Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 37 (Major): Worker API difficulties

=============== 2000-06-20 13:23:44 (-04.00) ===============
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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Today's /rsk/rskfix.vmarc fixes this.  Enjoy!
=============== 2000-06-19 16:38:38 (-04.00) ===============
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All travel for work, actually...  BKW
=============== 2000-06-19 16:08:13 (-04.00) ===============
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Sounds like a vacation to me...I'll try to hurry up then and
get you the test case ASAP. Thanks.
=============== 2000-06-19 13:49:55 (-04.00) ===============
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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Hi Dave,
I am out of town Thursday 6/22 until Wednesday 7/5, so hurry
up or wait, your choice.
=============== 2000-06-19 13:48:03 (-04.00) ===============
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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Hi Dave,
I do not have any examples of using the worker API.  I am
willing to look at your problem.  Load your module as a
nucleus extension and find module BKWCHE therein.  Set a
TRACE I RUN at the BKWCHE entry point (it will be doubleword
aligned, five bytes backward from the BKWCHE eyecatcher)
for length X'4B0'.  Spool the console and run your failing
case.  Send me the console at
=============== 2000-06-19 12:45:04 (-04.00) ===============
Name:        ** Suppressed **
Company:     ** Suppressed **
Telephone:   ** Suppressed **
E-mail:      ** Suppressed **
I'm attempting to use the worker APIs provided by the RSK to shuttle
some computations off to a worker machine. I can allocate the worker
OK, and send it the data it needs to examine, but every now and then
I get an abnormal close from the call to QueueReceiveBlock that I
issue to wait for the worker to respond back with it's answer.
I've looked at the message type field in the message that is returned
by QueueReceiveBlock and it has an '01'x in the first byte
so the abnormal close is coming from the worker side.
The worker code is not RSK-based, just a simple Rexx app that uses a
home grown IUCV csl to accept conenctions, get the data, do the
work send the answer and do a sever..
Any working examples of using the worker services, both from
the RSK point of view and the worker side?

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