Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 0  - System Domain
                    Record 24 - Scheduler Activity per processor
                                type (CP, IFL, zIIP, zAAP, ICF)
 DESCRIPTION - Provides information concerning scheduling
               of work in the system to aid an installation
               in the use of tuning commands. This information
               should be used with records MRSYTSCG (Domain 0,
               Record 10) and MRSYTSCP (Domain 0, Record 13) for
               for a complete picture of scheduling in the system.
               Much of the scheduling of work in VM is done
               according to the type of processor.  One
               of these records is created for each
               processor type.

MRSYTSPT Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure    88+ SYTSPT                 start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  SYTSPT_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      1  SYTSPT_CALTYPE         Processor type. Valid
                                                  values: X'00' - General
                                                  Purpose (CP) X'02' - zSeries
                                                  Application Assist (zAAP)
                                                  X'03' - Integrated Facility
                                                  for Linux (IFL) X'04' -
                                                  Internal Coupling Facility
                                                  (ICF) X'05' - zSeries
                                                  Integrated Information (zIIP)
  21  15  Character     3  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
  24  18  Character     8  SYTSPT_SRXATOD         Artificial TOD. This TOD
                                                  only advances at the rate the
                                                  system is running user work.
  32  20  Character     8  SYTSPT_SRXATOD2        Artificial TOD2. This TOD
                                                  only advances with each CPU's
                                                  user time and each CPU's wait
  40  28  Signed        4  SYTSPT_SRXRELDL        Cardinal count of total
                                                  relative shares of all VMDBKs
                                                  in the dispatch list.
  44  2C  Signed        4  SYTSPT_SRXABSDL        Cardinal count of total
                                                  absolute shares of all VMDBKs
                                                  in the dispatch list. Unit of
                                                  value is a hexadecimal factor
                                                  scaled 16 bits. For example,
                                                  X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                  X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                  X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                  Set to zero if user is a
                                                  RELATIVE share user.
  48  30  Unsigned      4  SYTSPT_SRXLLCNT        Count of adds to the
                                                  limit-list. This count does
                                                  not include adds resulting
                                                  from virtual-MP priority
  52  34  Unsigned      4  SYTSPT_SRXCONLL        Count of users actually ON
                                                  the Limit List.
  56  38  Unsigned      4  SYTSPT_RCCREBAL        Count of the number of
                                                  times a rebalance was done.
  60  3C  Unsigned      1  SYTSPT_RCCTOPDX        Zero based index into the
                                                  most recent element of the
                                                  following arrays:
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXLIUSG
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXVMDCT
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXACGUS
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXNICPF
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXNIPAD
                                                  This field is serialized by
                                                  the same mechanism as the
                                                  rebalance operation. It is
                                                  updated by HCPHIPTM and used
                                                  by park/unpark calculations
                                                  (HCPHIC) and rebalance (HCPDSBRB).
  61  3D  Unsigned      1  SYTSPT_REBALNE         Number of elements that fit
                                                  into the following arrays:
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXLIUSG
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXVMDCT
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXACGUS
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXNICPF
                                                  - SYTSPT_SRXNIPAD
  62  3E  Character     2  *                      Reserved and available for
  64  40  Character     8  SYTSPT_HCPHIPTO        HiperDispatch minor
                                                  timer pop interval, in TOD
                                                  clock units. When the system
                                                  is running with reshuffle,
                                                  minor timer pops do not occur.
                                                  When the system is running
                                                  with rebalance, a rebalance
                                                  is performed at every minor
                                                  timer pop.
  72  48  Unsigned      2  SYTSPT_OFFSRXLIUSG     Offset within this
                                                  record to the first element of
                                                  of the SYTSPT_SRXLIUSG array.
  74  4A  Unsigned      2  SYTSPT_OFFSRXVMDCT     Offset within this
                                                  record to the first element of
                                                  of the SYTSPT_SRXVMDCT array.
  76  4C  Unsigned      2  SYTSPT_OFFSRXACGUS     Offset within this
                                                  record to the first element of
                                                  of the SYTSPT_SRXACGUS array.
  78  4E  Unsigned      2  SYTSPT_OFFSRXNICPF     Offset within this
                                                  record to the first element of
                                                  of the SYTSPT_SRXNICPF array.
  80  50  Unsigned      2  SYTSPT_OFFSRXNIPAD     Offset within this
                                                  record to the first element of
                                                  of the SYTSPT_SRXNIPAD array.
  82  52  Unsigned      1  SYTSPT_CALWDA          Code indicating which work
                                                  distribution algorithm is
                                                  currently being used.
                                                  1 - SYTSPT_RESHUFFLE
                                                  2 - SYTSPT_REBALANCE
  83  53  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
  84  54  Unsigned      4  SYTSPT_HCPHIPMJ        HiperDispatch major timer
                                                  pop interval, in units of
                                                  multiples of the minor timer
                                                  pop interval SYTSPT_HCPHIPTO.
                                                  HiperDispatch park/unpark
                                                  decisions occur on only major
                                                  timer pops.
  88  58  Character     0  *                      Additional fields may be
                                                  inserted before here. Use offsets to
                                                  locate any fields after this point.
   0   0  Unsigned      4  SYTSPT_SRXLIUSG(SYTSPT_REBALNE) Circular array
                                                  of total CPU usage totals.
                                                  SYTSPT_RCCTOPDX is to be used
                                                  as an index to find the most
                                                  recent element. Each element
                                                  contains the total CPU usage
                                                  of this type during the
                                                  interval. This value is scaled
                                                  such that x'10000' equals one
                                                  full CPU.
   0   0  Unsigned      4  SYTSPT_SRXVMDCT(SYTSPT_REBALNE) Circular array
                                                  of counts VMDBKs. SYTSPT_RCCTOPDX
                                                  is to be used as an index to find
                                                  the most recent element. Each element
                                                  contains a count of the number of
                                                  VMDBKs on the global cyclic list
                                                  with this dispatch CPU type
                                                  when gathering information to be
                                                  used for dispatch vector rebalance.
   0   0  Unsigned      4  SYTSPT_SRXACGUS(SYTSPT_REBALNE) Circular array
                                                  of average CPU usage of the VMDBKs
                                                  of this type. SYTSPT_RCCTOPDX is
                                                  to be used as an index to find
                                                  the most recent element. Each
                                                  element contains the average
                                                  CPU usage of the VMDBKs of this
                                                  type in the last interval.
   0   0  Character     8  SYTSPT_SRXNICPF(SYTSPT_REBALNE) Circular array
                                                  of next interval capacity factors.
                                                  SYTSPT_RCCTOPDX is to be used as
                                                  an index to find the most recent
                                                  element. Each element contains the
                                                  factor used to adjust the remaining
                                                  capacity assigned for the next
                                                  interval. Elements are stored in
                                                  floating point format.
   0   0  Character     8  SYTSPT_SRXNIPAD(SYTSPT_REBALNE) Circular array
                                                  of next interval padding values.
                                                  SYTSPT_RCCTOPDX is to be used as
                                                  an index to find the most recent
                                                  element. Elements are stored in
                                                  floating point format.
   *   *  Character     0  SYTSPT_END

MRSYTSPT Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value 
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
SYTSPT                     0     88+
SYTSPT_CALTYPE            14      1
SYTSPT_CALWDA             52      1
SYTSPT_END                 *      0
SYTSPT_HCPHIPMJ           54      4
SYTSPT_HCPHIPTO           40      8
SYTSPT_MRHDR               0      0
SYTSPT_OFFSRXLIUSG        48      2
SYTSPT_OFFSRXNIPAD        50      2
SYTSPT_RCCREBAL           38      4
SYTSPT_RCCTOPDX           3C      1
SYTSPT_REBALNE            3D      1
SYTSPT_SRXABSDL           2C      4
SYTSPT_SRXACGUS            0      *
SYTSPT_SRXATOD            18      8
SYTSPT_SRXATOD2           20      8
SYTSPT_SRXCONLL           34      4
SYTSPT_SRXLIUSG            0      *
SYTSPT_SRXLLCNT           30      4
SYTSPT_SRXNICPF            0      *
SYTSPT_SRXNIPAD            0      *
SYTSPT_SRXRELDL           28      4
SYTSPT_SRXVMDCT            0      *

This information is
based on z/VM V6R4.0.

Last updated on 4 Oct 2016 at 14:31:44.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2016