Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 3 - Storage Domain
                    Record 2 - Real Storage Activity (Per Processor)
 DESCRIPTION - Utilization of real memory on a processor basis.
               This record is needed because free storage requests
               are not expected to be evenly distributed across all
               processors in a complex.  A separate record is
               generated for each online processor.

MRSTORSP Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   720  STORSP                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  STORSP_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      2  STORSP_PFXCPUAD        Processor address
  22  16  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  24  18  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFRECT)
  28  1C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFRET)
  32  20  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSP_PLSPGXTD)
  36  24  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFSPCT)
  40  28  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSP_PLSDXFRE)
  44  2C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFVRRQ)
  48  30  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFVRCT)
  52  34  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFVRLS)
  56  38  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSPREAD        Total number of page
                                                  translations that resulted in
                                                  a page read
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSPNEW         Number of first-time
                                                  referenced page translations,
                                                  including fastpath page
  64  40  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PFXCLEAR        Number of first-time
                                                  referenced fastpath page
  68  44  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PFXPTRCT        Number of fast path page
  72  48  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSRELES        Total number of times any
                                                  release function was
                                                  performed. Includes releasing
                                                  any range of virtual system
                                                  pages as well as shared pages
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSRETFR        Total number of frames that
                                                  are returned to the <2G
                                                  available list. See
                                                  STORSP_PLSRETFG for the >2G
  80  50  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSRELFR        Total number of frames that
                                                  are returned by any release
  84  54  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSALNCT        Number of frames obtained
                                                  from the <2G available list.
                                                  See STORSP_PLSALNCG for the
                                                  >2G value.
  88  58  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSSTLWT        Count of frame replacement
                                                  writes pending that are
                                                  requested by the available
                                                  list replenishment demand
  92  5C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
  96  60  Character    24  *
  96  60  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSLTD1).
 100  64  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDORM1).
 104  68  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 108  6C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSSHAR1).
 112  70  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSELIG1).
 116  74  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDISP1).
 120  78  Character    16  *
 120  78  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSLTD2).
 124  7C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDORM2).
 128  80  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSELIG2).
 132  84  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDISP2).
 136  88  Character    20  *
 136  88  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSSHARE).
 140  8C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDORME).
 144  90  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSELIGE).
 148  94  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 152  98  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDISPE).
 156  9C  Character    24  *
 156  9C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSLTDP1).
 160  A0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDRMP1).
 164  A4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSSHRP1).
 168  A8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 172  AC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDSPP1).
 176  B0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSELGP1).
 180  B4  Character    20  *
 180  B4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSLTDP2).
 184  B8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDRMP2).
 188  BC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSSHRP2).
 192  C0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDSPP2).
 196  C4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSELGP2).
 200  C8  Character    20  *
 200  C8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDRMPE).
 204  CC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaninful (STORSP_PLSSHRPE).
 208  D0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 212  D4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSDSPPE).
 216  D8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful (STORSP_PLSELGPE).
 220  DC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 224  E0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 228  E4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 232  E8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 236  EC  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSPGDRD        Number of page table
                                                  translations that resulted in
                                                  a page read from auxiliary
                                                  storage (DASD)
 240  F0  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSPGDWT        Number of page tables paged
                                                  to auxiliary storage (DASD)
 244  F4  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSALNCG        Number of frames obtained
                                                  from the >2G available list.
                                                  See See STORSP_PLSALNCT for
                                                  the <2G value.
 248  F8  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSRETFG        Total number of frames that
                                                  are returned to the >2G
                                                  available list. See
                                                  STORSP_PLSRETFR for the <2G
 252  FC  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSPRB        Total number of free
                                                  storage pages returned backed
                                                  below 2G.
 256 100  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSPRA        Total number of free
                                                  storage pages returned backed
                                                  above 2G.
 260 104  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSCTB        Count of free storage
                                                  obtains backed below 2G.
 264 108  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSCTA        Count of free storage
                                                  obtains backed above 2G.
 268 10C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFRETB        Count of free storage
                                                  returns backed below 2G.
 272 110  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFRETA        Count of free storage
                                                  returns backed above 2G.
 276 114  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSSGB        Count of regular free
                                                  storage obtains backed below
 280 118  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSSGA        Count of regular free
                                                  storage obtains backed above
 284 11C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSPGB        Count of free storage page
                                                  requests backed below 2G.
 288 120  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSPGA        Count of free storage page
                                                  requests backed any.
 292 124  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSBGCNT        Number of times the
                                                  background replenishment of
                                                  the Cleared Global Available
                                                  List has run.
 296 128  Character     8  STORSP_PLSFGCTM        Amount of raw CPU time
                                                  spent performing foreground
                                                  replenishment of the Cleared
                                                  Global Available List.
 304 130  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFGCNT        Number of times foreground
                                                  replenishment of the Cleared
                                                  Global Available List has
 308 134  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFOBEM        Unsigned count of times the
                                                  FCP Operations Block (FOB)
                                                  list for this processor was
                                                  empty when a FOB was
                                                  requested since the list was
                                                  last trimmed.
 312 138  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSSRA        Count of regular subpool
                                                  free storage returns backed
 316 13C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFSSRB        Count of regular subpool
                                                  free storage returns backed
 320 140  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSVATCL        Count of guest virtual to
                                                  host logical address
 324 144  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSUPAGE        Number of Collaborative
                                                  Memory Management unused
                                                  pages whose frames were
 328 148  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSVPAGE        Number of Collaborative
                                                  Memory Management volatile
                                                  pages whose frames were
 332 14C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSPCPAG        Number of Collaborative
                                                  Memory Management
                                                  potentially-volatile changed
                                                  pages converted to stable
                                                  before being made IBR.
 336 150  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSPUPAG        Number of Collaborative
                                                  Memory Management
                                                  unchanged pages whose frames
                                                  were reclaimed.
 340 154  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 344 158  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSESSA         ESSA instruction count
 348 15C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSLTDPE        Number of long term dormant
                                                  emergency passes.
 352 160  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSASFCL        Count of times a single
                                                  frame request <2G took a
                                                  frame from the <2G contiguous
                                                  frame available list.
 356 164  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSASFCG        Count of times a single
                                                  frame request >2G took a
                                                  frame from the >2G contiguous
                                                  frame available list.
 360 168  Unsigned      1  STORSP_PFXCPUTY        CPU Type. Valid values:
                                                  X'00' - General Purpose (CP)
                                                  X'02' - zSeries Application
                                                  Assist (zAAP) X'03' -
                                                  Integrated Facility for Linux
                                                  (IFL) X'04' - Internal
                                                  Coupling Facility (ICF) X'05'
                                                  - zSeries Integrated
                                                  Information (zIIP)
 361 169  Character     3  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 364 16C  Character    60  *                      QDIO stats
 364 16C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PFXAFOBC        Local List (LL) count of
 368 170  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFOBLO        LL low threshold
 372 174  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSFOBHI        LL high threshold
 376 178  Character     8  STORSP_PLSFOB1E        count of times LL found
 384 180  Character     8  STORSP_PLSFOB1T        TOD 1st trim request for LL
 392 188  Character     8  STORSP_PLSFOBTM        TOD most recent trim req
                                                  for LL
 400 190  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM
 408 198  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM
 416 1A0  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM
 424 1A8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 428 1AC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 432 1B0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 436 1B4  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSSTPAG        Number of IBR pages found
                                                  in the Collaborative Memory
                                                  Management stable and
                                                  logically zero state whose
                                                  old frames were reclaimed.
 440 1B8  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMRQ        Count of NDMBKs that have
                                                  been requested from the NDMBK
                                                  recycle queues, whether
                                                  satisfied or not.
 444 1BC  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMLO        Count of NDMBKs that have
                                                  been requested from the NDMBK
                                                  recycle queues and were
                                                  supplied from this CPU's
                                                  local NDMBK recycle queue.
 448 1C0  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMGL        Count of NDMBKs that have
                                                  been requested from the NDMBK
                                                  recycle queues and were
                                                  supplied from the global
                                                  NDMBK recycle queue.
 452 1C4  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMG2L       Count of NDMBKs that have
                                                  been moved from the global
                                                  NDMBK recycle queue to this
                                                  CPU's local NDMBK recycle
 456 1C8  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMDX        Count of times a task has
                                                  returned a chain of NDMBKs to
                                                  the local NDMBK recycle
 460 1CC  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMRET       Total count of NDMBKs that
                                                  have been returned to this
                                                  CPU's local NDMBK recycle
 464 1D0  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDML2G       Count of NDMBKs that have
                                                  been moved from this CPU's
                                                  local NDMBK recycle queue to
                                                  the global NDMBK recycle
                                                  queue because the local NDMBK
                                                  recycle queue was above its
                                                  high threshold.
 468 1D4  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMREL       Count of NDMBKs that have
                                                  been returned to free storage
                                                  because both this CPU's local
                                                  NDMBK recycle queue and the
                                                  global NDMBK recycle queue
                                                  were above their high
 472 1D8  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMREC       Count of times a local
                                                  reclaim task has been
                                                  initiated on this CPU.
 476 1DC  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSNDMRND       Count of NDMBKs that have
                                                  been returned to free storage
                                                  because a local reclaim task
                                                  was initiated on this CPU.
                                                  Cleared Local Available list
                                                  and Fast Path Page Fault
                                                  resolution stats.
 480 1E0  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PFXCLPLCNT      Count of frames on the
                                                  cleared local available list
                                                  plus the count of frames on
                                                  the firmware processed list.
 484 1E4  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSCLALLO       Cleared local available
                                                  list low threshold.
 488 1E8  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSCLALHI       Cleared local available
                                                  list high threshold.
 492 1EC  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALADDED    Number of frames that were
                                                  added to the cleared local
                                                  available list. Decremented
                                                  only when a processor goes
                                                  offline or is parked.
 500 1F4  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALFWREMOVED Number of frames that were
                                                  removed from the cleared
                                                  local available list and
                                                  added to the processed list
                                                  by the firmware. These would
                                                  be considered ideal success
                                                  cases of the CLAL.
 508 1FC  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALTRIMMED  Number of frames that were
                                                  trimmed from the cleared
                                                  local available list when it
                                                  was found over its high
 516 204  Character     8  STORSP_PLSFPPFENTERED  Number of times fast path
                                                  page fault processing was
                                                  entered for a guest. Does not
                                                  include VSIE guests.
 524 20C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSFPPFSUCCESS  Number of times fast path
                                                  page fault processing was
 532 214  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCPPFENTERED  Number of times fast path
                                                  page fault processing was
                                                  entered for CP.
 540 21C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCPPFSUCCESS  Number of times fast path
                                                  page fault processing was
                                                  successful for CP.
 548 224  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCPPFMDC      Number of times fast path
                                                  page fault processing exited
                                                  to handle a mini-disk cache
                                                  page fault.
 556 22C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALREQUESTS1 Number of times a frame was
                                                  requested from the cleared
                                                  local available list. Since
                                                  frames come off one at a time
                                                  this is also the number of
                                                  frames requested.
 564 234  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALUNFILLED1 Number of times a request
                                                  found the cleared local
                                                  available list empty before
                                                  attempting replenishment on
                                                  demand, if so requested.
 572 23C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALREPLENOD Number of times a request
                                                  found the cleared local
                                                  available list empty and
                                                  attempted replenishment on
 580 244  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALUNFILLED2 Number of times a request
                                                  found the cleared local
                                                  available list empty,
                                                  attempted replenishment on
                                                  demand and still found it
 588 24C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALREQUESTS2 Number of times a request
                                                  found the cleared local
                                                  available list empty and a
                                                  no loss of control attempt
                                                  was made to move frames
                                                  from the global available
                                                  list to the CLAL.
 596 254  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCLALUNFILLED3 Number of times a request
                                                  found the cleared local
                                                  available list empty, a no
                                                  loss of control attempt was
                                                  made to move frames from the
                                                  cleared global available list
                                                  to the CLAL and the CLAL was
                                                  still found to be empty.
 604 25C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSBGCTM        Amount of raw CPU time
                                                  spent performing background
                                                  replenishment of the cleared
                                                  global available list.
 612 264  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCGALREQUESTS Number of times we wanted
                                                  to move frames from the
                                                  cleared global available list
                                                  to the cleared local
                                                  available list.
 620 26C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCGALFRAMESR  Number of frames we wanted
                                                  to move from the cleared
                                                  global available list to the
                                                  cleared local available list.
                                                  FramesR should equal
 628 274  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCGALMOVED    Number of frames we moved
                                                  from the cleared global
                                                  available list to the cleared
                                                  local available list.
 636 27C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCGALNOLOCK   Number of times we could
                                                  not move frames from the
                                                  cleared global available list
                                                  to the cleared local
                                                  available list because the
                                                  CGAL lock was not immediately
                                                  available. (Already counted
                                                  as a request.)
 644 284  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCGALUNFILLEDNL Number of frames we could
                                                  not move from the cleared
                                                  global available list to the
                                                  cleared local available list
                                                  because the CGAL lock was not
                                                  immediately available.
                                                  (Already counted in
 652 28C  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCGALWANTING  Number of times the cleared
                                                  global available list did not
                                                  have enough frames for a
                                                  request. (Already counted as
 660 294  Character     8  STORSP_PLSCGALUNFILLEDW Number of frames requested
                                                  but not moved because the
                                                  cleared global available list
                                                  did not have enough frames for
                                                  a request.
                                                  (Already counted in
 668 29C  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSULALCNT      Count of frames on the
                                                  uncleared local available
 672 2A0  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSULALLO       Uncleared local available
                                                  list low threshold.
 676 2A4  Unsigned      4  STORSP_PLSULALHI       Uncleared local available
                                                  list high threshold.
 680 2A8  Character     8  STORSP_PLSULALREQUESTS1 Number of times a frame was
                                                  requested from the uncleared
                                                  local available list. Since
                                                  frames come off one at a time
                                                  this is also the number of
                                                  frames requested.
 688 2B0  Character     8  STORSP_PLSULALUNFILLED1 Number of times a request
                                                  found the uncleared local
                                                  available list empty before
                                                  attempting replenishment on
                                                  demand, if so requested.
 696 2B8  Character     8  STORSP_PLSULALREPLENOD Number of times a request
                                                  found the uncleared local
                                                  available list empty and
                                                  attempted replenishment on
 704 2C0  Character     8  STORSP_PLSULALUNFILLED2 Number of times a request
                                                  found the uncleared local
                                                  available list empty,
                                                  attempted replenishment on
                                                  demand and still found it
 712 2C8  Character     8  STORSP_PLSSWPROCLCNT   Count of frames on the
                                                  software processed list.
 720 2D0  Character     0  STORSP_END

MRSTORSP Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
STORSP                     0    720
STORSP_END               2D0      0
STORSP_MRHDR               0      0
STORSP_PFXAFOBC          16C      4
STORSP_PFXCLEAR           40      4
STORSP_PFXCLPLCNT        1E0      4
STORSP_PFXCPUAD           14      2
STORSP_PFXCPUTY          168      1
STORSP_PFXPTRCT           44      4
STORSP_PLSALNCG           F4      4
STORSP_PLSALNCT           54      4
STORSP_PLSASFCG          164      4
STORSP_PLSASFCL          160      4
STORSP_PLSBGCNT          124      4
STORSP_PLSBGCTM          25C      8
STORSP_PLSCLALHI         1E8      4
STORSP_PLSCLALLO         1E4      4
STORSP_PLSCPPFMDC        224      8
STORSP_PLSESSA           158      4
STORSP_PLSFGCNT          130      4
STORSP_PLSFGCTM          128      8
STORSP_PLSFOBEM          134      4
STORSP_PLSFOBHI          174      4
STORSP_PLSFOBLO          170      4
STORSP_PLSFOBTM          188      8
STORSP_PLSFOB1E          178      8
STORSP_PLSFOB1T          180      8
STORSP_PLSFRETA          110      4
STORSP_PLSFRETB          10C      4
STORSP_PLSFSCTA          108      4
STORSP_PLSFSCTB          104      4
STORSP_PLSFSPGA          120      4
STORSP_PLSFSPGB          11C      4
STORSP_PLSFSPRA          100      4
STORSP_PLSFSPRB           FC      4
STORSP_PLSFSSGA          118      4
STORSP_PLSFSSGB          114      4
STORSP_PLSFSSRA          138      4
STORSP_PLSFSSRB          13C      4
STORSP_PLSLTDPE          15C      4
STORSP_PLSNDMDX          1C8      4
STORSP_PLSNDMGL          1C0      4
STORSP_PLSNDMG2L         1C4      4
STORSP_PLSNDMLO          1BC      4
STORSP_PLSNDML2G         1D0      4
STORSP_PLSNDMREC         1D8      4
STORSP_PLSNDMREL         1D4      4
STORSP_PLSNDMRET         1CC      4
STORSP_PLSNDMRND         1DC      4
STORSP_PLSNDMRQ          1B8      4
STORSP_PLSPCPAG          14C      4
STORSP_PLSPGDRD           EC      4
STORSP_PLSPGDWT           F0      4
STORSP_PLSPNEW            3C      4
STORSP_PLSPREAD           38      4
STORSP_PLSPUPAG          150      4
STORSP_PLSRELES           48      4
STORSP_PLSRELFR           50      4
STORSP_PLSRETFG           F8      4
STORSP_PLSRETFR           4C      4
STORSP_PLSSTLWT           58      4
STORSP_PLSSTPAG          1B4      4
STORSP_PLSULALCNT        29C      4
STORSP_PLSULALHI         2A4      4
STORSP_PLSULALLO         2A0      4
STORSP_PLSUPAGE          144      4
STORSP_PLSVATCL          140      4
STORSP_PLSVPAGE          148      4

This information is
based on z/VM V6R3.0.

Last updated on 23 May 2016 at 09:55:38.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2016