Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 3 - Storage Domain
                    Record 4 - Auxiliary Storage Management
                               (per Exposure)
 DESCRIPTION - Information concerning paging and spooling space
               usage.  A separate record is generated for each
               hardware exposure associated with each volume.
   - A volume may be CP owned or a mapped mini-disk volume that
     is not CP owned.  See STOASP_CALFLAG1.
   - Some CP volumes may be mapped minidisk volumes.
   - For volumes where multiple exposures exist on the same
     device, the fields whose names begin with STOASP_EXPxxxxx
     apply only to the exposure. All other fields in this
     record apply to the device.

MRSTOASP Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)             Description
  0   0  Structure  172  STOASP                 Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  STOASP_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                for details.
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR                  
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                      
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record was
                                                built. In time-of-day (TOD)
                                                clock format. See IBM System
                                                370 XA Principle of Operation
                                                for explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                      
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END              End of header
 20  14  Character    6  STOASP_CALVSER         Device volume serial
                                                identifier. For CP volumes this
                                                will be the CPvol serial id.
                                                For mapped mini-disk that are
                                                not CP vols, this will be the
                                                dasd vol serial id. See
 26  1A  Unsigned     2  STOASP_RDEVDEV         Device number.
 28  1C  Unsigned     4  STOASP_RDEVSID         host subchannel I.D. number
                                                defined at initialization
 32  20  Unsigned     4  STOASP_CALSPOOL        Total number of spool slots
                                                in use on this CPVOL. Not
                                                applicable (and set to zero) if
                                                device is a mapped mini-disk
                                                that is not a CP volume. See
 36  24  Unsigned     4  STOASP_CALPAGE         Total number of page slots in
                                                use on this CPVOL. Not
                                                applicable (and set to zero) if
                                                device is a mapped mini-disk
                                                that is not a CP volume. See
 40  28  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPCTSRD        Total number of spool reads
 44  2C  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPCTSWR        Total number of spool writes
 48  30  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPCTPRD        Total number of page read
                                                operations for this device.
                                                Note that page read operations
                                                may be directed to devices
                                                without any cylinders
                                                specifically defined as type
 52  34  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPCTPWR        Total number of page write
                                                operations for this device.
                                                Note that page write operations
                                                may be directed to devices
                                                without any cylinders
                                                specifically defined as type
 56  38  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPCURQC        The number of page/spool
                                                read/writes that are currently
                                                active or queued on this
                                                logical device
 60  3C  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPCTACP        The number of page/spool
                                                reads/writes that are added
                                                onto an executing channel
                                                program without executing a
                                                RSCH or SSCH
 64  40  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPCTUSI        Number of times user I/O
                                                interferes with paging and
                                                spooling I/O.
 68  44  Unsigned     2  STOASP_SCMSSCH         Cumulative count of SSCH and
                                                RSCH for this device. This
                                                value may be wrapped when
                                                format-1 measurement blocks are
                                                being used (MTRSYS_CALFLG2 =
 70  46  Bitstring    1  STOASP_CALFLAG1        Flagbyte
          1... ....      STOASP_CALNOCPV        OFF = device is a CP volume.
                                                ON = device is not a CP volume.
          .1.. ....      STOASP_CALMDISK        Device is a mapped mini-disk
                                                volume. Device is also a CP
                                                volume if STOASP_CALNOCPV =
          ..1. ....      STOASP_CPVLDUMP        Dump only volume
          ...1 ....      *                      
          .... 1...      *                      
          .... .1..      *                      
          .... ..1.      *                      
          .... ...1      *                      
 71  47  Bitstring    1  STOASP_RDEVDRAN        Drain information for the
                                                device. If RDEVDRAN=0, the
                                                device is not being drained.
                                                Otherwise, the bit settings
                                                indicate the ALOC type being
                                                drained. These values can be
                                                found in HCPALOC COPY. For
                                                example: ALOCPAGE(x'01) - Page
                                                ALOCSPOL(x'02) - Spool
                                                ALOCTDSK(x'20) - Tdisk
                                                ALOCPERM(x'08) - Links
 72  48  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPCONT(1:20)   Number of times a contiguous
                                                free space of corresponding
                                                number of slots was found
                                                available. Each index number
                                                from 1 to 19 corresponds to the
                                                number of slots found
                                                available. Example:
                                                STOASP_EXPCONT(8) = the number
                                                of times a contiguous free
                                                space of 8 slots was found
                                                available. For index number 20,
                                                this is the number of times a
                                                contiguous free space of 20 or
                                                more slots was found available.
152  98  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPDEVST        The service time for a paging
                                                device. This is the average
                                                time in millisecond that takes
                                                for this device to process a
                                                page I/O and it is computed by
                                                dividing the total amount of
                                                time in millisecond spend in
                                                I/O for the last group of I/O
                                                requests by the number of pages
                                                moved in that group of I/O
156  9C  Unsigned     4  STOASP_EXPMLOAD        Modified Device Load (MLOAD).
                                                This is the product of the
                                                number of pages in the
                                                outstanding I/O requests on the
                                                device multiplied by the
                                                service time of the device.
                                                When the system needs to decide
                                                what paging device to use next,
                                                it picks a device whose MLOAD
                                                is smaller than the average
                                                system MLOAD.
160  A0  Unsigned     4  STOASP_CPVLOKAT        Count of times this volume
                                                was looked at while choosing a
                                                volume for allocation. This
                                                count is not incremented if the
                                                volume is full. Not applicable
                                                (and set to zero) if device is
                                                a mapped mini-disk that is not
                                                a CP volume. See
164  A4  Unsigned     4  STOASP_CPVALOCD        Count of times this volume
                                                was chosen for allocation. Not
                                                applicable (and set to zero) if
                                                device is a mapped mini-disk
                                                that is not a CP volume. See
168  A8  Unsigned     4  STOASP_SCGSSCH         Fullword cumulative count of
                                                SSCH and RSCH for this device.
                                                Available when format-1
                                                measurement blocks are being
                                                used (MTRSYS_CALFLG2 = x'80').
172  AC  Character    0  STOASP_END             

MRSTOASP Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
STOASP                     0    172
STOASP_CALFLAG1           46      1
STOASP_CALMDISK           46           40
STOASP_CALNOCPV           46           80
STOASP_CALPAGE            24      4
STOASP_CALSPOOL           20      4
STOASP_CALVSER            14      6
STOASP_CPVALOCD           A4      4
STOASP_CPVLDUMP           46           20
STOASP_CPVLOKAT           A0      4
STOASP_END                AC      0
STOASP_EXPCONT            48     80
STOASP_EXPCTACP           3C      4
STOASP_EXPCTPRD           30      4
STOASP_EXPCTPWR           34      4
STOASP_EXPCTSRD           28      4
STOASP_EXPCTSWR           2C      4
STOASP_EXPCTUSI           40      4
STOASP_EXPCURQC           38      4
STOASP_EXPDEVST           98      4
STOASP_EXPMLOAD           9C      4
STOASP_MRHDR               0      0
STOASP_RDEVDEV            1A      2
STOASP_RDEVDRAN           47      1
STOASP_RDEVSID            1C      4
STOASP_SCGSSCH            A8      4
STOASP_SCMSSCH            44      2

This information is based on z/VM V6R1.0.
Last updated on 8 Oct 2009 at 21:08:13.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2009