find all SFS servers on a VM system, we want a control file (SFS SERVERS) defining your known SFS servers. This way we can also detect SFS servers that are down or not logged on.
A bit more information can be found in the SFSLIST EXEC.

Extra notes for SFSULIST:

  1. The / symbol substition is a bit more elaborated than in FILELIST. We allow you to construct dirids using the / symbols. We understand for example commands like:
       pipe < some file /d.subdir1.subdir2| ...
         becomes pool:user.SUBDIR1.SUBDIR2| ...
       filel * * /p:maint.userdefs./u.profiles
         becomes pool:MAINT.USERDEFS.user.PROFILES
  2. When the % full is 70% or higher, we start to color the % values: red from 90%, pink from 80% and yellow from 70% on (we don't do this for the LOG as SFS schedules a backup when it is higher than its threshold).
  3. You should remark the ?-marks in the header of the display (where we list the storage group information for the SFS server.
    These ?-marks invite you to place the cursor there and press enter. (The ?-mark signs are not defined as unprotected as we want the "cursor home" key to set the cursor on the line with the first user). SFSULIST will then issue an appropriate Q FILEPOOL command:
      Q FILEPOOL LOG         When the cursor is near the %LOG full
      Q FILEPOOL CATALOG     When the cursor is near the % full for catalog
                             data and index part ( "d54% i82%" above)
      Q FILEPOOL MINIDISK    When the cursor is before column 50 in a line
                             describing a storage group.
    The Q FILEPOOL MINIDISK command is not exactly the same as when you execute it natively:
    • We only display the minidisks of the selected storage group
    • When we can obtain the userID of the SFS server, we will display for each minidisk the number of cylinders or FB-512 blocks and the pack on which the SFS minidisk is located. Here a sample of the SFS server that started its life in VM/SP Rel 6, back in 1988.
                               SFS72    File Pool Minidisks
      Start-up Date 06/12/07                              Query Date 06/12/07
      Start-up Time 15:10:04                              Query Time 15:39:45
              200  Maximum Number of Minidisks
               34  Minidisks in Use
       Storage   Minidisk    4K Blocks       4K Blocks  Virtual   Cylinders    CP
       Group No. Number        In-Use          Free     Address   or Blocks   Volume
           2         3      43572 -  90%       4968      0501          270    VTE004
           2         4      44135 -  91%       4405      0502          270    VTE001
           2         7      13724 -  92%       1253      0503           84    VTE001
           2        16      14977 - 100%          0      0504           84    VTE003
           2        18      13832 -  92%       1145      0505           84    VTE001
           2        19      13030 -  87%       1947      0506           84    VTE001
           2        20      10867 -  73%       4110      0507           84    VTE003
           2        21       8465 -  57%       6512      0508           84    VTE001
           2        23        669 -   4%      14308      0509           84    VTE001
           2        25      13876 -  93%       1101      050A           84    VTE003
           2        26        132 -   1%      14845      050B           84    VTE001
           2        27      24772 -  92%       2193      050C          150    VTE002
           2        30      33088 -  92%       2864      050D          200    VTE005
           2        33      78625 -  87%      11273      050E          500    VTE006
       Storage        4K Blocks       4K Blocks
       Group No.        In-Use          Free
           2        313764 -  82%      70924
      *** Note: to get better IO concurrency, you should not place multiple
      *** minidisks of an SFS server on the same pack. 10 of 14 minidisks share
      *** packs in storage group 2; only 6 concurrent IO instead of 14 possible.
      *** Space allocated per physical volume:
              138,402 4K blocks on VTE001, on 7 Mdisks
               26,965 4K blocks on VTE002, on 1 Mdisks
               44,931 4K blocks on VTE003, on 3 Mdisks
               48,540 4K blocks on VTE004, on 1 Mdisks
               35,952 4K blocks on VTE005, on 1 Mdisks
               89,898 4K blocks on VTE006, on 1 Mdisks
    • When we have the CP minidisk information, we will warn you when the server has multiple minidisks on the same pack.  Minidisks on the same pack can make that SFS seems to refuse to use certain added storage pool minidisks (look at minidisks 0509 and 050B above).  With well spread minidisks, SFS can perform better.
      One reason is that the SFS server tries to balance I/O to its minidisks on a given pack. With other words: SFS knows it is useless to ask CP to perform an I/O to pack that is already handling another I/O.  With the extremes:
      • when SFS has 15 minidisks on 15 packs, it can start 15 IOs at once
      • when SFS has 15 minidisks on 1 pack, it can start only 1 IO at a time
    • When the cursor is beyond column 15, and when we have the CP minidisk information, and when multiple minidisks share the same packs, we will calculate how much space SFS has available per physical pack (as in the figure above).
      In the example, you can see that pack VTE006 has much more SFS data to handle than VTE001.  So, if one would not want to spread the SFS minidisks over more packs, it would be better to move some minidisks from VTE006 onto VTE001 and VTE002.
    • A possible pitfall, or "why doesn't this work for me?"
      We use "CP Q RESOURCE fpool" to find the userID of the SFS server, what means we are unable to get this extra information when the SFS server is on a remote VM system.  Similar, when you'd use entries in UCOMDIR/SCOMDIR names you can use a kind of alias to address a filepool.  We for example have unique SFS names all over our VM systems (SFS72, SFS71, SFS75, etc; what was once a requirement for remote SFS usage).  However, with an entry in SCOMDIR NAMES we can reach the "local" SFS named SFSxx using SFSD as filepoolid.  As Q RESOURCE only knows the real name, we can't find the server's userID.

SFSULIST Change History

Change in V 1.14   28 February 2011

Add PF-keys in SFSLIST and SFSULIST if the SFSPSTAT EXEC is found. SFSPSTAT is part of the SFSKTOOL package, and permits to produce GDDM graphics of SFS space usage, if you collect the right SFS statistics (refer to SFSKTOOL).

Change in V 1.13   9 March 2010

Improvement for SFSLIST: You can now code an * as nodeid in SFS SERVERS, it indicates a line valid for all your VM systems. To differenciate from comment lines such an * should not be placed in column 1.

          | *nodeid  userid  fpoolID WngPct|
          | VMKBBR01 VMSERVS SFS72  80     |
          |  *       VMSERVR VMSYSR 70     |
          |  *       VMSERVS VMSYS  70     |
          | VMKBCT01 VMSERVD SFSD   75     |
Remark: a generic line can be overruled by a specific line, this is illustrated by VMSERVS above: its filepool ID is VMSYS, except on VMKBBR01 where it is SFS72.

Change in V 1.12   1 February 2010

Fix to SFSLIST: when no SFS servers are found in file SFS SERVERS, SFSLIST is supposed to list all users named VMSER*. In the Q RESOURCE scan, SFSLIST must use CP's nodeid, not the nodeid from IDENTIFY.

Change in V 1.11   5 Januari 2010

Two bug fixes in SFSLIST.

Change in V 1.10   11 December 2009

Addition of SFSLIST, lists all your SFS servers.

Change in V 1.9a   8 February 2008

Avoid reporting 00% full for storage groups that are 100% full.

Change in V 1.9   5 January 2008

When requesting the space allocated per physical volume, the counters were not reset to 0 at volume switch.  It incorrectly displayed this (instead of what is illustrated above)

*** Space per physical volume:
        138,402 4K blocks on VTE001 , on 7 Mdisks
        165,367 4K blocks on VTE002 , on 8 Mdisks
        210,298 4K blocks on VTE003 , on 11 Mdisks
        258,838 4K blocks on VTE004 , on 12 Mdisks
        294,790 4K blocks on VTE005 , on 13 Mdisks
        384,688 4K blocks on VTE006 , on 14 Mdisks

Change in V 1.8   4 December 2007

When SFSULIST was used by a non-SFS-administrator, the area on the screen were SFS catalog usage would be displayed got filled with not initialized REXX variables.

Change in V 1.7   11 June 2007

In this version, a bug is fixed and new features added:

  • Avoid flagging user with "*-1" and *** cannot execute commands for ** each time the Enter-key is pressed.
  • The header lines now include the %used of catalog data and index part.
  • When %used of catalog or storage groups is high, we display these numbers in a special color to get attention.
  • When press enter with the cursor placed in a header line that lists a storage group, the CATALOG usage or the LOG usage, we issue Q FILEPOOL MINIDISK, Q FILEPOOL CATALOG or Q FILEPOOL LOG

Change in V 1.6   8 June 2007

Display user if PUBLIC is enrolled in the filepool.

Changes in V 1.5   6 October 2003

There are a few, more and less, important changes:

  • When not authorized to a filespace, DIRLIST displays no errormessage, it simply exists with rc=28.  As we don't like this silence, PF11 in SFSULIST will try to display an error message in this case.
  • We now also display the type of filespace: SFS or BFS
  • We save the last 3 commands you enter in SFSULIST for retrieval by ?, ?? or ???
  • We try to avoid problems when SFSULIST executes commands against an SFS filespace for which your "userid NAMES" file has a nickname.  You are hit by this problem when a message like like this one is thrown at you:
    DMSJNL647E Localid not specified for U15568 at KBMEMO in KRIS NAMES file.
    In this particular case, a QUERY was issued for filespace VMSTOR what happens to be a nickname in my NAMES file.
    In the SFSULIST case, no nickname should ever be used, as SFSULIST works with real filespace names.  Our bypass of this problem is to surround 3 commands by NUCXLOAD/NUCXDROP of a fake NAMEFIND module (thanks to Alan Altmark).
    The 3 commands that we "protect" are Query, MODify USEr and DELete USEr.  For PF11 (DIRLIST) we use the NONICK option; for PF23 (FILELIST) there never is a problem (it has no nickname resolution).

Changes in V 1.4.a   24 April 2003

When not authorized to connect to a filepool, SFSULIST displayed an empty header.  That is: the mdisk usage information was missing, and you start guessing why this information is missing. .
SFSULIST now displays an errormessage instead of the empty header.

Changes in V 1.4   11 April 2003

SFSULIST checks the "filespace" type when you use PF11. For a BFS filespace we try to call BFSLIST (starting DIRLIST for a BFS space works, but is useless as it is a dead end). BFSLIST is a separate package.

Changes in V 1.3   20 July 2001

SFSULIST now also gives an improved DIRLIST: the QSFSBLK EXEC and XEDIT macro are added to the package.
  • The QSFSBLK EXEC tells how much space (4K blocks) is used by the files in a directory (or a subset of them). Format:
      EXEC QSFSBLK <fn ft> dirid 
    4K blocks used for SFS72:MAINT.BACKUP : 47 (or 0.2 Meg) Migrated: 79%
  • The QSFSBLK XEDIT macro must be used in DIRLIST: it will update the DIRLIST display by adding these statistics to the display.
    You use QSFSBLK XEDIT by starting DIRLIST and entering the QSFSBLK &ft;fn <ft>> command in the DIRLIST command area. When no files DFSMS migrated files are found in the listed directories, QSFSBLK displays the number of 4K blocks used by the files and the number of files in the directories
     KRIS     DIRLIST  A0  V 319  Trunc=319 Size=24 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=47
    Cmd   Fm Directory Name/Minidisk Address                         4K blocks Fils
          -  SFS72:KRIS.                                                   455  92
          -  SFS72:KRIS.A_PSF_CENTRAAL                                      47  41
          -  SFS72:KRIS.A_VANALLES                                         582  99
          -  SFS72:KRIS.APING                                               90   3
          -  SFS72:KRIS.APPC_SECUR                                          42   9
          -  SFS72:KRIS.APPCPIPE                                            74  12
          -  SFS72:KRIS.APTFS                                                0   0
          -  SFS72:KRIS.ATSLAGENT                                          325 152
          -  SFS72:KRIS.CHAT                                                 9   4
          -  SFS72:KRIS.COMPASS                                            640 316
          -  SFS72:KRIS.CSPPLI                                              23   8
          -  SFS72:KRIS.DFSMSTOOLS                                          66  24
          -  SFS72:KRIS.DISTJOBS                                             0   0
          -  SFS72:KRIS.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE                                    0   0
          -  SFS72:KRIS.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE.AATEST                            12  10
          -  SFS72:KRIS.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE.AATEST.DISK1                       0   0
          B  SFS72:KRIS.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE.ACCTDIR                           13  11
          -  SFS72:KRIS.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE.ADSMV3                            20   8
          -  SFS72:KRIS.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE.AGWPROF                            9   9
          -  SFS72:KRIS.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE.AUTOLOG1                          89  10
    1= Help       2= Refresh  3= Quit   4= Sort(fm)    5= Sort(dir)   6= Auth
    7= Backward   8= Forward  9=       10=            11= Filelist   12= Cursor
    QSFSBLK refreshes stats; SSIZE sorts by size; SFILES sorts by nbr of files
                                                                X E D I T  1 File
    When at least one DFSMS migrated file is found, we display how much % of the 4K blocks has been migrated by DFSMS.
     KRIS     DIRLIST  A0  V 319  Trunc=319 Size=17 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=47
    Cmd   Fm Directory Name/Minidisk Address                         4K blocks Migr
          -  SFS72:MAINT.                                                   23  87%
          -  SFS72:MAINT.DISTJOBS                                            0   0%
          -  SFS72:MAINT.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE                                   0   0%
          -  SFS72:MAINT.DISTJOBS.DISTFILE.LOGS                             10   0%
          -  SFS72:MAINT.ARCHIEF                                            50  90%
    *     -  SFS72:MAINT.BACKUP                                             47  79%
          -  SFS72:MAINT.BATCH                                               8  88%
          -  SFS72:MAINT.RSCS                                            6,600  90%
          -  SFS72:MAINT.VTAM                                               10   0%
          -  0FC0
          Z  019D
          Y  019E
          S  0190
          A  0191
          E  0593
          D  0594
          -  0999
    1= Help       2= Refresh  3= Quit   4= Sort(fm)    5= Sort(dir)   6= Auth
    7= Backward   8= Forward  9=       10=            11= Filelist   12= Cursor
    QSFSBLK refreshes stats; SSIZE sorts by size; SMIGR sorts by % migrated
                                                                X E D I T  1 File
  • SFSULIST makes it a bit easier to use QSFSBLK: when you start DIRLIST by pressing PF11 in SFSULIST, we try to prepare DIRLIST to make it easier to start QSFSBLK. If you use the standard DIRLIST profile (PRODDLST XEDIT), we will assign PF10 to QSFSBLK; PF12 to "sort by size" and tell the DIRLIST end-user that QSFSBLKS can be used.
    The changed DIRLIST setup looks like:
    1= Help       2= Refresh  3= Quit   4= Sort(fm)    5= Sort(dir)   6= Auth
    7= Backward   8= Forward  9=       10= QSFSBLK    11= Filelist   12= Sort size
    Issue "QSFSBLK" (F10) to get file statistics for all SFS dirs
                                                                X E D I T  1 File

Changes in V 1.2   4 April 2001

We now insert a , character to separate the number of 4K blocks what improves readability.

Some colors and aligments were changed a bit

Changes in V 1.2.a   4 May 2001

We try to avoid an accidental DELETE USER for the next case
   Then you start   SFSULIST POOLTWO  to list users in pool POOLTWO
   In SFSULIST you enter  DELETE USER /N
   ==> The command executed becomes "DELETE USER userid".  What means
       to CMS "delete user 'userid' in pool SFSONE"
       You now get a warning message
   ==> Solution: you should enter "DELETE USER" or "DELETE USER /" or
       "DELETE USER /n /p" and the right filepool is addressed.