Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 4 - User Domain
                    Record 3 - User Activity Data
 DESCRIPTION - User activity data.  Generated for each virtual
               processor in a virtual configuration.
      - For additional information about the format and meaning of
        the MRUSEACT_VMUTOPDA entries in this record, knowledge of
        system topology as reported by the STSI instruction is
        necessary.  For a description of system topology, refer to
        the following book:
          - Principles of Operation for the layout of the
            variable length STSI 15.1.x output which is
            documented in Chapter 10 under "STORE SYSTEM
            INFORMATION".  Anyone looking at the STSI data
            in this record should read about the format of
            the data and the CPU Topology Overview contained
            there. (SA22-7832-08)
      - To give a fuller picture of time consumed, three
        sets of used processor time are reported in this
        monitor record.  When multithreading is enabled on
        the system, all three are also reported in the Type
        1 and F accounting records. Timer field names
        ending with _MT1 are MT-1 Equivalent times. Timer
        field names ending with _PRO are Prorated Core
        Times.  Timer field names without an _MT1 or _PRO
        suffix contain Raw Time values.
      - Raw Time is tracked for ALL users for their entire
        session.  Raw Time is the CPU time each virtual CPU
        spent dispatched on a thread and is the CPU Timer
        information provided directly by the hardware.
      - MT-1 Equivalent Time is tracked for ALL users for
        their entire session. This calculated CPU time
        approximates the time that would have been spent
        if the workload had been run with multithreading
        disabled, that is, with all core resources available
        to one thread.  When a user is running on a system
        where multithreading is not installed or not
        enabled, MT-1 Equivalent Time consumed will be
        identical to Raw Time.  However, if a guest has
        relocated from an MT-enabled system to an
        MT-disabled system, the cumulative raw and MT-1
        Equivalent times reported in monitor records may
        differ due to the prior execution in the MT
      - Prorated Core Time charges for core utilization in
        a way suitable to core-based software licensing.
        Time is charged by dividing the time the core was
        dispatched evenly among the threads dispatched in
        that interval. Since Prorated Core Time is not always
        calculated, additional information
        is reported regarding the Prorated Core Time values:
        * The _VMAPRCAL bit indicates whether the Prorated
          Core Time values in this record are valid.
          When the user is relocated to any other system
          (even a Multithreading aware/enabled system),
          Prorated Core Time is reset. This means:
          * the _VMAPRCAL bit is set based on whether the
            source system will be calculating prorated core
            time or not
          * all _VMAxxxxx_PRO fields are reset to PFXTMMAX.

MRUSEACT Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   916+ USEACT                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  USEACT_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Character     8  USEACT_VMDUSER         Userid
  28  1C  Unsigned      2  USEACT_VMDCPUAD        Processor ID/CPU address of
                                                  virtual processor
  30  1E  Bitstring     1  USEACT_VMDMODE         Guest machine mode. This is
                                                  as set for internal use by
                                                  CP. See USEACT_CALMODE for
                                                  the mode 'calculated' at.
  31  1F  Bitstring     1  USEACT_CALMODE         Architectural mode of the
                                                  virtual machine
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USEACT_CALMESA          ESA architecture
          ..1. ....        USEACT_CALMXA           XA architecture
          ...1 ....        USEACT_CALM370          370 architecture
          .... 1...        USEACT_CALMXC           XC architecture
          .... .1..        USEACT_CALMESAM         Machine has entered
                                                  z/Arch mode.
          .... ..1.        USEACT_CALVARCH         Guest's virtual
                                                  architecture is not the same
                                                  as the system's real
          .... ...1        USEACT_CALMZONL         z/Architecture-only
  32  20  Bitstring     1  USEACT_VMDSLIST        Scheduling list that the
                                                  user is in: X'37' = Dispatch
                                                  List. X'21' = Eligible List.
                                                  X'0B' = Dormant List. X'00' =
                                                  user is not in any list.
  33  21  Unsigned      1  USEACT_VMDELIST        Class number (0,1,2,or 3)
                                                  of the scheduling list the
                                                  user is in
  34  22  Bitstring     1  USEACT_CALFLAG1        Flag byte
          1... ....        USEACT_CALBASE          If on, this is the base
                                                  VMDBK. VMDBASE
          .1.. ....        USEACT_VMDQDSPU         This user has the QUICKDSP
                                                  designation, as set or
                                                  defaulted by the SET QUICKDSP
                                                  command. When the user has
                                                  work to do, it will be added
                                                  to the dispatch list
                                                  immediately without waiting
                                                  in the eligible list.
          ..1. ....        USEACT_CALDIAL          This user is a dialed user
          ...1 ....        USEACT_CALSNA           This user is connected
                                                  through System Network
                                                  Architecture (SNA)
          .... 1...        USEACT_VMDNOINS         User is prevented from
                                                  inserting any tracks into the
                                                  minidisk cache. (set when SET
                                                  MDC INS OFF command is
          .... .1..        USEACT_VMDNOFSL         No MDC fair share limit
                                                  applies. Set at LOGON if the
                                                  NOMDCFS option is specified
                                                  on the OPTIONS statement in
                                                  the user's directory.
          .... ..1.        USEACT_VMDMASST         Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management assist enabled.
          .... ...1        USEACT_VMDMAACT         Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management assist is active,
                                                  i.e. in use by this virtual
                                                  machine. Note: This guest may
                                                  be in a pending off state if
                                                  either a global or per-user
                                                  SET MEMASSIST OFF has been
                                                  issued (SYSMASST or VMDMASST
                                                  is off). This indicates that
                                                  the system or user setting
                                                  was turned off after the
                                                  guest started using the
                                                  assist. The assist will
                                                  remain active
                                                  (USEACT_VMDMAACT=1) and
                                                  available to this guest until
                                                  the next virtual machine
                                                  reset or IPL.
  35  23  Bitstring     1  USEACT_VMDSTYPE        Storage type this virtual
                                                  machine resides in. X'00' =>
                                                  V=V. X'80' => Reserved and no
                                                  longer available. X'40' =>
  36  24  Character     8  USEACT_VMDTTIME        Total Raw Time which has
                                                  been expended on this VMDBK.
                                                  This includes time which the
                                                  VMDBK spent doing its own work
                                                  and also time which CP spent
                                                  doing work on behalf of the
                                                  VMDBK. It is in CPU timer
                                                  format. The complement of
                                                  this field is the elapsed
                                                  time in TOD clock units.
  44  2C  Character     8  USEACT_VMDVTIME        Total Raw Time that this
                                                  user was running and doing
                                                  productive work. It does NOT
                                                  include any time that CP
                                                  spends on behalf of that user
                                                  doing such things as
                                                  instruction simulation or
                                                  page translation. This is in
                                                  CPU timer format. The
                                                  complement of this field is
                                                  the elapsed time in TOD clock
  52  34  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (USEACT_VMDVFVTM)
  60  3C  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (USEACT_VMDVFOTM)
  68  44  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTPVR        Cardinal count of resident
                                                  pages in private address
                                                  spaces belonging to this
                                                  user. This monitor field is
                                                  actually the sum of VMDCTPVR
                                                  + VMDCTPVG. To get the count
                                                  of resident pages below the
                                                  2GB line, subtract
                                                  USEACT_VMDCTPVG from
  72  48  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTPVL        Cardinal count of locked
                                                  pages in private address
                                                  spaces <2G belonging to this
                                                  user. See USEACT_VMDCTPVLA
                                                  for the >2G value.
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDWSSPR        This user's projected
                                                  working set size. This is the
                                                  scheduler's estimate of the
                                                  amount of storage this user
                                                  will require to be resident
                                                  as it runs during its next
                                                  stay in the dispatch list. It
                                                  is based upon the user's past
                                                  behavior and in some cases,
                                                  on the behavior of similar
                                                  types of users.
  80  50  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  - was USEACT_VMDCTXBK
  84  54  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  - was USEACT_CALXSTOR
  88  58  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTFLT        Count of host segment and
                                                  page faults on guest pages
                                                  which occurred while running
                                                  this virtual CPU. It does not
                                                  include faults on RCP pages.
  92  5C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (USEACT_VMDCTVFL)
  96  60  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 100  64  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 104  68  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCTPGS        Cardinal count of
                                                  non-preferred paging slots
                                                  for private address spaces
                                                  belonging to this user.
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 112  70  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTPWT        Count of outstanding paging
                                                  and spooling I/O's for this
 116  74  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPPGR        Cumulative count of pages
                                                  read from DASD to main
                                                  storage for this user's
                                                  address spaces while they
                                                  were private.
 120  78  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPPGW        Cumulative count of pages
                                                  written from main storage to
                                                  DASD for this user's address
                                                  spaces while they were
 124  7C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTSPR        Number of times I/O was
                                                  issued for a spool read
 128  80  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTSPW        Number of times I/O was
                                                  issued for a spool write
 132  84  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDPGSPL        Number of pages spooled for
                                                  this user. This includes the
                                                  pages spooled for the virtual
                                                  reader, printer, punch,
                                                  console, dump, and trace
 136  88  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVCSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests to
                                                  the virtual machine console
 140  8C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVDSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests the virtual
                                                  machine has issued to DASD
 144  90  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVUSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests to
                                                  virtual Unit Record devices
 148  94  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVTSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests to
                                                  virtual channel-to-channel
 152  98  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVOSCT        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests to
                                                  devices other than console,
                                                  DASDs, CTCAs, and unit
                                                  records. (see
                                                  USEACT_VMDVUSCT, and
 156  9C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPPST        Cumulative count of pages
                                                  reclaimed from this user's
                                                  address spaces while they
                                                  were private.
 160  A0  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDISEVM        Number of times IUCV data
                                                  was successfully transferred
                                                  by this virtual complex.
                                                  (SENDs and REPLYs with RC=0
                                                  when this virtual machine is
                                                  the source). Not valid in the
                                                  SYSTEM VMDBK. Valid only in
                                                  base VMDBK.
 164  A4  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDISTVM        Number of times IUCV data
                                                  was successfully transferred
                                                  to this virtual complex.
                                                  (SENDs and REPLYs with RC=0
                                                  when this virtual machine is
                                                  the target). Not valid in the
                                                  SYSTEM VMDBK. Valid only in
                                                  base VMDBK.
 168  A8  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDISUVM        Number of times IUCV data
                                                  was NOT successfully
                                                  transferred by this virtual
                                                  complex. (SENDs and REPLYs
                                                  with RC^=0 when this virtual
                                                  machine is the source). Not
                                                  valid in the SYSTEM VMDBK.
                                                  Valid only in base VMDBK.
 172  AC  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVSEVM        Number of times VMCF data
                                                  was successfully transferred
                                                  by this virtual machine.
                                                  (SENDs SENDXs, SEND/RECEIVEs,
                                                  and REPLYs with RC=0 and this
                                                  virtual machine is source.)
 176  B0  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVSTVM        Number of times VMCF data
                                                  was successfully transferred
                                                  to this virtual machine.
                                                  (SENDs SENDXs, SEND/RECEIVEs,
                                                  and REPLYs with RC=0 and this
                                                  virtual machine is target.)
 180  B4  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVSUVM        Number of times VMCF data
                                                  was NOT successfully
                                                  transferred by this virtual
                                                  machine. (SENDs SENDXs,
                                                  SEND/RECEIVEs, and REPLYs
                                                  with RC^=0 and this virtual
                                                  machine is source.)
 184  B8  Signed        4  USEACT_CALIUCVS        Cardinal count of messages
                                                  on the IUCV SEND queue. The
                                                  SEND queue consists of
                                                  messages sent to this user
                                                  either by another user or by
                                                  a CP System Service. Note: A
                                                  zero value may mean that the
                                                  data could not be obtained as
                                                  well as that there weren't
                                                  any messages.
 188  BC  Signed        4  USEACT_CALIUCVR        Cardinal count of messages
                                                  on the IUCV RECEIVE queue
                                                  which consists of messages
                                                  this user has received from
                                                  other users or CP System
                                                  Services, but has not yet
                                                  replied to. Note: A zero
                                                  value may mean that the data
                                                  could not be obtained as well
                                                  as that there were not any
 192  C0  Signed        4  USEACT_CALIUCVY        Cardinal count of messages
                                                  on the IUCV REPLY queue which
                                                  consists of replies to
                                                  messages this user sent
                                                  either to other users or to
                                                  CP System Services. Note: A
                                                  zero value may mean that the
                                                  data could not be obtained as
                                                  well as that there were not
                                                  any messages.
 196  C4  Signed        4  USEACT_CALVMCF         Cardinal count of messages
                                                  on the VMCF queue. Note: A
                                                  zero value may mean that the
                                                  data could not be obtained as
                                                  well as that there were not
                                                  any messages.
 200  C8  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDX98CT        Cumulative number of times
                                                  Diagnose X'98' was issued by
                                                  this virtual machine
 204  CC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  - was USEACT_CALCPMIG
 208  D0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  - was USEACT_CALCPXWT
 212  D4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  - was USEACT_CALCPXRD
 216  D8  Unsigned      2  USEACT_VMDASMCT        Cardinal number of non-base
                                                  address spaces owned by this
 218  DA  Bitstring     1  USEACT_CALSHARF        Set Share flags
          1... ....        USEACT_VMDMXSHA         Max share is Absolute if
                                                  ON. Max share is Relative if
          .1.. ....        USEACT_VMDSTOP          This virtual CPU is in
                                                  soft stop
          ..1. ....        USEACT_VMDSTOPD         This virtual CPU is
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        USEACT_VMDLIMTH         Max Share is Limithard if
                                                  ON. Max Share is Limitsoft if
          .... ...1        *
 219  DB  Bitstring     1  USEACT_LCLFLAGS        General flags
          1... ....        USEACT_RELO1            Indicates this is first
                                                  record since a live guest
                                                  relocation occurred
          .1.. ....        USEACT_VMDREOFL         Reorder is always off
          ..1. ....        USEACT_VMDVVECT         Vector regs in use
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 220  DC  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDBLKCT        Count of SSCH's issued by
                                                  BLOCKIO system service
                                                  (includes both read and write
 224  E0  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDMDCIA        Count of SSCH's avoided due
                                                  to Minidisk Cache read hit
 228  E4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (USEACT_VMDCOPCT)
 232  E8  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTISO        Number of times ISOLATE
                                                  occurred for spaces owned by
                                                  this virtual system. Valid
                                                  only in base VMDBK
 236  EC  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDRELSH        This virtual CPU's RELATIVE
                                                  share of the system, as set
                                                  in the user's directory or
                                                  via the SET SHARE command.
                                                  Set to zero when this VMDBK
                                                  has an ABSOLUTE share value,
                                                  or has a virtual processor
                                                  dedicated to it, or is in the
                                                  process of being logged off.
                                                  Note that if the
                                                  USEACT_VMDSTOP bit is ON,
                                                  this virtual CPU share value
                                                  should not be included when
                                                  calculating the user's share
 240  F0  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDABSSH        This virtual CPU's ABSOLUTE
                                                  share of the system, as set
                                                  in the user's directory or
                                                  via the SET SHARE command.
                                                  Unit of value is a
                                                  hexadecimal factor scaled 16
                                                  bits. For example,
                                                  X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                  X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                  X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                  Set to zero when this VMDBK
                                                  has a RELATIVE share value.
                                                  Note that if the
                                                  USEACT_VMDSTOP bit is ON,
                                                  this virtual CPU share value
                                                  should not be included when
                                                  calculating the user's share
 244  F4  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDSSIZE        Virtual machine size, in
                                                  bytes. This field is kept for
                                                  compatability reasons, but
                                                  may not be accurate for
                                                  z/Arch systems where larger
                                                  virtual machines are valid.
                                                  The preferred field is
 248  F8  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDMXRVP        Number of pages reserved
                                                  for the user
 252  FC  Character     8  USEACT_VMDACTNO        User accounting number
 260 104  Character     8  USEACT_VMDGRPN         RACF ACI group name
 268 10C  Character     8  USEACT_CALTODON        Time at which the user
                                                  logged on for this session.
                                                  In time-of-day (TOD) clock
                                                  format. To get the user's
                                                  connect time, subtract this
                                                  time value from the time
                                                  stamp in the record header's
 276 114  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDVDISK        Cumulative count of virtual
                                                  SSCH requests to
                                                  virtual disk in storage.
 280 118  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDMXSHR        The virtual CPU's Max share
                                                  of the system, as set in the
                                                  user's directory or via the
                                                  SET SHARE command. This value
                                                  is set to zero if no Max
                                                  share exists. If the Max
                                                  share is Absolute, then the
                                                  unit of the value is a
                                                  hexadecimal factor scaled 16
                                                  bits. For example,
                                                  X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                  X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                  X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                  Check USEACT_VMDMXSHA to
                                                  determine if Max share is
                                                  absolute or relative. Note
                                                  that if the USEACT_VMDSTOP
                                                  bit is ON, this virtual CPU
                                                  share value should not be
                                                  included when calculating the
                                                  user's share value.
 284 11C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDTHRCT        Total number of times this
                                                  user was delayed doing I/O to
                                                  a throttled device
 288 120  Unsigned      2  USEACT_IUCTOTCN        Total number of connections
                                                  for IUCV. Valid only for base
 290 122  Unsigned      2  USEACT_IUCMXCN         Maximum number of
                                                  connections from the MAXCONN
                                                  directory option or the
                                                  system default.
 292 124  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTPVG        Count of private address
                                                  space resident pages in DPA
                                                  owned by this virtual machine
                                                  which are >= 2G. Valid only
                                                  in base VMDBK.
 296 128  Character     8  USEACT_ASCDEFSZ        Defined storage size in
                                                  addressable bytes, minus one.
                                                  If DEF STOR CONFIG was used
                                                  to define multiple
                                                  discontiguous extents of
                                                  addressable defined storage,
                                                  this field contains the sum
                                                  of the sizes in bytes of all
                                                  of the individual extents
                                                  (minus one). The minus one
                                                  notation is used so that a
                                                  total size of 16 Exabytes may
                                                  be represented without
                                                  ambiguity (as
 296 128  Character     4  USEACT_CALDEFHI        high four bytes
 300 12C  Character     4  USEACT_CALDEFLO        low four bytes
 304 130  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDMVB2G        Number of times page
                                                  translation moved a page on
                                                  behalf of this us user from a
                                                  frame with address >= 2GB to
                                                  one < 2GB. This field is only
                                                  valid in the base VMDBK.
 308 134  Bitstring     1  USEACT_IPQF0           I/O priority flag byte. See
                                                  CP SET IOPRIORITY command for
                                                  description of absolute and
                                                  relative ranges. Valid only
                                                  in base VMDBK.
          1... ....        USEACT_IPQRELRG         Using a relative range.
                                                  Valid only in base VMDBK.
          .1.. ....        USEACT_IPQABSRG         Using an absolute range.
                                                  Valid only in base VMDBK.
          ..1. ....        USEACT_IPQGSSC          Guest requested I/O
                                                  subsystem details which
                                                  includes I/O priority
                                                  facility status. This usually
                                                  indicates that the guest is
                                                  I/O priority aware. Valid
                                                  only in base VMDBK.
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 309 135  Unsigned      1  USEACT_IPQRQLO         I/O priority requested
                                                  range low value. See CP SET
                                                  IOPRIORITY command for
                                                  description of requested and
                                                  effective I/O priority
                                                  values. Valid only in base
 310 136  Unsigned      1  USEACT_IPQRQHI         I/O priority requested
                                                  range high value. Valid only
                                                  in base VMDBK.
 311 137  Unsigned      1  USEACT_IPQEFLO         I/O priority effective
                                                  range low value. Valid only
                                                  in base VMDBK.
 312 138  Unsigned      1  USEACT_IPQEFHI         I/O priority effective
                                                  range high value. Valid only
                                                  in base VMDBK.
 313 139  Unsigned      1  USEACT_CALMNEST        When configuration-topology
                                                  facility is installed, this is
                                                  the selector 2 (x) value used
                                                  by CP on STSI 15.1.x to obtain
                                                  CPU topology information. When
                                                  the configuration-topology
                                                  facility is not installed,
                                                  this contains a value of 1.
                                                  This value is used to determine
                                                  the number of valid entries in
                                                  the USEACT_VMUPLTL,
                                                      USEACT_VMUVMTL, and
                                                      USEACT_VMUSTLTL arrays.
 314 13A  Character     2  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
 316 13C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_IPQDSKIP        Count of times that a DASD
                                                  I/O request was
                                                  out-prioritized by another
                                                  virtual machine's I/O. Valid
                                                  only in base VMDBK.
 320 140  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VEBALERT        Number of alert
                                                  interruptions Collected only
                                                  for base VMDBK.
 324 144  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VEBTVSCT        Number of interceptions for
                                                  guest TVS instructions
                                                  Collected only for base
 328 148  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VEBSVSCT        Number of interceptions for
                                                  guest SVS instructions
                                                  Collected only for base
 332 14C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VEBTPIAI        Number of adapter
                                                  interruptions delivered via
                                                  guest TPI Collected only for
                                                  base VMDBK.
 336 150  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VEBVIRAI        Number of adapter
                                                  interruptions stacked for
                                                  guest by CP Collected only
                                                  for base VMDBK.
 340 154  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VEBHDWAI        Number of adapter
                                                  interruptions delivered to
                                                  guest inside SIE Collected
                                                  only for base VMDBK.
 344 158  Character     8  USEACT_VMDCTPVLA       Cardinal count of locked
                                                  pages in private address
                                                  spaces >2G belonging to this
                                                  user. See USEACT_VMDCTPVL for
                                                  the <2G value.
 352 160  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTSHL        Count of shared address
                                                  space resident pages <2G.
                                                  Valid only in the SYSTEM
 356 164  Character     8  USEACT_VMDCTSHLA       Count of shared address
                                                  space resident pages >2G.
                                                  Valid only in the SYSTEM
 364 16C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDUFOLKCT      Total count of times UFO
                                                  list lock has gone into the
                                                  formal spin routine when
                                                  attempting to get the lock in
                                                  exclusive mode
 368 170  Character     8  USEACT_VMDUFOLKTM      Total elapsed spin time on
                                                  UFO list lock when attempting
                                                  to get it in exclusive mode,
                                                  starting at zero and counting
 376 178  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 380 17C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDPBKCT        Count of PGMBKs that are
                                                  currently on the PGMBK List
 384 180  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 388 184  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
                                                  last reorder
 392 188  Unsigned      1  USEACT_VMDPUTYP        CPU Type. Valid values:
                                                  X'00' - General Purpose (CP)
                                                  X'02' - zSeries Application
                                                  Assist (zAAP) X'03' -
                                                  Integrated Facility for Linux
                                                  (IFL) X'04' - Internal
                                                  Coupling Facility (ICF) X'05'
                                                  - zSeries Integrated
                                                  Information (zIIP)
 393 189  Bitstring     1  USEACT_VMDCFGEM        Virtual configuration
                                                  indicators. Valid in base
                                                  VMDBK only
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        USEACT_VMDCPUAF         User requested CPU
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 394 18A  Bitstring     1  USEACT_VMDPUST         CPU Status flag
          1... ....        USEACT_VMDAFSUP         CPU Affinity suppressed
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 395 18B  Bitstring     1  USEACT_CALFLAG2       Miscellaneous flags
          1... ....        USEACT_VMDIPSEC         Most recent IPL was a
                                                   secure IPL. Valid in base
                                                   VMDBK only
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 396 18C  Character     8  USEACT_VMDVTMP         Total raw virtual time for
                                                  user on primary processor
 404 194  Character     8  USEACT_VMDTTMP         Total raw virtual and
                                                  simulation time for the user
                                                  on primary processor
 412 19C  Character     8  USEACT_VMDVTMS         Total raw virtual time for
                                                  user on secondary processor
 420 1A4  Character     8  USEACT_VMDTTMS         Total raw virtual and
                                                  simulation time for the user
                                                  on secondary processor
 428 1AC  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCACHN        Number of minidisk cache
 432 1B0  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTSTA        Count of times this virtual
                                                  CPU has been started by one
                                                  of the following methods:
                                                  -SIGP START -SIGP RESTART
                                                  -Begin Command
 436 1B4  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDCTSTO        Count of times this virtual
                                                  CPU has been stopped by one
                                                  of the following methods:
                                                  -SIGP STOP -SIGP STOP AND
                                                  STORE STATUS -SIGP INITIAL
                                                  CPU RESET -SIGP CPU RESET
                                                  -STOP Command
 440 1B8  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDLKTOT        Cumulative count of times
                                                  this user has issued the LINK
                                                  command. Valid only in base
 444 1BC  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDLKPLX        Cumulative count of times
                                                  this user has issued the LINK
                                                  command and consulted with
                                                  the SSI. Valid only in base
 448 1C0  Character     8  USEACT_VMDLKTOD        Total virtual time for LINK
                                                  commands to consult with the
                                                  SSI. Valid only in base
 456 1C8  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDDTTOT        Cumulative count of times
                                                  this user has issued the
                                                  DETACH command. Valid only in
                                                  base VMDBK.
 460 1CC  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDDTPLX        Cumulative count of times
                                                  this user has issued the
                                                  DETACH command and consulted
                                                  with the SSI. Valid only in
                                                  base VMDBK.
 464 1D0  Character     8  USEACT_VMDDTTOD        Total virtual time for
                                                  DETACH commands to consult
                                                  with the SSI. Valid only in
                                                  base VMDBK.
 472 1D8  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDWKTOT        Cumulative count of times
                                                  this user has used WRKALLEG
                                                  (SET WRKALLEG, DASDOPT
                                                  WRKALLEG or MINIOPT
                                                  WRKALLEG). Valid only in base
 476 1DC  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDWKPLX        Cumulative count of times
                                                  this user has used WRKALLEG
                                                  (SET WRKALLEG, DASDOPT
                                                  WRKALLEG or MINIOPT WRKALLEG)
                                                  and consulted with the SSI.
                                                  Valid only in base VMDBK.
 480 1E0  Character     8  USEACT_VMDWKTOD        Total virtual time for
                                                  WRKALLEG use to consult with
                                                  the SSI. Valid only in base
 488 1E8  Character     8  USEACT_VMDRLLST        Time stamp of last
                                                  relocation of this user. Only
                                                  valid if USEACT_RELO1 is ON.
 496 1F0  Character     8  USEACT_RDMNAME         Name of the guest's
                                                  relocation domain
 504 1F8  Bitstring     4  USEACT_RDMMMASK        Relocation domain's member
                                                  mask - bit mask that
                                                  indicates the slots of SSI
                                                  members that are included in
                                                  this guest's domain. (Bit 0
                                                  means SSI slot 1)
 508 1FC  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMUNRBAL        Cumulative count of the
                                                  number of configuration
                                                  Valid only in base VMDBK.
 512 200  Unsigned      1  USEACT_VMUTOPNE        Number of elements that fit
                                                  in the USEACT_VMUTOPDA array.
 513 201  Unsigned      1  USEACT_VMUTOPNS        The size in bytes of one
                                                  element of the USEACT_VMUTOPDA
 514 202  Unsigned      1  USEACT_VMUTOPDX        Zero-based index into the
                                                  circular array called
                                                  USEACT_VMUTOPDA. This field
                                                  indicates which element is the
                                                  most recently updated of
                                                  the ten.  A value of zero
                                                  indicates the first array
                                                  element is the latest.  A
                                                  value of one indicates the
                                                  second element is the
                                                  latest and so on.
 515 203  Unsigned      1  USEACT_MAXTOPO         Maximum number of topology
                                                  levels currently architected.
                                                  The value should be used for
                                                  array size calculation for the
                                                  following fields:
 516 204  Unsigned      2  USEACT_OFFPLTL         Offset within this record to
                                                  the USEACT_VMUPLTL array.
 518 206  Unsigned      2  USEACT_OFFVMTL         Offset within this record to
                                                  the USEACT_VMUVMTL array.
 520 208  Unsigned      2  USEACT_OFFSTLTL        Offset within this record to
                                                  the USEACT_VMUSTLTL array.
 522 20A  Unsigned      2  USEACT_OFFTOPDA        Offset within this record to
                                                  the USEACT_VMUTOPDA array.
 524 20C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMUREBAL        The value of RCCREBAL (the
                                                  count of the number of times
                                                  a rebalance was done on this
                                                  system) at the time of the
                                                  most recent rebalance.
 528 210  Unsigned      2  USEACT_VMDSTLFC        Steal weight factor. Used to
                                                  determine the level of aggressiveness
                                                  in reclaiming frames from this
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 530 212  Unsigned      2  USEACT_VMDSTFHW        Steal weight factor high wat
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 532 214  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDUFACTC       The length (in frames)
                                                  of the active section of the UFO.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 536 218  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDUFIBRC       The length (in frames)
                                                  of the IBR section of the UFO.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 540 21C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCTINS        Cardinal count of private
                                                  instantiated pages.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 544 220  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCTIBRB2G     Cardinal count of private
                                                  IBR pages on the UFO that are
                                                  backed by frames < 2G.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 548 224  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCTIBRA2G     Cardinal count of private
                                                  IBR pages on the UFO that are
                                                  backed by frames > 2G.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 552 228  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCTAGLB2G     Cardinal count of private
                                                  IBR pages on the global aging
                                                  list that are backed by frames
                                                  < 2G.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 556 22C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCTAGLA2G     Cardinal count of private
                                                  IBR pages on the global aging
                                                  list that are backed by frames
                                                  > 2G.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 560 230  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCTRABISB2G   Cardinal count of priva
                                                  non-faulted pages read in by a
                                                  block read, made IBR, currently
                                                  on the UFO or the global aging
                                                  list, and backed by frames < 2G.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 564 234  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCTRABISA2G   Cardinal count of priva
                                                  non-faulted pages read in by a
                                                  block read, made IBR, currently
                                                  on the UFO or the global aging
                                                  list, and backed by frames > 2G.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 568 238  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPINT        Cumulative count of private
                                                  instantiated pages.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 572 23C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPREL        Cumulative count of private
                                                  pages whose frames were reclaimed
                                                  without preserving page content
                                                  because of the guest page state
                                                  (that is, the collaborative
                                                  memory management state or because
                                                  the contents was released by the
                                                  guest via DIAG x10 or Diag x214)
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 576 240  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPINV        Cumulative count of private
                                                  pages made IBR.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 580 244  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPPFI        Cumulative count of private
                                                  IBR pages revalidated while on
                                                  the UFO.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 584 248  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPPFA        Cumulative count of private
                                                  IBR pages revalidated while on
                                                  the global aging list.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 588 24C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPFRY        Cumulative count of private
                                                  IBR pages on the global aging
                                                  list that were already backed on
                                                  auxiliary before the frames
                                                  needed to be reclaimed.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 592 250  Unsigned      4  USEACT_CALCPFNR        Cumulative count of private
                                                  IBR pages on the UFO list that
                                                  were written to auxiliary
                                                  storage immediately before
                                                  the frames were reclaimed.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 596 254  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  - was USEACT_CALCPXRL
 600 258  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDDSRSV        Cumulative count of times
                                                  demand scan could not move any
                                                  frames from the UFO to the
                                                  global aging list because it
                                                  would violate the user's SET
                                                  RESERVED setting.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 604 25C  Unsigned      4  USEACT_VMDWASTE        Cumulative count of times
                                                  page faults occurred for private
                                                  pages on the global aging list
                                                  that were already written to
                                                  auxiliary storage.
                                                  Valid only for the base VMDBK.
 608 260  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
                                                  - was USEACT_CALCTXBK
 612 264  Character     8  USEACT_LIMPOOL         CPU pool name that the user
                                                  is assigned to.
 620 26C  Character     8  USEACT_VMDTTIME_MT1    Total MT-1 Equivalent time
                                                  which has been expended on
                                                  this VMDBK.  This includes
                                                  time which the VMDBK spent
                                                  doing its own work and also
                                                  time which CP spent doing work
                                                  on behalf of the VMDBK. It is
                                                  in CPU timer format.
 628 274  Character     8  USEACT_VMDVTIME_MT1    Total MT-1 Equivalent time
                                                  that this user was running
                                                  and doing productive work.
                                                  It does NOT include any time
                                                  that CP spends on behalf of
                                                  that user doing such things
                                                  as instruction simulation or
                                                  page translation.  This is in
                                                  CPU timer format.
 636 27C  Character     8  USEACT_VMDVTMP_MT1     MT-1 Equivalent virtual
                                                  time for the user on primary
 644 284  Character     8  USEACT_VMDTTMP_MT1     MT-1 Equivalent total
                                                  virtual and simulation time for
                                                  the user on primary processor.
 652 28C  Character     8  USEACT_VMDVTMS_MT1     MT-1 Equivalent total
                                                  virtual time for the user on
                                                  secondary processor.
 660 294  Character     8  USEACT_VMDTTMS_MT1     MT-1 Equivalent total
                                                  virtual and simulation time for
                                                  the user on secondary processor.
 668 29C  Character     8  USEACT_VMATTIME_PRO    Total Prorated Core Time
                                                  which has been expended on this
                                                  VMDBK. This includes time which the
                                                  VMDBK spent doing its own work
                                                  and also time which CP spent
                                                  doing work on behalf of the
                                                  VMDBK. It is in CPU timer format.
                                                  See the notes above.
 676 2A4  Character     8  USEACT_VMAVTIME_PRO    Total Prorated Core Time
                                                  that this user was running and
                                                  doing productive work. It does not
                                                  include any time that CP spends
                                                  on behalf of that user doing such
                                                  things as instruction simulation
                                                  or page translation.  This is in
                                                  CPU timer format.
                                                  See the notes above.
 684 2AC  Character     8  USEACT_VMAVTMP_PRO     Total Prorated Core virtual
                                                  time for user on primary processor.
                                                  See the notes above.
 692 2B4  Character     8  USEACT_VMATTMP_PRO     Total Prorated Core virtual
                                                  and simulation time for the user
                                                  on primary processor.
                                                  See the notes above.
 700 2BC  Character     8  USEACT_VMAVTMS_PRO     Total Prorated Core virtual
                                                  time for user on secondary processor.
                                                  See the notes above.
 708 2C4  Character     8  USEACT_VMATTMS_PRO     Total Prorated Core virtual
                                                  and simulation time for the user
                                                  on secondary processor.
                                                  See the notes above.
 716 2CC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 720 2D0  Bitstring     1  USEACT_PROBITS         Prorated Core Time bits needed
                                                  to understand those fields.
          1... ....        USEACT_VMAPRCAL        Indicates whether the Prorated
                                                  Core Time values in this record
                                                  are valid. (only use if valid)
                                                  0 = values not valid
                                                  1 = values are valid
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 721 2D1  Unsigned      1  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 722 2D2  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved for IBM use

There are two sets of IPTE Interlock statistics,
each of which is stored as a self-consistent set.
The first set is a quintuple relating to Interlock wait and
acquisition times. It comprises:
Derived from this are two triples from which we can
calculate the mean and variance of host interlock
acquisition wait times per interlock acquisition:
 1) For Interlock acquisitions using method 1 use:
    CAL_VMAIPTEI (total IPTE Interlock acquisitions
                  using method 1)
    VMAIIWTM (accumulated time waiting for the
              interlock using method 1 or 2)
    VMAIIWTSSQ (accumulated sum of squares of time
                waiting for the interlock
                using method 1 or 2)
 2) For interlock acquisitions using method 2 use:
    VMAIIA (total IPTE interlock acquisitions
            using method 2)
    VMAIIWTM (accumulated time waiting for the
              interlock using method 1 or 2)
    VMAIIWTSSQ (accumulated sum of squares of time
               waiting for the interlock using
               method 1 or 2)
It is important to note that VMAIIA=0 when method 1
is in use. When method 2 is used then
VMAIIA=CAL_VMAIPTEI. Sums of wait times, squares of
wait times, hold times and squares of hold times are
accumulated for one method only.
The remaining metric, VMAIIADD, is incremented
whenever an interlock acquisition is granted and a
host share is already held. It may be used with the
total number of Interlock acquisitions to calculate
the mean number of additional host shares per
initial host interlock acquisition where its host
share is not held already.
To make this calculation, VMAIIADD and CAL_VMAIPTEI
(or VMAIIA) are summed across all virtual CPUs.
See note below about calculating mean and variance
of hold times.
   delta-VMAIIADD/(delta-VMAIPTEI - delta-VMAIIADD)
provides the desired mean.
The second set is a triple relating to Interlock hold time. It comprises:
These three values are used to calculate the mean and variance of the
intervals over which the IPTE Interlock was continuously held by the
Because an IPTE Interlock continuous-hold interval may begin on one
logical CPU and terminate on another then the three values should be
summed over all virtual CPUs of the virtual configuration before
calculating mean and variance.
Fields that provide sums of times are expressed in
TOD units; and those that provide sums of squares of
times are expressed in TOD-units-squared.
If we carry out of the high-order bit position when
calculating any component of the two tuples then the
entire tuple affected is reset to zero.
The only time any metric component within a tuple is
observed not to increase monotonically between
successive sample records is where the tuple has
been reset. In all cases the recorded tuple is
A tuple may be used as the base from which to
calculate a delta from the previous sample provided
each component value in that tuple is greater than
or equal to the corresponding component of the
previous sample's tuple.

Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 724 2D4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_CAL_VMAIPTEI Total count of IPTE Interlock acquisitions using methods 1 and 2. 728 2D8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAIIA Count of IPTE Interlock acquisitions using method 2. 732 2DC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAIIADD Count of times IPTE Interlock was acquired as an additional host share. 736 2E0 Character 8 USEACT_VMAIIWTM Cumulative amount of time spent waiting for IPTE Interlock acquisition. 744 2E8 Character 16 USEACT_VMAIIWTSSQ Sum of squared time spent waiting for IPTE Interlock acquisition. 760 2F8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_CAL_VMAIINHLD Count of intervals over which one or more host shares of and IPTE Interlock were continuously held. 764 2FC Character 8 USEACT_VMAIIHLD Cumulative amount of time over which one or more of host shares of an IPTE Interlock were continuously held. 772 304 Character 16 USEACT_VMAIIHDSSQ Sum of squared time over which one or more of the host shares of an IPTE Interlock were continuously held.
The following fields are statistics gathered by the dispatcher about how
long a VMDBK has been dispatched and how long the VMDBK had to wait to be
dispatched once it was ready to consume CPU time. The deltas of these
fields between monitor intervals can be used to determine average
dispatch time and average wait times, and using the sum of squares, the
standard deviations of those time samples.

Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 788 314 Unsigned 4 USEACT_CALDWTCT Count of the number of times this VMDBK became ready to be dispatched (unsigned fullword). This is calculated using VMUDWTCT. 792 318 Character 8 USEACT_VMUDWTETM Accumulated elapsed time between when this VMDBK became ready to be dispatched and when it was dispatched (unsigned doubleword in microseconds) 800 320 Character 16 USEACT_VMUDWTTSQ Sum of the squares of the individual elapsed time samples which comprise USEACT_VMUDWTETM (unsigned quadword in squared microseconds) Note: Use deltas of USEACT_CALDWTCT, USEACT_VMUDWTETM, and this field to calculate the average amount of elapsed time this VMDBK waited to be dispatched once it became ready, and the standard deviation of those time samples. 816 330 Unsigned 4 USEACT_CALDSPCT Count of the number of times this VMDBK was dispatched (unsigned fullword). This is calculated using VMUDSPCT. Note: This count can be used with both the dispatched times and the USEACT_VMDTTIME values as those are all calculated at the same moment. 820 334 Character 8 USEACT_VMUDSPETM Accumulated elapsed time during which this VMDBK was dispatched (unsigned doubleword in microseconds) 828 33C Character 16 USEACT_VMUDSPTSQ Sum of the squares of the individual elapsed time samples which comprise USEACT_VMUDSPETM (unsigned quadword in squared microseconds) Note: Use deltas of USEACT_CALDSPCT, USEACT_VMUDSPETM, and this field to calculate the average amount of elapsed time this VMDBK was dispatched, and the standard deviation of those time samples. 844 34C Character 16 USEACT_VMUTTIMSQ Sum of the squares of the individual CPU timer samples added to VMDTTIME at undispatch (unsigned quadword in squared TOD clock units) Note: Use deltas of USEACT_CALDSPCT, USEACT_VMDTTIME and this field to calculate the average amount of CPU time this VMDBK consumed while it was dispatched, and the standard deviation of those time samples. 860 35C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMDCPUCH Count of SIE entries with SIEIHCPU <> x'FFFF' and this is a different logical CPU than the one on which this VMDBK was last run (i.e. CPU CHanged) 864 360 Unsigned 2 USEACT_OFFDIAG Offset to table of diagnose counts for this virtual processor (USEACT_VMADIAG) 866 362 Unsigned 2 USEACT_LENDIAG Length of table of diagnose counts for this virtual processor (USEACT_VMADIAG) 868 364 Unsigned 2 USEACT_OFFSIMCT Offset to table of simulated instruction counts for this virtual processor (USEACT_VMASIMCT) 870 366 Unsigned 2 USEACT_LENSIMCT Length of table of simulated instruction counts for this virtual processor (USEACT_VMASIMCT) 872 368 Unsigned 2 USEACT_OFFINSOT Offset to table of counts for other instruction simulation related events for this virtual processor (USEACT_VMAINSOT) 874 36A Unsigned 2 USEACT_LENINSOT Length of table of counts for other instruction simulation related events for this virtual processor (USEACT_VMAINSOT) 876 36C Bitstring 1 USEACT_VMDSHELD CPPROTECT setting 1... .... USEACT_VMDSHLOV 1= setting is an override .1.. .... USEACT_VMDSHLON 0= MODE2 OFF 1= MODE2 ON ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 877 36D Character 3 * Reserved for IBM use 880 370 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMDRUNCP Count of SIE instructions run for this VMDBK in the HCPRUN long path Guest Control Program Identification Control Program Name Codes for USEACT_VMACPNC: X'00' No CPNC specified. X'01' PR/SM X'02' z/VM X'04' Linux (including KVM) X'06' z/OS X'07' z/TPF X'08' z/VSE X'20'-X'23' Supplemental codes for z/VM X'24'-X'27' Supplemental codes for Linux/KVM X'28'-X'2B' Supplemental codes for z/OS X'2C'-X'2F' Supplemental codes for z/TPF X'30'-X'33' Supplemental codes for z/VSE 884 374 Unsigned 1 USEACT_VMACPNC Control Program name code. 885 375 Character 7 USEACT_VMACPVC Control Program version code. 892 37C Structure 20 USEACT_VMA370AC Counters of 370ACCOM operations 892 37C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA370CK Cumulative count of PSW manipulations for 370ACCOM in HCPPSWCK 896 380 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA370ME Cumulative count of PSW manipulations for 370ACCOM in HCPPSWME 900 384 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA370EM Cumulative count of PSW manipulations for 370ACCOM in HCPPSWEM 904 388 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA370NM Cumulative count of PSW manipulations for 370ACCOM in HCPPSWNM 908 38C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA370TMR Cumulative count of interval timer related 370ACCOM events 912 390 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMDWTSAV Cumulative count of times warning track enabled undispatch prior to loss of physical processor 916 394 Character 0 * Additional fields may be inserted before here. Use offsets to locate any fields after this point. 0 0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMUPLTL(0:MAXTOPO) Array of counters of maximum rebalance topology distance placement. One of these counts is incremented each time a workload rebalance operation assigns VMDBKs in this guest to two or more different DSVBKs. None of these counts are incremented if the rebalance operation placed the entire guest in one DSVBK. These are all cumulative counts. (Valid only in the base VMDBK.) Entry 0:Count of times rebalance placed VMDBKs of this guest at a maximum scatter distance of more than one DSVBK that are all in an equivalent nesting level 1 (NL1) topology location. Entry 1:Count of times rebalance placed VMDBKs of this guest at a maximum scatter distance of DSVBKs in different nesting level 1 (NL1) topology locations but the same NL2 location. Entry 2:Count of times rebalance placed VMDBKs of this guest at a maximum scatter distance of DSVBKs in different nesting level 2 (NL2) topology locations but the same NL3 location. Entry 3:Count of times rebalance placed VMDBKs of this guest at a maximum scatter distance of DSVBKs in different nesting level 3 (NL3) topology locations but the same NL4 location. Entry 4:Count of times rebalance placed VMDBKs of this guest at a maximum scatter distance of DSVBKs in different nesting level 4 (NL4) topology locations but the same NL5 location. Entry 5:Count of times rebalance placed VMDBKs of this guest at a maximum scatter distance of DSVBKs in different nesting level 5 (NL5) topology locations. USEACT_MAXTOPO+1 should be used to determine the number of elements of this array. Only the first USEACT_CALMNEST entries contain valid data. 0 0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMUVMTL(0:MAXTOPO) Array of counters of how far the VMDBK was moved topologically during work load rebalancing. None of these counts are incremented if the VMDBK is assigned to its previous home. These are all cumulative counts. (Valid in all VMDBKs.) Entry 0:Count of moves between two DSVBKs that are both in an equivalent nesting level 1 (NL1) topology location Entry 1:Count of moves between DSVBKs in two different nesting level 1 (NL1) topology locations but the same NL2 location. Entry 2:Count of moves between DSVBKs in two different nesting level 2 (NL2) topology locations but the same NL3 location. Entry 3:Count of moves between DSVBKs in two different nesting level 3 (NL3) topology locations but the same NL4 location. Entry 4:Count of moves between DSVBKs in two different nesting level 4 (NL4) topology locations but the same NL5 location. Entry 5:Count of moves between DSVBKs in two different nesting level 5 (NL5) topology locations. The USEACT_MAXTOPO+1 value should be used to determine the number of elements of this array. Only the first USEACT_CALMNEST entries contain valid data. 0 0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMUSTLTL(0:MAXTOPO) Array of counters indicating how many times this VMDBK was stolen across different topology levels. (Valid in all VMDBKs.) Entry 0:Count of times a CPU stole a VMDBK from a DSVBK that is in an equivalent nesting level 1 (NL1) topology location. Entry 1:Count of times a CPU stole a VMDBK from a DSVBK in a different nesting level 1 (NL1) topology location but the same NL2 location. Entry 2:Count of times a CPU stole a VMDBK from a DSVBK in a different nesting level 2 (NL2) topology location but the same NL3 location. Entry 3:Count of times a CPU stole a VMDBK from a DSVBK in a different nesting level 3 (NL3) topology location but the same NL4 location. Entry 4:Count of times a CPU stole a VMDBK from a DSVBK in a different nesting level 4 (NL4) topology location but the same NL5 location. Entry 5:Count of times a CPU stole a VMDBK from a DSVBK in a different nesting level 5 (NL5) topology location. The USEACT_MAXTOPO value plus one should be used to determine the number of elements of this array. Only the first USEACT_CALMNEST entries contain valid data. 0 0 Unsigned 16 USEACT_VMUTOPDA(VMUTOPNE) An array of elements that contain the DSVBK ID and topology descriptor of the last DSVBKs to which this VMDBK was assigned by the last rebalance functions. This is a circular array with the USEACT_VMUTOPDX field pointing to the most recent element. This array is contained in all VMDBK records, not just the base. Within a virtual configuration the Nth element of the array for each VMDBK represents the assignment made during the same rebalance operation. The USEACT_VMUTOPNS value defines the size of one array's element. The USEACT_VMUTOPNE value should be used to determine the number of elements in this array. Each entry is all FFs initially until it is used and made valid. 0 0 Character 2 USEACT_VMUTOPDI Dispatch vector ID 2 2 Character 4 USEACT_VMUTOPDS This topology descriptor or identifier consists of the container IDs for each level of the topology tree above the dispatch vector specified in USEACT_VMUTOPDI. These container IDs are positioned left to right with the highest nesting level listed first. 6 6 Character 1 * Reserved for possible future topology level expansion. 7 7 Bitstring 1 USEACT_VMUTOPFL Flag byte 1... .... USEACT_VMURROBN Placed via round robin algorithm .1.. .... USEACT_VMUMODRB Placed by a modified rebalance. ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 8 8 Character 4 USEACT_VMUTOPLU Last CPU usage of this VMDBK which was used to do the home DSVBK assignment. This is a scaled number where x'10000' represents 100% of one CPU. 12 C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMUASNORD DSV assignment order number that represents the relative position in which this guest was visited and assigned a home by rebalance. Valid in VMUBK for all VMDBKs.
Provides the number of times a Diagnose was executed for this virtual

Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Structure 528 USEACT_VMADIAG Diagnose counts 0 0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGUCT Count of all USER diagnose operations. i.e. diag 100-1FC 4 4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADIAGT Count of all z/VM defined diagnose operations. 8 8 Structure 516 USEACT_VMADIAG0 Diagnose counts 8 8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX00 Count of DIAG x'00' 12 C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX04 Count of DIAG x'04' 16 10 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX08 Count of DIAG x'08' 20 14 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX0C Count of DIAG x'0C' 24 18 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX10 Count of DIAG x'10' 28 1C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX14 Count of DIAG x'14' 32 20 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX18 Count of DIAG x'18' 36 24 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX1C Count of DIAG x'1C' 40 28 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX20 Count of DIAG x'20' 44 2C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX24 Count of DIAG x'24' 48 30 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX28 Count of DIAG x'28' 52 34 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX2C Count of DIAG x'2C' 56 38 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX30 Count of DIAG x'30' 60 3C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX34 Count of DIAG x'34' 64 40 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX38 Count of DIAG x'38' 68 44 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX3C Count of DIAG x'3C' 72 48 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX40 Count of DIAG x'40' 76 4C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX44 Count of DIAG x'44' 80 50 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX48 Count of DIAG x'48' 84 54 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX4C Count of DIAG x'4C' 88 58 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX50 Count of DIAG x'50' 92 5C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX54 Count of DIAG x'54' 96 60 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX58 Count of DIAG x'58' 100 64 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX5C Count of DIAG x'5C' 104 68 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX60 Count of DIAG x'60' 108 6C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX64 Count of DIAG x'64' 112 70 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX68 Count of DIAG x'68' 116 74 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX6C Count of DIAG x'6C' 120 78 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX70 Count of DIAG x'70' 124 7C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX74 Count of DIAG x'74' 128 80 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX78 Count of DIAG x'78' 132 84 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX7C Count of DIAG x'7C' 136 88 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX80 Count of DIAG x'80' 140 8C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX84 Count of DIAG x'84' 144 90 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX88 Count of DIAG x'88' 148 94 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX8C Count of DIAG x'8C' 152 98 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX90 Count of DIAG x'90' 156 9C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX94 Count of DIAG x'94' 160 A0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX98 Count of DIAG x'98' 164 A4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGX9C Count of DIAG x'9C' 168 A8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXA0 Count of DIAG x'A0' 172 AC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXA4 Count of DIAG x'A4' 176 B0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXA8 Count of DIAG x'A8' 180 B4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXAC Count of DIAG x'AC' 184 B8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXB0 Count of DIAG x'B0' 188 BC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXB4 Count of DIAG x'B4' 192 C0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXB8 Count of DIAG x'B8' 196 C4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXBC Count of DIAG x'BC' 200 C8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXC0 Count of DIAG x'C0' 204 CC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXC4 Count of DIAG x'C4' 208 D0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXC8 Count of DIAG x'C8' 212 D4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXCC Count of DIAG x'CC' 216 D8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXD0 Count of DIAG x'D0' 220 DC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXD4 Count of DIAG x'D4' 224 E0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXD8 Count of DIAG x'D8' 228 E4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXDC Count of DIAG x'DC' 232 E8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXE0 Count of DIAG x'E0' 236 EC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXE4 Count of DIAG x'E4' 240 F0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXE8 Count of DIAG x'E8' 244 F4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXEC Count of DIAG x'EC' 248 F8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXF0 Count of DIAG x'F0' 252 FC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXF4 Count of DIAG x'F4' 256 100 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXF8 Count of DIAG x'F8' 260 104 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADGXFC Count of DIAG x'FC'
264 108 Structure 64 USEACT_VMADIAG2 Diagnose counts 264 108 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG200 Count of DIAG x'200' 268 10C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG204 Count of DIAG x'204' 272 110 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG208 Count of DIAG x'208' 276 114 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG20C Count of DIAG x'20C' 280 118 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG210 Count of DIAG x'210' 284 11C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG214 Count of DIAG x'214' 288 120 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG218 Count of DIAG x'218' 292 124 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG21C Count of DIAG x'21C' 296 128 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG220 Count of DIAG x'220' 300 12C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG224 Count of DIAG x'224' 304 130 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG228 Count of DIAG x'228' 308 134 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG22C Count of DIAG x'22C' 312 138 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG230 Count of DIAG x'230' 316 13C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG234 Count of DIAG x'234' 320 140 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG238 Count of DIAG x'238' 324 144 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG23C Count of DIAG x'23C' 328 148 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG240 Count of DIAG x'240' 332 14C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG244 Count of DIAG x'244' 336 150 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG248 Count of DIAG x'248' 340 154 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG24C Count of DIAG x'24C' 344 158 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG250 Count of DIAG x'250' 348 15C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG254 Count of DIAG x'254' 352 160 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG258 Count of DIAG x'258' 356 164 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG25C Count of DIAG x'25C' 360 168 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG260 Count of DIAG x'260' 364 16C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG264 Count of DIAG x'264' 368 170 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG268 Count of DIAG x'268' 372 174 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG26C Count of DIAG x'26C' 376 178 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG270 Count of DIAG x'270' 380 17C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG274 Count of DIAG x'274' 384 180 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG278 Count of DIAG x'278' 388 184 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG27C Count of DIAG x'27C' 392 188 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG280 Count of DIAG x'280' 396 18C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG284 Count of DIAG x'284' 400 190 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG288 Count of DIAG x'288' 404 194 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG28C Count of DIAG x'28C' 408 198 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG290 Count of DIAG x'290' 412 19C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG294 Count of DIAG x'294' 416 1A0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG298 Count of DIAG x'298' 420 1A4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG29C Count of DIAG x'29C' 424 1A8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2A0 Count of DIAG x'2A0' 428 1AC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2A4 Count of DIAG x'2A4' 432 1B0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2A8 Count of DIAG x'2A8' 436 1B4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2AC Count of DIAG x'2AC' 440 1B8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2B0 Count of DIAG x'2B0' 444 1BC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2B4 Count of DIAG x'2B4' 448 1C0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2B8 Count of DIAG x'2B8' 452 1C4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2BC Count of DIAG x'2BC' 456 1C8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2C0 Count of DIAG x'2C0' 460 1CC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2C4 Count of DIAG x'2C4' 464 1D0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2C8 Count of DIAG x'2C8' 468 1D4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2CC Count of DIAG x'2CC' 472 1D8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2D0 Count of DIAG x'2D0' 476 1DC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2D4 Count of DIAG x'2D4' 480 1E0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2D8 Count of DIAG x'2D8' 484 1E4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2DC Count of DIAG x'2DC' 488 1E8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2E0 Count of DIAG x'2E0' 492 1EC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2E4 Count of DIAG x'2E4' 496 1F0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2E8 Count of DIAG x'2E8' 500 1F4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2EC Count of DIAG x'2EC' 504 1F8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2F0 Count of DIAG x'2F0' 508 1FC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2F4 Count of DIAG x'2F4' 512 200 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2F8 Count of DIAG x'2F8' 516 204 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG2FC Count of DIAG x'2FC'
520 208 Structure 8 USEACT_VMADIAG3 Diagnose counts 520 208 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG308 Count of DIAG x'308' 524 20C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMADG318 Count of DIAG x'318'
Counts of instructions simulated for this virtual processor. Actually they are
counts of the number of times the various instructions were intercepted.
There are occasions when an instruction is intercepted and CP takes
an action other than simulating the instruction.

Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Structure 496 USEACT_VMASIMCT Table of Counters 0 0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PR PR (0101) 4 4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPTFF PTFF (0104) 8 8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_0105 (0105) 12 C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_0106 (0106) 16 10 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMASCKPF SCKPF (0107) 20 14 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_0108 (0108) 24 18 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_0109 (0109) 28 1C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAKEYSK SSK (08) 32 20 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAKEYIK ISK (09) 36 24 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVSV SVC (0A) 40 28 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVMS SSM (80) 44 2C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVLP LPSW (82) 48 30 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMASIOCT SIO (9C) Also SIOF and RIO 52 34 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_TIO TIO (9D) Also CLRIO 56 38 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_HIO HIO (9E) Also HDV 60 3C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_TCH TCH (9F) Also CLRCH 64 40 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVMN STNSM (AC) 68 44 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVMO STOSM (AD) 72 48 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVGP SIGP (AE) 76 4C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISCP STIDP (B202) 80 50 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_STIDC STIDC (B203) 84 54 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISTE SCK (B204) 88 58 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISPB PTLB (B20D) 92 5C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISXE SPX (B210) 96 60 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISXS STPX (B211) 100 64 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISAS STAP (B212) 104 68 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAKEYRR RRB (B213) 108 6C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISSI SIE (B214) 112 70 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PC PC (B218) 116 74 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPCVSC SERVC (B220) 120 78 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAVPTNV IPTE (B221) 124 7C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PT PT (B228) 128 80 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAKEYIE ISKE (B229) 132 84 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAKEYRE RRBE (B22A) 136 88 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAKEYSE SSKE (B22B) 140 8C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISBT TB (B22C) 144 90 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAXPGIN PGIN (B22E) 148 94 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAXPGOU PGOUT (B22F) 152 98 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_CSCH CSCH (B230) 156 9C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_HSCH HSCH (B231) 160 A0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_MSCH MSCH (B232) 164 A4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_SSCH SSCH (B233) 168 A8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_STSCH STSCH (B234) 172 AC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_TSCH TSCH (B235) 176 B0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_TPI TPI (B236) 180 B4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_SAL SAL (B237) 184 B8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_RSCH RSCH (B238) 188 BC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_STCRW STCRW (B239) 192 C0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_STCPS STCPS (B23A) 196 C4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_RCHP RCHP (B23B) 200 C8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_SCHM SCHM (B23C) 204 CC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PALB PALB (B248) 208 D0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_TAR TAR (B24C) 212 D4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAVCSP CSP (B250) 216 D8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMASTHYI STHYI (B256) 220 DC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_BSG BSG (B258) 224 E0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAVIESB IESBE (B259) 228 E4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAXPG5A BSA (B25A) 232 E8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B25F (B25F) 236 EC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B260 (B260) 240 F0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B261 (B261) 244 F4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B264 (B264) 248 F8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B265 (B265) 252 FC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B266 (B266) 256 100 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B267 (B267) 260 104 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B268 (B268) 264 108 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B272 (B272) 268 10C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B274 (B274) 272 110 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_XSCH XSCH (B276) 276 114 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B27A (B27A) 280 118 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISST STSI (B27D) 284 11C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B27E (B27E) 288 120 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B27F (B27F) 292 124 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B2A4 (B2A4) 296 128 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B2AD (B2AD) 300 12C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B2AE (B2AE) 304 130 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B2AF (B2AF) 308 134 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMASTFLE STFLE (B2B0) 312 138 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA0STFL STFL (B2B1) 316 13C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMALPSWE LPSWE (B2B2) 320 140 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABISIU IUCV (B2F0) 324 144 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVTC STCTL (B6) 328 148 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVLC LCTL (B7) 332 14C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KMAC KMAC (B91E) 336 150 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PCKMO PCKMO (B928) 340 154 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KMA KMA (B929) 344 158 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KMF KMF (B92A) 348 15C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KMO KMO (B92B) 352 160 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PCC PCC (B92C) 356 164 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KMCTR KMCTR (B92D) 360 168 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KM KM (B92E) 364 16C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KMC KMC (B92F) 368 170 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PPNO PPNO (B93C) 372 174 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KIMD KIMD (B93E) 376 178 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KLMD KLMD (B93F) 380 17C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAVCSPG CSPG (B98A) 384 180 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA0EPSW EPSW (B98D) 388 184 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAVIDTE IDTE (B98E) 392 188 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B99C (B99C) 396 18C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA0ESEA ESEA (B99D) 400 190 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PTI PTI (B99E) 404 194 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B9A0 (B9A0) 408 198 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAESSA ESSA (B9AB) 412 19C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMABPFMF PFMF (B9AF) 416 1A0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B9D0 (B9D0) 420 1A4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B9D2 (B9D2) 424 1A8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_B9D3 (B9D3) 428 1AC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_E328 (E328) 432 1B0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_E3D0 (E3D0) 436 1B4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_E3D1 (E3D1) 440 1B8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_E3D4 (E3D4) 444 1BC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_LASP LASP (E500) 448 1C0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVTP TPROT (E501) 452 1C4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVSG STCTG (EB25) 456 1C8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVLG LCTLG (EB2F) 460 1CC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_EB8A (EB8A) 464 1D0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_EBD0 (EBD0) 468 1D4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_EBD1 (EBD1) 472 1D8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_PLO PLO (EE) 476 1DC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_SORTL SORTL (B938) 480 1E0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_DFLTC DFLTCC (B939) 484 1E4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMA_KDSA KDSA (B93A) 488 1E8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMALPSWY LPSWEY (EB71) 492 1EC Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMARDP RDP (B98B)
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Structure 24 USEACT_VMAINSOT Other instruction simulation related counters. 0 0 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVVN Guest SVC 76's reflected to the guest 4 4 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAPRVSC Count of SVC interrupts reflected to the guest 8 8 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAFST44 Count of fast path diagnose 44s 12 C Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAFSTPX Count of fast path processing of partial execution intercepts 16 10 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAFSTSG Count of fast path simulations of SIGP external calls 20 14 Unsigned 4 USEACT_VMAFSTXC Count of fast path reflections of guest external call interruptions * * Character 0 USEACT_END

MRUSEACT Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
USEACT                     0    916+
USEACT_ASCDEFSZ          128      8
USEACT_CALBASE            22           80
USEACT_CALCPFNR          250      4
USEACT_CALCPFRY          24C      4
USEACT_CALCPINT          238      4
USEACT_CALCPINV          240      4
USEACT_CALCPPFA          248      4
USEACT_CALCPPFI          244      4
USEACT_CALCPPGR           74      4
USEACT_CALCPPGW           78      4
USEACT_CALCPPST           9C      4
USEACT_CALCPREL          23C      4
USEACT_CALCTAGLA2G       22C      4
USEACT_CALCTAGLB2G       228      4
USEACT_CALCTIBRA2G       224      4
USEACT_CALCTIBRB2G       220      4
USEACT_CALCTINS          21C      4
USEACT_CALCTPGS           68      4
USEACT_CALDEFHI          128      4
USEACT_CALDEFLO          12C      4
USEACT_CALDIAL            22           20
USEACT_CALDSPCT          330      4
USEACT_CALDWTCT          314      4
USEACT_CALFLAG1           22      1
USEACT_CALFLAG2          18B      1
USEACT_CALIUCVR           BC      4
USEACT_CALIUCVS           B8      4
USEACT_CALIUCVY           C0      4
USEACT_CALMESA            1F           40
USEACT_CALMESAM           1F           04
USEACT_CALMNEST          139      1
USEACT_CALMODE            1F      1
USEACT_CALMXA             1F           20
USEACT_CALMXC             1F           08
USEACT_CALMZONL           1F           01
USEACT_CALM370            1F           10
USEACT_CALSHARF           DA      1
USEACT_CALSNA             22           10
USEACT_CALTODON          10C      8
USEACT_CALVARCH           1F           02
USEACT_CALVMCF            C4      4
USEACT_END                 *      *
USEACT_IPQABSRG          134           40
USEACT_IPQDSKIP          13C      4
USEACT_IPQEFHI           138      1
USEACT_IPQEFLO           137      1
USEACT_IPQF0             134      1
USEACT_IPQGSSC           134           20
USEACT_IPQRELRG          134           80
USEACT_IPQRQHI           136      1
USEACT_IPQRQLO           135      1
USEACT_IUCMXCN           122      2
USEACT_IUCTOTCN          120      2
USEACT_LCLFLAGS           DB      1
USEACT_LENDIAG           362      2
USEACT_LENINSOT          36A      2
USEACT_LENSIMCT          366      2
USEACT_LIMPOOL           612      8
USEACT_MAXTOPO           203      1
USEACT_MRHDR               0      0
USEACT_OFFDIAG           360      2
USEACT_OFFINSOT          368      2
USEACT_OFFPLTL           204      2
USEACT_OFFSIMCT          364      2
USEACT_OFFSTLTL          208      2
USEACT_OFFTOPDA          20A      2
USEACT_OFFVMTL           206      2
USEACT_PROBITS           2D0      1
USEACT_RDMMMASK          1F8      4
USEACT_RDMNAME           1F0      8
USEACT_RELO1              DB           80
USEACT_VEBALERT          140      4
USEACT_VEBHDWAI          154      4
USEACT_VEBSVSCT          148      4
USEACT_VEBTPIAI          14C      4
USEACT_VEBTVSCT          144      4
USEACT_VEBVIRAI          150      4
USEACT_VMA_0105            8      4
USEACT_VMA_0106            C      4
USEACT_VMA_0108           14      4
USEACT_VMA_0109           18      4
USEACT_VMA_BSG            DC      4
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USEACT_VMA_B260           EC      4
USEACT_VMA_B261           F0      4
USEACT_VMA_B264           F4      4
USEACT_VMA_B265           F8      4
USEACT_VMA_B266           FC      4
USEACT_VMA_B267          100      4
USEACT_VMA_B268          104      4
USEACT_VMA_B272          108      4
USEACT_VMA_B274          10C      4
USEACT_VMA_B27A          114      4
USEACT_VMA_B27E          11C      4
USEACT_VMA_B27F          120      4
USEACT_VMA_B2A4          124      4
USEACT_VMA_B2AD          128      4
USEACT_VMA_B2AE          12C      4
USEACT_VMA_B2AF          130      4
USEACT_VMA_B99C          188      4
USEACT_VMA_B9A0          194      4
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USEACT_VMA_B9D2          1B4      4
USEACT_VMA_B9D3          1B8      4
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USEACT_VMA_E3D0          1C0      4
USEACT_VMA_E3D1          1C4      4
USEACT_VMA_E3D4          1C8      4
USEACT_VMA_EB8A          1CC      4
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USEACT_VMA_EBD1          1D4      4
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USEACT_VMA_KIMD          174      4
USEACT_VMA_KLMD          178      4
USEACT_VMA_KM            168      4
USEACT_VMA_KMA           154      4
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USEACT_VMA_KMC           16C      4
USEACT_VMA_KMCTR         164      4
USEACT_VMA_KMF           158      4
USEACT_VMA_KMO           15C      4
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USEACT_VMA_PCC           160      4
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USEACT_VMA_PTI           190      4
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USEACT_VMA_SAL            B4      4
USEACT_VMA_SCHM           C8      4
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USEACT_VMA_TIO            34      4
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USEACT_VMA0ESEA          18C      4
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USEACT_VMA370EM          384      4
USEACT_VMA370ME          380      4
USEACT_VMA370NM          388      4
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USEACT_VMADGX18           20      4
USEACT_VMADGX1C           24      4
USEACT_VMADGX20           28      4
USEACT_VMADGX24           2C      4
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USEACT_VMADGX2C           34      4
USEACT_VMADGX30           38      4
USEACT_VMADGX34           3C      4
USEACT_VMADGX38           40      4
USEACT_VMADGX3C           44      4
USEACT_VMADGX40           48      4
USEACT_VMADGX44           4C      4
USEACT_VMADGX48           50      4
USEACT_VMADGX4C           54      4
USEACT_VMADGX50           58      4
USEACT_VMADGX54           5C      4
USEACT_VMADGX58           60      4
USEACT_VMADGX5C           64      4
USEACT_VMADGX60           68      4
USEACT_VMADGX64           6C      4
USEACT_VMADGX68           70      4
USEACT_VMADGX6C           74      4
USEACT_VMADGX70           78      4
USEACT_VMADGX74           7C      4
USEACT_VMADGX78           80      4
USEACT_VMADGX7C           84      4
USEACT_VMADGX80           88      4
USEACT_VMADGX84           8C      4
USEACT_VMADGX88           90      4
USEACT_VMADGX8C           94      4
USEACT_VMADGX90           98      4
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USEACT_VMADGXF8          100      4
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USEACT_VMADG208          110      4
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USEACT_VMADG238          140      4
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USEACT_VMADG248          150      4
USEACT_VMADG24C          154      4
USEACT_VMADG250          158      4
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USEACT_VMADG25C          164      4
USEACT_VMADG260          168      4
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USEACT_VMADG268          170      4
USEACT_VMADG26C          174      4
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USEACT_VMADG278          180      4
USEACT_VMADG27C          184      4
USEACT_VMADG280          188      4
USEACT_VMADG284          18C      4
USEACT_VMADG288          190      4
USEACT_VMADG28C          194      4
USEACT_VMADG290          198      4
USEACT_VMADG294          19C      4
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USEACT_VMADG29C          1A4      4
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USEACT_VMADG2F0          1F8      4
USEACT_VMADG2F4          1FC      4
USEACT_VMADG2F8          200      4
USEACT_VMADG2FC          204      4
USEACT_VMADG308          208      4
USEACT_VMADG318          20C      4
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USEACT_VMADIAGT            4      4
USEACT_VMADIAG0            8      8
USEACT_VMADIAG2          108     64
USEACT_VMADIAG3          208      8
USEACT_VMAESSA           198      4
USEACT_VMAFST44            8      4
USEACT_VMAFSTPX            C      4
USEACT_VMAFSTSG           10      4
USEACT_VMAFSTXC           14      4
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USEACT_VMAIIHDSSQ        304     16
USEACT_VMAIIHLD          2FC      8
USEACT_VMAIIWTM          2E0      8
USEACT_VMAIIWTSSQ        2E8     16
USEACT_VMAINSOT            0     24
USEACT_VMAKEYIE           80      4
USEACT_VMAKEYIK           20      4
USEACT_VMAKEYRE           84      4
USEACT_VMAKEYRR           68      4
USEACT_VMAKEYSE           88      4
USEACT_VMAKEYSK           1C      4
USEACT_VMALPSWE          13C      4
USEACT_VMALPSWY          1E8      4
USEACT_VMAPCVSC           74      4
USEACT_VMAPRCAL          2D0           80
USEACT_VMAPRVGP           48      4
USEACT_VMAPRVLC          148      4
USEACT_VMAPRVLG          1C8      4
USEACT_VMAPRVLP           2C      4
USEACT_VMAPRVMN           40      4
USEACT_VMAPRVMO           44      4
USEACT_VMAPRVMS           28      4
USEACT_VMAPRVSC            4      4
USEACT_VMAPRVSG          1C4      4
USEACT_VMAPRVSV           24      4
USEACT_VMAPRVTC          144      4
USEACT_VMAPRVTP          1C0      4
USEACT_VMAPRVVN            0      4
USEACT_VMAPTFF             4      4
USEACT_VMARDP            1EC      4
USEACT_VMASCKPF           10      4
USEACT_VMASIMCT            0    496
USEACT_VMASIOCT           30      4
USEACT_VMASTFLE          134      4
USEACT_VMASTHYI           D8      4
USEACT_VMATTMP_PRO       2B4      8
USEACT_VMATTMS_PRO       2C4      8
USEACT_VMAVCSP            D4      4
USEACT_VMAVCSPG          17C      4
USEACT_VMAVIDTE          184      4
USEACT_VMAVIESB           E0      4
USEACT_VMAVPTNV           78      4
USEACT_VMAXPG5A           E4      4
USEACT_VMAXPGIN           90      4
USEACT_VMAXPGOU           94      4
USEACT_VMDABSSH           F0      4
USEACT_VMDACTNO           FC      8
USEACT_VMDAFSUP          18A           80
USEACT_VMDASMCT           D8      2
USEACT_VMDBLKCT           DC      4
USEACT_VMDCACHN          1AC      4
USEACT_VMDCFGEM          189      1
USEACT_VMDCPUAD           1C      2
USEACT_VMDCPUAF          189           40
USEACT_VMDCPUCH          35C      4
USEACT_VMDCTFLT           58      4
USEACT_VMDCTISO           E8      4
USEACT_VMDCTPVG          124      4
USEACT_VMDCTPVL           48      4
USEACT_VMDCTPVLA         158      8
USEACT_VMDCTPVR           44      4
USEACT_VMDCTPWT           70      4
USEACT_VMDCTSHL          160      4
USEACT_VMDCTSHLA         164      8
USEACT_VMDCTSPR           7C      4
USEACT_VMDCTSPW           80      4
USEACT_VMDCTSTA          1B0      4
USEACT_VMDCTSTO          1B4      4
USEACT_VMDCUPGM          184      4
USEACT_VMDDSRSV          252      4
USEACT_VMDDTPLX          1CC      4
USEACT_VMDDTTOD          1D0      8
USEACT_VMDDTTOT          1C8      4
USEACT_VMDELIST           21      1
USEACT_VMDGRPN           104      8
USEACT_VMDIPSEC          18B           80
USEACT_VMDISEVM           A0      4
USEACT_VMDISTVM           A4      4
USEACT_VMDISUVM           A8      4
USEACT_VMDLIMTH           DA           02
USEACT_VMDLKPLX          1BC      4
USEACT_VMDLKTOD          1C0      8
USEACT_VMDLKTOT          1B8      4
USEACT_VMDMAACT           22           01
USEACT_VMDMASST           22           02
USEACT_VMDMDCIA           E0      4
USEACT_VMDMODE            1E      1
USEACT_VMDMVB2G          130      4
USEACT_VMDMXRVP           F8      4
USEACT_VMDMXSHA           DA           80
USEACT_VMDMXSHR          118      4
USEACT_VMDNOFSL           22           04
USEACT_VMDNOINS           22           08
USEACT_VMDPBKCT          17C      4
USEACT_VMDPGSPL           84      4
USEACT_VMDPUST           18A      1
USEACT_VMDPUTYP          188      1
USEACT_VMDQDSPU           22           40
USEACT_VMDRELSH           EC      4
USEACT_VMDREOFL           DB           40
USEACT_VMDRLLST          1E8      8
USEACT_VMDRUNCP          370      4
USEACT_VMDSHELD          36C      1
USEACT_VMDSHLON          36C           40
USEACT_VMDSHLOV          36C           80
USEACT_VMDSLIST           20      1
USEACT_VMDSSIZE           F4      4
USEACT_VMDSTFHW          212      2
USEACT_VMDSTLFC          210      2
USEACT_VMDSTOP            DA           40
USEACT_VMDSTOPD           DA           20
USEACT_VMDSTYPE           23      1
USEACT_VMDTHRCT          11C      4
USEACT_VMDTTIME           24      8
USEACT_VMDTTIME_MT1      26C      8
USEACT_VMDTTMP           194      8
USEACT_VMDTTMP_MT1       284      8
USEACT_VMDTTMS           1A4      8
USEACT_VMDTTMS_MT1       294      8
USEACT_VMDUFACTC         214      4
USEACT_VMDUFIBRC         218      4
USEACT_VMDUFOLKCT        16C      4
USEACT_VMDUFOLKTM        170      8
USEACT_VMDUSER            14      8
USEACT_VMDVCSCT           88      4
USEACT_VMDVDISK          114      4
USEACT_VMDVDSCT           8C      4
USEACT_VMDVOSCT           98      4
USEACT_VMDVSEVM           AC      4
USEACT_VMDVSTVM           B0      4
USEACT_VMDVSUVM           B4      4
USEACT_VMDVTIME           2C      8
USEACT_VMDVTIME_MT1      274      8
USEACT_VMDVTMP           18C      8
USEACT_VMDVTMP_MT1       27C      8
USEACT_VMDVTMS           19C      8
USEACT_VMDVTMS_MT1       28C      8
USEACT_VMDVTSCT           94      4
USEACT_VMDVUSCT           90      4
USEACT_VMDVVEXT           DB           20
USEACT_VMDWASTE          25C      4
USEACT_VMDWKPLX          1DC      4
USEACT_VMDWKTOD          1E0      8
USEACT_VMDWKTOT          1D8      4
USEACT_VMDWSSPR           4C      4
USEACT_VMDWTSAV          390      4
USEACT_VMDX98CT           C8      4
USEACT_VMUASNORD           C      4
USEACT_VMUDSPETM         334      8
USEACT_VMUDSPTSQ         33C     16
USEACT_VMUDWTETM         318      8
USEACT_VMUDWTTSQ         320     16
USEACT_VMUMODRB            6           40
USEACT_VMUNRBAL          1FC      4
USEACT_VMUPLTL             0      4
USEACT_VMUREBAL          20C      4
USEACT_VMURROBN            6           80
USEACT_VMUSTLTL            0      4
USEACT_VMUTOPDA            0     16
USEACT_VMUTOPDI            0      2
USEACT_VMUTOPDS            2      4
USEACT_VMUTOPDX          202      1
USEACT_VMUTOPFL            7      1
USEACT_VMUTOPLU            8      4
USEACT_VMUTOPNE          200      1
USEACT_VMUTOPNS          201      1
USEACT_VMUTTIMSQ         34C     16
USEACT_VMUVMTL             0      4

This information is
based on z/VM V7R3.0.

Last updated on 10 November 2023 at 15:10:05.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2023