Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Event Record
                    Domain 4 - User Domain
                    Record 1 - User Logon
 DESCRIPTION - Records a user that has logged on.  Generated for
               the base VMDBK only.

MRUSELON Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   180  USELON                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  USELON_MRHDR           record header
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record
                                                  was built. In time-of-day
                                                  (TOD) clock format. See IBM
                                                  System 370 XA Principle of
                                                  Operation for explanation of
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END              End of header
  20  14  Character     8  USELON_VMDUSER         User logon identification
  28  1C  Unsigned      2  USELON_VMDCPUAD        Processor address
  30  1E  Bitstring     1  USELON_VMDMODE         Guest machine mode. This is
                                                  as set for internal use by
                                                  CP. See USELON_CALMODE for
                                                  mode 'calculated' at.
  31  1F  Bitstring     1  USELON_CALSTAT         User information
          1... ....        USELON_VMDSVMST         'OPTION SVMSTAT' has been
                                                  specified in the user's
          .1.. ....        USELON_VMDQDSPU         This user has the QUICKDSP
                                                  designation, either by
                                                  default or as set by the SET
                                                  QUICKDSP command. When the
                                                  user has work to do, it will
                                                  be added to the dispatch list
                                                  immediately without waiting
                                                  in the eligible list.
          ..1. ....        USELON_CALDIAL          This user is a dialed user
          ...1 ....        USELON_CALSNA           This user is connected
                                                  through System Network
                                                  Architecture (SNA)
          .... 1...        USELON_VMDNOINS         User is prevented from
                                                  inserting any tracks into the
                                                  minidisk cache. (set when SET
                                                  MDC INS OFF command is
          .... .1..        USELON_VMDNOFSL         No MDC fair share limit
                                                  applies. Set at LOGON if the
                                                  NOMDCFS option is specified
                                                  on the OPTIONS statement in
                                                  the user's directory.
          .... ..1.        USELON_VMDMASST         Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management assist enabled.
                                                  Note: The VMDMAACT bit is not
                                                  provided in this record
                                                  because a recently logged on
                                                  user would not yet be in a
                                                  CMM-active or CMM-pending-off
          .... ...1        *
  32  20  Unsigned      4  USELON_VMDRELSH        This virtual CPU's RELATIVE
                                                  share of the system, as set
                                                  in the user's directory or
                                                  via the SET SHARE command.
                                                  Set to zero when this VMDBK
                                                  has an ABSOLUTE share value,
                                                  or has a virtual processor
                                                  dedicated to it, or is in the
                                                  process of being logged off.
  36  24  Unsigned      4  USELON_VMDABSSH        This virtual CPU's ABSOLUTE
                                                  share of the system, as set
                                                  in the user's directory or
                                                  via the SET SHARE command.
                                                  Unit of value is a
                                                  hexadecimal factor scaled 16
                                                  bits. For example,
                                                  X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                  X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                  X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                  Set to zero when this VMDBK
                                                  has a RELATIVE share value.
  40  28  Bitstring     1  USELON_CALMODE         Architectural mode of the
                                                  virtual machine
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USELON_CALMESA          ESA architecture
          ..1. ....        USELON_CALMXA           XA architecture
          ...1 ....        USELON_CALM370          370 architecture
          .... 1...        USELON_CALMXC           XC architecture
          .... .1..        USELON_CALMESAM         Guest has entered z/Arch
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        USELON_CALMZONL         z/Architecture-only
  41  29  Bitstring     1  USELON_VMDSTYPE        Storage type this virtual
                                                  machine resides in. X'00' =>
                                                  V=V. X'80' => Reserved and no
                                                  longer available. X'40' =>
  42  2A  Bitstring     1  USELON_CALSHARF        Set Share flags
          1... ....        USELON_VMDMXSHA         Max share for this CPU is
                                                  ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
                                                  this CPU is RELATIVE if off.
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        USELON_VMDLIMTH         Max share for this CPU is
                                                  LIMITHARD if on. Max share
                                                  for this CPU is LIMITSOFT if
          .... ...1        *
  43  2B  Unsigned      1  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
  44  2C  Unsigned      4  USELON_VMDSSIZE        Virtual machine size, in
                                                  bytes. This field is kept for
                                                  compatability reasons, but
                                                  may not be accurate for
                                                  z/Arch systems where larger
                                                  virtual machines are valid.
                                                  The preferred field is
  48  30  Unsigned      4  USELON_VMDMXRVP        Number of pages reserved
                                                  for the user
  52  34  Character     8  USELON_VMDACTNO        User accounting number
  60  3C  Character     8  USELON_VMDGRPN         RACF ACI group name
  68  44  Character     8  USELON_CALTODON        Time at which the user
                                                  logged on for this session.
                                                  In time-of-day (TOD) clock
                                                  format. To get the user's
                                                  connect time, subtract this
                                                  time value from the time
                                                  stamp in the record header's
  76  4C  Character     8  USELON_VMDBYVAL        The BYUSER ID that logged
                                                  on this virtual machine. If
                                                  there is no BYUSER, this
                                                  field is binary zeros.
  84  54  Unsigned      4  USELON_VMDMXSHR        This virtual CPU's Max
                                                  share of the system, as set
                                                  in the user's directory or
                                                  via the SET SHARE command.
                                                  This value is set to zero if
                                                  no Max share exists. If the
                                                  Max share is Absolute, then
                                                  the unit of the value is a
                                                  hexadecimal factor scaled 16
                                                  bits. For example,
                                                  X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                  X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                  X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                  Check USELON_VMDMXSHA to
                                                  determine if Max share is
                                                  absolute or relative.
  88  58  Character     8  USELON_ASCDEFSZ        Defined storage size in
                                                  addressable bytes, minus one.
                                                  If DEF STOR CONFIG was used
                                                  to define multiple
                                                  discontiguous extents of
                                                  addressable defined storage,
                                                  this field contains the sum
                                                  of the sizes in bytes of all
                                                  of the individual extents
                                                  (minus one). The minus one
                                                  notation is used so that a
                                                  total size of 16 Exabytes may
                                                  be represented without
                                                  ambiguity (as
  88  58  Character     4  USELON_CALDEFHI        high four bytes
  92  5C  Character     4  USELON_CALDEFLO        low four bytes
  96  60  Unsigned      4  USELON_CP_SSHRELSH     This user's RELATIVE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type CP.
 100  64  Unsigned      4  USELON_CP_SSHABSSH     This user's ABSOLUTE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type CP.
 104  68  Unsigned      4  USELON_CP_SSHMXSHR     This user's Max share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type CP.
 108  6C  Bitstring     1  USELON_CP_SSHFLG1      This user's share flags for
                                                  CPUs of type CP.
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USELON_CP_SSHLIMH       Max share for type CP is
                                                  LIMITHARD if on. Max share
                                                  for type CP is LIMITSOFT if
          ..1. ....        USELON_CP_SSHNMSHA      Normal share for type CP
                                                  is ABSOLUTE if on. Normal
                                                  share for type CP is RELATIVE
                                                  if off.
          ...1 ....        USELON_CP_SSHMXSHA      Max share for type CP is
                                                  ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
                                                  type CP is RELATIVE if off.
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 109  6D  Bitstring     3  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
 112  70  Unsigned      4  USELON_ZAP_SSHRELSH    This user's RELATIVE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type
 116  74  Unsigned      4  USELON_ZAP_SSHABSSH    This user's ABSOLUTE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type
 120  78  Unsigned      4  USELON_ZAP_SSHMXSHR    This user's Max share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type
 124  7C  Bitstring     1  USELON_ZAP_SSHFLG1     This user's share flags for
                                                  CPUs of type zAAP.
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USELON_ZAP_SSHLIMH      Max share for type zAAP is
                                                  LIMITHARD if on. Max share
                                                  for type zAAP is LIMITSOFT if
          ..1. ....        USELON_ZAP_SSHNMSHA     Normal share for type zAAP
                                                  is ABSOLUTE if on. Normal
                                                  share for type zAAP is
                                                  RELATIVE if off.
          ...1 ....        USELON_ZAP_SSHMXSHA     Max share for type zAAP is
                                                  ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
                                                  type zAAP is RELATIVE if off.
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 125  7D  Bitstring     3  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
 128  80  Unsigned      4  USELON_IFL_SSHRELSH    This user's RELATIVE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type IFL.
 132  84  Unsigned      4  USELON_IFL_SSHABSSH    This user's ABSOLUTE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type IFL.
 136  88  Unsigned      4  USELON_IFL_SSHMXSHR    This user's Max share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type IFL.
 140  8C  Bitstring     1  USELON_IFL_SSHFLG1     This user's share flags for
                                                  CPUs of type IFL.
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USELON_IFL_SSHLIMH      Max share for type IFL is
                                                  LIMITHARD if on. Max share
                                                  for type IFL is LIMITSOFT if
          ..1. ....        USELON_IFL_SSHNMSHA     Normal share for type IFL
                                                  is ABSOLUTE if on. Normal
                                                  share for type IFL is
                                                  RELATIVE if off.
          ...1 ....        USELON_IFL_SSHMXSHA     Max share for type IFL is
                                                  ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
                                                  type IFL is RELATIVE if off.
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 141  8D  Bitstring     3  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
 144  90  Unsigned      4  USELON_ICF_SSHRELSH    This user's RELATIVE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type ICF.
 148  94  Unsigned      4  USELON_ICF_SSHABSSH    This user's ABSOLUTE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type ICF.
 152  98  Unsigned      4  USELON_ICF_SSHMXSHR    This user's Max share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type ICF.
 156  9C  Bitstring     1  USELON_ICF_SSHFLG1     This user's share flags for
                                                  CPUs of type ICF.
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USELON_ICF_SSHLIMH      Max share for type ICF is
                                                  LIMITHARD if on. Max share
                                                  for type ICF is LIMITSOFT if
          ..1. ....        USELON_ICF_SSHNMSHA     Normal share for type ICF
                                                  is ABSOLUTE if on. Normal
                                                  share for type ICF is
                                                  RELATIVE if off.
          ...1 ....        USELON_ICF_SSHMXSHA     Max share for type ICF is
                                                  ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
                                                  type ICF is RELATIVE if off.
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 157  9D  Bitstring     3  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
 160  A0  Unsigned      4  USELON_ZIP_SSHRELSH    This user's RELATIVE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type
 164  A4  Unsigned      4  USELON_ZIP_SSHABSSH    This user's ABSOLUTE share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type
 168  A8  Unsigned      4  USELON_ZIP_SSHMXSHR    This user's Max share
                                                  setting for CPUs of type
 172  AC  Bitstring     1  USELON_ZIP_SSHFLG1     This user's share flags for
                                                  CPUs of type zIIP.
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USELON_ZIP_SSHLIMH      Max share for type zIIP is
                                                  LIMITHARD if on. Max share
                                                  for type zIIP is LIMITSOFT if
          ..1. ....        USELON_ZIP_SSHNMSHA     Normal share for type zIIP
                                                  is ABSOLUTE if on. Normal
                                                  share for type zIIP is
                                                  RELATIVE if off.
          ...1 ....        USELON_ZIP_SSHMXSHA     Max share for type zIIP is
                                                  ABSOLUTE if on. Max share for
                                                  type zIIP is RELATIVE if off.
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 173  AD  Bitstring     3  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
 176  B0  Bitstring     1  USELON_VMDLOGFG        Flag bits set at logon
          1... ....        USELON_VMDIDENT         This is an IDENTITY VMDBK
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 177  B1  Bitstring     1  USELON_LCLFLAGS        General flags
          1... ....        USELON_RELO1            Record cut due to a live
                                                  guest relocation
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 178  B2  Bitstring     2  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
 180  B4  Character     0  USELON_END

MRUSELON Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
USELON                     0    180
USELON_ASCDEFSZ           58      8
USELON_CALDEFHI           58      4
USELON_CALDEFLO           5C      4
USELON_CALDIAL            1F           20
USELON_CALMESA            28           40
USELON_CALMESAM           28           04
USELON_CALMODE            28      1
USELON_CALMXA             28           20
USELON_CALMXC             28           08
USELON_CALMZONL           28           01
USELON_CALM370            28           10
USELON_CALSHARF           2A      1
USELON_CALSNA             1F           10
USELON_CALSTAT            1F      1
USELON_CALTODON           44      8
USELON_CP_SSHABSSH        64      4
USELON_CP_SSHFLG1         6C      1
USELON_CP_SSHLIMH         6C           40
USELON_CP_SSHMXSHA        6C           10
USELON_CP_SSHMXSHR        68      4
USELON_CP_SSHNMSHA        6C           20
USELON_CP_SSHRELSH        60      4
USELON_END                B4      0
USELON_ICF_SSHABSSH       94      4
USELON_ICF_SSHFLG1        9C      1
USELON_ICF_SSHLIMH        9C           40
USELON_ICF_SSHMXSHA       9C           10
USELON_ICF_SSHMXSHR       98      4
USELON_ICF_SSHNMSHA       9C           20
USELON_ICF_SSHRELSH       90      4
USELON_IFL_SSHABSSH       84      4
USELON_IFL_SSHFLG1        8C      1
USELON_IFL_SSHLIMH        8C           40
USELON_IFL_SSHMXSHA       8C           10
USELON_IFL_SSHMXSHR       88      4
USELON_IFL_SSHNMSHA       8C           20
USELON_IFL_SSHRELSH       80      4
USELON_LCLFLAGS           B1      1
USELON_MRHDR               0      0
USELON_RELO1              B1           80
USELON_VMDABSSH           24      4
USELON_VMDACTNO           34      8
USELON_VMDBYVAL           4C      8
USELON_VMDCPUAD           1C      2
USELON_VMDGRPN            3C      8
USELON_VMDIDENT           B0           80
USELON_VMDLIMTH           2A           02
USELON_VMDLOGFG           B0      1
USELON_VMDMASST           1F           02
USELON_VMDMODE            1E      1
USELON_VMDMXRVP           30      4
USELON_VMDMXSHA           2A           80
USELON_VMDMXSHR           54      4
USELON_VMDNOFSL           1F           04
USELON_VMDNOINS           1F           08
USELON_VMDQDSPU           1F           40
USELON_VMDRELSH           20      4
USELON_VMDSSIZE           2C      4
USELON_VMDSTYPE           29      1
USELON_VMDSVMST           1F           80
USELON_VMDUSER            14      8
USELON_ZAP_SSHABSSH       74      4
USELON_ZAP_SSHFLG1        7C      1
USELON_ZAP_SSHLIMH        7C           40
USELON_ZAP_SSHMXSHA       7C           10
USELON_ZAP_SSHMXSHR       78      4
USELON_ZAP_SSHNMSHA       7C           20
USELON_ZAP_SSHRELSH       70      4
USELON_ZIP_SSHFLG1        AC      1
USELON_ZIP_SSHLIMH        AC           40
USELON_ZIP_SSHMXSHA       AC           10
USELON_ZIP_SSHNMSHA       AC           20

This information is
based on z/VM V7R3.0.

Last updated on 09 September 2022 at 15:08:05.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022