Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Event Record
                    Domain 4 - User Domain
                    Record 9 - User Activity Data at Transaction End
 DESCRIPTION - Provides information relating to a VMDBK's
               consumption of system resources for a transaction.
               A separate record is generated for each VMDBK in a
               virtual complex that contributed to the transaction.
      - To give a fuller picture of time consumed, three
        sets of used processor time are reported in this
        monitor record.  When multithreading is enabled on
        the system, all three are also reported in the Type
        1 and F accounting records. Timer field names
        ending with _MT1 are MT-1 Equivalent times. Timer
        field names ending with _PRO are Prorated Core
        Times.  Timer field names without an _MT1 or _PRO
        suffix contain Raw Time values.
      - Raw Time is tracked for ALL users for their entire
        session.  Raw Time is the CPU time each virtual CPU
        spent dispatched on a thread and is the CPU Timer
        information provided directly by the hardware.
      - MT-1 Equivalent Time is tracked for ALL users for
        their entire session. This calculated CPU time
        approximates the time that would have been spent
        if the workload had been run with multithreading
        disabled, that is, with all core resources available
        to one thread.  When a user is running on a system
        where multithreading is not installed or not
        enabled, MT-1 Equivalent Time consumed will be
        identical to Raw Time.  However, if a guest has
        relocated from an MT-enabled system to an
        MT-disabled system, the cumulative raw and MT-1
        Equivalent times reported in monitor records may
        differ due to the prior execution in the MT
      - Prorated Core Time charges for core utilization in
        a way suitable to core-based software licensing.
        Time is charged by dividing the time the core was
        dispatched evenly among the threads dispatched in
        that interval. Since Prorated Core Time is not
        always calculated, additional information
        is reported regarding the Prorated Core Time values:
        * The _VMAPRCAL bit indicates whether the Prorated
          Core Time values in this record are valid.
        When the user is relocated to any other system
        (even a Multithreading aware/enabled system),
        Prorated Core Time is reset. This means:
        * the _VMAPRCAL bit is set based on whether the
          source system will be calculating prorated core
          time or not.
        * all _VMAxxxxx_PRO fields are reset to PFXTMMAX.

MRUSEATE Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   544  USEATE                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  USEATE_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Character     8  USEATE_VMDUSER         Userid
  28  1C  Unsigned      2  USEATE_VMDCPUAD        Processor ID
  30  1E  Bitstring     1  USEATE_VMDMODE         Guest machine mode. This is
                                                  as set for internal use by
                                                  CP. See USEATE_CALMODE for
                                                  the mode 'calculated' at.
  31  1F  Bitstring     1  USEATE_CALMODE         Architectural mode of the
                                                  virtual machine
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USEATE_CALMESA          ESA architecture
          ..1. ....        USEATE_CALMXA           XA architecture
          ...1 ....        USEATE_CALM370          370 architecture
          .... 1...        USEATE_CALMXC           XC architecture
          .... .1..        USEATE_CALMESAM         Machine has entered z/Arch
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        USEATE_CALMZONL         z/Architecture-only
  32  20  Character     8  USEATE_VMDTTIME        Total Raw Time which has
                                                  been expended on this VMDBK.
                                                  This includes time which the
                                                  VMDBK spent doing its own
                                                  work and also time which CP
                                                  spent doing work on behalf of
                                                  the VMDBK. It is in CPU timer
                                                  format. The complement of
                                                  this field is the elapsed
                                                  time in TOD clock units.
  40  28  Character     8  USEATE_VMDVTIME        Total Raw Time that this
                                                  user was running and doing
                                                  productive work. It does NOT
                                                  include any time that CP
                                                  spends on behalf of that user
                                                  doing such things as
                                                  instruction simulation or
                                                  page translation. This is in
                                                  CPU timer format. The
                                                  complement of this field is
                                                  the accumulated time in TOD
                                                  clock units.
  48  30  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (USEATE_VMDVFVTM)
  56  38  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (USEATE_VMDVFOTM)
  64  40  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTPVR        Cardinal count of resident
                                                  pages in private address
                                                  spaces belonging to this
                                                  user. This monitor field is
                                                  actually the sum of VMDCTPVR
                                                  + VMDCTPVG. To get the count
                                                  of resident pages below the
                                                  2GB line, subtract
                                                  USEATE_VMDCTPVG from
  68  44  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTPVL        Cardinal count of locked
                                                  pages in private address
                                                  spaces <2G belonging to this
                                                  user. See USEATE_VMDCTPVLA
                                                  for the >2G value.
  72  48  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDWSSPR        This user's projected
                                                  working set size. This is the
                                                  scheduler's estimate of the
                                                  amount of storage this user
                                                  will require to be resident
                                                  as it runs during its next
                                                  stay in the dispatch list. It
                                                  is based upon the user's past
                                                  behavior and in some cases,
                                                  on the behavior of similar
                                                  types of users.
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
  80  50  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTFLT        Count of host segment and
                                                  page faults on guest pages
                                                  which occurred while running
                                                  this virtual CPU. It does not
                                                  include faults on RCP pages.
  84  54  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (USEATE_VMDCTVFL)
  88  58  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
  92  5C  Unsigned      4  USEATE_CALCTPGS        Cardinal count of
                                                  non-preferred paging slots
                                                  for private address spaces
                                                  belonging to this user.
  96  60  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 100  64  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTPWT        Count of outstanding paging
                                                  and spooling I/O's for this
 104  68  Unsigned      4  USEATE_CALCPPGR        Cumulative count of pages
                                                  read from DASD to main
                                                  storage for this user's
                                                  address spaces while they
                                                  were private.
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  USEATE_CALCPPGW        Cumulative count of pages
                                                  written from main storage to
                                                  DASD for this user's address
                                                  spaces while they were
 112  70  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTSPR        Number of times I/O was
                                                  issued for a spool read
 116  74  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTSPW        Number of times I/O was
                                                  issued for a spool write
 120  78  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDPGSPL        Number of pages spooled for
                                                  this user. This includes the
                                                  pages spooled for the virtual
                                                  reader, printer, punch,
                                                  console, dump, and trace
 124  7C  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVCSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests to the
                                                  the virtual machine console
 128  80  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVDSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests the virtual
                                                  machine has issued to DASD
 132  84  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVUSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests to
                                                  virtual Unit Record devices
 136  88  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVTSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests to
                                                  virtual channel-to-channel
 140  8C  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVOSCT        Cumulative count of virutal
                                                  SSCH request to
                                                  devices other than console,
                                                  DASDs, CTCAs, and unit
                                                  records. (see
                                                  USEATE_VMDVUSCT, and
 144  90  Unsigned      4  USEATE_CALCPPST        Cumulative count of pages
                                                  reclaimed from this user's
                                                  addr spaces while they were
                                                  private. Valid only for base
 148  94  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDISEVM        Number of times IUCV/APPC
                                                  data was successfully
                                                  transferred from this virtual
                                                  complex. (SENDs and REPLYs
                                                  with RC=0 when this virtual
                                                  machine is the source). Not
                                                  valid in the SYSTEM VMDBK.
                                                  Valid only in base VMDBK.
 152  98  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDISTVM        Number of times IUCV/APPC
                                                  data was successfully
                                                  transferred to this virtual
                                                  complex. (SENDs and REPLYs
                                                  with RC=0 when this virtual
                                                  machine is the target). Not
                                                  valid in the SYSTEM VMDBK.
                                                  Valid only in base VMDBK.
 156  9C  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDISUVM        Number of times IUCV/APPC
                                                  data was not successfully
                                                  transferred from this virtual
                                                  complex. (SENDs and REPLYs
                                                  with RC=0 when this virtual
                                                  machine is the source). Not
                                                  valid in the SYSTEM VMDBK.
                                                  Valid only in base VMDBK.
 160  A0  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVSEVM        Number of times VMCF data
                                                  was successfully transferred
                                                  by this virtual machine.
                                                  (SENDs SENDXs, SEND/RECEIVEs,
                                                  and REPLYs with RC=0 and this
                                                  virtual machine is source.)
 164  A4  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVSTVM        Number of times VMCF data
                                                  was successfully transferred
                                                  to this virtual machine.
                                                  (SENDs SENDXs, SEND/RECEIVEs,
                                                  and REPLYs with RC=0 and this
                                                  virtual machine is target.)
 168  A8  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVSUVM        Number of times VMCF data
                                                  was not successfully
                                                  transferred by this virtual
                                                  machine. (SENDs SENDXs,
                                                  SEND/RECEIVEs, and REPLYs
                                                  with RC^=0 and this virtual
                                                  machine is source.)
 172  AC  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDX98CT        Cumulative number of times
                                                  Diagnose X'98' was issued by
                                                  this virtual machine
 176  B0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 180  B4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 184  B8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 188  BC  Bitstring     1  USEATE_CALFLAG1        Flag byte
          1... ....        USEATE_CALBASE          If on, this is the base
                                                  VMDBK. VMDBASE
          .1.. ....        USEATE_VMDQDSPU         This user has the QUICKDSP
                                                  designation, either by
                                                  default or as set by the SET
                                                  QUICKDSP command. When the
                                                  user has work to do, it will
                                                  be added to the dispatch list
                                                  immediately without waiting
                                                  in the eligible list.
          ..1. ....        USEATE_CALDIAL          This user is a dialed user
          ...1 ....        USEATE_CALSNA           This user is connected
                                                  through System Network
                                                  Architecture (SNA)
          .... 1...        USEATE_VMDNOINS         User is prevented from
                                                  inserting any tracks into the
                                                  minidisk cache. (set when SET
                                                  MDC INS OFF command is
          .... .1..        USEATE_VMDNOFSL         No MDC fair share limit
                                                  applies. Set at LOGON if the
                                                  NOMDCFS option is specified
                                                  on the OPTIONS statement in
                                                  the user's directory.
          .... ..1.        USEATE_VMDMASST         Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management assist enabled.
          .... ...1        USEATE_VMDMAACT         Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management assist is active,
                                                  i.e. in use by this virtual
                                                  machine. Note: This guest may
                                                  be in a pending off state if
                                                  either a global or per-user
                                                  SET MEMASSIST OFF has been
                                                  issued (SYSMASST or VMDMASST
                                                  is off). This indicates that
                                                  the system or user setting
                                                  was turned off after the
                                                  guest started using the
                                                  assist. The assist will
                                                  remain active
                                                  (USEATE_VMDMAACT=1) and
                                                  available to this guest until
                                                  the next virtual machine
                                                  reset or IPL.
 189  BD  Bitstring     1  USEATE_VMDSTYPE        Storage type this virtual
                                                  machine resides in. X'00' =>
                                                  V=V. X'80' => Reserved and no
                                                  longer available. X'40' =>
 190  BE  Bitstring     1  USEATE_CALSHARF        Set Share flags
          1... ....        USEATE_VMDMXSHA         Max share is Absolute if
                                                  ON. Max share is Relative if
          .1.. ....        USEATE_VMDSTOP          This virtual CPU is in
                                                  soft stop
          ..1. ....        USEATE_VMDSTOPD         This virtual CPU is
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        USEATE_VMDLIMTH         Max share is Limithard if
                                                  ON. Max share is Limitsoft if
          .... ...1        *
 191  BF  Bitstring     1  USEATE_LCLFLAGS        General Flags
          1... ....        USEATE_VMDVVECT         Vector Regs in Use
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 192  C0  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDBLKCT        Count of SSCH's issued by
                                                  BLOCKIO system service
                                                  (includes both read and write
 196  C4  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDMDCIA        Count of SSCH's avoided due
                                                  to Minidisk Cache read hit
 200  C8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (USEATE_VMDCOPCT)
 204  CC  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTISO        Number of times ISOLATE
                                                  occurred for spaces owned by
                                                  this virtual system. Valid
                                                  only in base VMDBK
 208  D0  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDRELSH        This virtual CPU's RELATIVE
                                                  share of the system, as set
                                                  in the user's directory or
                                                  via the SET SHARE command.
                                                  Set to zero when this VMDBK
                                                  has an ABSOLUTE share value,
                                                  or has a virtual processor
                                                  dedicated to it, or is in the
                                                  process of being logged off.
 212  D4  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDABSSH        This virtual CPU's ABSOLUTE
                                                  share of the system, as set
                                                  in the user's directory or
                                                  via the SET SHARE command.
                                                  Unit of value is a
                                                  hexadecimal factor scaled 16
                                                  bits. For example,
                                                  X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                  X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                  X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                  Set to zero when this VMDBK
                                                  has a RELATIVE share value.
 216  D8  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDSSIZE        Virtual machine size, in
                                                  bytes. This field is kept for
                                                  compatability reasons, but
                                                  may not be accurate for
                                                  z/Arch systems where larger
                                                  virtual machines are valid.
                                                  The preferred field is
 220  DC  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDMXRVP        Number of pages reserved
                                                  for the user
 224  E0  Character     8  USEATE_VMDACTNO        User accounting number
 232  E8  Character     8  USEATE_VMDGRPN         RACF ACI group name
 240  F0  Character     8  USEATE_CALTODON        Time at which the user
                                                  logged on for this session.
                                                  In time-of-day (TOD) clock
                                                  format. To get the user's
                                                  connect time, subtract this
                                                  time value from the time
                                                  stamp in the record header's
 248  F8  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDVDISK        Cumulative count of virutual
                                                  SSCH requests to
                                                  virtual disk in storage.
 252  FC  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDMXSHR        The virtual CPU's Max share
                                                  of the system, as set in the
                                                  user's directory or via the
                                                  SET SHARE command. This value
                                                  is set to zero if no Max
                                                  share exists. If the Max
                                                  share is Absolute, then the
                                                  unit of the value is a
                                                  hexadecimal factor scaled 16
                                                  bits. For example,
                                                  X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                  X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                  X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                  Check USEATE_VMDMXSHA to
                                                  determine if Max share is
                                                  absolute or relative. This
                                                  field should not be used if
                                                  USEATE_VMDSTOP is on.
 256 100  Character     8  USEATE_ASCDEFSZ        Defined storage size in
                                                  addressable bytes, minus one.
                                                  If DEF STOR CONFIG was used
                                                  to define multiple
                                                  discontiguous extents of
                                                  addressable defined storage,
                                                  this field contains the sum
                                                  of the sizes in bytes of all
                                                  of the individual extents
                                                  (minus one). The minus one
                                                  notation is used so that a
                                                  total size of 16 Exabytes may
                                                  be represented without
                                                  ambiguity (as
 256 100  Character     4  USEATE_CALDEFHI        high four bytes
 260 104  Character     4  USEATE_CALDEFLO        low four bytes
 264 108  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTPVG        Count of private address
                                                  space resident pages in DPA
                                                  owned by this virtual machine
                                                  which are >= 2G. Valid only
                                                  in base VMDBK.
 268 10C  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDMVB2G        Number of times page
                                                  translation moved a page on
                                                  behalf of this us user from a
                                                  frame with address >= 2GB to
                                                  one < 2GB. This field is only
                                                  valid in the base VMDBK.
 272 110  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VEBALERT        Number of alert
                                                  interruptions Collected only
                                                  for base VMDBK.
 276 114  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VEBTVSCT        Number of interceptions for
                                                  guest TVS instructions
                                                  Collected only for base
 280 118  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VEBSVSCT        Number of interceptions for
                                                  guest SVS instructions
                                                  Collected only for base
 284 11C  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VEBTPIAI        Number of adapter
                                                  interruptions delivered via
                                                  guest TPI Collected only for
                                                  base VMDBK.
 288 120  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VEBVIRAI        Number of adapter
                                                  interruptions stacked for
                                                  guest by CP Collected only
                                                  for base VMDBK.
 292 124  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VEBHDWAI        Number of adapter
                                                  interruptions delivered to
                                                  guest inside SIE Collected
                                                  only for base VMDBK.
 296 128  Character     8  USEATE_VMDCTPVLA       Cardinal count of locked
                                                  pages in private address
                                                  spaces >2G belonging to this
                                                  user. See USEATE_VMDCTPVL for
                                                  the <2G value.
 304 130  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCTSHL        Count of shared address
                                                  space resident pages <2G.
                                                  Valid only in the SYSTEM
 308 134  Character     8  USEATE_VMDCTSHLA       Count of shared address
                                                  space resident pages >2G.
                                                  Valid only in the SYSTEM
 316 13C  Unsigned      1  USEATE_VMDPUTYP        CPU Type. Valid values:
                                                  X'00' - General Purpose (CP)
                                                  X'02' - zSeries Application
                                                  Assist (zAAP) X'03' -
                                                  Integrated Facility for Linux
                                                  (IFL) X'04' - Internal
                                                  Coupling Facility (ICF) X'05'
                                                  - zSeries Integrated
                                                  Information (zIIP)
 317 13D  Bitstring     1  USEATE_VMDCFGEM        Virtual configuration
                                                  indicators. Valid in base
                                                  VMDBK only
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USEATE_VMDCPUAF         User requested CPU
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 318 13E  Bitstring     1  USEATE_VMDPUST         CPU Status flag
          1... ....        USEATE_VMDAFSUP         CPU Affinity suppressed
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 319 13F  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 320 140  Character     8  USEATE_VMDVTMP         Total raw virtual time for
                                                  the user on primary
 328 148  Character     8  USEATE_VMDTTMP         Total raw virtual and
                                                  simulation time for the user
                                                  on primary processor.
 336 150  Character     8  USEATE_VMDVTMS         Total raw virtual time for
                                                  the user on secondary
 344 158  Character     8  USEATE_VMDTTMS         Total raw virtual and
                                                  simulation time for the user
                                                  on secondary processor.
 352 160  Character     8  USEATE_VMDTTIME_MT1    Total MT-1 Equivalent time
                                                  which has been expended on
                                                  this VMDBK. This includes
                                                  time which the VMDBK spent
                                                  doing its own work and also
                                                  time which CP spent doing
                                                  work on behalf of the VMDBK.
                                                  It is in CPU timer format.
 360 168  Character     8  USEATE_VMDVTIME_MT1    Total MT-1 Equivalent time
                                                  that this user was running
                                                  and doing productive work. It
                                                  does NOT include any time
                                                  that CP spends on behalf of
                                                  that user doing such things
                                                  as instruction simulation or
                                                  page translation. This is in
                                                  CPU timer format.
 368 170  Character     8  USEATE_VMDVTMP_MT1     MT-1 Equivalent virtual
                                                  time for the user on primary
 376 178  Character     8  USEATE_VMDTTMP_MT1     MT-1 Equivalent total
                                                  virtual and simulation time
                                                  for the user on primary
 384 180  Character     8  USEATE_VMDVTMS_MT1     MT-1 Equivalent total
                                                  virtual time for the user on
                                                  secondary processor.
 392 188  Character     8  USEATE_VMDTTMS_MT1     MT-1 Equivalent total
                                                  virtual and simulation time
                                                  for the user on secondary
 400 190  Character     8  USEATE_VMATTIME_PRO    Total Prorated Core Time
                                                  which has been expended on
                                                  this VMDBK. This includes
                                                  time which the VMDBK spent
                                                  doing its own work and also
                                                  time which CP spent doing
                                                  work on behalf of the VMDBK.
                                                  It is in CPU timer format.
                                                  See the notes above.
 408 198  Character     8  USEATE_VMAVTIME_PRO    Total Prorated Core Time
                                                  that this user was running
                                                  and doing productive work. It
                                                  does NOT include any time
                                                  that CP spends on behalf of
                                                  that user doing such things
                                                  as instruction simulation or
                                                  page translation. This is in
                                                  CPU timer format. See the
                                                  notes above.
 416 1A0  Character     8  USEATE_VMAVTMP_PRO     Total Prorated Core virtual
                                                  time for user on primary
                                                  processor. See the notes
 424 1A8  Character     8  USEATE_VMATTMP_PRO     Total Prorated Core virtual
                                                  and simulation time for the
                                                  user on primary processor.
                                                  See the notes above.
 432 1B0  Character     8  USEATE_VMAVTMS_PRO     Total Prorated Core virtual
                                                  time for user on secondary
                                                  processor. See the notes
 440 1B8  Character     8  USEATE_VMATTMS_PRO     Total Prorated Core virtual
                                                  and simulation time for the
                                                  user on secondary processor.
                                                  See the notes above.
 448 1C0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 452 1C4  Bitstring     1  USEATE_PROBITS         Prorated Core Time bits
                                                  needed to understand those
          1... ....        USEATE_VMAPRCAL         Indicates whether the
                                                  Prorated Core Time values in
                                                  this record are valid (only
                                                  use if valid): 0 = values not
                                                  valid 1 = values are valid
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 453 1C5  Bitstring     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 454 1C6  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 456 1C8  Unsigned      4  USEATE_CALDWTCT        Count of the number of
                                                  times this VMDBK became ready
                                                  to be dispatched (unsigned
                                                  fullword). This is calculated
                                                  using VMUDWTCT.
 460 1CC  Character     8  USEATE_VMUDWTETM       Accumulated elapsed time
                                                  between when this VMDBK
                                                  became ready to be dispatched
                                                  and when it was dispatched
                                                  (unsigned doubleword in
 468 1D4  Character    16  USEATE_VMUDWTTSQ       Sum of the squares of the
                                                  individual elapsed time
                                                  samples which comprise
                                                  USEATE_VMUDWTETM (unsigned
                                                  quadword in squared
                                                  microseconds) Note: Use
                                                  deltas of USEATE_CALDWTCT,
                                                  USEATE_VMUDWTETM, and this
                                                  field to calculate the
                                                  average amount of elapsed
                                                  time this VMDBK waited to be
                                                  dispatched once it became
                                                  ready, and the standard
                                                  deviation of those time
 484 1E4  Unsigned      4  USEATE_CALDSPCT        Count of the number of
                                                  times this VMDBK was
                                                  dispatched (unsigned
                                                  fullword). This is calculated
                                                  using VMUDSPCT. Note: This
                                                  count can be used with both
                                                  the dispatched times and the
                                                  USEATE_VMDTTIME values as
                                                  those are all calculated at
                                                  the same moment.
 488 1E8  Character     8  USEATE_VMUDSPETM       Accumulated elapsed time
                                                  during which this VMDBK was
                                                  dispatched (unsigned
                                                  doubleword in microseconds)
 496 1F0  Character    16  USEATE_VMUDSPTSQ       Sum of the squares of the
                                                  individual elapsed time
                                                  samples which comprise
                                                  USEATE_VMUDSPETM (unsigned
                                                  quadword in squared
                                                  microseconds) Note: Use
                                                  deltas of USEATE_CALDSPCT,
                                                  USEATE_VMUDSPETM, and this
                                                  field to calculate the
                                                  average amount of elapsed
                                                  time this VMDBK was
                                                  dispatched, and the standard
                                                  deviation of those time
 512 200  Character    16  USEATE_VMUTTIMSQ       Sum of the squares of the
                                                  individual CPU timer samples
                                                  added to VMDTTIME at
                                                  undispatch (unsigned quadword
                                                  in squared TOD clock units)
                                                  Note: Use deltas of
                                                  USEATE_VMDTTIME and this
                                                  field to calculate the
                                                  average amount of CPU time
                                                  this VMDBK consumed while it
                                                  was dispatched, and the
                                                  standard deviation of those
                                                  time samples.
 528 210  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDCPUCH        Count of SIE entries with
                                                  SIEIHCPU <> x'FFFF' and this
                                                  is a different logical CPU
                                                  than the one on which this
                                                  VMDBK was last run (i.e. CPU
 532 214  Unsigned      4  USEATE_VMDRUNCP        Count of SIE instructions
                                                  issued for this VMDBK in the
                                                  HCPRUN long path
                                                  Guest Control Program Identification
                                                  Control Program Name Codes
                                                  for USEATE_VMACPNC:
                                                  X'00'           No CPNC specified
                                                  X'01'           PR/SM
                                                  X'02'           z/VM
                                                  X'04'           Linux (including KVM)
                                                  X'06'           z/OS
                                                  X'07'           z/TPF
                                                  X'08'           z/VSE
                                                  X'20'-X'23' Supplemental codes for z/VM
                                                  X'24'-X'27' Supplemental codes for
                                                  X'28'-X'2B' Supplemental codes for z/OS
                                                  X'2C'-X'2F' Supplemental codes for z/TPF
                                                  X'30'-X'33' Supplemental codes for z/VSE
                                                  Supplemental codes for z/VSE
 536 218  Unsigned      1  USEATE_VMACPNC         Control Program name code.
 537 219  Character     7  USEATE_VMACPVC         Control Program version
 544 220  Character     0  USEATE_END

MRUSEATE Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
USEATE                     0    544
USEATE_ASCDEFSZ          100      8
USEATE_CALBASE            BC           80
USEATE_CALCPPGR           68      4
USEATE_CALCPPGW           6C      4
USEATE_CALCPPST           90      4
USEATE_CALCTPGS           5C      4
USEATE_CALDEFHI          100      4
USEATE_CALDEFLO          104      4
USEATE_CALDIAL            BC           20
USEATE_CALDSPCT          1E4      4
USEATE_CALDWTCT          1C8      4
USEATE_CALFLAG1           BC      1
USEATE_CALMESA            1F           40
USEATE_CALMESAM           1F           04
USEATE_CALMODE            1F      1
USEATE_CALMXA             1F           20
USEATE_CALMXC             1F           08
USEATE_CALMZONL           1F           01
USEATE_CALM370            1F           10
USEATE_CALSHARF           BE      1
USEATE_CALSNA             BC           10
USEATE_CALTODON           F0      8
USEATE_END               220      0
USEATE_LCLFLAGS           BF      1
USEATE_MRHDR               0      0
USEATE_PROBITS           1C4      1
USEATE_VEBALERT          110      4
USEATE_VEBHDWAI          124      4
USEATE_VEBSVSCT          118      4
USEATE_VEBTPIAI          11C      4
USEATE_VEBTVSCT          114      4
USEATE_VEBVIRAI          120      4
USEATE_VMACPNC           218      1
USEATE_VMACPVC           219      7
USEATE_VMAPRCAL          1C4           80
USEATE_VMATTIME_PRO      190      8
USEATE_VMATTMP_PRO       1A8      8
USEATE_VMATTMS_PRO       1B8      8
USEATE_VMAVTIME_PRO      198      8
USEATE_VMAVTMP_PRO       1A0      8
USEATE_VMAVTMS_PRO       1B0      8
USEATE_VMDABSSH           D4      4
USEATE_VMDACTNO           E0      8
USEATE_VMDAFSUP          13E           80
USEATE_VMDBLKCT           C0      4
USEATE_VMDCFGEM          13D      1
USEATE_VMDCPUAD           1C      2
USEATE_VMDCPUAF          13D           40
USEATE_VMDCPUCH          210      4
USEATE_VMDCTFLT           50      4
USEATE_VMDCTISO           CC      4
USEATE_VMDCTPVG          108      4
USEATE_VMDCTPVL           44      4
USEATE_VMDCTPVLA         128      8
USEATE_VMDCTPVR           40      4
USEATE_VMDCTPWT           64      4
USEATE_VMDCTSHL          130      4
USEATE_VMDCTSHLA         134      8
USEATE_VMDCTSPR           70      4
USEATE_VMDCTSPW           74      4
USEATE_VMDGRPN            E8      8
USEATE_VMDISEVM           94      4
USEATE_VMDISTVM           98      4
USEATE_VMDISUVM           9C      4
USEATE_VMDLIMTH           BE           02
USEATE_VMDMAACT           BC           01
USEATE_VMDMASST           BC           02
USEATE_VMDMDCIA           C4      4
USEATE_VMDMODE            1E      1
USEATE_VMDMVB2G          10C      4
USEATE_VMDMXRVP           DC      4
USEATE_VMDMXSHA           BE           80
USEATE_VMDMXSHR           FC      4
USEATE_VMDNOFSL           BC           04
USEATE_VMDNOINS           BC           08
USEATE_VMDPGSPL           78      4
USEATE_VMDPUST           13E      1
USEATE_VMDPUTYP          13C      1
USEATE_VMDQDSPU           BC           40
USEATE_VMDRELSH           D0      4
USEATE_VMDRUNCP          214      4
USEATE_VMDSSIZE           D8      4
USEATE_VMDSTOP            BE           40
USEATE_VMDSTOPD           BE           20
USEATE_VMDSTYPE           BD      1
USEATE_VMDTTIME           20      8
USEATE_VMDTTIME_MT1      160      8
USEATE_VMDTTMP           148      8
USEATE_VMDTTMP_MT1       178      8
USEATE_VMDTTMS           158      8
USEATE_VMDTTMS_MT1       188      8
USEATE_VMDUSER            14      8
USEATE_VMDVCSCT           7C      4
USEATE_VMDVDISK           F8      4
USEATE_VMDVDSCT           80      4
USEATE_VMDVOSCT           8C      4
USEATE_VMDVSEVM           A0      4
USEATE_VMDVSTVM           A4      4
USEATE_VMDVSUVM           A8      4
USEATE_VMDVTIME           28      8
USEATE_VMDVTIME_MT1      168      8
USEATE_VMDVTMP           140      8
USEATE_VMDVTMP_MT1       170      8
USEATE_VMDVTMS           150      8
USEATE_VMDVTMS_MT1       180      8
USEATE_VMDVTSCT           88      4
USEATE_VMDVUSCT           84      4
USEATE_VMDVVECT           BF           80
USEATE_VMDWSSPR           48      4
USEATE_VMDX98CT           AC      4
USEATE_VMUDSPETM         1E8      8
USEATE_VMUDSPTSQ         1F0     16
USEATE_VMUDWTETM         1CC      8
USEATE_VMUDWTTSQ         1D4     16
USEATE_VMUTTIMSQ         200     16

This information is
based on z/VM V7R3.0.

Last updated on 09 September 2022 at 14:43:05.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022