Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor control area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 0  - System Domain
                    Record 12 - User wait states
 DESCRIPTION - User wait state. All VMDBKs in the dispatch
               list are tested for their wait states.
   - The following list is the order in which the user state is
     tested in the VMDBK.  If the user is in more than one state,
     it is counted only in the first of the list.

MRSYTUWT Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   180  SYTUWT                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  SYTUWT_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALTIDL         Cardinal count of VMDBKs
                                                  that were found in test idle,
                                                  but not in SVM wait. VMDSVMWF
                                                  of VMDSVMWT=off and VMDSTATE
                                                  = VMDTIDLE.
  24  18  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALTSVM         Cardinal count of VMDBKs
                                                  that were found in both test
                                                  idle and SVM wait. VMDSVMWF
                                                  of VMDSVMWT = on and VMDSTATE
                                                  = VMDTIDLE.
  28  1C  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALIOWT         Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in I/O wait state. A guest is
                                                  waiting for an I/O completion
                                                  and is thus prevented from
                                                  running. VMDIOWT
  32  20  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALWTPAG        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in 'page wait,' a state in
                                                  which the current guest
                                                  instruction refers to a guest
                                                  page which is not present in
                                                  host storage and must be
                                                  brought in from auxiliary
                                                  storage. Page wait prevents
                                                  the virtual cpu from running,
                                                  however, it is a 'soft wait'
                                                  condition and as such, can be
                                                  cleared by a guest PSW swap.
  36  24  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCFWT         Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in console-function wait.
                                                  During such a wait, the
                                                  virtual CPU is not permitted
                                                  to run. Includes possible
                                                  live guest relocation quiesce
                                                  time. This count includes all
                                                  processor types. VMDCFWT
  40  28  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALSIMWT        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in 'simulation wait.' The CPU
                                                  is simulating some hardware
                                                  functions such as
                                                  instructions, interrupts, or
                                                  timer updates, and the
                                                  virtual machine is thus
                                                  prevented from running to
                                                  avoid potential conflicts
                                                  with the simulations. This
                                                  count includes all processor
                                                  types. VMDSIMWT
  44  2C  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCPUWT        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  waiting for a real processor
                                                  (i.e. CPU WAIT). This count
                                                  includes all processor types.
  48  30  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCPURN        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  running on a real processor.
                                                  This count includes all
                                                  processor types.
  52  34  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALOTHR         Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  not in any of the above
  56  38  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALQDISP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  QUICK DISP users.
  60  3C  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALELSVM        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the eligible list that are in
                                                  SVM wait
  64  40  Unsigned      2  SYTUWT_SRMCELIG        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the eligible list
  66  42  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  68  44  Signed        4  SYTUWT_SRMDSVMW        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dormant list and in SVM
  72  48  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALIOACT        Cardinal count of VMDBKs
                                                  that had asynchronous I/O's
                                                  outstanding, causing them to
                                                  be left in the dispatch list
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALLLIST        Number of VMDBKs that were
                                                  in dispatch list waiting for
                                                  CPU but were also on the
                                                  Limit List, prevented from
                                                  running by max share.
  80  50  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALLLCP         Number of VMDBKs that were
                                                  in dispatch list waiting for
                                                  CPU, will be dispatched on a
                                                  central processor, and were
                                                  also on the Limit List but
                                                  prevented from running by max
  84  54  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALLLZAP        Number of VMDBKs that were
                                                  in dispatch list waiting for
                                                  CPU, will be dispatched on a
                                                  zAAP processor, and were also
                                                  on the Limit List but
                                                  prevented from running by max
  88  58  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALLLIFL        Number of VMDBKs that were
                                                  in dispatch list waiting for
                                                  CPU, will be dispatched on a
                                                  IFL processor, and were also
                                                  on the Limit List but
                                                  prevented from running by max
  92  5C  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALLLZIP        Number of VMDBKs that were
                                                  in dispatch list waiting for
                                                  CPU, will be dispatched on a
                                                  zIIP processor, and were also
                                                  on the Limit List but
                                                  prevented from running by max
  96  60  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCFCP         Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in console-function wait and
                                                  are to be dispatched on a
                                                  central processor (CP).
                                                  During such a wait, the
                                                  virtual CPU is not permitted
                                                  to run. Includes possible
                                                  live guest relocation quiesce
 100  64  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCFZAP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in console-function wait and
                                                  are to be dispatched on a
                                                  zAAP processor. During such a
                                                  wait, the virtual CPU is not
                                                  permitted to run. Includes
                                                  possible live guest
                                                  relocation quiesce time.
 104  68  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCFIFL        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in console-function wait and
                                                  are to be dispatched on an
                                                  IFL processor. During such a
                                                  wait, the virtual CPU is not
                                                  permitted to run. Includes
                                                  possible live guest
                                                  relocation quiesce time.
 108  6C  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCFZIP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in console-function wait and
                                                  are to be dispatched on a
                                                  zIIP processor. During such a
                                                  wait, the virtual CPU is not
                                                  permitted to run. Includes
                                                  possible live guest
                                                  relocation quiesce time.
 112  70  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALSWCP         Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in 'simulation wait' and are
                                                  to be dispatched on a central
                                                  processor (CP). The CPU is
                                                  simulating some hardware
                                                  functions such as
                                                  instructions, interrupts, or
                                                  timer updates, and the
                                                  virtual machine is thus
                                                  prevented from running to
                                                  avoid potential conflicts
                                                  with the simulations.
 116  74  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALSWZAP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in 'simulation wait' and are
                                                  to be dispatched on a zAAP
                                                  processor. The CPU is
                                                  simulating some hardware
                                                  functions such as
                                                  instructions, interrupts, or
                                                  timer updates, and the
                                                  virtual machine is thus
                                                  prevented from running to
                                                  avoid potential conflicts
                                                  with the simulations.
 120  78  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALSWIFL        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in 'simulation wait' and are
                                                  to be dispatched on a IFL
                                                  processor. The CPU is
                                                  simulating some hardware
                                                  functions such as
                                                  instructions, interrupts, or
                                                  timer updates, and the
                                                  virtual machine is thus
                                                  prevented from running to
                                                  avoid potential conflicts
                                                  with the simulations.
 124  7C  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALSWZIP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in 'simulation wait' and are
                                                  to be dispatched on a zIIP
                                                  processor. The CPU is
                                                  simulating some hardware
                                                  functions such as
                                                  instructions, interrupts, or
                                                  timer updates, and the
                                                  virtual machine is thus
                                                  prevented from running to
                                                  avoid potential conflicts
                                                  with the simulations.
 128  80  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCWCP         Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  waiting for a real processor
                                                  (i.e. CPU WAIT) and are to be
                                                  dispatched on a central
                                                  processor (CP).
 132  84  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCWZAP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  waiting for a real processor
                                                  (i.e. CPU WAIT) and are to be
                                                  dispatched on a zAAP
 136  88  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCWIFL        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  waiting for a real processor
                                                  (i.e. CPU WAIT) and are to be
                                                  dispatched on an IFL
 140  8C  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCWZIP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  waiting for a real processor
                                                  (i.e. CPU WAIT) and are to be
                                                  dispatched on a zIIP
 144  90  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCRCP         Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  running on a real central
 148  94  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCRZAP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  running on a real zAAP
 152  98  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCRIFL        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  running on a real IFL
 156  9C  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCRZIP        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  running on a real zIIP
 160  A0  Unsigned      4  SYTUWT_CALLLICF        Number of VMDBKs that were
                                                  in dispatch list waiting for
                                                  CPU, will be dispatched on a
                                                  ICF processor, and were also
                                                  on the Limit List but
                                                  prevented from running by max
 164  A4  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCFICF        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in console-function wait and
                                                  are to be dispatched on an
                                                  ICF processor. During such a
                                                  wait, the virtual CPU is not
                                                  permitted to run. Includes
                                                  possible live guest
                                                  relocation quiesce time.
 168  A8  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALSWICF        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that were
                                                  in 'simulation wait' and are
                                                  to be dispatched on a ICF
                                                  processor. The CPU is
                                                  simulating some hardware
                                                  functions such as
                                                  instructions, interrupts, or
                                                  timer updates, and the
                                                  virtual machine is thus
                                                  prevented from running to
                                                  avoid potential conflicts
                                                  with the simulations.
 172  AC  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCWICF        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  waiting for a real processor
                                                  (i.e. CPU WAIT) and are to be
                                                  dispatched on an ICF
 176  B0  Signed        4  SYTUWT_CALCRICF        Cardinal count of VMDBKs in
                                                  the dispatch list that are
                                                  running on a real ICF
 180  B4  Character     0  SYTUWT_END

MRSYTUWT Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
SYTUWT                     0    180
SYTUWT_CALCFCP            60      4
SYTUWT_CALCFICF           A4      4
SYTUWT_CALCFIFL           68      4
SYTUWT_CALCFWT            24      4
SYTUWT_CALCFZAP           64      4
SYTUWT_CALCFZIP           6C      4
SYTUWT_CALCPURN           30      4
SYTUWT_CALCPUWT           2C      4
SYTUWT_CALCRCP            90      4
SYTUWT_CALCRICF           B0      4
SYTUWT_CALCRIFL           98      4
SYTUWT_CALCRZAP           94      4
SYTUWT_CALCRZIP           9C      4
SYTUWT_CALCWCP            80      4
SYTUWT_CALCWICF           AC      4
SYTUWT_CALCWIFL           88      4
SYTUWT_CALCWZAP           84      4
SYTUWT_CALCWZIP           8C      4
SYTUWT_CALELSVM           3C      4
SYTUWT_CALIOACT           48      4
SYTUWT_CALIOWT            1C      4
SYTUWT_CALLLCP            50      4
SYTUWT_CALLLICF           A0      4
SYTUWT_CALLLIFL           58      4
SYTUWT_CALLLIST           4C      4
SYTUWT_CALLLZAP           54      4
SYTUWT_CALLLZIP           5C      4
SYTUWT_CALOTHR            34      4
SYTUWT_CALQDISP           38      4
SYTUWT_CALSIMWT           28      4
SYTUWT_CALSWCP            70      4
SYTUWT_CALSWICF           A8      4
SYTUWT_CALSWIFL           78      4
SYTUWT_CALSWZAP           74      4
SYTUWT_CALSWZIP           7C      4
SYTUWT_CALTIDL            14      4
SYTUWT_CALTSVM            18      4
SYTUWT_CALWTPAG           20      4
SYTUWT_END                B4      0
SYTUWT_MRHDR               0      0
SYTUWT_SRMCELIG           40      2
SYTUWT_SRMDSVMW           44      4

This information is
based on z/VM V7R3.0.

Last updated on 09 September 2022 at 13:03:05.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022