Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Event Record
                    Domain  5 - Processor Domain
                    Record 16 - Park/Unpark Decision
 DESCRIPTION - Describes the park/unpark decision that was
               most recently made. z/VM parks CPUs/cores it
               believes it will not need in the next
               interval, when running in vertical
               polarization mode. This record provides data
               which influences this decision, along with
               the decisions made.
               This record consists of several data fields,
               followed by a series of stanzas. There is
               one stanza for each CPU type of which we
               have at least 1 CPU/core online in the partition.
               Each stanza contains information about the
               park/unpark decision which is specific to
               that CPU type.
 NOTE: When a field in this record uses the term "CPU/core",
       the meaning of the field changes based on whether
       Multithreading (MT) is enabled for this partition.
       Refer to Monitor Sample Record Domain 1 Record 4
       (MRMTRSYS) to determine whether MT is enabled for
       this partition as well as the number of threads for
       each CPU type.
       When MT is not enabled, a physical core contains
       only one CPU:
         - CPU  : central processing unit (processor).
         - CORE : physical unit containing one CPU.
                  In this environment the core has
                  1 thread, the term thread is not used,
                  and the term "CPU" is generally favored
                  over the term "core".
       When MT is enabled, a physical core contains one or
       more CPUs (aka "threads"):
         - CPU   : central processing unit (processor).
                  Identified by CPU address which consists
                  of core ID and thread ID.
         - CORE  : physical unit containing one or more CPUs
                  (aka "threads"). All CPUs of a core have
                  the same CPU type.
         - THREAD: synonym for a CPU that is a memeber of a
                   core. Each thread on a core has a
                   distinct thread ID (TID), numbered from
                   0 up to the maximum thread ID available
                   on the core.

MRPRCPUP Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure    80+ PRCPUP                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  PRCPUP_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_SCOUNT          Number of stanzas in this
  22  16  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_SSIZE           Size of a stanza (bytes)
  24  18  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_SOFFSET         Offset within this record
                                                  to the first stanza.
  26  1A  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_MAXRPROC        This value defines the
                                                  number of valid bits in bit
                                                  masks: PRCPUP_RCCUPKMK,
  28  1C  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_OFSUPKMK        PRCPUP_RCCUPKMK field
                                                  offset from beginning of the
  30  1E  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_OFSONLIN        PRCPUP_CALONLIN field
                                                  offset from beginning of the
  32  20  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_OFSLCPUA        PRCPUP_SRXLCPUA field
                                                  offset from beginning of the
  34  22  Character     2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  36  24  Bitstring     1  PRCPUP_CALFLAG         Flag byte
          1... ....        PRCPUP_WHIOK            Running in an environment
                                                  which provides the
                                                  information needed to make
                                                  excess capacity predictions.
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
  37  25  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_WHIXCT          Number of valid samples
                                                  required to make a floor
                                                  projection of unentitled
                                                  capacity. This value is a
                                                  common constant for all CPU
  38  26  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_WHIUCT          Number of valid samples
                                                  required to make a ceiling
                                                  prediction of CPU/core
                                                  utilization. This value is a
                                                  common constant for all CPU
  39  27  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_WHIVCT          Number of valid samples
                                                  required to make a ceiling
                                                  prediction of system T/V.
                                                  This value is a common
                                                  constant for all CPU types.
  40  28  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_RCCSIGCT        Cumulative count of
                                                  successful SIGP restarts. Does
                                                  not include SIGP restarts to be
                                                  done for the park/unpark
                                                  operation described in this
                                                  monitor record.
  44  2C  Unsigned      8  PRCPUP_RCCSIGTD        Cumulative duration of
                                                  time spent in SIGP restarts
                                                  expressed as the sum of the
                                                  TOD clock increments between
                                                  the time the SIGP restart
                                                  started and returned. Does not
                                                  include SIGP restarts to be
                                                  done for the park/unpark
                                                  operation described in this
  52  34  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_SRMTVCRL        T/V Critical Value. Used
                                                  as a low threshold to decide
                                                  whether a T/V ratio projected for
                                                  the next interval is high enough
                                                  that the processor parking algorithm
                                                  should be adjusted to limit parking
                                                  of extra processors. Expressed as a
                                                  scaled number where x'00010000'
                                                  = 1.0.
                                                  Projected T/V ratio is no longer used
                                                  in the park decision.
  56  38  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_SRMTVCRH        T/V Critical Value. Used
                                                  as a high threshold to decide
                                                  whether a T/V ratio projected for
                                                  the next interval is low enough
                                                  that the processor parking algorithm
                                                  should be adjusted to limit parking
                                                  of extra processors. Expressed as a
                                                  scaled number where x'00010000'
                                                  = 1.0.
                                                  Projected T/V ratio is no longer used
                                                  in the park decision.
  60  3C  Character     8  PRCPUP_WHITOD          Time of day value when
                                                  processor utilization data
                                                  was obtained.
  68  44  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIDELAY        Cumulative count of times
                                                  Diagnose x'204' busy
                                                  conditions occurred and
                                                  delayed utilization data
                                                  acquisition to the next
                                                  timer interval.
  72  48  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
  76  4C  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_SYSPRKFG        Value indicating how z/VM
                                                  unparks when GPD is on:
                                                  0 = unpark large
                                                  1 = unpark medium
                                                  2 = unpark small
  77  4D  Character     3  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
  80  50  Character     0  *                      Additional fields may be
                                                  inserted before here. Use
                                                  offsets to locate any fields
                                                  after this point.
  80  5C  Character     0  PRCPUP_STANZAS         Start of first stanza
   0   0  Structure    68+ PRCPUP_STANZA          Start of a stanza of
                                                  per-CPU- type park/unpark
                                                  decision information. The
                                                  first stanza should be
                                                  located by adding
                                                  PRCPUP_SOFFSET to the address
                                                  of this record. Subsequent
                                                  stanzas should be located by
                                                  adding PRCPUP_SSIZE to the
                                                  address of the current stanza
   0   0  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_CPUTYPE         CPU type being described.
                                                  0=CP, 2=zAAP, 3=IFL, 4=ICF,
   1   1  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_WHIOFLG         Flags for this partition.
          1... ....        PRCPUP_WHIODED        LPAR has dedicated
          .1.. ....        PRCPUP_WHIOCAP        Partition has capping on.
          ..1. ....        PRCPUP_WHIONO          Local LPAR has no
                                                  CPUs/cores of this type.
          ...1 ....        PRCPUP_WHIOALL        Local LPAR is the only
                                                  LPAR with CPUs/cores of
                                                  this type.
          .... 1...        PRCPUP_WHIOXPR        Excess capacity prediction
                                                  was successfully made on
                                                  this pass.
          .... .1..        PRCPUP_WHIOCAPC       CpuTypeCap is on, and the
                                                  converted value in
                                                  PRCPUP_WHIOCAPV was
                                                  originally provided in
                                                  terms of units.
          .... ..1.        PRCPUP_WHIOGCPC       LPAR Group Capping is on and
                                                  the converted value in
                                                  PRCPUP_WHIOGCPV was originally
                                                  provided in terms of CPU/core
          .... ...1        *
   2   2  Character     2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
   4   4  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOCUTI        Calculated utilization in
                                                  interval: number of physical
                                                  CPUs/cores of this type which were
                                                  consumed. Represented as a
                                                  scaled number where x'10000'
                                                  = 1 physical CPU/core.
   8   8  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOPUTI        Ceiling prediction of
                                                  CPU/core utilization for next
                                                  interval, in the same units
                                                  as PRCPUP_WHIOCUTI.
  12   C  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_SRXCPPAD        Amount of CPU capacity
                                                  added to ceiling prediction
                                                  of CPU/core utilization. A scaled
                                                  number where X'00010000'
                                                  represents one CPU/core. This is
                                                  the SRM CPUPAD value.
  16  10  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_SRXWRKCI        Confidence percentage used
                                                  to make ceiling prediction of
                                                  CPU/core utilization.
  17  11  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_CALUCALG        Algorithm used for the
                                                  ceiling prediction of CPU/core
                                                  utilization. 1=standard
                                                  (normal) 2=standard adjusted
                                                  3=standard reverse 4=average
  18  12  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_WHIOUCT         Number of valid samples for
                                                  the ceiling prediction of
                                                  CPU/core utilization.
  19  13  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  20  14  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_SRXPMAX         Maximum number of CPUs/cores
                                                  that can be parked in an
  22  16  Character     2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  24  18  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOENT         This partition's
                                                  entitlement to CPU/core resource,
                                                  represented in the same units
                                                  as PRCPUP_WHIOCUTI.
                                                  This field is valid when the
                                                  bit (x80) is ON.
  28  1C  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOCECE        Calculated amount of excess
                                                  CPU/core capacity available
                                                  on shared physical CPUs/cores in
                                                  in the CPC over the interval;
                                                  number of physical CPUs/cores of
                                                  this type which were
                                                  available to all shared LPs
                                                  which are competing for
                                                  CPU/core capacity beyond their
                                                  entitlement (includes both
                                                  CPU/core capacity above
                                                  entitlement used and unused
                                                  capacity). In the same units
                                                  as PRCPUP_WHIOCUTI.
                                                  This field is valid when the
                                                  bit (x80) is ON.
  32  20  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOCXC         Calculated share of extra
                                                  capacity in interval: number
                                                  of physical CPUs/cores of this
                                                  type which this partition could
                                                  have used, in the same units
                                                  as PRCPUP_WHIOCUTI.
                                                  This field is valid when the
                                                  bit (x80) is ON.
  36  24  Signed        4  PRCPUP_WHIOPXC         Unentitled capacity floor
                                                  projection for the next
                                                  interval, in the same units
                                                  as PRCPUP_WHIOCUTI.
                                                  This field is valid when
                                                  PRCPUP_WHIOFLG bit x08 is ON.
  40  28  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_CALFCONF        Confidence percentage used
                                                  to make floor projection of
                                                  unentitled capacity. The
                                                  value is invalid if it
                                                  contains xFF (255).
                                                  100 = EXCESSUSE NONE
                                                   90 = EXCESSUSE LOW
                                                   70 = EXCESSUSE MED
                                                   50 = EXCESSUSE HIGH
  41  29  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_CALFLALG        Algorithm used for the
                                                  floor projection of
                                                  unentitled capacity.
                                                  1=standard (normal)
                                                  2=standard (normal) adjusted
                                                  3=standard (normal) reverse
  42  2A  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_WHIOXCT         Number of valid samples for
                                                  the floor projection of
                                                  unentitled capacity.
  43  2B  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  44  2C  Unsigned      2  PRCPUP_RCCNUPK         Number of CPUs that
                                                  are requested to be in the
                                                  unparked state for the next
  46  2E  Character     2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  48  30  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_SRXNOTVH        Capacity assigned to all
                                                  CPUs/cores other than vertical
                                                  high CPUs/cores.
  52  34  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOCAPV        When PRCPUP_WHIOFLG bit
                                                  x04 is ON, contains the maximum
                                                  number of physical CPUs/cores of
                                                  this type which our partition
                                                  is permitted to use, a scaled
                                                  number where X'00010000'
                                                  represents one CPU/core.
  56  38  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOCTVR        Calculated T/V ratio in
                                                  the interval. Expressed as a
                                                  scaled number where x'00010000' =
                                                  1.0. A value of binary zeroes
                                                  indicates that T/V was not
                                                  calculated for the most recent
                                                  interval. The T/V calculation
                                                  is capped at a value of
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOPTVR        Ceiling projection for
                                                  T/V ratio for the next interval.
                                                  Expressed in the same units as
                                                  WHIOCTVR. A value of binary
                                                  zeroes indicates that a prediction
                                                  was not made for the interval.
                                                  T/V ratio no longer affects park
  64  40  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_SRXTVCNF        Confidence percentage
                                                  used to make ceiling prediction
                                                  of T/V ratio.
                                                  T/V ratio no longer affects park
  65  41  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_CALTVALG        Algorithm used for the
                                                  ceiling projection of T/V ratio.
                                                  1=standard (normal)
                                                  2=standard adjusted
                                                  3=standard reverse
                                                  T/V ratio no longer affects park
  66  42  Unsigned      1  PRCPUP_WHIOTVCT        Number of valid samples
                                                  for the ceiling prediction of
                                                  T/V ratio.
                                                  T/V ratio no longer affects park
  67  43  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  68  44  Unsigned      4  PRCPUP_WHIOGCPV        When PRCPUP_WHIOFLG bit
                                                  x02 is ON, contains the maximum
                                                  aggregate number of physical
                                                  CPUs/cores of this type which
                                                  the LPAR Group that this
                                                  partition is a member of is
                                                  permitted to use, a scaled
                                                  number where X'00010000'
                                                  represents one CPU/core.
  72  48  Character     0  *                      Additional fields may be
                                                  inserted before here. Use
                                                  offsets to locate any fields
                                                  after this point.
   0   0  Bit           1  PRCPUP_RCCUPKMK(MAXVMPRC) Bitmask showing
                                                  requested unparked state.
   0   0  Bit           1  PRCPUP_CALONLIN(MAXVMPRC) Bitmask indicating
                                                  which CPUs are currently online.
   0   0  Bit           1  PRCPUP_SRXLCPUA(MAXVMPRC) Bitmask indicating
                                                  which CPUs are currently in the
                                                  unparked state.
   *   *  Character     0  PRCPUP_END_STANZA      End of stanza

MRPRCPUP Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
PRCPUP                     0     80+
PRCPUP_CALFCONF           28      1
PRCPUP_CALFLAG            24      1
PRCPUP_CALFLALG           29      1
PRCPUP_CALONLIN            0      *
PRCPUP_CALTVALG           41      1
PRCPUP_CALUCALG           11      1
PRCPUP_CPUTYPE             0      1
PRCPUP_END_STANZA          *      *
PRCPUP_MAXRPROC           1A      2
PRCPUP_MRHDR               0      0
PRCPUP_OFSLCPUA           20      2
PRCPUP_OFSONLIN           1E      2
PRCPUP_OFSUPKMK           1C      2
PRCPUP_RCCNUPK            2C      2
PRCPUP_RCCSIGCT           28      4
PRCPUP_RCCSIGTD           2C      8
PRCPUP_RCCUPKMK            0      *
PRCPUP_SCOUNT             14      2
PRCPUP_SOFFSET            18      2
PRCPUP_SRMTVCRH           38      4
PRCPUP_SRMTVCRL           34      4
PRCPUP_SRXCPPAD            C      4
PRCPUP_SRXLCPUA            0      *
PRCPUP_SRXNOTVH           30      4
PRCPUP_SRXPMAX            14      2
PRCPUP_SRXTVCNF           40      1
PRCPUP_SRXWRKCI           10      1
PRCPUP_SSIZE              16      2
PRCPUP_STANZA              0     68+
PRCPUP_STANZAS            4C      0
PRCPUP_SYSPRKFG           4C      1
PRCPUP_WHIDELAY           44      4
PRCPUP_WHIOALL             1           10
PRCPUP_WHIOCAP             1           40
PRCPUP_WHIOCAPC            1           04
PRCPUP_WHIOCAPV           34      4
PRCPUP_WHIOCECE           1C      4
PRCPUP_WHIOCTVR           38      4
PRCPUP_WHIOCUTI            4      4
PRCPUP_WHIOCXC            20      4
PRCPUP_WHIODED             1           80
PRCPUP_WHIOENT            18      4
PRCPUP_WHIOFLG             1      1
PRCPUP_WHIOGCPC            1           02
PRCPUP_WHIOGCPV           44      4
PRCPUP_WHIOK              24           80
PRCPUP_WHIONO              1           20
PRCPUP_WHIOPTVR           3C      4
PRCPUP_WHIOPUTI            8      4
PRCPUP_WHIOPXC            24      4
PRCPUP_WHIOTVCT           42      1
PRCPUP_WHIOUCT            12      1
PRCPUP_WHIOXCT            2A      1
PRCPUP_WHITOD             3C      8
PRCPUP_WHIUCT             26      1
PRCPUP_WHIVCT             27      1
PRCPUP_WHIXCT             25      1
PRCPUP_WHIOXPR             1           08

This information is
based on z/VM V7R3.0.

Last updated on 09 September 2022 at 14:30:05.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022