Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 6 - I/O Domain
                    Record 3 - Device Activity
 DESCRIPTION - Describes I/O activities of a real device.  A separate
               record is generated for each online device that is
               enabled for monitoring.
   - Fields labeled by the prefix, 'IODDEV_HF', are high-frequency
   - When a virtual machine owning the device uses SIE ASSIST, CP
     does not handle the normal I/O and cannot update the RDEV
     counters.  Therefore, for a device that had been in SIE ASSIST,
     some RDEV or high-frequency counters may not correctly reflect
     real device activity.
   - "SCM Facility Data." Data obtained from the Subchannel
     Measurement Facility.
     The calculation of device service time using fields
     returned from the SCM Facility Data is as follows:
     values from additional reported fields as follows:
     The MRIODDEV_SCMFPTIM (function pending time)
     contains data the from both of the following fields:
         MRIODDEV_SCMDBTIM   device busy time
         MRIODDEV_SCMIRTIM   initial command-response time
     MRIODDEV_SCMDDTIM  (disconnect time)
     contains the data from the following fields:
         MRIODDEV_SCMCQTIM (control unit queueing time)
         contains the data from the following field:
           MRIODDEV_SCMPDTIM   I/O-priority-delay time
     For example in calculating service time you would not
     because their values are already included in
   - "SIE ASSIST Activity Data." This data indicates how often and
     for how long the device had been in each respective state.
     There may be situations that would cause the device to be
     pulled out of SIE ASSIST and later put back in it.  Some
     devices may take longer than others to get out of SIE ASSIST.
     This can degrade the performance of the preferred guest.
   - SIE ASSIST Activity Data is valid only for devices that
     are eligible for SIE ASSIST, indicated by IODDEV_VDEVIOP1.
   - A SIE Assisted (I/O Assisted) device must be in one of three
     states: OUT, IN, LEAVING assist.  For each state a count of
     transitions into the state and a count of accumulated time in
     the state are kept.  However, since the time accumulator can
     only be updated when a device changes states, the accumulators
     reported in this monitor record (IODDEV_VIUTIMOT,
     IODDEV_VIUTIMIN, and IODDEV_VIUTIMLV) do not include time for
     the state the device is in when the monitor record is created.
     To determine the unassigned time, calculate the delta of the
     MRHDRTOD and IODDEV_VIUSTAMP.  This delta should be converted
     to microseconds and then added to the accumulator for the
     state indicated by the  IODDEV_VIUSTATE field.
   - The I/O measurement fields, IODDEV_PAVxxxxx, are data
     that is collected from I/O operations that were executed
     on a PAV/HyperPAV Alias device on behalf of a PAV/HyperPAV
     Base device.  These monitor fields are only filled in
     for Pav/HyperPAV base devices that are currently be
     measured.  The I/O measurements for I/O's executed on
     a PAV/HyperPAV base device are accumulated in the RDEVMBLK
     by the channel subsystem, while the I/O measurements executed
     on a PAV/HyperPAV Alias device on behalf of a PAV/HyperPAV
     base device are accumulated in the RDEVPAVM by CP in
     HCPPAVSW using measurement deltas that were stored in the
     IORBK for the I/O operation that just completed on a
     PAV/HyperPAV Alias device on behalf of a PAV/HyperPAV
     base device.

MRIODDEV Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   344  IODDEV
   0   0  Character     0  IODDEV_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Bitstring     1  IODDEV_RDEVAFLG        Device allocation flag
          1... ....        IODDEV_RDEVOFFL         Device is offline.
          .1.. ....        IODDEV_RDEVSYS          Device is attached to the
          ..1. ....        IODDEV_RDEVFREE         Device is not in use.
          ...1 ....        IODDEV_RDEVCPVL         CP volume is attached.
          .... 1...        IODDEV_RDEVDED          Device attached to user.
          .... .1..        IODDEV_RDEVSPL          Device for spooling.
          .... ..1.        IODDEV_RDEVMNT          Device is mounted but not
          .... ...1        IODDEV_RDEVXVOL         XVOLID specified for DASD
                                                  or tape.
  21  15  Bitstring     1  IODDEV_RDEVLPM         logical path mask
                                                  -logically available channel
                                                  paths to this device
  22  16  Bitstring     1  IODDEV_VDEVIOP1        SIE ASSIST flags
          1... ....        IODDEV_VDEVIOPX         Eligible for SIE ASSIST to
                                                  XA guest
          .1.. ....        IODDEV_VDEVIOP3         Eligible for SIE ASSIST to
                                                  370 guest
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
  23  17  Bitstring     1  IODDEV_CALFLAG1        Flags byte.
          1... ....        IODDEV_CALMDCNO         Device is not eligible for
                                                  minidisk cache.
          .1.. ....        IODDEV_CALMDCDN         Caching on for this
                                                  device, except for minidisks
                                                  that are explicitly set off.
          ..1. ....        IODDEV_CALMDCDF         Caching off for this
                                                  device, except for minidisks
                                                  that are explicitly set on.
          ...1 ....        IODDEV_CALMDCOF         Caching set off for this
          .... 1...        IODDEV_RDEVSHAR         DASD is shareable.
          .... .1..        IODDEV_CALSCMBK         RDEVMBLK is non-zero
                                                  indicating that an SCMBK is
                                                  assigned to this device
          .... ..1.        IODDEV_CALTHROT         Device belongs to throttle
          .... ...1        IODDEV_ENCRYCAP         When on, device is
                                                  encryption capable.
  24  18  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVSID         host subchannel I.D. number
                                                  defined at initialization
  28  1C  Character     8  IODDEV_RDEVCHPS        The eight channel path IDs
                                                  available to access a device
  36  24  Character     6  IODDEV_RDEVSER         DASD volume serial
  42  2A  Character     8  IODDEV_CALUSER         Userid of current owner
                                                  (for dedicated devices only)
  50  32  Unsigned      2  IODDEV_RDEVLCNT        Cardinal count of minidisks
                                                  defined on all or any part of
                                                  this real DASD volume
  52  34  Unsigned      2  IODDEV_SCMSSCH         SCM Facility Data
                                                  Cumulative count of SSCHS and
                                                  RSCHs for this device. This
                                                  value may be wrapped when
                                                  format-1 measurement blocks
                                                  are being used
                                                  (MTRSYS_CALFLG2 = x'80').
  54  36  Unsigned      2  IODDEV_SCMCOUNT        SCM Facility Data (see
                                                  notes in prolog). Cumulative
                                                  sample count. Incremented
                                                  whenever any measurement
                                                  fields are updated. This
                                                  value may be wrapped when
                                                  format-1 measurement blocks
                                                  are being used
                                                  (MTRSYS_CALFLG2 = x'80').
  56  38  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_SCMCNTIM        SCM Facility Data (see
                                                  notes in prolog). The time
                                                  the device is connected to
                                                  the channel. This is the sum
                                                  of time intervals measured
                                                  whenever the device is
                                                  logically connected to the
                                                  channel path for purposes of
                                                  transferring information
                                                  between it and the channel
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_SCMFPTIM        SCM Facility Data (see
                                                  notes in prolog). Device
                                                  function pending time, the
                                                  time interval between
                                                  acceptance of the start
                                                  function at the subchannel
                                                  and acceptance of the first
                                                  command associated with the
                                                  initiation of channel-program
                                                  execution at the device.
  64  40  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_SCMDDTIM        SCM Facility Data (see
                                                  notes in prolog). Device
                                                  disconnect time. The sum of
                                                  the time intervals measured
                                                  whenever the device is
                                                  logically disconnected from
                                                  the channel subsystem while
                                                  the subchannel is active
  68  44  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_HFRDEVCT        Number of high frequency
                                                  samples done
  72  48  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_HFCTIO          High-frequency cumulative
                                                  sum of the samples for the
                                                  number of SSCH, HSCH, and
                                                  CSCH I/O requests queued,
                                                  excluding the active request.
                                                  If this is a PAV or HyperPAV
                                                  alias, this field will always
                                                  be zero because all I/O
                                                  queueing happens on the Base
                                                  device for aliases. To
                                                  determine if this is an alias
                                                  see the field
                                                  IODDEV_RDEVPVFG. To determine
                                                  if this device is dedicated,
                                                  examine IODDEV_CALUSER being
                                                  set to a non-zero value.
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVCTSR        Cumulative count of SSCHs
                                                  done for error recovery
  80  50  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVRCWH        Cumulative count of real
                                                  reserve CCWs that have been
                                                  sent to a device and are held
  84  54  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVRCWP        Cumulative count of real
                                                  reserve CCWs that have been
                                                  sent to a device and are held
  88  58  Character     8  IODDEV_RDEVRTPD        Cumulative amount of real
                                                  time a real reserve CCW is
                                                  held pending
  96  60  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVCTSI        Cumulative count of
                                                  solicited interrupts for this
 100  64  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVCTUI        Cumulative count of
                                                  unsolicited interrupts for
                                                  this device
 104  68  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVMICT        Cumulative count of missing
                                                  interrupts detected for this
                                                  device. Incremented only when
                                                  the SET MITIME command is
                                                  active for this device
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVCTRG        Cumulative count of RDEV
                                                  lock requests granted
                                                  immediately for this device
 112  70  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVCTRD        Cumulative count of RDEV
                                                  lock requests that were
                                                  deferred for this device
 116  74  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVSKCT        Cumulative count of DASD
                                                  access arm position changes
                                                  (Seek I/O) executed on this
                                                  device. NOTE: accuracy is not
                                                  guaranteed since counts may
                                                  be skipped on multi-track
                                                  operations on a cache control
 120  78  Unsigned      4  IODDEV_RDEVSKSM        Cumulative amount of DASD
                                                  access arm movement
                                                  (displacements). This is the
                                                  sum of absolute differences,
                                                  in cylinders, between
                                                  successive Seeks.

IODDEV_RDEVSKSM is deprecated and should not be used for further development. Code should be changed to use IODDEV_RDEVSKSM64 defined below. For values above 'FFFFFFFF'x then this field will contain 'FFFFFFF'x (and will not wrap).
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 124 7C Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVWRCT Cumulative number of WRITE channel programs that have occurred on this device 128 80 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVRDCT Cumulative number of READ channel programs that have occurred on this device 132 84 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVMCIA Cumulative count of SSCH's avoided due to Minidisk Cache read hit 136 88 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_VIUCNTIN SIE ASSIST Activity Data (see notes in prolog). Cumulative count of times the device was in SIE ASSIST. 140 8C Unsigned 4 IODDEV_VIUTIMIN SIE ASSIST Activity Data (see notes in prolog). Cumulative time, in micro seconds, spent in SIE ASSIST, including getting there. Accumulated after the device starts to leave SIE ASSIST (e.g., it stays zero until after the device leaves SIE ASSIST for the first time). This field will wrap around after a total of about 71 minutes (1.1 hours). 144 90 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_VIUCNTLV SIE ASSIST Activity Data (see notes in prolog). Cumulative count of times the device started to leave SIE ASSIST. 148 94 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_VIUTIMLV SIE ASSIST Activity Data (see notes in prolog). Cumulative time, in mirco seconds, spent in the process of leaving SIE ASSIST. Accumulated after the device has completed the process (e.g., it stays zero until after the device is out of SIE ASSIST for the first time). This field will wrap around after a total of about 71 minutes (1.1 hours). 152 98 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_VIUCNTOT SIE ASSIST Activity Data (see notes in prolog). Cumulative count of times the device is out of SIE ASSIST. Initialized to one. 156 9C Unsigned 4 IODDEV_VIUTIMOT SIE ASSIST Activity Data (see notes in prolog). Cumulative time, in micro seconds, spent outside of SIE ASSIST. Accumulated after the device has gone into SIE ASSIST (e.g., it stays zero until after the first time the device goes into SIE ASSIST). This field will wrap around after a total of about 71 minutes (1.1 hours). 160 A0 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_SCMDATIM SCM Facility Data (see notes in prolog). Device-active-only time. The sum of the time intervals when the subchannel is device-active but not subchannel-active at the end of an I/O operation or chain of I/O operations initiated by START SUBCHANNEL. 164 A4 Character 8 IODDEV_VIUSTAMP SIE ASSIST Activity Data (see notes in prolog). Time stamp of last transition between I/O Assist states. 172 AC Bitstring 1 IODDEV_VIUSTATE SIE ASSIST Activity Data (see notes in prolog). VDEV state in I/O Assist. X'00' = device is OUT of Assist, X'01' = device is IN Assist, X'02' = device is LEAVING Assist 173 AD Character 3 * Reserved and available for IBM use. 176 B0 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_THRDLYS Cumulative count of the number of times I/O was delayed for a throttled device. 180 B4 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_SCMCQTIM SCM Facility Data (see notes in prolog). Control Unit Queuing time. The sum of the time intervals measured by the control unit whenever the device is logically disconnected from the channel subsystem during an I/O operation while the device is busy with an operation initiated from a different system. 184 B8 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_SCMDBTIM SCM Facility Data (see notes in prolog). Accumulated device-busy time. The sum of the time intervals when the subchannel is device busy during an attempt initiate a start function or resume function at the subchannel. 188 BC Unsigned 4 IODDEV_SCMIRTIM SCM Facility Data (see notes in prolog). Accumulated initial- command-response time. The initial-command-response time for a start or resume function is the time interval beginning from when the first command of the channel program is sent to the device until the device indicates it has accepted the command. 192 C0 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_SCGSSCH SCM Facility Data (see notes in prolog). Cumulative count of SSCHs and RSCHs for this device. This is the fullword count which is stored when format-1 measurement blocks are being used (MTRSYS_CALFLG2 = x'80'). 196 C4 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_SCGCOUNT SCM Facility Data (see notes in prolog). Cumulative sample count. Incremented whenever any measurement fields are updated. This is the fullword count which is stored when format-1 measurement blocks are being used (MTRSYS_CALFLG2 = x'80'). 200 C8 Unsigned 2 IODDEV_RDEVDEV Device number 202 CA Unsigned 2 IODDEV_CUIDSSID If the device is a DASD this field contains the subsystem ID (SSID). If the device is a non-DASD this field contains binary zeroes. 204 CC Bitstring 1 IODDEV_EDEVTYPE EDEV emulation type X'00' - Invalid EDEV type X'80' - SCSI with FBA emulation X'40' - RAM disk with FBA emulation X'20' - 9336 FBA interface frontend 205 CD Bitstring 1 IODDEV_PREFPATH Preferred path mask 206 CE Unsigned 1 IODDEV_EDEVATTV Attributes value 1 - General SCSI 2 - 2105 SCSI 3 - Fibre Array Stor 4 - 2107 SCSI 5 - 1750 SCSI 6 - 2145 SCSI 7 - XIV SCSI 8 - Flash SCSI 9 - NVMe 207 CF Character 1 * Reserved and available for IBM use. 208 D0 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVINELG Number of times the alias device tried to take work from the base device and found I/O it could have stolen except that the I/O was ineligible for steal. 212 D4 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVUSES Number of times the alias device took work from the base device. 216 D8 Bitstring 1 IODDEV_RDEVPVFG PAV flag (RDEVPVFG) 1... .... IODDEV_RDEVPVBA PAV Base device .1.. .... IODDEV_RDEVPVAL PAV Alias device ..1. .... IODDEV_RDEVHPBA HyperPAV Base Device ...1 .... IODDEV_RDEVHPAL HyperPAV Alias Device .... 1... IODDEV_RDEVFREQ HyperPAV Alias Device is on the free queue .... .1.. IODDEV_RDEVESE Extent Space Efficient .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 217 D9 Bitstring 1 IODDEV_EDEVATTR EDEV Attributes This deprecated field reports the previous bit settings that were used to record the EDEVICE attribute. The EDEVATTV field field provides the equivalent information and leaves room for expansion. 1... .... IODDEV_EDEVSCSI General SCSI Attr. .1.. .... IODDEV_EDEV2105 2105 SCSI Attributes ..1. .... IODDEV_EDEVFASD Fibre Array Storage ...1 .... IODDEV_EDEV2107 2107 SCSI Attributes .... 1... IODDEV_EDEV1750 1750 SCSI Attributes .... .1.. IODDEV_EDEV2145 2145 SCSI Attributes .... ..1. IODDEV_EDEVXIV XIV SCSI Attributes .... ...1 IODDEV_EDEVFLSH Flash SCSI Attributes 218 DA Unsigned 2 IODDEV_RDEVHPPL HyperPAV Pool Number 220 DC Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVSSCH Cumulative count of SSCHs and RSCHs executed on Alias devices on behalf of this Base device 224 E0 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVCOUNT Cumulative sample count for Alias Devices that were executing I/O on behalf of this Base device. 228 E4 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVCNTIM The time Alias devices, on behalf of this Base device, are connected to the channel. This is the sum of time intervals measured whenever the alias devices are logically connected to the channel path for purposes of transferring information between them and the channel subsystem. 232 E8 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVFPTIM Device function pending time for Alias devices on behalf of this Base device. It is the time interval between acceptance of the start function at the subchannel and acceptance of the first command associated with the initiation of channel-program execution at the device. 236 EC Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVDDTIM Device disconnect time for Alias devices on behalf of this Base device. It is the sum of the time intervals measured whenever the device is logically disconnected from the channel subsystem while the subchannel is active. 240 F0 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVCQTIM Control Unit Queuing time for Alias devices on behalf of this Base device. It is the sum of the time intervals measured by the control unit whenever the device is logically disconnected from the channel subsystem during an I/O operation while the device is busy with an operation initiated from a different system. 244 F4 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVDATIM Device-active-only time for Alias devices on behalf of this Base device. It is the sum of the time intervals when the subchannel is device-active but not subchannel-active at the end of an I/O operation or chain of I/O operations initiated by START SUBCHANNEL. 248 F8 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVDBTIM Accumulated device-busy time for Alias devices on behalf of this Base device. It is the sum of the time intervals when the subchannel is device busy during an attempt initiate a start function or resume function at the subchannel. 252 FC Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVIRTIM Accumulated initial-command- response time for Alias devices on behalf of this Base Device. The initial-command-resp time for a start or resume function is the time interval beginning from when the first command of the channel program is sent to the device until the device indicates it has accepted the command. 256 100 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVCC3S Number of times that I/O executed on a HyperPAV/PAV alias device on behalf of this HyperPAV/PAV Base device received a CC3 condition and was retried on the base device. 260 104 Character 8 IODDEV_RDEVSKSM64 260 104 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVSKSM64_HI 264 108 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVSKSM64_LO Cumulative amount of DASD access arm movement (displacements). This is the sum of absolute differences, in cylinders, between successive Seeks. 268 10C Bitstring 1 IODDEV_RDEVFCXM Mask of paths that support zHPF 269 10D Bitstring 1 IODDEV_CUIFCXP zHPF Features supported on CU 270 10E Unsigned 2 IODDEV_RDEVMAXD The smallest zHPF maximum data count from Store Channel-Path Description CHSC of all CHPIDs added to the LPM for this device 272 110 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVWXCT Cumulative number of TM (zHPF) WRITE channel pgms that have occurred on this device 276 114 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVRXCT Cumulative number of TM (zHPF) READ channel pgms that have occurred on this device 280 118 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_SCMIDTIM SCM Facility Data (see notes in prolog). Interrupt-Delay time. The accumulated interrupt-delay time for the subchannel. Interrupt-delay time is the time interval from when a subchannel is made status pending with primary status to when the status is cleared by TSCH. 284 11C Unsigned 4 IODDEV_SCMPDTIM SCM Facility Data (see notes in prolog). I/O-Priority-Delay time. The accumulated I/O priority delay time for the subchannel. The portion of queue time that can be attributed to delay due to I/O priority management performed by the control unit. Applicable only to TCW I/O operations. 288 120 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVIDTIM Accumulated Interrupt-Delay time for Alias devices on behalf of this base device. The accumulated interrupt-delay time for the subchannel. Interrupt-delay time is the time interval from when a subchannel is made status pending with primary status to when the status is cleared by TSCH. 292 124 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_PAVPDTIM Accumulated I/O-Priority-Delay time for Alias devices on behalf of this base device. The accumulated I/O priority delay time for the subchannel. The portion of queue time that can be attributed to delay due to I/O priority management performed by the control unit. Applicable only to TCW I/O operations. 296 128 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVNOAL Cumulative count of times an alias was needed for this HyperPAV base but none was available, causing the I/O to be queued on this base. 300 12C Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVYSAL Cumulative count of times an alias was used for this HyperPAV base. 304 130 Character 8 IODDEV_RDEVIOQT Cumulative sum of elapsed time IORBKs spent queued on this non-alias device. 312 138 Character 8 IODDEV_RDEVIOQS Cumulative sum of the squares of elapsed time IORBKs spent queued on this non-alias device. 320 140 Character 8 IODDEV_CUIFCXPE zHPF features supported on CU. 328 148 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVWRAL Cumulative number of WRITE channel programs executing on alias devices on behalf of this base device. 332 14C Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVRDAL Cumulative number of READ channel programs executing on alias devices on behalf of this base device. 336 150 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVWXAL Cumulative number of TM (zHPF) WRITE channel programs executing on alias devices on behalf of this base device. 340 154 Unsigned 4 IODDEV_RDEVRXAL Cumulative number of TM (zHPF) READ channel programs executing on alias devices on behalf of this base device. 344 158 Character 0 IODDEV_END

MRIODDEV Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
IODDEV                     0    344
IODDEV_CALFLAG1           17      1
IODDEV_CALMDCDF           17           20
IODDEV_CALMDCDN           17           40
IODDEV_CALMDCNO           17           80
IODDEV_CALMDCOF           17           10
IODDEV_CALSCMBK           17           04
IODDEV_CALTHROT           17           02
IODDEV_CALUSER            2A      8
IODDEV_CUIDSSID           CA      2
IODDEV_CUIFCXP           10D      1
IODDEV_CUIFCXPE          140      8
IODDEV_EDEVATTR           D9      1
IODDEV_EDEVATTV           CE      1
IODDEV_EDEVFASD           D9           20
IODDEV_EDEVFLSH           D9           01
IODDEV_EDEVSCSI           D9           80
IODDEV_EDEVTYPE           CC      1
IODDEV_EDEVXIV            D9           02
IODDEV_EDEV1750           D9           08
IODDEV_EDEV2105           D9           40
IODDEV_EDEV2107           D9           10
IODDEV_EDEV2145           D9           04
IODDEV_ENCRYCAP           17           01
IODDEV_END               158      0
IODDEV_HFCTIO             48      4
IODDEV_HFRDEVCT           44      4
IODDEV_MRHDR               0      0
IODDEV_PAVCC3S           100      4
IODDEV_PAVCNTIM           E4      4
IODDEV_PAVCOUNT           E0      4
IODDEV_PAVCQTIM           F0      4
IODDEV_PAVDATIM           F4      4
IODDEV_PAVDBTIM           F8      4
IODDEV_PAVDDTIM           EC      4
IODDEV_PAVFPTIM           E8      4
IODDEV_PAVIDTIM          120      4
IODDEV_PAVINELG           D0      4
IODDEV_PAVIRTIM           FC      4
IODDEV_PAVPDTIM          124      4
IODDEV_PAVSSCH            DC      4
IODDEV_PAVUSES            D4      4
IODDEV_PREFPATH           CD      1
IODDEV_RDEVAFLG           14      1
IODDEV_RDEVCHPS           1C      8
IODDEV_RDEVCPVL           14           10
IODDEV_RDEVCTRD           70      4
IODDEV_RDEVCTRG           6C      4
IODDEV_RDEVCTSI           60      4
IODDEV_RDEVCTSR           4C      4
IODDEV_RDEVCTUI           64      4
IODDEV_RDEVDED            14           08
IODDEV_RDEVDEV            C8      2
IODDEV_RDEVESE            D8           04
IODDEV_RDEVFCXM          10C      1
IODDEV_RDEVFREE           14           20
IODDEV_RDEVFREQ           D8           08
IODDEV_RDEVHPAL           D8           10
IODDEV_RDEVHPBA           D8           20
IODDEV_RDEVHPPL           DA      2
IODDEV_RDEVIOQS          138      8
IODDEV_RDEVIOQT          130      8
IODDEV_RDEVLCNT           32      2
IODDEV_RDEVLPM            15      1
IODDEV_RDEVMAXD          10E      2
IODDEV_RDEVMCIA           84      4
IODDEV_RDEVMICT           68      4
IODDEV_RDEVMNT            14           02
IODDEV_RDEVNOAL          128      4
IODDEV_RDEVOFFL           14           80
IODDEV_RDEVPVAL           D8           40
IODDEV_RDEVPVBA           D8           80
IODDEV_RDEVPVFG           D8      1
IODDEV_RDEVRCWH           50      4
IODDEV_RDEVRCWP           54      4
IODDEV_RDEVRDAL          14C      4
IODDEV_RDEVRDCT           80      4
IODDEV_RDEVRTPD           58      8
IODDEV_RDEVRXAL          154      4
IODDEV_RDEVRXCT          114      4
IODDEV_RDEVSER            24      6
IODDEV_RDEVSHAR           17           08
IODDEV_RDEVSID            18      4
IODDEV_RDEVSKCT           74      4
IODDEV_RDEVSKSM           78      4
IODDEV_RDEVSKSM64        104      8
IODDEV_RDEVSKSM64_HI     104      4
IODDEV_RDEVSKSM64_LO     108      4
IODDEV_RDEVSPL            14           04
IODDEV_RDEVSYS            14           40
IODDEV_RDEVWRAL          148      4
IODDEV_RDEVWRCT           7C      4
IODDEV_RDEVWXAL          150      4
IODDEV_RDEVWXCT          110      4
IODDEV_RDEVXVOL           14           01
IODDEV_RDEVYSAL          12C      4
IODDEV_SCGCOUNT           C4      4
IODDEV_SCGSSCH            C0      4
IODDEV_SCMCNTIM           38      4
IODDEV_SCMCOUNT           36      2
IODDEV_SCMCQTIM           B4      4
IODDEV_SCMDATIM           A0      4
IODDEV_SCMDBTIM           B8      4
IODDEV_SCMDDTIM           40      4
IODDEV_SCMFPTIM           3C      4
IODDEV_SCMIDTIM          118      4
IODDEV_SCMIRTIM           BC      4
IODDEV_SCMPDTIM          11C      4
IODDEV_SCMSSCH            34      2
IODDEV_THRDLYS            B0      4
IODDEV_VDEVIOPX           16           80
IODDEV_VDEVIOP1           16      1
IODDEV_VDEVIOP3           16           40
IODDEV_VIUCNTIN           88      4
IODDEV_VIUCNTLV           90      4
IODDEV_VIUCNTOT           98      4
IODDEV_VIUSTAMP           A4      8
IODDEV_VIUSTATE           AC      1
IODDEV_VIUTIMIN           8C      4
IODDEV_VIUTIMLV           94      4
IODDEV_VIUTIMOT           9C      4
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2

This information is
based on z/VM V7R3.0.

Last updated on 13 February 2024 at 14:01:05.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2024