Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Event Record
                    Domain 2 - Scheduler
                    Record 6 - Add User To Eligible List
 DESCRIPTION - Indicates conditions after this user has been
               added to the eligible list.  A separate
               record is generated for each VMDBK in the
               virtual MP complex.

MRSCLAEL Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)             Description
  0   0  Structure  136  SCLAEL                 Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  SCLAEL_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                for details.
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR                  
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                      
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record was
                                                built. In time-of-day (TOD)
                                                clock format. See IBM System
                                                370 XA Principle of Operation
                                                for explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                      
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END              End of header
 20  14  Character    8  SCLAEL_VMDUSER         Userid
 28  1C  Unsigned     2  SCLAEL_SRMC1ELG        Cardinal count of short,
                                                medium and long-running users
                                                in the eligible list. This
                                                includes all E1, E2 and E3
                                                users. It includes no E0 users.
 30  1E  Unsigned     2  SCLAEL_SRMC2ELG        Cardinal count of short,
                                                medium and long-running users
                                                in the eligible list. This
                                                includes all E2 and E3 users.
                                                It includes no E0 or E1 users.
 32  20  Unsigned     2  SCLAEL_SRMC3ELG        Cardinal count of short,
                                                medium and long-running users
                                                in the eligible list. This
                                                includes all E3 users. It
                                                includes no no E0, E1, or E2
 34  22  Unsigned     2  SCLAEL_VMDCPUAD        Virtual processor address
 36  24  Character    8  SCLAEL_VMDSVMID        VMDBK name for the last
                                                successful IUCV, VMCF or
                                                APPC/VM Send for this virtual
                                                machine. Valid in base VMDBK
 44  2C  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_VMDSVMWT        Service-virtual-machine (SVM)
                                                wait flag byte - valid in base
                                                VMDBK only.
          1... ....      SCLAEL_VMDSVMWF        VMDBK is waiting for a
                                                response from IUCV, VMCF or
          .1.. ....      *                      
          ..1. ....      *                      
          ...1 ....      *                      
          .... 1...      *                      
          .... .1..      *                      
          .... ..1.      *                      
          .... ...1      *                      
 45  2D  Character    0  SCLAEL_VMDSVMW2        Back-up byte to the VMDSVMWT
                                                byte. Its contents will persist
                                                longer than they would in
                                                VMDSVMWT. Valid in base VMDBK
 45  2D  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_VMDSVMWT        Service-virtual-machine (SVM)
                                                wait flag byte - valid in base
                                                VMDBK only.
          1... ....      SCLAEL_VMDSVMWF        VMDBK is waiting for a
                                                response from IUCV, VMCF or
 46  2E  Character    0  SCLAEL_VMDRDYCM        Flag byte set by IUCV, VMCF,
                                                or APPC whenever IUCV/VMCF/APPC
                                                makes an external interrupt. It
                                                is sort of a "reference byte"
                                                that tells the scheduler that
                                                IUCV/VMCF/APPC had been active
                                                recently. Valid in base VMDBK
 46  2E  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_VMDSVMWT        Service-virtual-machine (SVM)
                                                wait flag byte - valid in base
                                                VMDBK only.
          1... ....      SCLAEL_VMDSVMWF        VMDBK is waiting for a
                                                response from IUCV, VMCF or
 47  2F  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_CALFLAG1        Flag byte
          1... ....      SCLAEL_CALBASE         If on, this is the base
                                                VMDBK. VMDBASE
          .1.. ....      *                      
          ..1. ....      *                      
          ...1 ....      *                      
          .... 1...      *                      
          .... .1..      *                      
          .... ..1.      *                      
          .... ...1      *                      
 48  30  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDWSSPR        This user's projected working
                                                set size. This is the
                                                scheduler's estimate of the
                                                amount of storage this user
                                                will require to be resident as
                                                it runs during its next stay in
                                                the dispatch list. It is based
                                                upon the user's past behavior
                                                and in some cases, on the
                                                behavior of similar types of
 52  34  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDPGRTE        Number of pages per second
                                                which this user read in during
                                                its last stay in the dispatch
 56  38  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_CALQSTAT        Scheduling status of user
          1... ....      SCLAEL_VMDHOTRQ        Hot Shot scheduling requested
          .1.. ....      SCLAEL_VMDHOTST        Hot Shot user scheduling
          ..1. ....      SCLAEL_VMDLOADU        Loading user designation
          ...1 ....      SCLAEL_VMDIABIA        Interactive bias is in effect
          .... 1...      SCLAEL_VMDPGBIA        Paging bias is in effect
          .... .1..      SCLAEL_VMDLKSHT        "Lockshot" scheduling in
                                                effect for this user. Set only
                                                in the base VMDBK.
          .... ..1.      *                      
          .... ...1      SCLAEL_VMDNULL         User is logging off
 57  39  Unsigned     1  SCLAEL_VMDELIST        This user's eligible list
                                                class. It can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
                                                Classes 1-3 relate to the time
                                                this (scheduler-determined)
                                                transaction has been running.
                                                Class 1 is short-running, class
                                                2, medium-running and class 3,
 58  3A  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_VMDWRKCS        Type of work which must be
                                                done on the VMDBK
 59  3B  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_CALOSTAT        Virtual machine operating
          1... ....      SCLAEL_VMDSYSOP        User is primary system
          .1.. ....      SCLAEL_VMDUSRCT        User is counted as being
                                                logged on
          ..1. ....      *                      
          ...1 ....      SCLAEL_VMDFORCE        User is to be logged off.
                                                This may be requested by CP, a
                                                forced logoff, or user's logoff
          .... 1...      SCLAEL_VMDUFORC        User is forced to logoff the
          .... .1..      SCLAEL_VMDDISC         User is running disconnected
          .... ..1.      SCLAEL_VMDAUTOL        AUTOLOG/XAUTOLOG in progress.
                                                User has been automatically
                                                logged on. This bit is set off
                                                when the user's IPL statement
                                                is processed, or (if there is
                                                no IPL to process) when the
                                                user enters a LOGON command
                                                from a terminal to RECONNECT.
          .... ...1      SCLAEL_VMDXAUTO        The original command was
                                                XAUTOLOG. Valid for the base
                                                VMDBK only.
 60  3C  Character    8  SCLAEL_VMDEPRTY        Eligible list priority. This
                                                represents the scheduler's
                                                estimate of the latest time
                                                this VMDBK should be selected
                                                to go into the dispatch list
                                                from the eligible list. It is
                                                used to order users in the
                                                eligible list.
 68  44  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDCTPVR        Cardinal count of resident
                                                pages in private address spaces
                                                belonging to this user. This
                                                monitor field is actually the
                                                sum of VMDCTPVR + VMDCTPVG
                                                which is the resident pages
                                                above and below the 2GB line.
                                                To get the count of resident
                                                pages below the 2GB line,
                                                subtract SCLAEL_VMDCTPVG from
 72  48  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDCTXBK        Number of Expanded Storage
                                                blocks allocated to a virtual
                                                machine by CP for paging
 76  4C  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_CALCPPST        Cumulative count of pages
                                                stolen from this user's address
                                                spaces while they were private.
 80  50  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDRELSH        This virtual CPU's RELATIVE
                                                share of the system, as set in
                                                the user's directory or via the
                                                SET SHARE command. Set to zero
                                                when this VMDBK has an ABSOLUTE
                                                share value, or has a virtual
                                                processor dedicated to it, or
                                                is in the process of being
                                                logged off.
 84  54  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDABSSH        This virtual CPU's ABSOLUTE
                                                share of the system, as set in
                                                the user's directory or via the
                                                SET SHARE command. Unit of
                                                value is a hexadecimal factor
                                                scaled 16 bits. For example,
                                                X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                Set to zero when this VMDBK has
                                                a RELATIVE share value.
 88  58  Signed       4  SCLAEL_VMDURRSP        User's resource requirement
                                                for storage and paging
 92  5C  Signed       4  SCLAEL_SRMABSDE        Cardinal count of total
                                                absolute shares of all VMDBKs
                                                in the dispatch and eligible
                                                lists. Unit of value is same as
                                                SCLAEL_VMDABSSH. Applies to
                                                real primary processor on which
                                                user is dispatched.
 96  60  Signed       4  SCLAEL_SRMRELDE        Cardinal count of total
                                                relative shares of all VMDBKs
                                                in the dispatch and eligible
                                                lists. Applies to real primary
                                                processor on which user is
100  64  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDCTCRT        Count of CP
                                                critical-processes this VMDBK
                                                is responsible for. VMDBK must
                                                not wait in eligible list while
                                                this count is greater than 0.
                                                Valid only in base VMDBK.
104  68  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_CALSHARF        Set Share flags
          1... ....      SCLAEL_VMDMXSHA        Max share is Absolute if ON.
                                                Max share is Relative if OFF.
          .1.. ....      *                      
          ..1. ....      *                      
          ...1 ....      *                      
          .... 1...      *                      
          .... .1..      *                      
          .... ..1.      SCLAEL_VMDLIMTH        Max Share is Limithard if ON.
                                                Max Share is Limitsoft if OFF.
          .... ...1      *                      
105  69  Unsigned     3  *                      Reserved and available for
                                                IBM use.
108  6C  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDMXSHR        The virtual CPU's Max share
                                                of the system, as set in the
                                                user's directory or via the SET
                                                SHARE command. This value is
                                                set to zero if no Max share
                                                exists. If the Max share is
                                                Absolute, then the unit of the
                                                value is a hexadecimal factor
                                                scaled 16 bits. For example,
                                                X'00010000' = 1.00(100%),
                                                X'0000C000' = 0.75(75%),
                                                X'00008000' = 0.50(50%), etc.
                                                Check SCLAEL_VMDMXSHA to
                                                determine if Max share is
                                                absolute or relative.
112  70  Character    8  SCLAEL_SRMATOD         Artificial TOD. This TOD only
                                                advances at the rate the system
                                                is running user work. Applies
                                                to real primary processor on
                                                which user is dispatched.
120  78  Character    8  SCLAEL_SRMATOD2        Artificial TOD2. This TOD
                                                only advances with each CPU's
                                                user time and each CPU's wait
                                                time. Applies to real primary
                                                processor on which user is
128  80  Unsigned     4  SCLAEL_VMDCTPVG        Count of private address
                                                space resident pages in DPA
                                                owned by this virtual machine
                                                which are above the 2GB line.
                                                Valid only in base VMDBK. To
                                                get total resident pages under
                                                the 2GB line, subtract this
                                                field from SCLAEL_VMDCTPVR.
132  84  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_VMDCFGEM        Virtual configuration
                                                indicators. Valid in base VMDBK
          1... ....      *                      
          .1.. ....      SCLAEL_VMDCPUAF        User requested CPU Affinity
          ..1. ....      *                      
          ...1 ....      *                      
          .... 1...      *                      
          .... .1..      *                      
          .... ..1.      *                      
          .... ...1      *                      
133  85  Bitstring    1  SCLAEL_VMDPUST         CPU Status flag
          1... ....      SCLAEL_VMDAFSUP        CPU Affinity suppressed
          .1.. ....      *                      
          ..1. ....      *                      
          ...1 ....      *                      
          .... 1...      *                      
          .... .1..      *                      
          .... ..1.      *                      
          .... ...1      *                      
134  86  Character    2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
136  88  Character    0  SCLAEL_END             

MRSCLAEL Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
SCLAEL                     0    136
SCLAEL_CALBASE            2F           80
SCLAEL_CALCPPST           4C      4
SCLAEL_CALFLAG1           2F      1
SCLAEL_CALOSTAT           3B      1
SCLAEL_CALQSTAT           38      1
SCLAEL_CALSHARF           68      1
SCLAEL_END                88      0
SCLAEL_MRHDR               0      0
SCLAEL_SRMABSDE           5C      4
SCLAEL_SRMATOD            70      8
SCLAEL_SRMATOD2           78      8
SCLAEL_SRMC1ELG           1C      2
SCLAEL_SRMC2ELG           1E      2
SCLAEL_SRMC3ELG           20      2
SCLAEL_SRMRELDE           60      4
SCLAEL_VMDABSSH           54      4
SCLAEL_VMDAFSUP           85           80
SCLAEL_VMDAUTOL           3B           02
SCLAEL_VMDCFGEM           84      1
SCLAEL_VMDCPUAD           22      2
SCLAEL_VMDCPUAF           84           40
SCLAEL_VMDCTCRT           64      4
SCLAEL_VMDCTPVG           80      4
SCLAEL_VMDCTPVR           44      4
SCLAEL_VMDCTXBK           48      4
SCLAEL_VMDDISC            3B           04
SCLAEL_VMDELIST           39      1
SCLAEL_VMDEPRTY           3C      8
SCLAEL_VMDFORCE           3B           10
SCLAEL_VMDHOTRQ           38           80
SCLAEL_VMDHOTST           38           40
SCLAEL_VMDIABIA           38           10
SCLAEL_VMDLIMTH           68           02
SCLAEL_VMDLKSHT           38           04
SCLAEL_VMDLOADU           38           20
SCLAEL_VMDMXSHA           68           80
SCLAEL_VMDMXSHR           6C      4
SCLAEL_VMDNULL            38           01
SCLAEL_VMDPGBIA           38           08
SCLAEL_VMDPGRTE           34      4
SCLAEL_VMDPUST            85      1
SCLAEL_VMDRDYCM           2E      0
SCLAEL_VMDRELSH           50      4
SCLAEL_VMDSVMID           24      8
SCLAEL_VMDSVMWF           2C           80
SCLAEL_VMDSVMWF           2D           80
SCLAEL_VMDSVMWF           2E           80
SCLAEL_VMDSVMWT           2C      1
SCLAEL_VMDSVMWT           2D      1
SCLAEL_VMDSVMWT           2E      1
SCLAEL_VMDSVMW2           2D      0
SCLAEL_VMDSYSOP           3B           80
SCLAEL_VMDUFORC           3B           08
SCLAEL_VMDURRSP           58      4
SCLAEL_VMDUSER            14      8
SCLAEL_VMDUSRCT           3B           40
SCLAEL_VMDWRKCS           3A      1
SCLAEL_VMDWSSPR           30      4
SCLAEL_VMDXAUTO           3B           01

This information is based on z/VM V5R4.0.
Last updated on 5 Sep 2008 at 09:11:41.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2008