Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor control area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 3 - Storage Domain
                    Record 1 - Real Storage Management (Global)
 DESCRIPTION - Utilization of real memory.  This includes available
               list replenishment and free storage management.

MRSTORSG Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   780  STORSG                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  STORSG_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD
  16  10  Character     4  *
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END
  20  14  Unsigned      4  STORSG_CALSSUBT        Cardinal count of blocks on
                                                  each regular free storage
                                                  subpool list <2G. See
                                                  STORSG_CALSSUBG for the >2G
  24  18  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                  Previous field is no longer
                                                  meaningful. (STORSG_CALVSUBT)
  28  1C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASAVFR        Cardinal count of frames in
                                                  use for saveareas.
  32  20  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAMAXPP        Cardinal count of reserved
                                                  frames per processor. See
                                                  also STORSG_RSARSVSY.
  36  24  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSACPLOK        Cardinal count of frames
                                                  locked below 2G by the CP
                                                  LOCK REAL command. See
                                                  STORSG_RSACPLKG for the >2G
  40  28  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVLLT        Cardinal count of <2G
                                                  single frame available list
                                                  low threshold value.
                                                  Indicates when the <2G single
                                                  frame demand scan should be
                                                  invoked. This provides a
                                                  buffer of frames for the
                                                  system to use while the
                                                  demand scan is replenishing
                                                  the <2G single frame
                                                  available list.
  44  2C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVLHT        Cardinal count of <2G
                                                  single frame available list
                                                  high threshold. Number of
                                                  frames that should be taken
                                                  by the <2G single frame
                                                  available list replenishment
                                                  functions to satisfy the
                                                  current user and system
  48  30  Unsigned      4  STORSG_XSTBPRCT        Number of page faults that
                                                  involved DASD blocked pages
  52  34  Unsigned      4  STORSG_XSTSRGCT        Number of single page reads
                                                  for a guest
  56  38  Unsigned      4  STORSG_XSTMRABI        Number of pages that were
                                                  brought in as part of a block
                                                  (the guest referenced a
                                                  different page that was a
                                                  member of the block) but
                                                  which have not been
                                                  referenced by the time they
                                                  were selected for migration
  60  3C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_XSTSRABI        Number of pages that were
                                                  brought in as part of a block
                                                  (the guest referenced a
                                                  different page that was a
                                                  member of the block) but
                                                  which have not been
                                                  referenced by the time they
                                                  were selected for steal
  64  40  Unsigned      4  STORSG_XSTSRSCT        Number of single reads for
                                                  the system. System pages are
                                                  never formed into blocks, so
                                                  this number represents all
                                                  system page reads
  68  44  Unsigned      4  STORSG_CALPTRRT        Number of times the
                                                  pageable page address space
                                                  was reorganized to manage the
                                                  segment paging control
                                                  fragmentation. PTRROGCT
  72  48  Unsigned      4  STORSG_CALCAAFP        Number of allocated, but
                                                  unused, pages of virtual
                                                  storage for paging virtual
                                                  segment control. CAAFPAG
  76  4C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_CALASCUT        Number of frames of storage
                                                  used for paging virtual
                                                  segment control. ASCUSTE
  80  50  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASXCPL        Count of locked System
                                                  Execution Space alias pages
                                                  locked in logical via the CP
                                                  LOCK command.
  84  54  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASXCLA        Count of locked System
                                                  Execution Space alias pages
                                                  locked in logical. RSASXCLA
                                                  >= RSASXCPL
  88  58  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVLHG        Cardinal count of >2G
                                                  single frame available list
                                                  high threshold. Number of
                                                  frames that should be taken
                                                  by the >2G single frame
                                                  available list replenishment
                                                  functions to satisfy the
                                                  current user and system
  92  5C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVLLG        Cardinal count of >2G
                                                  single frame available list
                                                  low threshold value.
                                                  Indicates when the >2G single
                                                  frame demand scan should be
                                                  invoked. This provides a
                                                  buffer of frames for the
                                                  system to use while the
                                                  demand scan is replenishing
                                                  the >2G single frame
                                                  available list.
  96  60  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSACPLKG        Cardinal count of frames
                                                  locked above 2G by the CP
                                                  LOCK REAL command. See
                                                  STORSG_RSACPLOK for the <2G
 100  64  Unsigned      4  STORSG_CALSSUBG        Cardinal count of blocks on
                                                  each regular free storage
                                                  subpool list >2G. See
                                                  STORSG_CALSSUBT for the <2G
 104  68  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARSVSY        Total count of reserved
                                                  pages including the number of
                                                  pages reserved per processor.
                                                  See STORSG_RSAMAXPP.
 108  6C  Character     8  STORSG_RSACALLT        Lower Threshold:
                                                  Non-negative number of FRMTEs
                                                  on the Cleared Available List
                                                  below which the the
                                                  Dispatcher must call a
                                                  foreground replenishment task
                                                  since the background task is
                                                  not being called frequently
                                                  enough to keep the list at a
                                                  sufficient level.
 116  74  Character     8  STORSG_RSACALMT        Middle Threshold:
                                                  Non-negative number of FRMTEs
                                                  for the foreground
                                                  replenishment task to have on
                                                  the Cleared Available List.
                                                  Note that we do not want to
                                                  fill to the Upper Threshold
                                                  in the foreground because
                                                  this might take too long and
                                                  we would rather have the
                                                  replenishment done in the
                                                  background if possible.
 124  7C  Character     8  STORSG_RSACALUT        Upper Threshold:
                                                  Non-negative target number of
                                                  FRMTEs for the background
                                                  replenishment task to have on
                                                  the Cleared Available List.
 132  84  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAFSDW        Count of doublewords of
                                                  host logical aligned free
                                                  storage backed >2G.
 136  88  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAFSDB        Count of doublewords of
                                                  host logical aligned free
                                                  storage backed <2G.
 140  8C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAFSIU        Count of doublewords of
                                                  in-use host logical aligned
                                                  free storage backed >2G.
 144  90  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAFSIB        Count of doublewords of
                                                  in-use host logical aligned
                                                  free storage backed <2G.
 148  94  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVCBDW        Count of doublewords of
                                                  verifiable free storage
                                                  backed >2G.
 152  98  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVCBDB        Count of doublewords of
                                                  verifiable free storage
                                                  backed <2G.
 156  9C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVCBIU        Count of doublewords of
                                                  in-use verifiable free
                                                  storage backed >2G.
 160  A0  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVCBIB        Count of doublewords of
                                                  in-use verifiable free
                                                  storage backed <2G.
 164  A4  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVFSDW        Count of doublewords of
                                                  virtual free storage.
 168  A8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVFSIU        Count of doublewords of
                                                  virtual free storage in use.
 172  AC  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSA2GDCT        Cardinal count of deferred
                                                  frame requests that are
                                                  waiting for an available
                                                  frame that can be located
                                                  anywhere. This count plus
                                                  STORSG_RSAFRQWT plus
                                                  STORSG_RSADefCTA2G is the
                                                  total wait count.
 176  B0  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFRQWT        Cardinal count of deferred
                                                  frame requests that are
                                                  waiting for an available
                                                  frame that can be located
                                                  only <2G. This count plus
                                                  STORSG_RSA2GDCT plus
                                                  STORSG_RSADefCTA2G is the
                                                  total wait count.
 180  B4  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFRRDA        Cumulative count of times
                                                  HCPPTGRD attempted to redrive
                                                  tasks waiting for an
                                                  available frame that can be
                                                  located only <2G.
 184  B8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFRRDC        Cumulative count of
                                                  individual task redrives
                                                  performed by HCPPTGRD for an
                                                  available frame that can be
                                                  located only <2G.
 188  BC  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASTLWT        Count of available list
                                                  replenishment page writes
                                                  (steal writes) for <2G
 192  C0  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASWG2G        Count of available list
                                                  replenishment page writes
                                                  (steal writes) for >=2G
 196  C4  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFVMUD        Count of doublewords of
                                                  VMDBK free storage in use
                                                  >2G. Allocated from VMDBKs,
                                                  VMDBK free storage pages, and
                                                  system free storage pages.
                                                  This count does not include
                                                  the storage allocated from
                                                  the free storage subpools.
 200  C8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFVMUB        Count of doublewords of
                                                  VMDBK free storage in use
                                                  <2G. Allocated from VMDBKs,
                                                  VMDBK free storage pages, and
                                                  system free storage pages.
                                                  This count does not include
                                                  the storage allocated from
                                                  the free storage subpools.
 204  CC  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVMXFR        Count of pages in use for
                                                  VMDBK free storage >2G, i.e.,
                                                  user free pages allocated.
                                                  This count does not include
                                                  VMDBKs themselves.
 208  D0  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVMXFB        Count of pages in use for
                                                  VMDBK free storage <2G, i.e.,
                                                  user free pages allocated.
                                                  This count does not include
                                                  VMDBKs themselves.
 212  D4  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVMXUD        Count of in-use user free
                                                  storage doublewords
                                                  (allocated from VMDBK free
                                                  storage pages) backed >2G.
                                                  This count does not include
                                                  storage in the VMDBKs
 216  D8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAVMXUB        Count of in-use user free
                                                  storage doublewords
                                                  (allocated from VMDBK free
                                                  storage pages) backed <2G.
                                                  This count does not include
                                                  storage in the VMDBKs
 220  DC  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASYSFR        Count of pages in use for
                                                  system free storage >2G.
 224  E0  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASYSFB        Count of pages in use for
                                                  system free storage <2G.
 228  E4  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASYSUD        Count of doublewords of
                                                  in-use system free storage
 232  E8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASYSUB        Count of doublewords of
                                                  in-use system free storage
 236  EC  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAPLPCT        Count of processors looping
                                                  in HCPFRFGP/GB trying to get
                                                  a System Execution Space page
                                                  backed any for free storage.
 240  F0  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAPLPCB        Count of processors looping
                                                  in HCPFRFGP/GB trying to get
                                                  a System Execution Space page
                                                  backed <2G for free storage.
 244  F4  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSANPGCT        Count of consecutive
                                                  failures from SXPFS where no
                                                  pages were available for free
 248  F8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSANPGHI        High water mark for number
                                                  of consecutive failures from
                                                  SXPFS when trying to get a
                                                  page for free storage (all
 252  FC  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSANOLKL        Count of no-owned locked
                                                  pages in host logical
 256 100  Character     8  STORSG_RSANOLKA        Count of no-owned locked
                                                  pages in absolute storage.
 264 108  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASXNOP        Count of no-owned System
                                                  Execution Space aliases.
 268 10C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAPPTPS        Access Register Translaton
                                                  Lookaside Buffer (ALB) and
                                                  Translation Lookaside Buffer
                                                  (TLB) purges started prior to
                                                  entering wait.
 272 110  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAPPTPF        ALB/TLB purges finished
                                                  prior to entering wait.
 276 114  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAPPTCS        ALB/TLB purges using
                                                  Compare, Swap and Purge (CSP)
                                                  during emergency Paged PGMBK
                                                  aging list (PPAL) processing.
 280 118  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSABLKGC        Count of tasks representing
                                                  frame requests requesting or
                                                  deferred on the RSABLKGF
 284 11C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFRQMW        Count of tasks currently
                                                  attempting to obtain multiple
                                                  frames for PGMBKs.
 288 120  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFRQDF        Count of deferred multiple
                                                  frame requests for PGMBKs.
 292 124  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFRQDL        Count of delayed multiple
                                                  frame requests for PGMBKs.
 296 128  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAALFMF        Total count of contiguous
                                                  frames being scanned for by
                                                  active frame table scan
                                                  (HCPALFMF FREXSCAN) tasks.
 300 12C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 304 130  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 308 134  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVCLG        Cardinal count of >2G
                                                  contiguous available list low
                                                  threshold. Indicates when >2G
                                                  contiguous frame demand scan
                                                  should be invoked. This
                                                  provides a buffer of frames
                                                  for the system to use while
                                                  demand scan is replenishing
                                                  the >2G contiguous frame
                                                  available list.
 312 138  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVCHG        Cardinal count of >2G
                                                  contiguous available list
                                                  high threshold. Number of
                                                  frames that should be taken
                                                  by the >2G contig avail list
                                                  replenishment functions to
                                                  satisfy the current user &
                                                  system needs.
 316 13C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEMLO         Cardinal count of the low
                                                  threshhold for the emergency
                                                  PGMBK pool.
 320 140  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEMHI         Cardinal count of the high
                                                  threshhold for the emergency
                                                  PGMBK pool.
 324 144  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEMCPC        Cardinal count of the
                                                  number of PGMBKs in the
                                                  emergency pool at the moment.
 328 148  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEMERG        Cardinal count of the
                                                  number of times a request was
                                                  made for an emergency PGMBK.
                                                  This counter may wrap.
 332 14C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEMBLO        Cardinal count of the
                                                  number of times the pool
                                                  dipped below RSAemLO but was
                                                  still not empty. This counter
                                                  may wrap.
 336 150  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEMPTY        Cardinal count of the
                                                  number of times the pool went
                                                  empty. This counter may wrap.
 340 154  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEMDFR        Cardinal count of the
                                                  number of times a guest was
                                                  deferred because an emergency
                                                  PGMBK was needed. This
                                                  counter may wrap.
 344 158  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASWPWT        Count of available list
                                                  replenishment page writes to
                                                  DASD for < 2G PGMBKs in
 348 15C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSASWP2G        Count of available list
                                                  replenishment page writes to
                                                  DASD for >= 2G PGMBKs in
 352 160  Bitstring     1  STORSG_RSAREOFL        Flag byte
          1... ....        STORSG_RSAREOSY         Reorder is always off
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        *
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 353 161  Bitstring     1  STORSG_RSAADSFL        Flag byte
          1... ....        STORSG_RSAPPA2G         Pageable Pages >2G. When
                                                  1, pageable pages may be
                                                  placed >2G. When 0, pageable
                                                  pages may not be placed >2G.
                                                  Depending on storage
                                                  conditions this bit may go on
                                                  and off.
          .1.. ....        STORSG_RSAPPB2G         Pageable Pages <2G. When
                                                  1, pageable pages may be
                                                  placed <2G. When 0, pageable
                                                  pages may not be placed <2G.
                                                  Depending on storage
                                                  conditions this bit may go on
                                                  and off.
          ..1. ....        STORSG_RSADSA2G         Demands Scans may be done
                                                  >2G. When 1, demand scans may
                                                  be done for pageable pages
                                                  >2G. When 0, demand scans
                                                  will not be done for pageable
                                                  pages >2G. Does not affect
                                                  frame table scans. Currently:
                                                  Once this bit goes on, it is
                                                  not turned off.
          ...1 ....        STORSG_RSADSB2G         Demands Scans may be done
                                                  <2G. When 1, demand scans may
                                                  be done for pageable pages
                                                  <2G. When 0, demand scans
                                                  will not be done for pageable
                                                  pages <2G. Does not affect
                                                  frame table scans.
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 354 162  Bitstring     2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 356 164  Character    56  *
 356 164  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM
 364 16C  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM
 372 174  Character     8  STORSG_RSAFOBSL        Anchor for FOB Supply List
 380 17C  Character     8  STORSG_RSAFOBRL        Anchor for FOB Release List
 388 184  Address       4  STORSG_RSATGTSK        Trim task CPEBK
 392 188  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFOBCT        Count of all FOBs (FCP
                                                  Operation Blocks) in the
 396 18C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFOBGC        Count of FOBs on Global
 400 190  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFOBGH        High threshold on Global
 404 194  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAFOBGZ        Count of Global Pool gone
 408 198  Character     1  STORSG_RSAFOBLK        Lock for FOB Supply List
 409 199  Character     1  STORSG_RSAFOBTK        FOB tasks started
 410 19A  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM
 411 19B  Character     1  *                      Reserved for IBM
 412 19C  Character    12  *
 412 19C  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 416 1A0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 420 1A4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 424 1A8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSADEFCTA2G     Cardinal count of deferred
                                                  frame requests that are
                                                  waiting for an available
                                                  frame that can be located
                                                  only >2G. This count plus
                                                  STORSG_RSA2GDCT plus
                                                  STORSG_RSAFRQWT is the total
                                                  wait count.
 428 1AC  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARDAANY       Cumulative count of times
                                                  HCPPTGRD attempted to redrive
                                                  tasks waiting for an
                                                  available frame that can be
                                                  located anywhere.
 432 1B0  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARDTANY       Cumulative count of
                                                  individual task redrives
                                                  performed by HCPPTGRD for an
                                                  available frame that can be
                                                  located anywhere.
 436 1B4  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARDAA2G       Cumulative count of times
                                                  HCPPTGRD attempted to redrive
                                                  tasks waiting for an
                                                  available frame that can be
                                                  located only >2G.
 440 1B8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARDTA2G       Cumulative count of
                                                  individual task redrives
                                                  performed by HCPPTGRD for an
                                                  available frame that can be
                                                  located only >2G.
 444 1BC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 448 1C0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 452 1C4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 456 1C8  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 460 1CC  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use - was
 464 1D0  Unsigned      2  STORSG_RSAAGEPC        Target size of the Global
                                                  Aging List as a percentage of
                                                  the Dynamic Paging Area
                                                  (DPA). The value is in
 466 1D2  Bitstring     1  STORSG_RSAAGEFL        Flag byte
          1... ....        STORSG_RSAAGEFX         The Global Aging List is a
                                                  fixed size.
          .1.. ....        *
          ..1. ....        STORSG_RSAAGEEW         Early Writes are enabled.
                                                  Page content is backed up in
                                                  advance of frame reclaim to
                                                  maintain a pool of readily
                                                  reclaimable frames.
          ...1 ....        *
          .... 1...        *
          .... .1..        *
          .... ..1.        *
          .... ...1        *
 467 1D3  Bitstring     1  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
 468 1D4  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
 472 1D8  Character     8  STORSG_RSARSDMX        SET RESERVED SYSMAX value
                                                  in frames.
 480 1E0  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAGESZ        Target size of Global Aging
                                                  List in frames.
 488 1E8  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAGINC        Cardinal count of frames on
                                                  the Global Aging List.
 496 1F0  Character     8  STORSG_RSAEWNDD        Cardinal count of changed
                                                  pages on the Global Aging
                                                  List that need to be written
                                                  before the frames can be
 504 1F8  Character     8  STORSG_RSAEWRFO        Cardinal count of
                                                  referenced-only pages on the
                                                  Global Aging List that do not
                                                  have to be written before the
                                                  frames can be reclaimed (they
                                                  are above the early write
 512 200  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEWCIF        Cardinal count of changed
                                                  pages on the Global Aging
                                                  List being processed by the
                                                  paging subsystem.
 516 204  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEWRIF        Cardinal count of
                                                  referenced-only pages on the
                                                  Global Aging List being
                                                  processed by the paging
 520 208  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAGRDY        Cardinal count of frames
                                                  ready for reclaim on the
                                                  Global Aging List. This is a
                                                  total count that includes
                                                  both changed and
                                                  referenced-only pages.
 528 210  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAGRDYREFWRT  Cardinal count of
                                                  referenced-only pages on the
                                                  Global Aging List whose
                                                  frames are ready for reclaim.
                                                  The page content was
                                                  rewritten to auxiliary for
                                                  load balancing.
 536 218  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAGRDYREFNW   Cardinal count of
                                                  referenced-only pages on the
                                                  Global Aging List whose
                                                  frames are ready for reclaim.
                                                  The page content was NOT
                                                  rewritten to auxiliary.
 544 220  Character     8  STORSG_RSADSTMACT      Cumulative amount of time
                                                  demand scan was running. This
                                                  field is in time- of-day
                                                  (TOD) format.
 552 228  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSACHGWRTOLD    Cumulative count of changed
                                                  pages written to old
                                                  auxiliary slot.
 556 22C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAREFWRTBYPASS Cumulative count of
                                                  referenced-only pages that
                                                  were not rewritten to
 560 230  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSACHGWRTNEW    Cumulative count of changed
                                                  pages written to a new
                                                  auxiliary slot for load
 564 234  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAREFWRTNEW    Cumulative count of
                                                  referenced-only pages written
                                                  to a new auxiliary slot for
                                                  load balancing.
 568 238  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAGRECLM      Cumulative count of frames
                                                  reclaimed from the Global
                                                  Aging List.
 572 23C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEXMET        Cumulative count of times a
                                                  demand scan stopped because
                                                  the need was met.
 576 240  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEXTIM        Cumulative count of times a
                                                  demand scan stopped because
                                                  it ran for the maximum
                                                  allowable time.
 580 244  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAEXCPU        Cumulative count of times a
                                                  demand scan stopped because
                                                  it was running on a
                                                  suboptimal CPU.
 584 248  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
 588 24C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAINVUFO       Cumulative count of private
                                                  pages invalidated
 592 250  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAINVVUFO      Cumulative count of private
                                                  VDisk pages invalidated.
 596 254  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAINVSUFO      Cumulative count of shared
                                                  pages invalidated.
 600 258  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARVLUFO       Cumulative count of private
                                                  pages revalidated.
 604 25C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARVLVUFO      Cumulative count of private
                                                  VDisk pages revalidated.
 608 260  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARVLSUFO      Cumulative count of shared
                                                  pages revalidated.
 612 264  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSARVLAGL       Cumulative count of pages
                                                  revalidated on the Global
                                                  Aging List.
 616 268  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAWRTONDMD     Cumulative count of frames
                                                  reclaimed immediately after
                                                  page content was written to
 620 26C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSADSCYCLE      Cumulative count of
                                                  iterations demand scan made
                                                  through all the frame lists
                                                  (that is, private UFOs, SUFO,
                                                  and VUFO).
 624 270  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAUSRVISIT     Cumulative count of users
                                                  visited in which one or more
                                                  pages were made IBR.
 628 274  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAUSRSKIP      Cumulative count of users
                                                  skipped because serialization
                                                  could not be obtained, or
                                                  because of the users' SET
                                                  RESERVED setting.
 632 278  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAALSKL        Cumulative count of frames
                                                  at the bottom of the Global
                                                  Aging List that could not be
                                                  reclaimed because they were
 636 27C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAALSKF        Cumulative count of frames
                                                  at the bottom of the Global
                                                  Aging List that could not be
                                                  reclaimed because frame
                                                  serialization could not be
 640 280  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAALSKP        Cumulative count of frames
                                                  at the bottom of the Global
                                                  Aging List that could not be
                                                  reclaimed because page
                                                  serialization could not be
 644 284  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAALSKR        Cumulative count of frames
                                                  at the bottom of the Global
                                                  Aging List that were requeued
                                                  rather than reclaimed because
                                                  of the frame owner's SET
                                                  RESERVED setting.
 648 288  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAGRVLREFNW   Cumulative count of
                                                  revalidations of referenced
                                                  only pages in the Global
                                                  Aging List. The page content
                                                  was not rewritten to
 652 28C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAGRVLREFWRT  Cumulative count of
                                                  revalidations of referenced
                                                  only pages in the Global
                                                  Aging List. The page content
                                                  was already rewritten to
                                                  auxiliary for load balancing.
 656 290  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAGRVLCHGNW   Cumulative count of
                                                  revalidations of changed
                                                  pages in the Global Aging
                                                  List. The page content was
                                                  not written to auxiliary
 660 294  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAGRVLCHGWRT  Cumulative count of
                                                  revalidations of changed
                                                  pages in the Global Aging
                                                  List. The page content was
                                                  already written to auxiliary
 664 298  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVAILCNTB2GS Cardinal count of frames on
                                                  the < 2G singles available
 668 29C  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVAILCNTB2GC Cardinal count of frames on
                                                  the < 2G contiguous available
 672 2A0  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILCNTA2GS Cardinal count of frames on
                                                  the > 2G singles available
 680 2A8  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILCNTA2GC Cardinal count of frames on
                                                  the > 2G contiguous available
 688 2B0  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILREQB2GS Cumulative count of
                                                  requests for single frames <
 696 2B8  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILREQA2GS Cumulative count of
                                                  requests for single frames >
 704 2C0  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILREQB2GC Cumulative count of
                                                  requests for contiguous
                                                  frames < 2G.
 712 2C8  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILREQA2GC Cumulative count of
                                                  requests for contiguous
                                                  frames > 2G.
 720 2D0  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILRETB2GS Cumulative count of returns
                                                  for single frames < 2G.
 728 2D8  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILRETA2GS Cumulative count of returns
                                                  for single frames > 2G.
 736 2E0  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILRETB2GC Cumulative count of returns
                                                  for contiguous frames < 2G.
 744 2E8  Character     8  STORSG_RSAAVAILRETA2GC Cumulative count of returns
                                                  for contiguous frames > 2G.
 752 2F0  Unsigned      4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
 756 2F4  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVAILPTA2GC  Protect threshold for the
                                                  contiguous frame list > 2G.
                                                  Singles will not be taken
                                                  from the contiguous list when
                                                  the number of availabe frames
                                                  on the contiguous list is
                                                  less than this threshold.
 760 2F8  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAAVAILPTB2GS  Protect threshold for the
                                                  singles frame list < 2G. This
                                                  reserves a number of < 2G
                                                  frames for authorized tasks.
 764 2FC  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAWRTHROTS     Cumulative count of times
                                                  limited paging bandwidth
                                                  reduced demand scan's ability
                                                  to write pages to auxiliary
                                                  (includes both full write
                                                  throttle and partial write
                                                  throttle instances)
 768 300  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSAPRTHROTS     Cumulative count of times a
                                                  partial write throttle
                                                  occurred because the need was
                                                  limited by bandwidth
 772 304  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSANDMREC       Count of times a global
                                                  reclaim task has been
 776 308  Unsigned      4  STORSG_RSANDMRND       Count of NDMBKs that have
                                                  been returned to free storage
                                                  because a global reclaim task
                                                  released NDMBKs from the
                                                  global NDMBK recycle queue.
 780 30C  Character     0  STORSG_END

MRSTORSG Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
STORSG                     0    780
STORSG_CALASCUT           4C      4
STORSG_CALCAAFP           48      4
STORSG_CALPTRRT           44      4
STORSG_CALSSUBG           64      4
STORSG_CALSSUBT           14      4
STORSG_END               30C      0
STORSG_MRHDR               0      0
STORSG_RSAADSFL          161      1
STORSG_RSAAFSDB           88      4
STORSG_RSAAFSDW           84      4
STORSG_RSAAFSIB           90      4
STORSG_RSAAFSIU           8C      4
STORSG_RSAAGEEW          1D2           20
STORSG_RSAAGEFL          1D2      1
STORSG_RSAAGEFX          1D2           80
STORSG_RSAAGEPC          1D0      2
STORSG_RSAAGESZ          1E0      8
STORSG_RSAAGINC          1E8      8
STORSG_RSAAGRDY          208      8
STORSG_RSAAGRECLM        238      4
STORSG_RSAALFMF          128      4
STORSG_RSAALSKF          27C      4
STORSG_RSAALSKL          278      4
STORSG_RSAALSKP          280      4
STORSG_RSAALSKR          284      4
STORSG_RSAAVCHG          138      4
STORSG_RSAAVCLG          134      4
STORSG_RSAAVLHG           58      4
STORSG_RSAAVLHT           2C      4
STORSG_RSAAVLLG           5C      4
STORSG_RSAAVLLT           28      4
STORSG_RSABLKGC          118      4
STORSG_RSACALLT           6C      8
STORSG_RSACALMT           74      8
STORSG_RSACALUT           7C      8
STORSG_RSACPLKG           60      4
STORSG_RSACPLOK           24      4
STORSG_RSADEFCTA2G       1A8      4
STORSG_RSADSA2G          161           20
STORSG_RSADSB2G          161           10
STORSG_RSADSCYCLE        26C      4
STORSG_RSADSTMACT        220      8
STORSG_RSAEMBLO          14C      4
STORSG_RSAEMCPC          144      4
STORSG_RSAEMDFR          154      4
STORSG_RSAEMERG          148      4
STORSG_RSAEMHI           140      4
STORSG_RSAEMLO           13C      4
STORSG_RSAEMPTY          150      4
STORSG_RSAEWCIF          200      4
STORSG_RSAEWNDD          1F0      8
STORSG_RSAEWRFO          1F8      8
STORSG_RSAEWRIF          204      4
STORSG_RSAEXCPU          244      4
STORSG_RSAEXMET          23C      4
STORSG_RSAEXTIM          240      4
STORSG_RSAFOBCT          188      4
STORSG_RSAFOBGC          18C      4
STORSG_RSAFOBGH          190      4
STORSG_RSAFOBGZ          194      4
STORSG_RSAFOBLK          198      1
STORSG_RSAFOBRL          17C      8
STORSG_RSAFOBSL          174      8
STORSG_RSAFOBTK          199      1
STORSG_RSAFRQDF          120      4
STORSG_RSAFRQDL          124      4
STORSG_RSAFRQMW          11C      4
STORSG_RSAFRQWT           B0      4
STORSG_RSAFRRDA           B4      4
STORSG_RSAFRRDC           B8      4
STORSG_RSAFVMUB           C8      4
STORSG_RSAFVMUD           C4      4
STORSG_RSAINVSUFO        254      4
STORSG_RSAINVUFO         24C      4
STORSG_RSAINVVUFO        250      4
STORSG_RSAMAXPP           20      4
STORSG_RSANDMREC         304      4
STORSG_RSANDMRND         308      4
STORSG_RSANOLKA          100      8
STORSG_RSANOLKL           FC      4
STORSG_RSANPGCT           F4      4
STORSG_RSANPGHI           F8      4
STORSG_RSAPLPCB           F0      4
STORSG_RSAPLPCT           EC      4
STORSG_RSAPPA2G          161           80
STORSG_RSAPPB2G          161           40
STORSG_RSAPPTCS          114      4
STORSG_RSAPPTPF          110      4
STORSG_RSAPPTPS          10C      4
STORSG_RSAPRTHROTS       300      4
STORSG_RSARDAANY         1AC      4
STORSG_RSARDAA2G         1B4      4
STORSG_RSARDTANY         1B0      4
STORSG_RSARDTA2G         1B8      4
STORSG_RSAREOFL          160      1
STORSG_RSAREOSY          160           80
STORSG_RSARSDMX          1D8      8
STORSG_RSARSVSY           68      4
STORSG_RSARVLAGL         264      4
STORSG_RSARVLSUFO        260      4
STORSG_RSARVLUFO         258      4
STORSG_RSARVLVUFO        25C      4
STORSG_RSASAVFR           1C      4
STORSG_RSASTLWT           BC      4
STORSG_RSASWG2G           C0      4
STORSG_RSASWPWT          158      4
STORSG_RSASWP2G          15C      4
STORSG_RSASXCLA           54      4
STORSG_RSASXCPL           50      4
STORSG_RSASXNOP          108      4
STORSG_RSASYSFB           E0      4
STORSG_RSASYSFR           DC      4
STORSG_RSASYSUB           E8      4
STORSG_RSASYSUD           E4      4
STORSG_RSATGTSK          184      4
STORSG_RSAUSRSKIP        274      4
STORSG_RSAUSRVISIT       270      4
STORSG_RSAVCBDB           98      4
STORSG_RSAVCBDW           94      4
STORSG_RSAVCBIB           A0      4
STORSG_RSAVCBIU           9C      4
STORSG_RSAVFSDW           A4      4
STORSG_RSAVFSIU           A8      4
STORSG_RSAVMXFB           D0      4
STORSG_RSAVMXFR           CC      4
STORSG_RSAVMXUB           D8      4
STORSG_RSAVMXUD           D4      4
STORSG_RSAWRTONDMD       268      4
STORSG_RSA2GDCT           AC      4
STORSG_XSTBPRCT           30      4
STORSG_XSTMRABI           38      4
STORSG_XSTSRABI           3C      4
STORSG_XSTSRGCT           34      4
STORSG_XSTSRSCT           40      4

This information is
based on z/VM V6R3.0.

Last updated on 11 Mar 2015 at 15:11:38.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2015