Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor control area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 0 - System Domain
                    Record 2 - Processor Data (Per Processor)
 DESCRIPTION - Real System or CPU operation exception.
               A separate record is generated for each online
               When multithreading is active a separate
               record is written per-CPU (thread). By default,
               fields in this record represent per-CPU or thread
               level data. Exceptionally, some fields are per-Core
               or per-CPU type. Where the latter two apply, comments
               tagged to the affected fields will indicate the
               category of data.
        - See the prolog of MRPRCSMT for details
   An approximate count of the number of SIE entries on
   this processor can be calculated by summing the
   following fields from this record:
   Note this sum is an upper bound because a SIE entry
   might be counted and then not happen.  The reason for
   this is how CP must operate as it prepares to issue
   SIE: first it must increment the count, then it must
   enable for interrupts, and then it must issue SIE.
   When CP enables for interrupts, an interrupt can arrive
   and the counted SIE will not be issued.  Thus the count
   is not exact but rather is just an upper bound.

MRSYTPRP Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   400+ SYTPRP                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  SYTPRP_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      2  SYTPRP_PFXCPUAD        Real processor's CPU
  22  16  Unsigned      2  SYTPRP_PLSCUHAF        Count of times a VMDBK was
                                                  dispatched with 'hard
                                                  affinity' (i.e., dedicated to
                                                  this processor)
  24  18  Character     8  SYTPRP_PFXPRBTM        Total raw CPU time spent in
                                                  emulation mode on this
                                                  processor for all users. This
                                                  field starts at
                                                  x'7FFFFFFFF_00000000' and
                                                  advances down (in the
                                                  negative direction).
  32  20  Character     8  SYTPRP_PFXUTIME        Total raw CPU time spent on
                                                  this processor which was
                                                  charged to users. It includes
                                                  both time spent running the
                                                  guest and time that CP spends
                                                  on behalf of a user doing
                                                  such things as instruction
                                                  simulation or page
                                                  translation. This is in raw
                                                  CPU time, not elapsed (or
                                                  wall clock) time. This field
                                                  starts at
                                                  x'7FFFFFFFF_00000000' and
                                                  advances down (in the
                                                  negative direction).
  40  28  Character     8  SYTPRP_PFXTMSYS        Total raw CPU time spent on
                                                  this processor which has been
                                                  charged to the system instead
                                                  of the user. In general, this
                                                  is processing that is
                                                  inappropriate to charge to
                                                  any one particular user.
                                                  Examples include portions of
                                                  the following functions:
                                                  scheduling decisions,
                                                  handling interruptions,
                                                  monitoring, and page
                                                  migration. This field starts
                                                  at x'7FFFFFFFF_00000000' and
                                                  advances down (in the
                                                  negative direction).
  48  30  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (SYTPRP_PLSVFVTM)
  56  38  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (SYTPRP_PLSVFOTM)
  64  40  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (SYTPRP_PLSVFLOD)
  68  44  Character     8  SYTPRP_PFXTOTWT        Total system wait time on
                                                  this CPU (includes both
                                                  active wait and enabled CPU
                                                  wait). It is the time this
                                                  CPU had no work to do,
                                                  measured in raw CPU time.
                                                  This field starts at
                                                  x'7FFFFFFFF_00000000' and
                                                  advances down (in the
                                                  negative direction).
                                                  Time accumulated in
                                                  SYTPRP_PFXPRKWT is not
                                                  accumulated in
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXRUNCI        Count of interceptions from
                                                  SIE on this processor. It
                                                  does NOT include
                                                  interceptions from SIE
                                                  instructions issued in order
                                                  to run a 'Vguest', i.e., a
                                                  guest of a guest, during
                                                  guest SIE simulation. It does
                                                  NOT include interceptions
                                                  handled by the fast-path
                                                  simulation support code.
  80  50  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXRUNPF        Count of host page faults
                                                  on this processor resulting
                                                  from guest references to
                                                  storage paged out by CP. Does
                                                  not include faults on RCP
  84  54  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXRUNCP        Count of SIE instructions
                                                  on this processor. It
                                                  does not include instructions
                                                  issued in order to run a
                                                  'Vguest', i.e., a guest of a
                                                  guest, during guest SIE
                                                  simulation. It does not
                                                  include instructions issued
                                                  following a successful
                                                  fast-path simulation support
  88  58  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_CALFSTPH        Count of fast-path
                                                  instruction simulations.
                                                  PFXFSTSG + PFXFSTXC +
  92  5C  Character     8  SYTPRP_PFXSPINT        Elapsed spin time on formal
                                                  locks on this CPU starting
                                                  at zero and counting up while
                                                  spinning on a lock acquisition.
                                                  Measured in TOD clock units.
                                                  Reset to zero when a CPU is
                                                  varied online.
 100  64  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXSPINC        Count of spin lock requests
                                                  on this processor that spun
                                                  on a formal lock because it
                                                  was not immediately available.
                                                  The value counts up from zero
                                                  and is reset to zero when a
                                                  CPU is varied online.
 104  68  Unsigned      1  SYTPRP_PFXCPUTY        CPU Type. Valid values:
                                                  X'00' - General Purpose (CP)
                                                  X'02' - zSeries Application
                                                  Assist (zAAP) X'03' -
                                                  Integrated Facility for Linux
                                                  (IFL) X'04' - Internal
                                                  Coupling Facility (ICF) X'05'
                                                  - zSeries Integrated
                                                  Information (zIIP)
 105  69  Unsigned      1  SYTPRP_PFXPOLAR        Current polarization of the
                                                  CPU/core. Valid values: X'00'
                                                  - Horizontally polarized
                                                  X'01' - Vertically polarized
                                                  with low entitlement X'02' -
                                                  Vertically polarized with
                                                  medium entitlement X'03' -
                                                  Vertically polarized with
                                                  high entitlement
 106  6A  Character     2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXFSTPX        Count of fast path
                                                  processing of partial
                                                  execution interrupts
 112  70  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXFSTXC        Count of fast path
                                                  reflections of guest External
                                                  Call interrupts
 116  74  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXFSTSG        Count of fast path
                                                  simulations of SIGP External
                                                  Call instructions
 120  78  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXFST44        Count of fast path
                                                  simulations of Diagnose X'44'
 124  7C  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLS9CNR         Count of times a guest
                                                  issued Diagnose x'9C' and the
                                                  target was in a VMDSTATE <
 128  80  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLS9CWT         Count of times a guest
                                                  issued Diag x'9C' and the
                                                  target was found in wait
                                                  state (PSW.W=1)
 132  84  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLS9CSWT        Count of times a guest
                                                  issued Diag x'9C' and the
                                                  issuer had to soft-wait on
                                                  the target.
 136  88  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLS9CDSP        Count of times a guest
                                                  issued Diag x'9C' and the
                                                  target was already dispatched
 140  8C  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_CALENTMT        For vertical CPUs/cores
                                                  (SYTPRP_PFXPOLAR <> X'00'),
                                                  this is a scaled number
                                                  between X'00000000' and
                                                  X'00010000' representing the
                                                  portion of a physical
                                                  CPU/core to which this
                                                  vertical CPU/core is
                                                  entitled. This value is
                                                  X'00000000' for a horizontal
                                                  CPU/core. When MT is enabled,
                                                  this core value is repeated
                                                  in the monitor record of each
                                                  CPU in the core. These values
                                                  are not to be added up across
                                                  the core.
 144  90  Character     8  SYTPRP_PFXPRKWT        Total parked wait time on
                                                  this CPU in TOD clock units.
                                                  This field starts at 0 and
                                                  advances up (in the positive
                                                  Time accumulated in
                                                  SYTPRP_PFXPRKWT is not
                                                  accumulated in

TSGET and CAD fields start here.
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 152 98 Character 8 SYTPRP_PF2TSGTM Total elapsed wall-clock time consumed by TSGET requests 160 A0 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_PF2TSCNT Count of TSGET requests 164 A4 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_PF2TSCAD Count of CAD instructions executed during TSGET requests 168 A8 Character 8 SYTPRP_PF2CADCT Count of CAD instructions used during spin lock acquisitions that were not delayed

The following fields record multithreading metrics and related information
for the current monitor interval.
At the end of the monitor interval, measurements are taken and deltas
from the previous monitor interval are calculated. According to what
happened during the sampling and calculation, one of the following
results are placed into the metric fields of this monitor record:
1. When a metric can be calculated then a positive integer is stored
   in the metric field.
2.  When a metric cannot be calculated, a negative integer is
    stored in the metric field in the form of a bit-mask.
    Defined values and their meanings are:
    SYTPRP_KNODATA_ERROR =        X'80000000'
        Indicates that an error has been returned. The following
        additional bits define the specifc condition, which may
        be combined using bitwise OR where more than one
        condition applies.
        No data is available for this metric for unspecified
        Insufficient data is available to allow a metric
        to be calculated. This value is forced for all MT
        metrics of the first sample record written
        for each CPU following enablement of sampling.
        No data is available because a core was offline
        for a period within the monitor interval.
        No data is available because of an MT counter data loss
    SYTPRP_KNODATA_NOCORE =       X'80000010'
        No data is available because there are no cores from
        which to extract counters for the metric in question.
        No data is available because counters from which the
        metric is calculated were not available during the
        sample interval.
        No data is available because of an internal error.
It is possible for configuration changes to occur that affect
the basis of comparison with previous monitor samples. An example
is where the speed of a core changes during the sample interval.
A multithreading configuration change may also occur due to
the processing of the SET MULTITHREAD command.
Configuration changes are indicated in SYTPRP_CAL_MTSFLGS when
If an internal error occurs when calculating metrics, then a soft
abend is issued, CPU counter sampling is permanently disabled,
the metric values returned will be set to SYTPRP_NODATA_ERROR
Metrics returned are in two categories:
  1) CPU-type-category
     These metrics are calculated using data pertaining to all
     online cores of a particular CPU type.
     The number of sampled cores participating in the calculation
     The time interval over which the metric applies is given by
     SYTPRP_PFXCPUTY will indicate to which CPU type these
     metrics apply.
     Also, CPU-type-category data will appear in records for
     other threads of the same CPU type for this monitor
  2) Core-category
     These metrics are calculated using data pertaining to all
     threads of one core.
     The time interval over which the metric applies is given by
     SYTPRP_CAL_CORID indicates the core from which these metrics
     have been calculated.
     SYTPRP_CAL_TID indicates the thread ID of the core for
     which this record has been created.
     The same core-category data will appear in all records for
     threads of the same core for this monitor interval.
Aggregation of data.
     When aggregating D0 R2 monitor record data for the same
     monitor sample interval, core-category metrics for the same
     core should be considered duplicate data.
     When aggregating D0 R2 monitor record data for the same
     monitor sample interval, CPU-type-category metrics for the
     same CPU type should be considered duplicate data.
Scaling and units.
     Time metrics are in units of milliseconds.
       - See the prolog of MRPRCSMT for details.

Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 176 B0 Bitstring 1 SYTPRP_CAL_MTSFLGS Status flags settings: 1... .... SYTPRP_CAL_HISSFNA X'80' Facilities required to calculate the multithreading metrics are not available. Measurements have been suspended. .1.. .... SYTPRP_CAL_HISSFCC X'40' A configuration change occurred during the measurement period. For example, a CPU speed change or multithreading configuration change occurred. Metrics are recorded but their basis for comparison has changed. ..1. .... SYTPRP_CAL_SYSMTSTM X'20' Multithreading was not requested ...1 .... SYTPRP_CAL_SYSMT X'10' Multithreading is not enabled. .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 177 B1 Unsigned 1 SYTPRP_CAL_TID Thread ID for this thread 178 B2 Unsigned 2 SYTPRP_CAL_CORID Core ID of the core to which this thread belongs.
CPU-type metrics calculated across all cores for the CPU type specified by SYTPRP_PFXCPUTY
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 180 B4 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_INTERVALTIMEBYTYPE Time interval in milliseconds since the previous extraction of the metrics by core was made. An initial extraction was made to initialize D0R2 sampling so that the first record to be written will have a valid value for this field. The field contains either a positive integer representing the described metric value returned or a negative indicating a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 184 B8 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_SAMPLEDCORESBYTYPE The number of cores sampled that returned data for the calculation of the following per-CPU-type metrics for this sample interval. The field contains either a positive integer representing the described metric value returned or a negative value indicating a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 188 BC Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_PRODBYTYPE Productivity by CPU type: For this logical CPU's CPU type, a ratio times 1024 of how much work was accomplished by all cores to the estimated amount of work that would have been accomplished by all cores if all core busy time had been spent with all threads busy. The field contains this ratio unless a negative value is present, in which case it indicates a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 192 C0 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_BUSYTIMEBYTYPE Busy Time by CPU type: For this logical CPU's CPU type, the sum of the dispatch times of all logical cores of this type, in milliseconds, over the monitor sample interval. In other words, it is the aggregate of BUSYTIMEBYCORE for the cores of this logical CPU's CPU type. The field contains either a positive integer representing the described metric value returned or a negative value indicating a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 196 C4 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_CAPBYTYPE Capacity Factor by CPU type: For this logical CPU's CPU type, a ratio times 1024 of the work rate the cores experienced to the work rate the cores experienced while running with only one thread busy. For example, if the CAPBYTYPE field were 1280, the cores experienced a work rate of 1280/1024 = 1.25 times the work rate they experienced when they were running with only one thread busy. The field contains this ratio unless a negative value is present, in which case it indicates a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 200 C8 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_MAXCAPBYTYPE Max Capacity Factor by CPU type: For this logical CPU's CPU type, a ratio times 1024 of the work rate the cores experienced with all threads busy to the work rate the cores experienced with one thread busy. For example, if the MAXCAPBYTYPE field were 1280, the cores accomplished 1280/1024 = 1.25 times as much work per unit time of all threads busy as they did per unit time of one thread busy. The field contains this ratio unless a negative value is present, in which case it indicates a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 204 CC Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_MTUTILBYTYPE Processor Utilization by CPU type: For this logical CPU's CPU type, a ratio times 1024 of the work the cores accomplished during the monitor sample interval to the estimated work the cores would have accomplished if they had run with all threads busy for the whole monitor sample interval. The field contains this ratio unless a negative value is present, in which case it indicates a kNoData returned condition - see comment box above for details. 208 D0 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_AVGTDBYTYPE Average Thread Density by CPU type: For this logical CPU's CPU type, a ratio expressing the average number of threads active per core when a core of this type was dispatched and at least one thread of the core was active. The field contains this ratio times 1024 unless a negative value is present, in which case it indicates a kNoData returned condition - see comments box above for details.
Core metrics calculated across all threads of a specific core.
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 212 D4 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_INTERVALTIMEBYCORE Time interval in milliseconds since the previous extraction and calculation of the metrics by core was made. An initial extraction was made to initialize D0R2 sampling so that the first record to be written will have a value for this field. The field contains either a positive integer representing the described metric value returned or a negative value indicating a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 216 D8 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_PRODBYCORE Productivity by core: For this logical CPU's core, a ratio times 1024 of how much work was accomplished to the estimated amount of work that would have been accomplished if all core busy time had been spent with all threads busy. The field contains this ratio unless a negative value is present, in which case it indicates a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 220 DC Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_BUSYTIMEBYCORE Busy Time by core: For this logical CPU's core, the amount of time the logical core was dispatched to a physical core over the sample interval, in milliseconds. The field contains either a positive integer representing the described metric value returned or a negative value indicating a kNoData condition - see comments box above for details. 224 E0 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_MTUTILBYCORE MT Utilization by core: For this logical CPU's core, a ratio times 1024 of the work accomplished to the estimated work the core would have accomplished if it had run with all threads busy for the whole monitor sample interval. This field contains either a positive integer representing the described metric value returned or a negative value indicating a kNoData condition - see comments box above for the details. 228 E4 Unsigned 4 SYTPRP_CAL_AVGTDBYCORE Core Average Thread Density: For this logical CPU's core, a ratio expressing the average number of threads active when the core was dispatched and at least one thread was active. The field contains this this ratio times 1024 unless a negative value is present, in which case it indicates a kNoData returned condition - see comments box above for details.
HOST SHARE IPTE INTERLOCK STATISTICS There are two sets of IPTE Interlock statistics, each of which is stored as a self-consistent set. The first set is a quintuple relating to Interlock wait and acquisition times. It comprises: CAL_PLSIPTEI, PLSIIA, PLSIIADD, PLSIIWTM and PLSIIWTSSQ. Derived from this are two triples from which we can calculate the mean and variance of host interlock acquisition wait times per interlock acquisition: 1) For Interlock acquisitions using method 1 use: CAL_PLSIPTEI (total IPTE Interlock acquisitions using method 1) PLSIIWTM (accumulated time waiting for the interlock using method 1 or 2) PLSIIWTSSQ (accumulated sum of squares of time waiting for the interlock using method 1 or 2) 2) For Interlock acquisitions using method 2 use: PLSIIA (total IPTE Interlock acquisitions using method 2) PLSIIWTM (accumulated time waiting for the interlock using method 1 or 2) PLSIIWTSSQ (accumulated sum of squares of time waiting for the interlock using method 1 or 2) It is important to note that PLSIIA=0 when method 1 is in use. When method 2 is used then PLSIIA=CAL_PLSIPTEI. Sums of wait times, squares of wait times, hold times and squares of hold times are accumulated for one method only. The remaining metric, PLSIIADD, is incremented whenever an interlock acquisition is granted and a host share is already held. It may be used with the total number of Interlock acquisitions to calculate the mean number of additional host shares per initial host interlock acquisition where its host share is not held already. To make this calculation, PLSIIADD and CAL_PLSIPTEI (or PLSIIA) are summed across all logical CPUs. See note below about calculating mean and variance of hold times. Thus: delta-PLSIIADD/(delta-PLSIPTEI - delta-PLSIIADD) provides the desired mean. The second set is a triple relating to Interlock hold time. It comprises: CAL_PLSIINHLD, PLSIIHLD and PLSIIHDSSQ. These three values are used to calculate the mean and variance of the intervals over which the IPTE Interlock was continuously held by the host. Because an IPTE interlock continuous-hold interval may begin on one logical CPU and terminate on another then the three values should be summed over all logical CPUs before calculating mean and variance. Fields that provide sums of times are expressed in TOD units; those that provide sums of squares of times are expressed in TOD-units-squared. If we carry out of the high-order bit position when calculating any component of the two tuples then the entire tuple affected is reset to zero. The only time any metric component within a tuple is observed not to increase monotonically between successive sample records is where the tuple has been reset. In all cases the recorded tuple is self-consistent. A tuple may be used as the base from which to calculate a delta from the previous sample provided each component value in that tuple is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of the previous sample's tuple.

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
 232  E8  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_CAL_PLSIPTEI    Total count of IPTE
                                                  Interlock acquisitions using
                                                  methods 1 or 2.
 236  EC  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSIIA          Count IPTE Interlock
                                                  acquisitions using method 2.
 240  F0  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSIIADD        Count of times an IPTE
                                                  Interlock was acquired as an
                                                  additional host share.
 244  F4  Character     8  SYTPRP_PLSIIWTM        Cumulative amount of time
                                                  spent waiting for an IPTE
                                                  Interlock acquisition.
 252  FC  Character    16  SYTPRP_PLSIIWTSSQ      Sum of squared time spent
                                                  waiting for an IPTE Interlock
 268 10C  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_CAL_PLSIINHLD   Count of intervals over
                                                  which one or more host shares
                                                  of an IPTE Interlock were
                                                  continuously held.
 272 110  Character     8  SYTPRP_PLSIIHLD        Cumulative amount of time
                                                  over which one or more host
                                                  shares of an IPTE Interlock
                                                  were continuously held.
 280 118  Character    16  SYTPRP_PLSIIHDSSQ      Sum of squared time over
                                                  which one or more host shares
                                                  of an IPTE Interlock were
                                                  continuously held.
 296 128  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_COREXTCT        Cnt times MT ctrs extracted
 300 12C  Character     8  SYTPRP_COREXTTT        Total time consumed to
                                                  extract MT counters for the
                                                  CORBK for this core.
 308 134  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 312 138  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSPTLCL        Count of calls to purge
                                                  the TLB on a local
 316 13C  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSPTLCD        Count of calls to set a
                                                  pending host TLB for a
 320 140  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSPTLCA        Count of calls to set a
                                                  pending host TLB for a
                                                  user (not the current
 324 144  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXCPUCH        Count of times this logical
                                                  CPU ran a VMDBK using
                                                  SIEIHCPU<>x'FFFF' and the
                                                  VMDBK was switching
                                                  logical CPUs.
 328 148  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PFXPRGCT        Count of times this
                                                  logical CPU ran a VMDBK
                                                  using SIEIHCPU=x'FFFF'.
 332 14C  Character     8  SYTPRP_CORTMTLT        Timestamp at completion
                                                  of the last threading
                                                  level transition after
 340 154  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_CORTLSEQ        Threading level transition
                                                  sequence number. Odd during
                                                  a threading level change
                                                  and even otherwise. When 0,
                                                  there have not been any
                                                  threading level transitions
                                                  since the core was last varied
                                                  on. The value is twice the
                                                  number of actual transitions.
 344 158  Unsigned      2  SYTPRP_CAL_CORTMOFF    Offset to SYTPRP_CORTMPTL
                                                  array of core times per
                                                  threading level.
 346 15A  Unsigned      2  SYTPRP_CAL_CORTMSIZ    Size of an entry in the
                                                  SYTPRP_CORTMPTL array.
 348 15C  Unsigned      1  SYTPRP_CAL_CORTMCNT    Number of entries in the
                                                  SYTPRP_CORTMPTL array.
 349 15D  Unsigned      1  SYTPRP_CORTHRDS        Count of threads
                                                  activated on this core.
 350 15E  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 352 160  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSFPPFSUCCESS  Count of times
                                                  the pfault fast path was
                                                  successful and returned
                                                  directly to the SIE
 356 164  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSWRUCP        Count of host SIE
                                                  executions while simulating
                                                  guest SIE instructions
 360 168  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSWTIIN        Cumulative count of WTIs
                                                  recognized by interruption
 364 16C  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSWTITP        Cumulative count of WTIs
                                                  recognized by TPEI
 368 170  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSWTSUSP       Cumulative count of successful
                                                  WTI suspensions
 372 174  Unsigned      4  SYTPRP_PLSWTARDY       Cumulative count of tardy
                                                  WTI-suspend attempts
 376 178  Character     8  SYTPRP_PLSWTI2SUSP     Cumulative time from
                                                  WTI-recognition to successful
                                                  WTI-suspension in TOD
                                                  clock units
 384 180  Character     8  SYTPRP_PLSWTI2TRDY     Cumulative time from
                                                  WTI-recognition to tardy
                                                  WTI-suspension in TOD clock
 392 188  Character     8  SYTPRP_PLSWTSUSTM      Cumulative held in
                                                  successful WTI-suspend in
                                                  TOD clock units
                                                  This field starts at 0
                                                  and counts up.
                                                  Time accumulated in
                                                  SYTPRP_PLSWTSUSTM is not
                                                  accumulated in SYTPRP_PFXTOTWT.
 400 190  Character     0  SYTPRP_END

Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Structure 8 SYTPRP_CORTMPTL Entry definition for the array of core times per threading level. 0 0 Character 8 SYTPRP_CAL_CORTMPRV Amount of time in TOD clock units that this core ran at the entry's corresponding threading level prior to the most recent threading level transition.

MRSYTPRP Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
SYTPRP                     0    400+
SYTPRP_CAL_CORID          B2      2
SYTPRP_CAL_CORTMOFF       158     2
SYTPRP_CAL_HISSFCC        B0           40
SYTPRP_CAL_HISSFNA        B0           80
SYTPRP_CAL_MTSFLGS        B0      1
SYTPRP_CAL_SYSMT          B0           10
SYTPRP_CAL_SYSMTSTM       B0           20
SYTPRP_CAL_TID            B1      1
SYTPRP_CALENTMT           8C      4
SYTPRP_CALFSTPH           58      4
SYTPRP_COREXTCT          128      4
SYTPRP_COREXTTT          12C      8
SYTPRP_CORTLSEQ          154      4
SYTPRP_CORTMTLT          14C      8
SYTPRP_CORTHRDS          15D      1
SYTPRP_END               190      0
SYTPRP_MRHDR               0      0
SYTPRP_PFXCPUAD           14      2
SYTPRP_PFXCPUCH          144      4
SYTPRP_PFXCPUTY           68      1
SYTPRP_PFXFSTPX           6C      4
SYTPRP_PFXFSTSG           74      4
SYTPRP_PFXFSTXC           70      4
SYTPRP_PFXFST44           78      4
SYTPRP_PFXPOLAR           69      1
SYTPRP_PFXPRBTM           18      8
SYTPRP_PFXPRGCT          148      4
SYTPRP_PFXPRKWT           90      8
SYTPRP_PFXRUNCI           4C      4
SYTPRP_PFXRUNCP           54      4
SYTPRP_PFXRUNPF           50      4
SYTPRP_PFXSPINC           64      4
SYTPRP_PFXSPINT           5C      8
SYTPRP_PFXTMSYS           28      8
SYTPRP_PFXTOTWT           44      8
SYTPRP_PFXUTIME           20      8
SYTPRP_PF2CADCT           A8      8
SYTPRP_PF2TSCAD           A4      4
SYTPRP_PF2TSCNT           A0      4
SYTPRP_PF2TSGTM           98      8
SYTPRP_PLSCUHAF           16      2
SYTPRP_PLSIIA             EC      4
SYTPRP_PLSIIADD           F0      4
SYTPRP_PLSIIHDSSQ        118     16
SYTPRP_PLSIIHLD          110      8
SYTPRP_PLSIIWTM           F4      8
SYTPRP_PLSPTLCA          140      4
SYTPRP_PLSPTLCD          13C      4
SYTPRP_PLSPTLCL          138      4
SYTPRP_PLSWRUCP          164      4
SYTPRP_PLSWTARDY         174      4
SYTPRP_PLSWTIIN          168      4
SYTPRP_PLSWTITP          16C      4
SYTPRP_PLSWTI2SUSP       178      8
SYTPRP_PLSWTI2TRDY       180      8
SYTPRP_PLSWTSUSP         170      4
SYTPRP_PLSWTSUSTM        188      8
SYTPRP_PLS9CDSP           88      4
SYTPRP_PLS9CNR            7C      4
SYTPRP_PLS9CSWT           84      4
SYTPRP_PLS9CWT            80      4

This information is
based on z/VM V7R3.0.

Last updated on 10 November 2023 at 16:18:05.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2023