Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Event Record
                    Domain 6  - I/O Domain
                    Record 53 - Store Event Channel Report
 DESCRIPTION - Indicates a Store Event Channel Report
   -  This record is generated when certain Store Event
      channel reports are presented to the system.
   -  The content code field IODSEC_CSCRSCC indicates the
      type of Store Event channel report that occurred on
      the system.
   -  The reporting source ID field IODSEC_CSCRSRSI indicates
      the channel-subsystem facility associated with the
      event (Channel Path, for example)
   -  IODSEC_CALOFST1 should always be used to locate the
      content-code-data associated with the Store Event
      channel report. The content-code-data is unique
      to the type of Store Event channel report that occurred.

MRIODSEC Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure    40+ IODSEC                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  IODSEC_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Bitstring     1  IODSEC_RSV1            Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
  21  15  Bitstring     1  IODSEC_CSCRSVF         Validity Flags
          1... ....        IODSEC_CSCFLAV         IODSEC_CSCRSFLA field
                                                  contains valid data
          .1.. ....        IODSEC_CSCFLAI         When "1" and
                                                  IODSEC_CSCFLAV bit is "1",
                                                  then IODSEC_CSCRSFLA field
                                                  contains a full-link address.
                                                  When "0" and IODSEC_CSCFLAV
                                                  bit is "1", then IODSEC_CSCRSFLA
                                                  Byte 0 contains a link address
                                                  and IODSEC_CSCRSFLA byte 1 has
                                                  no meaning.
          ..1. ....        IODSEC_CSCFLXB0        Byte 0 of the
                                                  IODSEC_CSCRFLAX field is
                                                  valid and contains a domain
                                                  number 0-255
          ...1 ....        IODSEC_CSCFLXB1        Byte 1 of the
                                                  IODSEC_CSCRFLAX field is
                                                  valid and contains an
                                                  arbitrated-loop NL-port
                                                  address in range 0-255
          .... 1111        IODSEC_RSV2            Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
  22  16  Unsigned      1  IODSEC_CSCRSRS         Reporting Source
                                                  '00'X = IODSEC_CSCRSRSI has
                                                          no meaning
                                                  '04'X = CHPID- IODSEC_CSCRSRSI
                                                          contains a channel-path
                                                          ID. Byte 0 of
                                                          IODSEC_CSCRSRSI contains
                                                          zeroes and Byte 1 of
                                                          IODSEC_CSCRSRSI contains
                                                          the channel path ID
  23  17  Unsigned      1  IODSEC_CSCRSCC         Content Code
                                                  15 = Endpoint-Security-Status
                                                       Update notification
                                                  16 = External-Key-Manager
                                                  17 = Encryption-Key-Update
  24  18  Unsigned      2  IODSEC_CSCRSFLA        Link/Full-Link Address
  26  1A  Character     2  IODSEC_CSCRSRSI        Reporting Source ID
  28  1C  Unsigned      2  IODSEC_CSCRFLAX        FLA extension
  28  1C  Unsigned      1  IODSEC_CSCDOMNM        Domain #(Dest-sw-addr)
  29  1D  Unsigned      1  IODSEC_CSCNLPAD        Arbitrated-Loop NL-Port
                                                  addr (0-255)
  30  1E  Character     6  IODSEC_RSV3            Reserved and available for
                                                  IBM use.
  36  24  Unsigned      2  IODSEC_CALOFST1        Byte offset, relative to
                                                  the start of this record,
                                                  to the content-code-data
  38  26  Unsigned      2  IODSEC_CALLEN1         Byte size of
  40  28  Character     0  IODSEC_END

Content Code data for Endpoint-Security-Status Update Notification (CC=15) This event signals that an endpoint-security-status update notification is signaled for the identified channel path and link. The Reporting Source field (IODSEC_CSCRSRS), the Reporting Source ID (IODSEC_CSCRSRSI), the Full-Link Address (IODSEC_CSCRFLA), the Full-Link-Address Extension (IODSEC_CSCRFLAX), and validity flags (IODSEC_CSCRSVF) are used to identify the channel path and link associated with the session for which the connection status has changed and byte 0 of the content-code-dependent field (IODSEC_CSCCSTAT) indicates the new connection status.
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Structure 8 IODSEC_CSCRESSU 0 0 Unsigned 1 IODSEC_CSCCSTAT New connection status '00'X = Unauthenticated '01'X = Authenticated '02'X = Enabled for encryption A '03'X = Enabled for encryption B 1 1 Character 7 * Reserved for IBM use

Content Code data for External-Key-Manager Information (CC=16) This event signals that the availability status of peer-node external key-manager has changed. The Reporting source field (IODSEC_CSCRSRS) contains a 0 value meaning the reporting source ID field (IODSEC_CSCRSRSI) has no meaning. Bits 0-7 of the Validity Flag (IODSEC_CSCRSVF) field are 0 indicating that the Full-Link Address (IODSEC_CSCRSFLA) and full-link-address extension (IODSEC_CSCRFLAX) fields have no meaning. The content-code-dependent data (IODSEC_CSCRSEKM) mapped below contains information about the external-key-manager.
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Structure 8+ IODSEC_CSCRSEKM 0 0 Unsigned 1 IODSEC_CSCEKMAS Availability status 1 = The external-key-manager identified by the external-key-manager-ID field (IODSEC_CSCEKMID) is available. 2 = The external-key-manager identified by the external-key-manager-ID field (IODSEC_CSCEKMID) is unavailable. 1 1 Unsigned 1 IODSEC_CSCEKMTY External-key-manager ID type 0 = EKM ID Format is UNKNOWN 1 = EKM ID is an IPv4 address (IODSEC_CSCEKMI4) 2 = EKM ID is an IPv6 address (IODSEC_CSCEKMI6) 3 = EKM ID is a fully qualified Host name in ASCII (IODSEC_CSCEKMIH) 2 2 Unsigned 1 IODSEC_CSCEKMLN EKM ID Byte Length - for ID Type 03 3 3 Character 5 * Reserved and available for IBM use. 8 8 Character 0 IODSEC_CSCEKMID External-key-manager (EKM) ID

EKM ID is an Ipv4 address when IODSEC_CSCEKMTY = 1
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Character 4 IODSEC_CSCEKMI4 IPv4 EKM ID

EKM ID is an Ipv6 address when IODSEC_CSCEKMTY = 2
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Character 16 IODSEC_CSCEKMI6 IPv6 EKM ID

Fully qualified host name in ASCII EKM ID (variable length; length stored in CSCEKMLN)
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Character * IODSEC_CSCEKMIH Fully qualified host name in ASCII EKM ID (variable length; length stored in CSCEKMLN)

Content Code data for Encryption-Key-Update Notification (CC=17) When the Reporting Source field (IODSEC_CSCRSRS) contains the value 0, this event signals a new encryption key has been established between this CPC and a peer node, which can either be a control unit or another CPC. Bits 0-7 of the validity Flag (IODSEC_CSCRSVF) field are zero, indicating that the Full-Link Address (IODSEC_CSCRSFLA) and full-link- address extension (IODSEC_CSCRFLAX) fields have no meaning, and bytes 0-7 of the content-code-dependent (IODSEC_CSCRSCOD) field contain the WWNN of the peer node (IODSEC_CSCWWNN). When the Reporting Source field (IODSEC_CSCRSRS) contains the value 4, this event signals that a new encryption key has been established between the identified channel path and the associated endpoint. The Reporting Source (IODSEC_CSCRSRS), the Reporting Source ID (IODSEC_CSCRSRSI), the Full-Link ADDRESS (IODSEC_CSCRSFLA), the full-link-address extension (IODSEC_CSCRFLAX), and Validity Flags (IODSEC_CSCRSVF) are used to identify the channel path and the associated endpoint.
Offsets Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description 0 0 Structure 8 IODSEC_CSCRSEKU 0 0 Character 8 IODSEC_CSCWWNN WWNN of the peer node

MRIODSEC Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                  Offset Length Value
IODSEC                     0     40+
IODSEC_CALLEN1            26      2
IODSEC_CALOFST1           24      2
IODSEC_CSCDOMNM           1C      1
IODSEC_CSCEKMAS            0      1
IODSEC_CSCEKMID            0      *
IODSEC_CSCEKMLN            2      1
IODSEC_CSCEKMTY            1      1
IODSEC_CSCFLAI            15           40
IODSEC_CSCFLAV            15           80
IODSEC_CSCFLXB0           15           20
IODSEC_CSCFLXB1           15           10
IODSEC_CSCNLPAD           1D      1
IODSEC_CSCRESSU            0      8
IODSEC_CSCRFLAX           1C      2
IODSEC_CSCRSCC            17      1
IODSEC_CSCRSEKM            0      8
IODSEC_CSCRSEKU            0      8
IODSEC_CSCRSFLA           18      2
IODSEC_CSCRSRS            16      1
IODSEC_CSCRSRSI           1A      2
IODSEC_CSCRSTAT            0      1
IODSEC_CSCRSVF            15      1
IODSEC_CSCWWNN             0      8
IODSEC_END                28      0
IODSEC_MRHDR               0      0
IODSEC_RSV1               14      1
IODSEC_RSV2               15           0F
IODSEC_RSV3               1E      6
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2

This information is
based on z/VM V6R4.0.

Last updated on 31 Jan 2020 at 12:57:11.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2020