Description of LIVE

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  zip archive: z-42K
  tar archive: t-9640K

From Steve Shultz, IBM:

The main goal of the LIVE sample tool is to give a system administrator access to the administrative functionality of a z/VM system in a user friendly and intuitive way. The front end interface chosen for this task is the common web browser. The back end interface is the z/VM Systems management API's

LIVE is intended to be run on a Linux guest running on the z/VM system that you wish to manage. It is a web application that needs to be executed by a Java application server. The suggested application server product is Apache Tomcat, however, any JSP 2.0 compatible application server will work.

Live also requires the SCKSMAPI package that is currently also available on the download library. See that package for instructions on how to set that up.

Included with the LIVE package are both code and user guides. They should tell you everything you need to know to both use LIVE and understand how it works.