Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 0 - System Domain
                    Record 3 - Real Storage Data (Global)
 DESCRIPTION - Real storage allocation and use. Provides
               dynamically changing classes of usage.
               Static classes of usage are provided in the
               MONITOR domain.

MRSYTRSG Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)             Description
  0   0  Structure  224  SYTRSG                 Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  SYTRSG_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                for details.
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR                  
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                      
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record was
                                                built. In time-of-day (TOD)
                                                clock format. See IBM System
                                                370 XA Principle of Operation
                                                for explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                      
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END              End of header
 20  14  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meangingul. (SYTRSG_RSAFSTOR)
 24  18  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTRSG_SYSVRSZ)
 28  1C  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTRSG_RSAFSYUD)
 32  20  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTRSG_RSAFVRUD)
 36  24  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_SYSRSVPG        Cardinal count of reserved
 40  28  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSACPLOK        Cardinal count of frames
                                                locked below 2G by the CP LOCK
                                                REAL command. See
                                                SYTRSG_RSACPLKG for the >2G
 44  2C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSANONPG        Cardinal count of <2G
                                                pageable frames in the system
                                                that have been made
                                                non-pageable. This includes
                                                pages locked for I/O, CP LOCK
                                                command, virtual system lock
                                                functions, etc. See
                                                SYTRSG_RSAPGABL and
 48  30  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAPGABL        Cardinal count of <2G
                                                pageable frames in the system.
                                                This includes those that had
                                                been made non-pageable (see
                                                SYTRSG_RSANONPG). The size of
                                                the dynamic area (DPA) or the
                                                count of useable frames may be
                                                calculated by subtracting
                                                RSANONPG from RSAPGABL. See
                                                SYTRSG_RSALGFRM for the >2G
                                                field for the count of useable
                                                frames. NOTE: There is no
                                                separate count for pageable
                                                frames (RSAPAGBL) and frames
                                                made non-pageable (RSANONPG)
 52  34  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAAVAIL        Cardinal count of frames that
                                                are currently on the <2G
                                                available list. See
                                                SYTRSG_RSA2GAVL for the >2G
 56  38  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAFRQWT        Cardinal count of deferred
                                                tasks waiting for a frame. This
                                                represents the number of
                                                requests for real frames which
                                                have not been satisfied yet
                                                because no frames are
                                                available. It includes both
                                                tasks waiting for frames above
                                                and below the 2GB line. For a
                                                count of tasks waiting for a
                                                frame below 2GB, subtract
                                                SYTRSG_RSA2GDCT from this
 60  3C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAXTEND        Cardinal count of frames
                                                missing from the free storage
                                                reserved frames list.
 64  40  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTRSG_RSAXFREE)
 68  44  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSASAVFR        Cardinal count of frames in
                                                use for saveareas.
 72  48  Bitstring    1  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTRSG_CALSTAT)
 73  49  Bitstring    1  SYTRSG_CALFLAG1        Flags byte.
          1... ....      SYTRSG_TCMCACHE        Minidisk Caching is enabled.
          .1.. ....      *                      
          ..1. ....      *                      
          ...1 ....      *                      
          .... 1...      *                      
          .... .1..      *                      
          .... ..1.      *                      
          .... ...1      *                      
 74  4A  Unsigned     2  SYTRSG_HCPSTPMB        Bias for minidisk cache use
                                                of real storage. A decimal
                                                point is assumed to the left of
                                                the low order 2 digits. For
                                                example, a value of decimal 95
                                                in this field would be a bias
                                                setting of .95 .
 76  4C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_SYS98XA         Cardinal number of pages
                                                locked by Diagnose X'98' in
                                                31-bit mode
 80  50  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (SYTRSG_SYS98370)
 84  54  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_TCMMIDSZ        Maximum allowable number of
                                                pages in mindisk cache (based
                                                on average age of a page in
 88  58  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_TCMMAIN         Current number of pages in
                                                main storage being used as
                                                track cache pages. For a
                                                breakdown of pages below and
                                                above the 2GB line, see
                                                SYTRSG_TCMMNBLW and
 92  5C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_TCMMNMIN        Minimum number of main
                                                storage pages used by cache as
                                                set by user command
 96  60  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_TCMMNMAX        Maximum number of main
                                                storage pages used by cache as
                                                set by user command
100  64  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_TCMMNDL         Number of main storage pages
                                                deleted from cache
104  68  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_TCMSTLMN        Number of times the steal
                                                function was invoked to steal
                                                main storage pages from the
                                                track cache
108  6C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_SYSSCMAV        Number of SCMBKs that are
                                                available. This field is valid
                                                only when format-0 measurement
                                                blocks are being used
                                                (MTRSYS_CALFLG2 <> x'80').
112  70  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_TCMMNBLW        Number of pages in main
                                                storage below 2GB in use as
                                                track cache pages. For ESA/390
                                                systems this field will be
                                                equal to SYTRSG_TCMMAIN.
116  74  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_TCMMNABV        Number of pages in main
                                                storage at or above 2GB in use
                                                as track cache pages. For
                                                ESA/390 systems this field will
                                                be zero.
120  78  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSA2GDCT        Cardinal count of deferred
                                                tasks that are waiting for
                                                frames that can be above the
                                                2GB line. See SYTRSG_RSADFRQWT
                                                for the total count. For a
                                                count of tasks waiting for
                                                frames below the 2GB line,
                                                subtract this field from
124  7C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_SYSSCGCT        Number of SCGBKs currently
                                                allocated. This field is valid
                                                only when format-1 measurement
                                                blocks are being used
                                                (MTRSYS_CALFLG2 = x'80').
128  80  Character    8  SYTRSG_RSALGFRM        Cardinal count of >2G useable
                                                frames. See SYTRSG_RSAPGABL and
                                                STYRSG_RSANONPG for the <2G
136  88  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSACPLKG        Cardinal count of frames
                                                locked above 2G by the CP LOCK
                                                REAL command. See
                                                SYTRSG_RSACPLOK for the <2G
140  8C  Character    8  SYTRSG_RSA2GAVL        Cardinal count of frames that
                                                are currently on the >2G
                                                available list. See
                                                SYTRSG_RSAAVAIL for the <2G
148  94  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAFSB2G        Count of doublewords assigned
                                                to subpool free storage backed
                                                below 2G.
152  98  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAFSA2G        Count of doublewords assigned
                                                to subpool free storage backed
                                                above 2G.
156  9C  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAFSYUB        Count of doublewords of in
                                                use subpool free storage backed
                                                below 2G.
160  A0  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAFSYUA        Count of doublewords of in
                                                use subpool free storage backed
                                                above 2G.
164  A4  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSASXCPL        Count of locked System
                                                Execution Space alias pages
                                                locked in logical via the CP
                                                LOCK command.
168  A8  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSASXCLA        Count of locked System
                                                Execution Space alias pages
                                                locked in logical. RSASXCLA >=
172  AC  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSARFRST        Count of frames allocated for
                                                real free storage <2G.
176  B0  Character    8  SYTRSG_RSARFRSG        Count of frames allocated for
                                                real free storage >2G.
184  B8  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSASXBCT        Count of SXS pages on the
                                                queue of SXS pages backed below
188  BC  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSASXACT        Count of SXS pages on the
                                                queue of SXS pages backed above
192  C0  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAAFRDB        Count of doublewords of
                                                aligned real free storage <2G.
                                                This count includes active as
                                                well as inactive aligned free
196  C4  Character    8  SYTRSG_RSAAFRDW        Count of doublewords of
                                                aligned real free storage >2G.
                                                This count includes active as
                                                well as inactive aligned free
204  CC  Unsigned     4  SYTRSG_RSAAFRIB        Count of doublewords of in
                                                use aligned real free storage
                                                <2G. This count includes only
                                                active aligned free storage.
208  D0  Character    8  SYTRSG_RSAAFRIU        Count of doublewords of in
                                                use aligned real free storage
                                                >2G. This count includes only
                                                active aligned free storage.
216  D8  Character    8  SYTRSG_RSACALCT        Count of the total number of
                                                frames on the cleared available
224  E0  Character    0  SYTRSG_END             

MRSYTRSG Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
SYTRSG                     0    224
SYTRSG_CALFLAG1           49      1
SYTRSG_END                E0      0
SYTRSG_HCPSTPMB           4A      2
SYTRSG_MRHDR               0      0
SYTRSG_RSAAFRDB           C0      4
SYTRSG_RSAAFRDW           C4      8
SYTRSG_RSAAFRIB           CC      4
SYTRSG_RSAAFRIU           D0      8
SYTRSG_RSAAVAIL           34      4
SYTRSG_RSACALCT           D8      8
SYTRSG_RSACPLKG           88      4
SYTRSG_RSACPLOK           28      4
SYTRSG_RSAFRQWT           38      4
SYTRSG_RSAFSA2G           98      4
SYTRSG_RSAFSB2G           94      4
SYTRSG_RSAFSYUA           A0      4
SYTRSG_RSAFSYUB           9C      4
SYTRSG_RSALGFRM           80      8
SYTRSG_RSANONPG           2C      4
SYTRSG_RSAPGABL           30      4
SYTRSG_RSARFRSG           B0      8
SYTRSG_RSARFRST           AC      4
SYTRSG_RSASAVFR           44      4
SYTRSG_RSASXACT           BC      4
SYTRSG_RSASXBCT           B8      4
SYTRSG_RSASXCLA           A8      4
SYTRSG_RSASXCPL           A4      4
SYTRSG_RSAXTEND           3C      4
SYTRSG_RSA2GAVL           8C      8
SYTRSG_RSA2GDCT           78      4
SYTRSG_SYSRSVPG           24      4
SYTRSG_SYSSCGCT           7C      4
SYTRSG_SYSSCMAV           6C      4
SYTRSG_SYS98XA            4C      4
SYTRSG_TCMCACHE           49           80
SYTRSG_TCMMAIN            58      4
SYTRSG_TCMMIDSZ           54      4
SYTRSG_TCMMNABV           74      4
SYTRSG_TCMMNBLW           70      4
SYTRSG_TCMMNDL            64      4
SYTRSG_TCMMNMAX           60      4
SYTRSG_TCMMNMIN           5C      4
SYTRSG_TCMSTLMN           68      4

This information is based on z/VM V5R2.0.
Last updated on 11 Dec 2005 at 18:48:12.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2005