Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Configuration Record
                    Domain 1 - Monitor Domain
                    Record 4 - System Configuration Data
 DESCRIPTION - Identifies operating system and defines any
               special processing capabilities.
 NOTE: Bits will be added to MTRSYS_CALLEVEL for APARs
       that introduce changes to Monitor that may be
       ambiguous based on record length and release level.
       These bits will be reset in a future release.
       For additional information about the format and
       meaning of the MTRSYS_STSI111 field, refer to the
       following book:
         - Principles of Operation for the layout of the
           STSI 1.1.1 output (first 180 bytes) which is
           documented in Chapter 10 under "STORE SYSTEM
           INFORMATION". The field meanings are there also.
       When a field in this record uses the term "CPU/core",
       the meaning of the field changes based on whether
       Multithreading (MT) is enabled in the configuration
       (partition or virtual machine) in which z/VM is
       running. Refer to field MTRSYS_SYSMT to determine
       whether MT is enabled in this configuration.
      When MT is not enabled, a physical core contains
      only one CPU:
        - CPU   : central processing unit.
        - CORE  : physical unit containing one CPU.
                  In this environment the core has
                  1 thread, the term "thread" is not used,
                  and the term "CPU" is generally favored
                  over the term "core".
      When MT is enabled, a physical core contains one or
      more CPUs (aka "threads"):
        - CPU   : central processing unit. Identified by
                  CPU address which consists of core ID
                  and thread ID.
        - CORE  : physical unit containing one or more CPUs
                  (aka "threads"). All CPUs of a core have
                  the same CPU type.
        - THREAD: synonym for a CPU that is a member of a
                  core. Each thread on a core has a
                  distinct thread ID (TID), numbered from
                  0 up to the maximum thread ID available
                  on the core.

MRMTRSYS Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   480  MTRSYS                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  MTRSYS_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record
                                                  was built. In time-of-day
                                                  (TOD) clock format. See IBM
                                                  System 370 XA Principle of
                                                  Operation for explanation of
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END              End of header
  20  14  Bitstring     8  MTRSYS_HCPCPEPP        Program product bit map.
                                                  This is a CP internal
                                                  indicator of release level of
                                                  the program product. For the
                                                  meaning of the bit map, see
                                                  the output descriptions of
                                                  Diagnose X'00' in the CP
                                                  Programming Services manual.
  28  1C  Character     8  MTRSYS_HCPCPEID        Version number, in EBCDIC
                                                  format. Byte 0 = release
                                                  number. Byte 1 = modification
                                                  level number. Bytes 2-3 =
                                                  version number. Bytes 4-7 =
                                                  service level.
  36  24  Character     8  MTRSYS_SYSTODST        TOD clock at last IPL
  44  2C  Character     8  MTRSYS_SYSTERM         TOD clock at termination
  52  34  Character     8  MTRSYS_SYSDATE         Current date
  60  3C  Character     8  MTRSYS_SYSABNCD        Abend code of last
  68  44  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (MTRSYS_SYSVFCVM)
  72  48  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (MTRSYS_SYSVFIVM)
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (MTRSYS_SYSVFOVM)
  80  50  Unsigned      4  MTRSYS_SYSZONE         TOD clock time zone
                                                  facility differential. Add
                                                  this to a TOD time stamp to
                                                  get the local time. The units
                                                  here are seconds.
  84  54  Bitstring     1  MTRSYS_CALFLGS         Miscellaneous Flags
          1... ....        MTRSYS_SYSMASFI         ESA/370 hardware (Access
                                                  Registers) is installed
          .1.. ....        MTRSYS_CALADMF          Asynchronous Data Mover
          ..1. ....        MTRSYS_SYSDVACT
                                                  Measurement Protocol is
                                                  installed - this means that
                                                  the hardware is accumulating
                                                  measurements as opposed to CP
                                                  calculating them manually
          ...1 ....        MTRSYS_SYSCPMF          Channel Path Measurment
                                                  Facility (CPMF) is installed
          .... 1...        MTRSYS_SYSECPMF         CPMF with extended channel
                                                  meas. is installed
          .... .1..        MTRSYS_CALESAME         The CP nucleus is a z/Arch
          .... ..1.        MTRSYS_SYSSI370         Interpretive execution of
                                                  S/370 guests is installed.
          .... ...1        MTRSYS_SYSSTIOP         Store I/O Processor
                                                  Utilization Data is available
  85  55  Unsigned      1  MTRSYS_SYSVRFSG        Preferred guest storage
                                                  granularity. The defined
                                                  storage size of each V=F
                                                  guest must be a multiple of
                                                  this number of megabytes
  86  56  Bitstring     1  MTRSYS_CALFLG2         Miscellaneous Flags
          1... ....        MTRSYS_SYSXIOMB
                                                  k facility is installed. This
                                                  means Device-Busy Time is
                                                  being stored in the
                                                  measurement block and
                                                  format-1 measurement blocks
                                                  are being used.
          .1.. ....        MTRSYS_SYSMASST         Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management Facility
                                                  permitted. Note: Even if this
                                                  flag indicates the
                                                  Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management Facility is off,
                                                  some users may be using CMM
                                                  prior to it being turned off.
                                                  These users will be in
                                                  "active, pending off" state.
          ..1. ....        MTRSYS_PFXACMM          Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management Facility is
                                                  available. Note: If this flag
                                                  is off, any virtual machines
                                                  with VMDMAACT=1 are using the
                                                  CMM Facility as simulated by
          ...1 ....        MTRSYS_SSI1TRNS         Transient CCR and CAI.
          .... 1...        MTRSYS_SYSNCPMF
                                                  facility is installed.
          .... .1..        MTRSYS_CALNCPMF         CPMF with the extended
                                                  channel measurement facility
                                                  is installed but due to the
                                                  Global Performance Data
                                                  setting on the HMC it cannot
                                                  be started.
          .... ..1.        MTRSYS_SYSISVRT         The system is running in
                                                  vertical polarization mode.
                                                  If this bit is off, the
                                                  system is running in
                                                  horizontal polarization mode.
          .... ...1        *
  87  57  Bitstring     1  MTRSYS_CALLEVEL        Monitor service level based
                                                  on APARs available.
          1... ....        MTRSYS_LEVEL1           Reserved and unavailable
                                                  for use
          .1.. ....        MTRSYS_LEVEL2           Reserved and unavailable
                                                  for use
          ..1. ....        MTRSYS_LEVEL3           APAR VM65583 is available.
          ...1 ....        MTRSYS_LEVEL4           Reserved for IBM use
          .... 1...        MTRSYS_LEVEL5           Reserved for IBM use
          .... .1..        MTRSYS_LEVEL6           Reserved for IBM use
          .... ..1.        MTRSYS_LEVEL7           Reserved for IBM use
          .... ...1        MTRSYS_LEVEL8           Reserved for IBM use
  88  58  Character     8  MTRSYS_SYSTMID         System Identifier
  96  60  Character     6  MTRSYS_SYSCKVOL        The volume serial of the
                                                  Checkpoint volume.
 102  66  Character     6  MTRSYS_SYSWMVOL        The volume serial of the
                                                  Warmstart volume.

STSI 1.1.1 fields
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 108 6C Character 4 MTRSYS_SYSMTYPE STSI 1.1.1 field. Machine Type number of the configuration. 112 70 Character 16 MTRSYS_SYSMMODL STSI 1.1.1 field. Model-Capacity Identifier of the configuration. 128 80 Character 16 MTRSYS_SYSMSEQC STSI 1.1.1 field. The sequence Code of the configuration. 144 90 Character 4 MTRSYS_SYSMPOM STSI 1.1.1 field. Identifies the Plant of manufacture for the configuration.
STSI 2.2.2 fields Obtain STSI level-2 data when available. This configuration data will indicate the configuration information for an LPAR when available otherwise it will remain as default binary 0 values.
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 148 94 Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_LPNUMBER STSI 2.2.2 field. LPAR Number of the level-2 configuration. This number is unique to this configuration from all other level-2 configurations provided by the same LPAR hypervisor. This is the UPID assigned by the user in the image profile and is seen as the partition identifier in the activation profile. 150 96 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_CPUCHAR STSI 2.2.2 field. Describes the characteristics of the logical CPUs/cores that are provided for the level-2 configuration. 151 97 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_CALFLG3 Miscellaneous Flags 1... .... MTRSYS_PFXVVMXA When ON, system is running second level. .1.. .... MTRSYS_SYSGPRFD This flag is not applicable when MTRSYS_PFXVVMXA is ON. When MTRSYS_PFXVVMXA is OFF and MTRSYS_SYSGPRFD is ON, global performance data (GPD) is enabled for this partition. ..1. .... MTRSYS_PFXSHLAV CPPROTECT is avbl ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 152 98 Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_CPUCOUNT STSI 2.2.2 field. Specifies the total number of logical CPUs/cores that are provided for this level-2 configuration. This number includes all of the logical CPUs/cores that are in the configured state, the standby state, or the reserved state. Secondary processors are not included in this count. 154 9A Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_CPUCFGCT STSI 2.2.2 field. Specifies the number of logical CPUs/cores for this level-2 configuration that are in the configured state. Secondary processors are not included in this count. 156 9C Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_CPUSTNBY STSI 2.2.2 field. Specifies the number of logical CPUs/cores for this level-2 configuration that are in the standby state. A logical CPU/core is in the standby state when it is in the level-2 configuration, is not available to be used to execute programs, and can be made available by issuing instructions to place it into the configured state. Secondary processors are not included in this count. 158 9E Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_CPURESVD STSI 2.2.2 field. Specifies the number of logical CPUs/cores for this level-2 configuration that are in the reserved state. A logical CPU/core is in the reserved state when it is in the level-2 configuration, is not available to be used to execute programs, and cannot be made available by issuing instructions to place it into the configured state. Secondary processors are not included in this count. 160 A0 Character 8 MTRSYS_LPARNAME STSI 2.2.2 field. Specified the name of this level-2 configuration. 168 A8 Unsigned 4 MTRSYS_LPARCAF STSI 2.2.2 field. The LPAR Capability Adjustment Factor specifies the amount of the underlying level-1 configuration capability that is allowed to be used for this level-2 configuration by the LPAR hypervisor. The maximum value is 1000, and the fraction of level-1 configuration capability is determined by dividing the CAF value by 1000. 172 AC Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_CPUDEDCT STSI 2.2.2 field. Specifies the number of configured-state logical CPUs/cores for this level-2 configuration that are provided using dedicated level-1 CPUs/cores 174 AE Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_CPUSHARD STSI 2.2.2 field. Specifies the number of configured-state logical CPUs/cores for this level-2 configuration that are provided using shared level-1 CPUs/cores. 176 B0 Unsigned 4 MTRSYS_CPUCAPAB STSI 1.2.2 field. The capability of a general CPU/core in the configuration. The lower the value, the higher the CPU/core capability. The value indicates the capability of a CPU/core relative to other processor models. This value applies to each of the general CPUs/cores in the configuration. All the general CPUs/cores have the same capability. Expressed in binary integer format. 180 B4 Unsigned 4 MTRSYS_SCPCAPAB STSI 1.2.2 field. The capability of a specialty CPU/core in the configuration. The value indicates the capability of the CPU/core relative to the capability of other processor models and also relative to the capability of other CPU types within a model. All CPUs/cores in the configuration of an applicable type have the same capability. When zero, all CPUs/cores of any CPU type in the configuration have the same capability, as specified by MTRSYS_CPUCAPAB. Expressed in binary integer format. 184 B8 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_SYSCMODE Processor Configuration Mode Only one bit value may be set at a time 1... .... * .1.. .... * ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. MTRSYS_SYSCMESA ESA/390 or GENERAL .... ..1. MTRSYS_SYSCMLIN Linux-only .... ...1 MTRSYS_SYSCMVM z/VM 185 B9 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_SYSCCR Capacity-Change Reason. from STSI 1.1.1 186 BA Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_SYSCAI Capacity-Adjustment Indication from STSI 1.1.1 187 BB Unsigned 1 * Reserved for IBM. Previous field no longer useful. (MTRSYS_SYSESTAT) 188 BC Character 8 MTRSYS_STITODOF STP TOD clock offset 188 BC Character 4 MTRSYS_TODOFHI Hi-order half of TOD 192 C0 Character 4 MTRSYS_TODOFLO Lo-order half of TOD 196 C4 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_SYSSTPFL STP configuration info 1... .... MTRSYS_SYSSTPEN STP Timestamping enabled in the configuration file .1.. .... MTRSYS_SYSSTPTZ STP Timezone usage enabled in the configuration file ..1. .... MTRSYS_SYSSTPND XRC_OPTIONAL enabled in the configuration file ...1 .... MTRSYS_SYSSTPTS XRC_TEST enabled in the configuration file .... 1... MTRSYS_SYSSTPAC STP is active .... .1.. MTRSYS_SYSSTPSU STP is suspended .... ..1. MTRSYS_SYSSTPMI STP suspension message has been issued .... ...1 * 197 C5 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_SYSSTPF2 STP configuration info 1... .... MTRSYS_SYSSTPFI STP hardware feature is installed .1.. .... MTRSYS_SYSSTPFE STP hardware feature is enabled ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 198 C6 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_SYSPCIFG PCI flags 1... .... MTRSYS_SYSPCIYS System supports PCI usage .1.. .... MTRSYS_SYSPCIAI Forwarding is ON ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 199 C7 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_SYSIOFI4 I/O Facilities Installed Flag 1... .... * .1.. .... * ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. MTRSYS_SYSDIOIA Dynamic-I/O-for-I/O-Adapters facility is installed .... ...1 MTRSYS_SYSUSF Utility-String facility is installed 200 C8 Character 6 MTRSYS_SYSPLVOL SSI PDR Volume serial 206 CE Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_SYSCSSID Channel subsystem (CSS) ID 207 CF Character 1 * Reserved and available for use 208 D0 Character 8 MTRSYS_SYSCPMOD CP Load Module 216 D8 Character 8 MTRSYS_HCPLODCK TOD of system generation of CP Load Module 224 E0 Character 16 * Reserved for IBM. Previous field no longer useful. (MTRSYS_SLMENSID) 240 F0 Character 180 MTRSYS_STSI111 First 180 bytes of the STSI 1.1.1 output. 420 1A4 Unsigned 4 MTRSYS_RCCCCAPF STSI 1.2.2 field. The capability of a general CPU/core in the configuration in in binary floating point (BFP) format. Used as an indication of the capability of the CPU/core relative to the capability of other processor models. 424 1A8 Unsigned 4 MTRSYS_RCCSCAPF STSI 1.2.2 field. The capability of a specialty CPU/core in the configuration in BFP format. Used as an indication of the capability of the CPU/core relative to the capability of other processor models. If this field is zero, field MTRSYS_RCCCCAPF specifies also the capability of a specialty CPU/core. 428 1AC Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_SYSMTFLG Multithreading Flags which may take the following values: 1... .... MTRSYS_SYSMTSTM X'80' MULTITHREADING statement specified Enable .1.. .... MTRSYS_SYSMT X'40' Multithreading is enabled ..1. .... MTRSYS_SYSMTVAL X'20' Found a valid MULTITHREADING statement ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 429 1AD Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_RCCMTRSM MT Not enabled reason mask which may take the following values: 1... .... MTRSYS_RCCMTNTI X'80' MT Facility is not installed in the configuration .1.. .... MTRSYS_RCCMT390 X'40' ESA/390 or GENERAL LPAR ..1. .... MTRSYS_RCCMTLCP X'20' LINUX only LPAR with CP processors ...1 .... MTRSYS_RCCMTCRF X'10' Lack of corequisite facilities .... 1... MTRSYS_RCCMTRBL X'08' SRM statement specified rebalance .... .1.. MTRSYS_RCCMTHOR X'04' Horizontal polarization .... ..1. MTRSYS_RCCMTHIG X'02' IPL CPU addr is too high .... ...1 MTRSYS_RCCMTSFA X'01' SIGP failure, see RCCMTFRS 430 1AE Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_RCCMTCFM Missing corequisite facilities mask which may take the following values: 1... .... MTRSYS_RCCMTRF1 X'80' Facility 1 required by MT is missing .1.. .... MTRSYS_RCCMTCSV X'40' Facility 2 is not available ..1. .... MTRSYS_RCCSCCMV X'20' Store-CPU-Counter-Multiple facility is not available ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 431 1AF Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_RCCMTPMT Multithreading program-specified maximum thread id in a range from zero to 31 432 1B0 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_RCCMTTDW Thread id width in a range from 0 to 5 433 1B1 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_RCCMTFRS SIGP set-multithreading order failure code
Information from the MULTITHREADING statement in the config file. Each of the next two fields, as well as the MTRSYS_CAL_RCCCOMNT fields in the MTRSYS_CPUTINFO entries below, is either a value from 0 to the architectural maximum of 31, or the value 255 (x'FF) to indicate that MAX was specified on the statement. The actual number of threads used (activated) will be capped at the lesser of the value supported by the hardware and that supported by CP, and the result reflected in the MTRSYS_CAL_RCCACMNT values in the MTRSYS_CPUTINFOs.
434 1B2 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_RCCCOMXT Value specified on MAX_THREADS 435 1B3 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_RCCCOALL Value specified on ALL. RCCCOALL is used only during statement processing and has no meaning during system operation 436 1B4 Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_CAL_CPUTAOFF Offset to array MTRSYS_CPUTINFO of numbers for threads per core by CPU type 438 1B6 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_CAL_CPUTACNT Number of entries in MTRSYS_CPUTINFO array. 439 1B7 Character 1 * alignment padding 440 1B8 Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_CAL_CPUTAESZ Size of an entry in the MTRSYS_CPUTINFO array
SET MULTITHREAD settings. The next 2 fields and MTRSYS_CAL_RSSCMMNT in the CPUTINFO array provide the values from the most recent successful SET MULTITHREAD command if one has been issued. These fields are defined in records with MTRSYS_CAL_CPUTAESZ large enough for CPUTINFO entries to contain MTRSYS_CAL_RCCSMMNT.
442 1BA Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_RCCSMALL Thread count specified for ALL parameter of SET MT command. 443 1BB Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_RCCSMSET SET MT flags. 1... .... MTRSYS_RCCSMINI SET MT INITIAL was specified .1.. .... * ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 *
The next fields contain CPU speeds reported by STSI 1.2.2
444 1BC Unsigned 4 MTRSYS_RCCSPCP CP CPU speed. When not zero, contains a 32-bit unsigned binary integer which is the approximate number of CPU cycles per microsecond. 448 1C0 Unsigned 4 MTRSYS_RCCSPSPC Specialty engine CPU speed. When not zero, contains a 32-bit unsigned binary integer which is the approximate number of CPU cycles per microsecond. 452 1C4 Character 8 * Reserved for IBM use. 460 1CC Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_ENCPINIT ENCRYPT PAGING at IPL 1... .... MTRSYS_ENCPREQI ENCRYPT PAGING req. .1.. .... MTRSYS_ENCPONI ENCRYPT PAGING on ..1. .... MTRSYS_ENCPOFFI ENCRYPT PAGING off ...1 .... MTRSYS_ENCP128I Algorithm AES128 .... 1... MTRSYS_ENCP192I Algorithm AES192 .... .1.. MTRSYS_ENCP256I Algorithm AES256 .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 461 1CD Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_ENCEPCUR Current state of Encrypt Paging. Bits defined by ENCPINIT 462 1CE Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_ENCFAIL Encrypt service failure codes 1... .... MTRSYS_ENCPACF CPACF hardware not available .1.. .... MTRSYS_ENCPG63 PAGING63 IPL parm. is active. ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 463 1CF Character 1 * Reserved for IBM use. 464 1D0 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_RCCSHELD CPPROTECT bits 1... .... MTRSYS_RCCSHLDF 0=MODE2 DFLT OFF 1=MODE2 DFLT ON .1.. .... * ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... * .... .1.. * .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 465 1D1 Character 3 * Reserved for IBM use 468 1D4 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_RCCSHLPC CPPROTECT bits 1... .... MTRSYS_RCCSHLR1 MODE1 rqstd .1.. .... MTRSYS_RCCSHLR2 MODE2 rqstd ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... MTRSYS_RCCSHLA1 MODE1 active .... .1.. MTRSYS_RCCSHLA2 MODE2 active .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 469 1D5 Character 3 * Reserved for IBM use 472 1D8 Bitstring 1 MTRSYS_RCCSHLHC CPPROTECT bits 1... .... MTRSYS_RCCSHLC1 MODE1 capable .1.. .... MTRSYS_RCCSHLC2 MODE2 capable ..1. .... * ...1 .... * .... 1... MTRSYS_RCCSHLI1 MODE1 inherent .... .1.. MTRSYS_RCCSHLI2 MODE2 inherent .... ..1. * .... ...1 * 473 1D9 Character 3 * Reserved for IBM use 476 1DC Unsigned 2 MTRSYS_SSI1MAXPU STSI 1.1.1 field. Unsigned binary maximum available processing cores potentially available to the system. If 0, the Max PU value is not defined for this model. 478 1DE Character 2 * Reserved for IBM use 480 1E0 Character 0 MTRSYS_END End of record
Array of per-CPU-type data. Each CPU type entry includes number of threads per core as specified on SET MULTITHREAD command and MULTITHREADING statement, resulting requested values, hardware and z/VM supported thread counts, and activated thread counts given the requested multithreading configuration. This is a variable length array with one entry per CPU type. The CPU type might be assigned non-sequentially, so the type id is included in each array entry. However, the array contains entries for CPU types in a monotonically increasing order. MTRSYS_CPUTINFO describes the structure of one array entry. Use MTRSYS_CAL_CPUTAOFF to determine the offset within this monitor record to the beginning of the MTRSYS_CPUTINFO array. Use MTRSYS_CAL_CPUTACNT to determine the number of entries present in this array. Use MTRSYS_CPUTAESZ to determine the size of each entry. The most recent successful SET MULTITHREAD command overrides setting from the MULTITHREADING statement and any previous SET MT Command. For the SET MULTITHREAD Command parms in _RCCSMMNT: - If MAX is specified for any operand, the operand value will be set to X'FF'. - If ALL was not specified, any unspecified CPU type will have a value of x'00'. - If INITIAL was specified, the ALL and all CPU type values wil lbe x'00'. The results of the multithreading config change are described by: _RCCCRMNT - current requested values. These are from the most recent SET MT command (_RCCSMxxx) if issued; otherwise from the Multithreading statement (_RCCCOxxx). _RCCACMNT - actual activated thread counts given current requested values (RCCCRMNT), and supported threading level for hardware (_RCCHWMNT) and z/VM (_RCCSYMNT).
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Structure 8 MTRSYS_CPUTINFO 0 0 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_CAL_CPUTYPE CPU Type for this entry 1 1 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_CAL_RCCCOMNT Requested threads for this CPU type on the Multithreading Statement. 2 2 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_CAL_RCCHWMNT Maximum number of threads supported by hardware by CPU type from RCCHWxxx 3 3 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_CAL_RCCSYMNT Maximum number of threads supported by z/VM by CPU type from RCCSYxxx 4 4 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_CAL_RCCACMNT Number of activated threads by CPU type from RCCACxxx 5 5 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_CAL_RCCSMMNT Specified threads for this CPU type requested on the most recent SET MT command. 6 6 Unsigned 1 MTRSYS_CAL_RCCCRMNT The current requested threads for this CPU type. The values are from the most recent SET MT command if issued, or the Multithreading statement. 7 7 Unsigned 1 * Reserved for IBM use. 8 8 Character 0 MTRSYS_CPUTINFO_END End of CPUTINFO entry

MRMTRSYS Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
MTRSYS                     0    480
MTRSYS_CAL_CPUTYPE         0      1
MTRSYS_CAL_RCCACMNT        4      1
MTRSYS_CAL_RCCCOMNT        1      1
MTRSYS_CAL_RCCCRMNT        6      1
MTRSYS_CAL_RCCHWMNT        2      1
MTRSYS_CAL_RCCSMMNT        5      1
MTRSYS_CAL_RCCSYMNT        3      1
MTRSYS_CALADMF            54           40
MTRSYS_CALESAME           54           04
MTRSYS_CALFLGS            54      1
MTRSYS_CALFLG2            56      1
MTRSYS_CALFLG3            97      1
MTRSYS_CALLEVEL           57      1
MTRSYS_CALNCPMF           56           04
MTRSYS_CPUCAPAB           B0      4
MTRSYS_CPUCFGCT           9A      2
MTRSYS_CPUCHAR            96      1
MTRSYS_CPUCOUNT           98      2
MTRSYS_CPUDEDCT           AC      2
MTRSYS_CPURESVD           9E      2
MTRSYS_CPUSHARD           AE      2
MTRSYS_CPUSTNBY           9C      2
MTRSYS_CPUTINFO            0      8
MTRSYS_CPUTINFO_END        8      0
MTRSYS_ENCEPCUR          1CD      1
MTRSYS_ENCFAIL           1CE      1
MTRSYS_ENCPACF           1CE           80
MTRSYS_ENCPG63           1CE           40
MTRSYS_ENCPINIT          1CC      1
MTRSYS_ENCPOFFI          1CC           20
MTRSYS_ENCPONI           1CC           40
MTRSYS_ENCPREQI          1CC           80
MTRSYS_ENCP128I          1CC           10
MTRSYS_ENCP192I          1CC           08
MTRSYS_ENCP256I          1CC           04
MTRSYS_END               1E0      0
MTRSYS_HCPCPEID           1C      8
MTRSYS_HCPCPEPP           14      8
MTRSYS_HCPLODCK           D8      8
MTRSYS_LEVEL1             57           80
MTRSYS_LEVEL2             57           40
MTRSYS_LEVEL3             57           20
MTRSYS_LEVEL4             57           10
MTRSYS_LEVEL5             57           08
MTRSYS_LEVEL6             57           04
MTRSYS_LEVEL7             57           02
MTRSYS_LEVEL8             57           01
MTRSYS_LPARCAF            A8      4
MTRSYS_LPARNAME           A0      8
MTRSYS_LPNUMBER           94      2
MTRSYS_MRHDR               0      0
MTRSYS_PFXACMM            56           20
MTRSYS_PFXSHLAV           97           20
MTRSYS_PFXVVMXA           97           80
MTRSYS_RCCCCAPF          1A4      4
MTRSYS_RCCCOALL          1B3      1
MTRSYS_RCCCOMXT          1B2      1
MTRSYS_RCCMTCFM          1AE      1
MTRSYS_RCCMTCRF          1AD           10
MTRSYS_RCCMTCSV          1AE           40
MTRSYS_RCCMTFRS          1B1      1
MTRSYS_RCCMTHIG          1AD           02
MTRSYS_RCCMTHOR          1AD           04
MTRSYS_RCCMTLCP          1AD           20
MTRSYS_RCCMTNTI          1AD           80
MTRSYS_RCCMTPMT          1AF      1
MTRSYS_RCCMTRBL          1AD           08
MTRSYS_RCCMTRF1          1AE           80
MTRSYS_RCCMTRSM          1AD      1
MTRSYS_RCCMTSFA          1AD           01
MTRSYS_RCCMTTDW          1B0      1
MTRSYS_RCCMT390          1AD           40
MTRSYS_RCCSCAPF          1A8      4
MTRSYS_RCCSCCMV          1AE           20
MTRSYS_RCCSHLA1          1D4           08
MTRSYS_RCCSHLA2          1D4           04
MTRSYS_RCCSHLC1          1D8           80
MTRSYS_RCCSHLC2          1D8           40
MTRSYS_RCCSHLDF          1D0           80
MTRSYS_RCCSHLI1          1D8           08
MTRSYS_RCCSHLI2          1D8           04
MTRSYS_RCCSHLPC          1D4      1
MTRSYS_RCCSHLR1          1D4           80
MTRSYS_RCCSHLR2          1D4           40
MTRSYS_RCCSMALL          1BA      1
MTRSYS_RCCSMINI          1BB           80
MTRSYS_RCCSMSET          1BB      1
MTRSYS_RCCSPCP           1BC      4
MTRSYS_RCCSPSPC          1C0      4
MTRSYS_SCPCAPAB           B4      4
MTRSYS_SSI1MAXPU         1DC      2
MTRSYS_SSI1TRNS           56           10
MTRSYS_STITODOF           BC      8
MTRSYS_STSI111            F0    180
MTRSYS_SYSABNCD           3C      8
MTRSYS_SYSCAI             BA      1
MTRSYS_SYSCCR             B9      1
MTRSYS_SYSCKVOL           60      6
MTRSYS_SYSCMESA           B8           04
MTRSYS_SYSCMLIN           B8           02
MTRSYS_SYSCMODE           B8      1
MTRSYS_SYSCMVM            B8           01
MTRSYS_SYSCPMF            54           10
MTRSYS_SYSCPMOD           D0      8
MTRSYS_SYSCSSID           CE      1
MTRSYS_SYSDATE            34      8
MTRSYS_SYSDIOIA           C7           02
MTRSYS_SYSDVACT           54           20
MTRSYS_SYSECPMF           54           08
MTRSYS_SYSGPRFD           97           40
MTRSYS_SYSIOFI4           C7      1
MTRSYS_SYSISVRT           56           02
MTRSYS_SYSMASFI           54           80
MTRSYS_SYSMASST           56           40
MTRSYS_SYSMMODL           70     16
MTRSYS_SYSMPOM            90      4
MTRSYS_SYSMSEQC           80     16
MTRSYS_SYSMT             1AC           40
MTRSYS_SYSMTFLG          1AC      1
MTRSYS_SYSMTSTM          1AC           80
MTRSYS_SYSMTVAL          1AC           20
MTRSYS_SYSMTYPE           6C      4
MTRSYS_SYSNCPMF           56           08
MTRSYS_SYSPCIAI           C6           40
MTRSYS_SYSPCIFG           C6      1
MTRSYS_SYSPCIYS           C6           80
MTRSYS_SYSPLVOL           C8      6
MTRSYS_SYSSI370           54           02
MTRSYS_SYSSTIOP           54           01
MTRSYS_SYSSTPAC           C4           08
MTRSYS_SYSSTPEN           C4           80
MTRSYS_SYSSTPFE           C5           40
MTRSYS_SYSSTPFI           C5           80
MTRSYS_SYSSTPFL           C4      1
MTRSYS_SYSSTPF2           C5      1
MTRSYS_SYSSTPMI           C4           02
MTRSYS_SYSSTPND           C4           20
MTRSYS_SYSSTPSU           C4           04
MTRSYS_SYSSTPTS           C4           10
MTRSYS_SYSSTPTZ           C4           40
MTRSYS_SYSTERM            2C      8
MTRSYS_SYSTMID            58      8
MTRSYS_SYSTODST           24      8
MTRSYS_SYSUSF             C7           01
MTRSYS_SYSVRFSG           55      1
MTRSYS_SYSWMVOL           66      6
MTRSYS_SYSXIOMB           56           80
MTRSYS_SYSZONE            50      4
MTRSYS_TODOFHI            BC      4
MTRSYS_TODOFLO            C0      4

This information is
based on z/VM V6R4.0.

Last updated on 20 September 2019 at 08:56:00.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2019