Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 9 - ISFC Domain
                    Record 4 - ISFC Logical Link Activity
 DESCRIPTION - Writes a sample record to record activity for
               an ISFC logical link.
  1. This record counts ISFC logical link traffic in two
     sets of counters.  The two counter sets distinguish
     between two distinct kinds of traffic:
     1a.  'Local' traffic, whose origin or destination is
          the local node, and
     1b.  'Forwarded' traffic, which is traffic that the
          local node is merely forwarding, or relaying, on
          behalf of other nodes in the collection.
  2. ISFC links handle two distinct types of traffic:
     2a.  "Legacy" traffic, which largely speaking is
          APPC/VM or IUCV traffic.
     2b.  ISFC transport traffic. One example of this is
          traffic related to guest relocations.
  3. Legacy traffic that flows on a logical link is ALWAYS
     counted in the logical link's local-traffic counters
     (_LNKLR* and _LNKLS*), no matter what the origin node
     or destination node of the legacy traffic might be.
  4. ISFC transport traffic whose origin was this system and
     which is transmitted out a logical link is counted in
     the logical link's local-traffic-sent counters (_LNKLS*).
  5. ISFC transport traffic whose destination is this system
     and which is received on a logical link is counted in
     the logical link's local-traffic-received counters,
  6. ISFC transport traffic whose origin was some other
     system and which is transmitted out a logical link is
     counted in the logical link's forwarded-traffic-sent
     counters (_LNKFS*).
  7. ISFC transport traffic whose destination is some other
     system and which is received on a logical link is
     counted in the logical link's forwarded-traffic-received
     counters (_LNKFR*).
  8. If a sample cannot be obtained due to lock contention,
     a single D9R4 record will be generated with
     ISFNOD_NODEID set to "********"

MRISFNOD Control Block Contents

Dec  Hex  Type        Len  Name (Dim)             Description
   0   0  Structure   304  ISFNOD                 Start of monitor record
   0   0  Character     0  ISFNOD_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                  for details.
   0   0  Character    20  MRHDR                  
   0   0  Unsigned      2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
   2   2  Unsigned      2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
   4   4  Unsigned      1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
   5   5  Unsigned      1  *                      
   6   6  Unsigned      2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
   8   8  Character     8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record
                                                  was built. In time-of-day
                                                  (TOD) clock format. See IBM
                                                  System 370 XA Principle of
                                                  Operation for explanation of
  16  10  Character     4  *                      
  20  14  Character     0  MRHDR_END              End of header
  20  14  Character     8  ISFNOD_NODEID          The node on the other end
                                                  of this logical link.
  28  1C  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKLRCMS        Messages received on this
                                                  link destined for this
  36  24  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKLRCBT        Bytes received on this link
                                                  destined for this system.
  44  2C  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKLSNMS        Messages sent on this link
                                                  originating from this system.
  52  34  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKLSNBT        Bytes sent on this link
                                                  originating from this system.
  60  3C  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKFRCMS        Messages received on this
                                                  link and retransmitted on
                                                  another link.
  68  44  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKFRCBT        Bytes received on this link
                                                  and retransmitted on another
  76  4C  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKFSNMS        Messages sent on this link
                                                  that came in on another link.
  84  54  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKFSNBT        Bytes sent on this link
                                                  that came in on another link.
  92  5C  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKDRCMS        Messages received on this
                                                  link with an unknown node as
                                                  the destination.
 100  64  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKDRCBT        Bytes received on this link
                                                  with an unknown node as the
 108  6C  Character     8  *                      Reserved and no longer
 116  74  Character     8  *                      Reserved and no longer
 124  7C  Unsigned      2  ISFNOD_LNKDEVCT        Count of link devices
                                                  making up the logical link.
 126  7E  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved
 128  80  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKTX_PENDCT    Work units waiting for a
                                                  link to be available so they
                                                  can be sent.
 132  84  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKTX_THRCT     Count of the number of
                                                  times the link had to start
                                                  throttling threads on the
                                                  sending side
 136  88  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKTQ_QUECTR    Messages queued waiting to
                                                  be processed.
 140  8C  Unsigned      2  *                      Reserved and no longer
 142  8E  Unsigned      2  ISFNOD_LNKRX_CTR       Work units that were
                                                  received in the wrong order,
                                                  in the queue
 144  90  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKRXTHR        Count of the number of
                                                  times the receiving side got
                                                  throttled due to storage.
 148  94  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_WRDATA    Count of the write opera-
                                                  tions started for the logical
 156  9C  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_RDDATA    Count of the read operat-
                                                  tions started for the logical
 164  A4  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_WRCOLL    Count of the write
                                                  collisions experienced on the
                                                  logical link.
 172  AC  Character     8  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
 180  B4  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_TXIMMED   Count of the packages sent
                                                  in an I/O operation other
                                                  than the I/O that sent their
                                                  control data, but on the same
                                                  link device.
 188  BC  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_RXIMMED   Count of the packages
                                                  received in an I/O opera-
                                                  tion other than the I/O that
                                                  received their control data,
                                                  but on the same link device.
 196  C4  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_TXASYNC   Count of the packages sent
                                                  in an I/O operation other
                                                  than the I/O that sent their
                                                  control data, and not tied to
                                                  the same link device.
 204  CC  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_RXASYNC   Count of the packages
                                                  received in an I/O opera-
                                                  tion other than the I/O that
                                                  received their control data,
                                                  and not tied to the same link
 212  D4  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_TXIMBED   Count of the packages sent
                                                  in the same I/O operation
                                                  that sent their control data.
 220  DC  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKCT_RXIMBED   Count of the packages
                                                  received in the same I/O
                                                  operation that received their
                                                  control data.
 228  E4  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKTX_PNDBYTES  Sample of the number of
                                                  bytes waiting to be sent on
                                                  the logical link.
 236  EC  Character     8  ISFNOD_LNKHW_PNDBYTES  The highest value since
                                                  system IPL for the sample of
                                                  the number of bytes waiting
                                                  to be sent on the logical
 244  F4  Character     4  ISFNOD_LNKTX_ASYNCCT   The number of times I/O
                                                  operations switched into
                                                  asynchronous mode to avoid a
                                                  storage overrun problem on
                                                  the target system.
 248  F8  Character     4  ISFNOD_LNKTX_DEVCT     The number of devices in
                                                  the logical link assigned to
                                                  write opera- tions.
 252  FC  Character     4  ISFNOD_LNKRX_DEVCT     The number of devices in
                                                  the logical link assigned to
                                                  read opera- tions.
 256 100  Character     8  ISFNOD_NODXSYTO        An estimate of the
                                                  difference between the local
                                                  system's time-of-day clock
                                                  and the remote system's
                                                  time-of-day clock, if the
                                                  node on the other end of this
                                                  logical link is a member of
                                                  the same SSI cluster.
 264 108  Character     8  ISFNOD_NODXRTMY        The round-trip time for the
                                                  message exchange used to
                                                  create the ISFNOD_NODXSYTO
                                                  estimate, if the node on the
                                                  other end of this logical
                                                  link is a member of the same
                                                  SSI cluster.
 272 110  Character     8  ISFNOD_NODXTOPT        The remote system's
                                                  estimate of ISFNOD_NODXSYTO
                                                  for the local system, if the
                                                  node on the other end of this
                                                  logical link is a member of
                                                  the same SSI cluster.
 280 118  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKRXOOO        Cumulative count of the
                                                  work units that were received
                                                  in the wrong order.
 284 11C  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKMBBHW        The highest value since the
                                                  last sample for the number of
                                                  buffers in use for the link's
                                                  managed buffer set.
 288 120  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKMBBMAX       Cardinal count of the
                                                  maximum number of buffers
                                                  that can be allocated by this
                                                  managed buffer set.
 292 124  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKMBBINIT      Initial requested value for
                                                  the number of buffers to
                                                  allocate for this managed
                                                  buffer set.
 296 128  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKTX_WAITSNT   Cumulative count of the
                                                  number of packages for which
                                                  control data has been sent
                                                  not tied to the same link
 300 12C  Unsigned      4  ISFNOD_LNKCAPCT        Cumulative count of the
                                                  number of not-full packages
                                                  closed due to time-out.
 304 130  Character     0  ISFNOD_END             

MRISFNOD Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
ISFNOD                     0    304
ISFNOD_END               130      0
ISFNOD_LNKCAPCT          12C      4
ISFNOD_LNKCT_WRDATA       94      8
ISFNOD_LNKDEVCT           7C      2
ISFNOD_LNKDRCBT           64      8
ISFNOD_LNKDRCMS           5C      8
ISFNOD_LNKFRCBT           44      8
ISFNOD_LNKFRCMS           3C      8
ISFNOD_LNKFSNBT           54      8
ISFNOD_LNKFSNMS           4C      8
ISFNOD_LNKLRCBT           24      8
ISFNOD_LNKLRCMS           1C      8
ISFNOD_LNKLSNBT           34      8
ISFNOD_LNKLSNMS           2C      8
ISFNOD_LNKMBBHW          11C      4
ISFNOD_LNKMBBINIT        124      4
ISFNOD_LNKMBBMAX         120      4
ISFNOD_LNKRX_CTR          8E      2
ISFNOD_LNKRXOOO          118      4
ISFNOD_LNKRXTHR           90      4
ISFNOD_LNKTQ_QUECTR       88      4
ISFNOD_LNKTX_DEVCT        F8      4
ISFNOD_LNKTX_PENDCT       80      4
ISFNOD_LNKTX_THRCT        84      4
ISFNOD_MRHDR               0      0
ISFNOD_NODEID             14      8
ISFNOD_NODXRTMY          108      8
ISFNOD_NODXSYTO          100      8
ISFNOD_NODXTOPT          110      8
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2

This information is based on z/VM V6R2.0.
Last updated on 23 Nov 2011 at 15:33:04.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2011