Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 6 - I/O Domain
                    Record 21 - Virtual Switch Activity
 DESCRIPTION - Describes I/O activities for a virtual switch's
               connection to a real hardware LAN segment through
               an OSA.
 NOTES -       This record is collected for the DATA device
               associated with an OSA-Express device(s)
               used for the VSwitch UPLINK port. The
               UPLINK port may be a single OSA-Express
               device or a Link Aggregation Group (with
               multiple OSA-Express devices).  The DEFINE
               VSWITCH RDEV operand or the SET PORT GROUP
               JOIN operand specifies the first of three
               sequential device addresses.  One of those
               devices is designated as the DATA device.
               Use the "Uplink Port:" section of QUERY
               VSWITCH DETAILS output to find the value(s)
               of the DATA device(s).
               Device sampling should specify the value(s)
               of the DATA device(s) to obtain information
               about virtual switch data transfer.
               For example VSWITCH RDEV FB00 indicates
               devices FB00, FB01, and FB02 are associated
               with the virtual switch. This record is
               generated when monitor is enabled for FB00.

MRIODVSW Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   492  IODVSW                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  IODVSW_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_RDEVSID         Host subchannel id
  24  18  Unsigned      2  IODVSW_RDEVDEV         Device number
  26  1A  Unsigned      1  IODVSW_LANFSV          Queuestorage value (1-8)
  27  1B  Bitstring     1  IODVSW_LANFORW         LAN Forwarding flags
          1... ....        IODVSW_LANISOL          Isolation ON (drop)
          .1.. ....        IODVSW_LANVEPA          VEPA ON
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
  28  1C  Unsigned      2  IODVSW_LANIPTO         IPTimeout value in number
                                                  of 30 second tics. Range
  30  1E  Unsigned      1  IODVSW_LANRDD_OSAPORTN OSA-Express port number
  31  1F  Bitstring     1  IODVSW_ACCTYPE         Access List Type Flag
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        IODVSW_PORTBASED       Port Based
          ...1 ....        IODVSW_USERBASED       User Based
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
  32  20  Character     8  IODVSW_VMDUSER         Name of the TCP/IP virtual
                                                  machine acting as the vswitch
  40  28  Character     8  IODVSW_NICTXBYT        Total Bytes Sent out across
                                                  the real device connected to
                                                  a virtual switch.
  40  28  Character     4  IODVSW_NICTXBYTHI
  44  2C  Character     4  IODVSW_NICTXBYTLO
  48  30  Character     8  IODVSW_NICRXBYT        Total Bytes Received from
                                                  the real device connected to
                                                  a virtual switch.
  48  30  Character     4  IODVSW_NICRXBYTHI
  52  34  Character     4  IODVSW_NICRXBYTLO
  56  38  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_NICTXPKT        31-bit counter only. please
                                                  refer to IODVSW_NICTXPKT64
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_NICTXDSC        31-bit counter only. please
                                                  refer to IODVSW_NICTXDSC64
  64  40  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_NICTXERR        31-bit counter only. please
                                                  refer to IODVSW_NICTXERR64
  68  44  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_NICRXPKT        31-bit counter only. please
                                                  refer to IODVSW_NICRXPKT64
  72  48  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_NICRXDSC        31-bit counter only. please
                                                  refer to IODVSW_NICRXDSC64
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_NICRXERR        31-bit counter only. please
                                                  refer to IODVSW_NICRXERR64
  80  50  Character     8  IODVSW_VQSCTTOD        TOD clock when this VSWITCH
                                                  was activated.
  88  58  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_SIGWRITE        Number of write signals
                                                  issued for device.
  92  5C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_SIGREAD         Number of read signals
                                                  issued for device.
  96  60  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_SIGSYNC         Number of sync signals
                                                  issued for device.
 100  64  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_ACTIVATE        Number of times this device
                                                  was activated for data
 104  68  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_PCIRCVD         Total number of PCI
                                                  interrupts received from the
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_PCIPROC         Number of PCI interrupts
                                                  that resulted in input queue
 112  70  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSIQBFC        Number of INPUT buffers
 116  74  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSIQOVR        Number of INPUT queue
 120  78  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQQOQBFC        Number of OUTPUT buffers
 124  7C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQQOQOVR        Number of OUTPUT queue
 128  80  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSIQADV        Number of extra INPUT
                                                  buffers maintained.
 132  84  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_LANTRID         Count of active trace ids
 136  88  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_LANSUSR         Count of users in Linux
                                                  Sniffer mode
 140  8C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_LANMGIPA        LAN Management IP address
 144  90  Character     8  IODVSW_MGSWIEUSER      LAN Management User ID
 152  98  Character     6  IODVSW_MGNICMAC        VSWITCH MAC address
 158  9E  Character     2  *                      Reserved
 160  A0  Character     6  IODVSW_OSAMAC          OSA device MAC addr
 166  A6  Character     1  IODVSW_NICTRANP        Session Layer(2 or 3)
 167  A7  Character     1  *
 168  A8  Character    16  IODVSW_LANID           LAN ID (owner||name)
 184  B8  Character     8  IODVSW_LOCKREQS        Lock requests for network
                                                  lock (LANLKWRD)
 184  B8  Character     4  IODVSW_LOCKREQHI
 188  BC  Character     4  IODVSW_LOCKREQLO
 192  C0  Character     8  IODVSW_LANDEFER        Number of times we had to
                                                  wait for the network lock
 192  C0  Character     4  IODVSW_LANDEFERHI
 196  C4  Character     4  IODVSW_LANDEFERLO
 200  C8  Character     8  IODVSW_TXDEFERS        Number of times we had to
                                                  wait for a lock when sending
                                                  data from this port
 200  C8  Character     4  IODVSW_TXDEFERSHI
 204  CC  Character     4  IODVSW_TXDEFERSLO
 208  D0  Character     8  IODVSW_RXDEFERS        Number of times we had to
                                                  wait for a lock when
                                                  receiving data on this port
 208  D0  Character     4  IODVSW_RXDEFERSHI
 212  D4  Character     4  IODVSW_RXDEFERSLO
 216  D8  Character     8  IODVSW_NICTXPKT64      Number of packets sent
                                                  across the real device
                                                  connected to a virtual
 216  D8  Character     4  IODVSW_NICTXPKTHI
 220  DC  Character     4  IODVSW_NICTXPKTLO
 224  E0  Character     8  IODVSW_NICTXDSC64      Number of valid outbound
                                                  packets discarded. May be
                                                  discarded due to buffer
                                                  overflow, for example.
 224  E0  Character     4  IODVSW_NICTXDSCHI
 228  E4  Character     4  IODVSW_NICTXDSCLO
 232  E8  Character     8  IODVSW_NICTXERR64      Number of invalid outbound
                                                  packets discarded.
 232  E8  Character     4  IODVSW_NICTXERRHI
 236  EC  Character     4  IODVSW_NICTXERRLO
 240  F0  Character     8  IODVSW_NICRXPKT64      Number of packets received
                                                  on the real device connected
                                                  to a virtual switch.
 240  F0  Character     4  IODVSW_NICRXPKTHI
 244  F4  Character     4  IODVSW_NICRXPKTLO
 248  F8  Character     8  IODVSW_NICRXDSC64      Number of valid received
                                                  packets discarded. May be
                                                  discarded due to buffr
                                                  overflow for example.
 248  F8  Character     4  IODVSW_NICRXDSCHI
 252  FC  Character     4  IODVSW_NICRXDSCLO
 256 100  Character     8  IODVSW_NICRXERR64      Number of received packets
                                                  discarded due to invalid
 256 100  Character     4  IODVSW_NICRXERRHI
 260 104  Character     4  IODVSW_NICRXERRLO
 264 108  Character     8  IODVSW_SWPGROUP        Name of the Link Agg port
                                                  group in use for virtual
 272 110  Character     4  IODVSW_VQSOMLVL        OSA device microcode level
 276 114  Unsigned      2  IODVSW_SWPINTSC        Number of seconds be- tween
                                                  load balancing operations
 278 116  Character     6  IODVSW_VQSDVMAC        OSA device virtual MAC
 284 11C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSMRKCT        Number of Marker PDUs sent
                                                  to this port
 288 120  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSMRPCT        Number of Marker responses
 292 124  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSMRRCT        Number of Marker responses
                                                  PDUs sent to this port in
                                                  response to receiving a
                                                  marker PDU from the partner
 296 128  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSMTOCT        Number of times timed out
                                                  waiting for Marker response
                                                  PDU for a Marker request sent
                                                  by CP to partner port
 300 12C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSLCSCT        Number of LACP PDUs sent on
                                                  this port
 304 130  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSLCRCT        Number of LACP PDUs
                                                  received on this port
 308 134  Character     8  IODVSW_TXREQS          Lock requests made when
                                                  sending data from this port
 308 134  Character     4  IODVSW_TXREQSHI
 312 138  Character     4  IODVSW_TXREQSLO
 316 13C  Character     8  IODVSW_RXREQS          Lock requests made while
                                                  receiving data on this port
 316 13C  Character     4  IODVSW_RXREQSHI
 320 140  Character     4  IODVSW_RXREQSLO
 324 144  Character     8  IODVSW_STKREQS         Requests made to stack or
                                                  unstack work on this port
 324 144  Character     4  IODVSW_STKREQHI
 328 148  Character     4  IODVSW_STKREQLO
 332 14C  Character     8  IODVSW_STKDEFERS       Number of times it took
                                                  multiple attempts to stack
                                                  work on this port
 332 14C  Character     4  IODVSW_STKDEFERSHI
 336 150  Character     4  IODVSW_STKDEFERSLO
 340 154  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_VQSPATTR        Partner switch
                                                  capabilities-if known
 340 154  Bitstring     1  *                      Reserved
 341 155  Bitstring     1  *                      Reserved
 342 156  Bitstring     1  *                      Reserved
 343 157  Bitstring     1  *                      Reserved
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        IODVSW_VQSPATTR_RR      Reflective Relay
          .... ...1        IODVSW_VQSPATTR_STD     Standard
 344 158  Unsigned      1  IODVSW_VQSAFLAG        LACP Configuration
          1... ....        *
          .1.. ....        IODVSW_VQSACTPT         Active Controller
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 345 159  Character     1  IODVSW_SWPLBAL         Load Balance Type
                                                  Independent = 0
                                                  Forced Independent= 8
                                                  Collaborative = 16
 346 15A  Character     1  IODVSW_LANPRIQ         Priority Queuing setting
                                                  0  - Off
                                                  4  - Forced Off (IVL only)
                                                  8  - On
 347 15B  Character     1  *
 348 15C  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_NIDLAPRE        Previous Load Balance
                                                  frames per interval.
 352 160  Unsigned      4  IODVSW_NIDLACUR        Current Load Balance
                                                  frames per interval.
 356 164  Character     8  IODVSW_NID_TOTPFCNT    Total Previous Load
                                                  balance frames. Count for
                                                  all MVLAG VSwitches sharing
                                                  this port in the LAG.
 364 16C  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ0TXBYT      z/VM queue(Q0)-bytes
                                                  sent out across the
                                                  real device connected
                                                  to a virtual switch.
 372 174  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ0TXPKT64    z/VM queue(Q0)-number
                                                  of packets sent across
                                                  the real device
                                                  connected to a virtual
 380 17C  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ0TXDSC64    z/VM queue(Q0)-number
                                                  of valid outbound
                                                  packets discarded. May
                                                  be discarded due to
                                                  buffer overflow for
 388 184  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ0TXERR64    z/VM queue(Q0)-number
                                                  of invalid outbound
                                                  packets discarded.
 396 18C  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ1TXBYT      HIGH queue(Q1)-bytes
                                                  sent out across the
                                                  real device connected
                                                  to a virtual switch.
 404 194  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ1TXPKT64    HIGH queue(Q1)-number
                                                  of packets sent across
                                                  the real device
                                                  connected to a virtual
 412 19C  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ1TXDSC64    HIGH queue(Q1)-number
                                                  of valid outbound
                                                  packets discarded. May
                                                  be discarded due to
                                                  buffer overflow for
 420 1A4  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ1TXERR64    HIGH queue(Q1)-number
                                                  of invalid outbound
                                                  packets discarded.
 428 1AC  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ2TXBYT      NORMAL queue(Q2)-bytes
                                                  sent out across the
                                                  real device connected
                                                  to a virtual switch.
 436 1B4  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ2TXPKT64    NORMAL queue(Q2)-numbr
                                                  of packets sent across
                                                  the real device
                                                  connected to a virtual
 444 1BC  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ2TXDSC64    NORMAL queue(Q2)-numbr
                                                  of valid outbound
                                                  packets discarded. May
                                                  be discarded due to
                                                  buffer overflow for
 452 1C4  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ2TXERR64    NORMAL queue(Q2)-numbr
                                                  of invalid outbound
                                                  packets discarded.
 460 1CC  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ3TXBYT      LOW queue(Q3)-bytes
                                                  sent out across the
                                                  real device connected
                                                  to a virtual switch.
 468 1D4  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ3TXPKT64    LOW queue(Q3)-number
                                                  of packets sent across
                                                  the real device
                                                  connected to a virtual
 476 1DC  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ3TXDSC64    LOW queue(Q3)-number
                                                  of valid outbound
                                                  packets discarded. May
                                                  be discarded due to
                                                  buffer overflow for
 484 1E4  Character     8  IODVSW_NICQ3TXERR64    LOW queue(Q3)-number
                                                  of invalid outbound
                                                  packets discarded.
 492 1EC  Character     0  IODVSW_END

MRIODVSW Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
IODVSW                     0    492
IODVSW_ACCTYPE            1F      1
IODVSW_ACTIVATE           64      4
IODVSW_END               1EC      0
IODVSW_LANDEFER           C0      8
IODVSW_LANDEFERHI         C0      4
IODVSW_LANDEFERLO         C4      4
IODVSW_LANFORW            1B      1
IODVSW_LANFSV             1A      1
IODVSW_LANID              A8     16
IODVSW_LANIPTO            1C      2
IODVSW_LANISOL            1B           80
IODVSW_LANMGIPA           8C      4
IODVSW_LANPRIQ           15A      1
IODVSW_LANSUSR            88      4
IODVSW_LANTRID            84      4
IODVSW_LANVEPA            1B           40
IODVSW_LOCKREQHI          B8      4
IODVSW_LOCKREQLO          BC      4
IODVSW_LOCKREQS           B8      8
IODVSW_MGNICMAC           98      6
IODVSW_MGSWIEUSER         90      8
IODVSW_MRHDR               0      0
IODVSW_NICQ0TXBYT        16C      8
IODVSW_NICQ1TXBYT        18C      8
IODVSW_NICQ2TXBYT        1AC      8
IODVSW_NICQ3TXBYT        1CC      8
IODVSW_NICQ0TXDSC64      17C      8
IODVSW_NICQ1TXDSC64      19C      8
IODVSW_NICQ2TXDSC64      1BC      8
IODVSW_NICQ3TXDSC64      1DC      8
IODVSW_NICQ0TXERR64      184      8
IODVSW_NICQ1TXERR64      1A4      8
IODVSW_NICQ2TXERR64      1C4      8
IODVSW_NICQ3TXERR64      1E4      8
IODVSW_NICQ0TXPKT64      174      8
IODVSW_NICQ1TXPKT64      194      8
IODVSW_NICQ2TXPKT64      1B4      8
IODVSW_NICQ3TXPKT64      1D4      8
IODVSW_NICRXBYT           30      8
IODVSW_NICRXBYTHI         30      4
IODVSW_NICRXBYTLO         34      4
IODVSW_NICRXDSC           48      4
IODVSW_NICRXDSCHI         F8      4
IODVSW_NICRXDSC64         F8      8
IODVSW_NICRXERR           4C      4
IODVSW_NICRXERRHI        100      4
IODVSW_NICRXERRLO        104      4
IODVSW_NICRXERR64        100      8
IODVSW_NICRXPKT           44      4
IODVSW_NICRXPKTHI         F0      4
IODVSW_NICRXPKTLO         F4      4
IODVSW_NICRXPKT64         F0      8
IODVSW_NICTRANP           A6      1
IODVSW_NICTXBYT           28      8
IODVSW_NICTXBYTHI         28      4
IODVSW_NICTXBYTLO         2C      4
IODVSW_NICTXDSC           3C      4
IODVSW_NICTXDSCHI         E0      4
IODVSW_NICTXDSCLO         E4      4
IODVSW_NICTXDSC64         E0      8
IODVSW_NICTXERR           40      4
IODVSW_NICTXERRHI         E8      4
IODVSW_NICTXERR64         E8      8
IODVSW_NICTXPKT           38      4
IODVSW_NICTXPKTHI         D8      4
IODVSW_NICTXPKT64         D8      8
IODVSW_NIDLACUR          160      4
IODVSW_NIDLAPRE          15C      4
IODVSW_NID_TOTPFCNT      164      8
IODVSW_OSAMAC             A0      6
IODVSW_PCIPROC            6C      4
IODVSW_PCIRCVD            68      4
IODVSW_PORTBASED          1F           20
IODVSW_RDEVDEV            18      2
IODVSW_RDEVSID            14      4
IODVSW_RXDEFERS           D0      8
IODVSW_RXDEFERSHI         D0      4
IODVSW_RXDEFERSLO         D4      4
IODVSW_RXREQS            13C      8
IODVSW_RXREQSHI          13C      4
IODVSW_RXREQSLO          140      4
IODVSW_SIGREAD            5C      4
IODVSW_SIGSYNC            60      4
IODVSW_SIGWRITE           58      4
IODVSW_STKDEFERS         14C      8
IODVSW_STKDEFERSLO       150      4
IODVSW_STKREQHI          144      4
IODVSW_STKREQLO          148      4
IODVSW_STKREQS           144      8
IODVSW_SWPGROUP          108      8
IODVSW_SWPINTSC          114      2
IODVSW_SWPLBAL            159     1
IODVSW_TXDEFERS           C8      8
IODVSW_TXDEFERSHI         C8      4
IODVSW_TXREQS            134      8
IODVSW_TXREQSHI          134      4
IODVSW_TXREQSLO          138      4
IODVSW_USERBASED          1F           10
IODVSW_VMDUSER            20      8
IODVSW_VQSACTPT          158           40
IODVSW_VQSAFLAG          158      1
IODVSW_VQSCTTOD           50      8
IODVSW_VQSDVMAC          116      6
IODVSW_VQSIQADV           80      4
IODVSW_VQSIQBFC           70      4
IODVSW_VQSIQOVR           74      4
IODVSW_VQSLCRCT          130      4
IODVSW_VQSLCSCT          12C      4
IODVSW_VQSMRKCT          11C      4
IODVSW_VQSMRPCT          120      4
IODVSW_VQSMRRCT          124      4
IODVSW_VQSMTOCT          128      4
IODVSW_VQSOMLVL          110      4
IODVSW_VQSOQBFC           78      4
IODVSW_VQSOQOVR           7C      4
IODVSW_VQSPATTR          154      4
IODVSW_VQSPATTR_RR       157           02
IODVSW_VQSPATTR_STD      157           01
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2

This information is
based on z/VM V7R2.0.

Last updated on 09 August 2020 at 15:08:56.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2020