Reusable Server Kernel

Problem 30 (Sug): PUNCH spool format

=============== 1999-11-23 15:41:17 (-05.00) ===============
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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P.S., while this would be nice to have, it is a (very) low
priority item for us.
=============== 1999-11-16 08:37:29 (-05.00) ===============
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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Thanks for your suggestion.
=============== 1999-11-14 12:05:33 (-05.00) ===============
Name:        ** Suppressed **
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E-mail:      ** Suppressed **
It would be nice if the RSK SPOOL ld supported
the PUNCH format for spool files, as well as the
current NETDATA and DISK DUMP formats.

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