Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Configuration Record
                    Domain 1 - Monitor Domain
                    Record 7 - Memory Configuration Data
 DESCRIPTION - Defines the real memory configuration of the
               processor complex and the operating system.

MRMTRMEM Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   228  MTRMEM                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  MTRMEM_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSASTORE        Cardinal count of actual
                                                  real storage size, in bytes,
                                                  calculated during system
                                                  initialization. This field is
                                                  kept for compatability and
                                                  may not be accurate for
                                                  z/Arch systems. The preferred
                                                  field is MTRMEM_RSAGSTOR.
  24  18  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_SYSTORS         Storage size of the real
                                                  machine (sysgenned storage)
                                                  in bytes. This field is kept
                                                  for compatability and may not
                                                  be accurate for z/Arch
                                                  systems. The preferred field
                                                  is MTRMEM_SYSGTORS.
  28  1C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (MTRMEM_SYSVRSZ)
  32  20  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (MTRMEM_SYSVRFRE)
  36  24  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_SYSTRAC         Cardinal count of frames
                                                  that are used for CP trace
                                                  pages for the master
                                                  processor. For alternate
                                                  processors, the size of the
                                                  trace table is a percentage
                                                  of this value as reported in
  40  28  Address       4  MTRMEM_HCPMM1          Address of the Marker
                                                  module to mark the start of
                                                  the resident executable
  44  2C  Address       4  MTRMEM_HCPMM4          Address of the Marker
                                                  module to mark the boundary
                                                  between resident and pageable
                                                  modules. But since we have no
                                                  more Pageable modules, this
                                                  effectively marks the end of
                                                  the executable nucleus.
                                                  However, HCPMM3 officially
                                                  provides the "end of nucleus"
                                                  marker and should continue to
                                                  be used for that purpose.
  48  30  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSAPGABL        Cardinal count of <2G
                                                  pageable frames in the
                                                  system. This includes those
                                                  that had been made
                                                  non-pageable (see
                                                  MTRMEM_RSANONPG). The size of
                                                  the dynamic area (DPA) or the
                                                  count of useable frames may
                                                  be calculated by subtracting
                                                  RSANONPG from RSAPGABL. See
                                                  MTRMEM_RSALGFRM for the >2G
                                                  field for the count of
                                                  useable frames. NOTE: There
                                                  is no separate count for
                                                  pageable frames (RSAPAGBL)
                                                  and frames made non-pageable
                                                  (RSANONPG) >2G.
  52  34  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSANONPG        Cardinal count of <2G
                                                  pageable frames in the system
                                                  that have been made
                                                  non-pageable. This includes
                                                  pages locked for I/O, CP LOCK
                                                  command, virtual system lock
                                                  functions, etc. See
                                                  MTRMEM_RSAPGABL and
  56  38  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSAOFFLN        Cardinal count of off-line
                                                  frames <2G. See
                                                  MTRMEM_RSAGOFFL for the >2G
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (MTRMEM_RSARIOSZ)
  64  40  Unsigned      2  MTRMEM_SYSTRCPC        Percentage of master
                                                  processor trace table size to
                                                  be used for alternate
                                                  processors. Percentage
                                                  applies to secondary
                                                  processors as well.
  66  42  Bitstring     1  MTRMEM_FLG1            Flag byte
          1... ....        MTRMEM_RSAAASTA         Anti-aliasing status bit.
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
  67  43  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
  68  44  Address       4  MTRMEM_HCPMM0          Address of the Marker
                                                  module to mark the start of
                                                  resident MP modules.
  72  48  Address       4  MTRMEM_HCPSYS          Address of the HCPSYS
                                                  module which is the start of
                                                  the resident CP nucleus.
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_CALSCMAX        When MTRSYS_CALFLG2 <>
                                                  x'80' (format-0 measurement
                                                  blocks), this is the total
                                                  number of SCMBKs contained in
                                                  the contiguous storage set
                                                  aside for the SCMBK area.
                                                  When When MTRSYS_CALFLG2 =
                                                  x'80' (format-1 measurement
                                                  blocks), this is the total
                                                  number of SCGBKs allocated.
  80  50  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_SYSSCMEX        Number of extra pages
                                                  requested for the SCMBK area
                                                  in the system config file.
  84  54  Character     8  MTRMEM_SYSGTORS        The sysgen specified
                                                  storage size minus 1 byte.
                                                  This includes storage above
                                                  2GB. The minus one notation
                                                  is used so that a total size
                                                  of 16 Exabytes may be
                                                  represented without ambiguity
                                                  (as x'FFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF').
  92  5C  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSAGSTOR        The actual real storage
                                                  size minuz 1 byte. This is
                                                  calculated at system
                                                  initialization and includes
                                                  storage above 2GB. The minus
                                                  one notation is used so that
                                                  a total size of 16 Exabytes
                                                  may be represented without
                                                  ambiguity (as
 100  64  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSAGOFFL        Cardinal count of off-line
                                                  frames >2G. See
                                                  MTRMEM_RSAOFFLN for the <2G
 108  6C  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSALGFRM        Cardinal count of >2G
                                                  useable frames. See
                                                  MTRMEM_RSAPGABL and
                                                  MTRMEM_RSANONPG for the <2G
 116  74  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_SXSSIZE         System Execution Space size
                                                  in pages.
 120  78  Character     8  MTRMEM_PFXSTLEN        Length of the System
                                                  Execution Space page
                                                  management table.
 128  80  Character     8  MTRMEM_PFXFTLEN        Length of the frame table.
 136  88  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSAFNOTI        Count of the not
                                                  initialized FRMTEs >=2G.
 144  90  Character     8  MTRMEM_SYSGSTBY        The standby real storage
                                                  size in bytes
 152  98  Character     8  MTRMEM_SYSGSTRS        The reserved real storage
                                                  size in bytes
 160  A0  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSACKMB2G       Count of CP frames below 2G
                                                  allocated as stand-alone dump
                                                  crashkernel memory. The count
                                                  is not included in RSADmpCP.
                                                  This field is only updated
                                                  during system init.
 164  A4  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSACKMA2G       Count of CP frames above 2G
                                                  allocated as stand-alone dump
                                                  crashkernel memory. The count
                                                  is not included in RSADmpCP.
                                                  This field is only updated
                                                  during system init.
 168  A8  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSAPIN0B        Cardinal count of the
                                                  system total pinned pages
                                                  class 0 below 2G
 176  B0  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSAPIN0A        Cardinal count of the
                                                  system total pinned pages
                                                  class 0 above 2G
 184  B8  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSAPIN1B        Cardinal count of the
                                                  system total pinned pages
                                                  class 1 below 2G
 192  C0  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSAPIN1A        Cardinal count of the
                                                  system total pinned pages
                                                  class 1 above 2G
 200  C8  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSAPINWP        Cardinal percent of the
                                                  total pinned page count
                                                  compared to the DPA that
                                                  causes a warning message when
                                                  a pin request is made.
 204  CC  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSAPINFP        Cardinal percent of the
                                                  total pinned page count
                                                  compared to the DPA that
                                                  causes a pin request to to
 208  D0  Character     8  MTRMEM_RSAIOUSD        Cardinal current usage in
                                                  BYTES of the IOAT subpool
 216  D8  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSAIOSIZE       Cardinal size in MB of of
                                                  the IOAT subpool.
 220  DC  Unsigned      4  MTRMEM_RSAIOWRNP       Cardinal percent of the
                                                  IOAT subpool current usage
                                                  compared to the size when a
                                                  warning message is issued.
 224  E0  Unsigned      2  MTRMEM_SYSHPIOM        Maximum number of
                                                  concurrent I/O requests to a
                                                  paging volume
 226  E2  Unsigned      1  MTRMEM_SYSHPFLG        HyperPAV paging flags
          1... ....        MTRMEM_SYSFHPAV         Feature PAGING_ALIAS is
          .1.. ....        MTRMEM_SYSFHPF          Feature PAGING_HPF is
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        MTRMEM_SYSPG63          z/VM 6.3 paging in use
                                                  (PAGING63 specified at IPL)
 227  E3  Bitstring     1  MTRMEM_RSAAGEFL        Global Aging List flags
          1... ....        MTRMEM_RSAAGEFX         The Aging List is a fixed
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        MTRMEM_RSAAGEEW         Early Writes are enabled.
                                                  Page content is backed up in
                                                  advance of frame reclaim to
                                                  maintain a pool of readily
                                                  reclaimable frames.
          ...1 ....        MTRMEM_RSAAGEKS         Keep slot is enabled. The
                                                  auxiliary slot to which a
                                                  page was written during frame
                                                  replenishment remains
                                                  allocated after the page is
                                                  read into central storage.
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 228  E4  Character     0  MTRMEM_END

MRMTRMEM Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
MTRMEM                     0    228
MTRMEM_CALSCMAX           4C      4
MTRMEM_END                E4      0
MTRMEM_FLG1               42      1
MTRMEM_HCPMM0             44      4
MTRMEM_HCPMM1             28      4
MTRMEM_HCPMM4             2C      4
MTRMEM_HCPSYS             48      4
MTRMEM_MRHDR               0      0
MTRMEM_PFXFTLEN           80      8
MTRMEM_PFXSTLEN           78      8
MTRMEM_RSAAASTA           42           80
MTRMEM_RSAAGEEW           E3           20
MTRMEM_RSAAGEFL           E3      1
MTRMEM_RSAAGEFX           E3           80
MTRMEM_RSAAGEKS           E3           10
MTRMEM_RSACKMA2G          A4      4
MTRMEM_RSACKMB2G          A0      4
MTRMEM_RSAFNOTI           88      8
MTRMEM_RSAGOFFL           64      8
MTRMEM_RSAGSTOR           5C      8
MTRMEM_RSAIOSIZE          D8      4
MTRMEM_RSAIOUSD           D0      8
MTRMEM_RSAIOWRNP          DC      4
MTRMEM_RSALGFRM           6C      8
MTRMEM_RSANONPG           34      4
MTRMEM_RSAOFFLN           38      4
MTRMEM_RSAPGABL           30      4
MTRMEM_RSAPINFP           CC      4
MTRMEM_RSAPINWP           C8      4
MTRMEM_RSAPIN0A           B0      8
MTRMEM_RSAPIN0B           A8      8
MTRMEM_RSAPIN1A           C0      8
MTRMEM_RSAPIN1B           B8      8
MTRMEM_RSASTORE           14      4
MTRMEM_SXSSIZE            74      4
MTRMEM_SYSFHPAV           E2           80
MTRMEM_SYSFHPF            E2           40
MTRMEM_SYSGSTBY           90      8
MTRMEM_SYSGSTRS           98      8
MTRMEM_SYSGTORS           54      8
MTRMEM_SYSHPFLG           E2      1
MTRMEM_SYSHPIOM           E0      2
MTRMEM_SYSPG63            E2           01
MTRMEM_SYSSCMEX           50      4
MTRMEM_SYSTORS            18      4
MTRMEM_SYSTRAC            24      4
MTRMEM_SYSTRCPC           40      2

This information is
based on z/VM V7R1.0.

Last updated on 11 Sept 2018 at 19:30:07.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2018