Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 5 -  Processor Domain
                    Record 11 - Instruction Counts (Per Processor)
 DESCRIPTION - Provides the number of times a particular
               instruction was executed (simulated) on a processor.
               A separate record is generated for each processor.

MRPRCINS Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   316  PRCINS                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  PRCINS_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      2  PRCINS_PFXCPUAD        Processor address
  22  16  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  24  18  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSKEYIK        ISK (09)
  28  1C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSKEYSK        SSK (08)
  32  20  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVSV        SVC (0A)
  36  24  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVMS        SSM (80)
  40  28  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVLP        LPSW (82)
  44  2C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVMN        STNSM (AC)
  48  30  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVMO        STOSM (AD)
  52  34  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVGP        SIGP (AE)
  56  38  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVTC        STCTL (B6)
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVLC        LCTL (B7)
  64  40  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPTFF         PTFF (0104)
  68  44  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSSCKPF        SCKPF (0107)
  72  48  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISCP        STIDP (B202)
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISTE        SCK (B204)
  80  50  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISPB        PTLB (B20D)
  84  54  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISXE        SPX (B210)
  88  58  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISXS        STPX (B211)
  92  5C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISAS        STAP (B212)
  96  60  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSKEYRR        RRB (B213)
 100  64  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISSI        SIE (B214)
 104  68  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPCVSC        SERVC (B220)
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSVPTNV        IPTE (B221)
 112  70  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSKEYIE        ISKE (B229)
 116  74  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSKEYRE        RRBE (B22A)
 120  78  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSKEYSE        SSKE (B22B)
 124  7C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISBT        TB (B22C)
 128  80  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSXPGIN        PGIN (B22E)
 132  84  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSXPGOU        PGOUT (B22F)
 136  88  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSVIESB        IESBE (B259)
 140  8C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSXPG5A        BSA (B25A)
 144  90  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISST        STSI (B27D)
 148  94  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSSTFLE        STFLE (B2B0)
 152  98  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLS0STFL        STFL (B2B1)
 156  9C  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSLPSWE        LPSWE (B2B2)
 160  A0  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSBISIU        IUCV (B2F0)
 164  A4  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLS0EPSW        EPSW (B98D)
 168  A8  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSVIDTE        IDTE (B98E)
 172  AC  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLS0ESEA        ESEA (B99D)
 176  B0  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSESSA         ESSA (B9AB)
 180  B4  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVTP        TPROT (E501)
 184  B8  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVSG        STCTG (EB25)
 188  BC  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVLG        LCTLG (EB2F)
 192  C0  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSPRVVN        Guest SVC 76's reflected
 196  C4  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSTCCC         Count of Virtual Test
                                                  Channels and Clear Channels
                                                  (TCCCS) executed.
 200  C8  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSSSCHC        Count of Virtual SSCHs
 204  CC  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSRSCHC        Count of Virtual RSCHs
 208  D0  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSSIOCT        Count of Virtual SIOs
 212  D4  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSSIOFC        Count of Virtual SIOFs
 216  D8  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSCTSS         Count of Real SSCHs
 220  DC  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSCTRS         Count of Real RSCHs
 224  E0  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSCTCS         Count of Real CSCHs
 228  E4  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSCTHS         Count of Real HSCHs
 232  E8  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSSTHYI        Count of Virtual STHYIs
 236  EC  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSVCSP         Count of Virtual CSPs
 240  F0  Unsigned      4  PRCINS_PLSVCSPG        Count of Virtual CSPGs

Counters relating to intercepted DAT-serializing (DS) instructions executed by guests per logical CPU and the number of times a single instance of a given DS instruction from a guest perspective is retried or redriven by the host. The DS instructions to which this applies are: IPTE, IDTE, CSP and CSPG. There are three counters per DS instruction, with the following definitions: CAL_PLSCxxxx is the number of unique execution instances, from the guest perspective, that resulted in the xxxx instruction being redriven at least once; CAL_PLSRxxxx is the accumulated number of times CP redrove each guest instance of a redriven xxxx instruction; CAL_PLSQxxxx is the accumulated squares of the number of times CP redrove each guest instance of a redriven xxxx instruction; where xxx is the mnemonic of the DS instruction in question. Thus the triple: provides the following statistics for each intercepted DS instruction: Notes: These three counters exclude guest instances of the xxxx instruction that succeed on first attempt without interception. They are updated when a new guest instance of a DS instruction is intercepted. Should any of these counters overflow then all three are reset to zeroes. If on successive monitor record samples any of the three counters decreases then a prior overflow and reset is implied. Redrive counters are only incremented when a guest use of a DS instruction is a candidate for being redriven. If the DS instruction is subject to interception and simulation then the counters are not updated. Such a situation applies, for example, when TRACE IPTE is in effect. Redrive counters are sourced from a table embedded in the PLSBK, where each entry pertains to each of the DS instructions supported for guest use. CAL_PLSCxxxx is sourced from PLSRDxxx.PLSRDICT. CAL_PLSRxxxx is sourced from PLSRDxxx.PLSRDCNT. CAL_PLSQxxxx is sourced from PLSRDxxx.PLSRDCNT. CAL_PLSRxxx/CAL_PLSCxxxx provides the mean number of redrives per completed instance of intercepted guest DS instruction. CAL_PLSQxxx/CAL_PLSCxxxx provides the mean square number of redrives per completed instance of intercepted guest DS instruction. To calculate the variance of the number of redrives per completed instance, subtract the squared mean from the mean square.
244 F4 Character 4 * reserved to force a DWORD alignment for each redrive statistics triple that follows. 248 F8 Unsigned 4 PRCINS_CAL_PLSCIPTE Number of times a redriven IPTE completed. 252 FC Unsigned 4 PRCINS_CAL_PLSRIPTE Total number of times IPTE was intercepted and redriven without simulation. 256 100 Character 8 PRCINS_CAL_PLSQIPTE Sum of squares of number of redriven IPTEs per completed IPTE instruction. 264 108 Unsigned 4 PRCINS_CAL_PLSCIDTE Number of times a redriven IDTE completed. 268 10C Unsigned 4 PRCINS_CAL_PLSRIDTE Total number of times IDTE was intercepted and redriven without simulation. 272 110 Character 8 PRCINS_CAL_PLSQIDTE Sum of squares of number of redriven IDTEs per completed IDTE instruction. 280 118 Unsigned 4 PRCINS_CAL_PLSCCSP Number of times a redriven CSP completed. 284 11C Unsigned 4 PRCINS_CAL_PLSRCSP Total number of times CSP was intercepted and redriven without simulation. 288 120 Character 8 PRCINS_CAL_PLSQCSP Sum of squares of number of redriven CSPs per completed CSP instruction. 296 128 Unsigned 4 PRCINS_CAL_PLSCCSPG Number of times a redriven CSPG completed. 300 12C Unsigned 4 PRCINS_CAL_PLSRCSPG Total number of times CSPG was intercepted and redriven without simulation. 304 130 Character 8 PRCINS_CAL_PLSQCSPG Sum of squares of number of redriven CSPGs per completed CSPG instruction. 312 138 Unsigned 4 PRCINS_PLSBPFMF PFMF (B9AF) 316 13C Character 0 PRCINS_END

MRPRCINS Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value 
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
PRCINS                     0    316
PRCINS_CAL_PLSCCSP       118      4
PRCINS_CAL_PLSCCSPG      128      4
PRCINS_CAL_PLSCIDTE      108      4
PRCINS_CAL_PLSQCSP       120      8
PRCINS_CAL_PLSQCSPG      130      8
PRCINS_CAL_PLSQIDTE      110      8
PRCINS_CAL_PLSQIPTE      100      8
PRCINS_CAL_PLSRCSP       11C      4
PRCINS_END               13C      0
PRCINS_MRHDR               0      0
PRCINS_PFXCPUAD           14      2
PRCINS_PLSBISAS           5C      4
PRCINS_PLSBISBT           7C      4
PRCINS_PLSBISCP           48      4
PRCINS_PLSBISIU           A0      4
PRCINS_PLSBISPB           50      4
PRCINS_PLSBISSI           64      4
PRCINS_PLSBISST           90      4
PRCINS_PLSBISTE           4C      4
PRCINS_PLSBISXE           54      4
PRCINS_PLSBISXS           58      4
PRCINS_PLSBPFMF          138      4
PRCINS_PLSCTCS            E0      4
PRCINS_PLSCTHS            E4      4
PRCINS_PLSCTRS            DC      4
PRCINS_PLSCTSS            D8      4
PRCINS_PLSESSA            B0      4
PRCINS_PLSKEYIE           70      4
PRCINS_PLSKEYIK           18      4
PRCINS_PLSKEYRE           74      4
PRCINS_PLSKEYRR           60      4
PRCINS_PLSKEYSE           78      4
PRCINS_PLSKEYSK           1C      4
PRCINS_PLSLPSWE           9C      4
PRCINS_PLSPCVSC           68      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVGP           34      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVLC           3C      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVLG           BC      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVLP           28      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVMN           2C      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVMO           30      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVMS           24      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVSG           B8      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVSV           20      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVTC           38      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVTP           B4      4
PRCINS_PLSPRVVN           C0      4
PRCINS_PLSPTFF            40      4
PRCINS_PLSRSCHC           CC      4
PRCINS_PLSSCKPF           44      4
PRCINS_PLSSIOCT           D0      4
PRCINS_PLSSIOFC           D4      4
PRCINS_PLSSSCHC           C8      4
PRCINS_PLSSTFLE           94      4
PRCINS_PLSSTHYI           E8      4
PRCINS_PLSTCCC            C4      4
PRCINS_PLSVCSP            EC      4
PRCINS_PLSVCSPG           F0      4
PRCINS_PLSVIDTE           A8      4
PRCINS_PLSVIESB           88      4
PRCINS_PLSVPTNV           6C      4
PRCINS_PLSXPGIN           80      4
PRCINS_PLSXPGOU           84      4
PRCINS_PLSXPG5A           8C      4
PRCINS_PLS0EPSW           A4      4
PRCINS_PLS0ESEA           AC      4
PRCINS_PLS0STFL           98      4

This information is
based on z/VM V6R4.0.

Last updated on 5 Oct 2016 at 13:41:22.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2016