Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 3 - Storage Domain
                    Record 2 - Real Storage Activity (Per Processor)
 DESCRIPTION - Utilization of real memory on a processor basis.
               This record is needed because free storage requests
               are not expected to be evenly distributed across all
               processors in a complex.  A separate record is
               generated for each online processor.

MRSTORSP Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)             Description
  0   0  Structure  324  STORSP                 Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  STORSP_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                for details.
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR                  
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN               record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER               field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM                domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                      
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC                record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD               Time at which this record was
                                                built. In time-of-day (TOD)
                                                clock format. See IBM System
                                                370 XA Principle of Operation
                                                for explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                      
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END              End of header
 20  14  Unsigned     2  STORSP_PFXCPUAD        Processor address
 22  16  Unsigned     2  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 24  18  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFRECT)
 28  1C  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFRET)
 32  20  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (STORSP_PLSPGXTD)
 36  24  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFSPCT)
 40  28  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (STORSP_PLSDXFRE)
 44  2C  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFVRRQ)
 48  30  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFVRCT)
 52  34  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use.
                                                Previous field is no longer
                                                meaningful. (STORSP_PLSFVRLS)
 56  38  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSPREAD        Total number of page
                                                translations that resulted in a
                                                page read
 60  3C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSPNEW         Number of first-time
                                                referenced page translations,
                                                including fastpath page faults
 64  40  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PFXCLEAR        Number of first-time
                                                referenced fastpath page faults
 68  44  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PFXPTRCT        Number of fast path page
 72  48  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSRELES        Total number of times any
                                                release function was performed.
                                                Includes releasing any range of
                                                virtual system pages as well as
                                                shared pages
 76  4C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSRETFR        Total number of frames that
                                                are returned to the <2G
                                                available list. See
                                                STORSP_PLSRETFG for the >2G
 80  50  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSRELFR        Total number of frames that
                                                are returned by any release
 84  54  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSALNCT        Number of frames obtained
                                                from the <2G available list.
                                                See STORSP_PLSALNCG for the >2G
 88  58  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSSTLWT        Count of frame replacement
                                                writes pending that are
                                                requested by the available list
                                                replenishment demand scan
 92  5C  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
 96  60  Character   24  STORSP_FSTPASS         
 96  60  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSLTD1         Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the first
                                                pass of the long term dormant
100  64  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDORM1        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the first
                                                pass of the dormant list
104  68  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
108  6C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSSHAR1        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the first
                                                scan of the system VMDBK, NSSs,
                                                DCSSs and shared address spaces
112  70  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSELIG1        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the first
                                                scan of the eligible list
116  74  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDISP1        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the first
                                                scan of the dispatch list
120  78  Character   16  STORSP_SECPASSN        
120  78  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSLTD2         Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the second
                                                pass of the long term dormant
124  7C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDORM2        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the second
                                                pass of the dormant list
128  80  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSELIG2        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the second
                                                scan of the eligible list
132  84  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDISP2        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the second
                                                scan of the dispatch list
136  88  Character   20  STORSP_SECPASSE        
136  88  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSSHARE        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the
                                                emergency scan of the system
                                                VMDBK, NSSs, DCSSs, and shared
                                                address spaces
140  8C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDORME        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the
                                                emergency pass of the dormant
144  90  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSELIGE        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the
                                                emergency scan of the eligible
148  94  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
152  98  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDISPE        Count of times the demand
                                                scan completed after the
                                                emergency scan of the dispatch
156  9C  Character   24  STORSP_FSTPFRM         
156  9C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSLTDP1        Number of frames taken from
                                                the long term dormant users in
                                                pass 1 of the demand scan.
160  A0  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDRMP1        Number of frames taken from
                                                the dormant users in pass 1 of
                                                the demand scan
164  A4  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSSHRP1        Number of frames taken from
                                                NSSs and DCSSs in pass 1 of the
                                                demand scan
168  A8  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
172  AC  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDSPP1        Number of frames taken from
                                                the dispatch users in pass 1 of
                                                the demand scan
176  B0  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSELGP1        Number of frames taken from
                                                the eligible users in pass 1 of
                                                the demand scan
180  B4  Character   20  STORSP_SECPFRM         
180  B4  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSLTDP2        Number of frames taken from
                                                the long term dormant users in
                                                pass 2 of the demand scan
184  B8  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDRMP2        Number of frames taken from
                                                the dormant users in pass 2 of
                                                the demand scan
188  BC  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSSHRP2        Number of frames taken from
                                                NSSs and DCSSs in pass 2 of the
                                                demand scan.
192  C0  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDSPP2        Number of frames taken from
                                                the dispatch users in pass 2 of
                                                the demand scan.
196  C4  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSELGP2        Number of frames taken from
                                                the eligible users in pass 2 of
                                                the demand scan.
200  C8  Character   20  STORSP_SECPEFRM        
200  C8  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDRMPE        Number of frames taken from
                                                the dormant users in pass E of
                                                the demand scan
204  CC  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSSHRPE        Number of frames taken from
                                                NSSs and DCSSs in pass E of the
                                                demand scan
208  D0  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
212  D4  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSDSPPE        Number of frames taken from
                                                the dispatch users in pass E of
                                                the demand scan
216  D8  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSELGPE        Number of frames taken from
                                                the eligible users in pass E of
                                                the demand scan
220  DC  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
224  E0  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
228  E4  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
232  E8  Unsigned     4  *                      Reserved for IBM use
236  EC  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSPGDRD        Number of page table
                                                translations that resulted in a
                                                page read from auxiliary
                                                storage (DASD)
240  F0  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSPGDWT        Number of page tables paged
                                                to auxiliary storage (DASD)
244  F4  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSALNCG        Number of frames obtained
                                                from the >2G available list.
                                                See See STORSP_PLSALNCT for the
                                                <2G value.
248  F8  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSRETFG        Total number of frames that
                                                are returned to the >2G
                                                available list. See
                                                STORSP_PLSRETFR for the <2G
252  FC  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSPRB        Total number of free storage
                                                pages returned backed below 2G.
256 100  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSPRA        Total number of free storage
                                                pages returned backed above 2G.
260 104  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSCTB        Count of free storage obtains
                                                backed below 2G.
264 108  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSCTA        Count of free storage obtains
                                                backed above 2G.
268 10C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFRETB        Count of free storage returns
                                                backed below 2G.
272 110  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFRETA        Count of free storage returns
                                                backed above 2G.
276 114  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSSGB        Count of regular free storage
                                                obtains backed below 2G.
280 118  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSSGA        Count of regular free storage
                                                obtains backed above 2G.
284 11C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSPGB        Count of free storage page
                                                requests backed below 2G.
288 120  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSPGA        Count of free storage page
                                                requests backed any.
292 124  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSBGCNT        Number of times the
                                                background replenishment of the
                                                Cleared Global Available List
                                                has run.
296 128  Character    8  STORSP_PLSFGCTM        Amount of time spent
                                                performing foreground
                                                replenishment of the Cleared
                                                Global Available List.
304 130  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFGCNT        Number of times foreground
                                                replenishment of the Cleared
                                                Global Available List has run.
308 134  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFOBEM        Unsigned count of times the
                                                FCP Operations Block (FOB) list
                                                for this processor was empty
                                                when a FOB was requested since
                                                the list was last trimmed.
312 138  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSSRA        Count of regular subpool free
                                                storage returns backed >2G.
316 13C  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSFSSRB        Count of regular subpool free
                                                storage returns backed <2G.
320 140  Unsigned     4  STORSP_PLSVATCL        Count of guest virtual to
                                                host logical address
324 144  Character    0  STORSP_END             

MRSTORSP Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2
STORSP                     0    324
STORSP_END               144      0
STORSP_FSTPASS            60     24
STORSP_FSTPFRM            9C     24
STORSP_MRHDR               0      0
STORSP_PFXCLEAR           40      4
STORSP_PFXCPUAD           14      2
STORSP_PFXPTRCT           44      4
STORSP_PLSALNCG           F4      4
STORSP_PLSALNCT           54      4
STORSP_PLSBGCNT          124      4
STORSP_PLSDISPE           98      4
STORSP_PLSDISP1           74      4
STORSP_PLSDISP2           84      4
STORSP_PLSDORME           8C      4
STORSP_PLSDORM1           64      4
STORSP_PLSDORM2           7C      4
STORSP_PLSDRMPE           C8      4
STORSP_PLSDRMP1           A0      4
STORSP_PLSDRMP2           B8      4
STORSP_PLSDSPPE           D4      4
STORSP_PLSDSPP1           AC      4
STORSP_PLSDSPP2           C0      4
STORSP_PLSELGPE           D8      4
STORSP_PLSELGP1           B0      4
STORSP_PLSELGP2           C4      4
STORSP_PLSELIGE           90      4
STORSP_PLSELIG1           70      4
STORSP_PLSELIG2           80      4
STORSP_PLSFGCNT          130      4
STORSP_PLSFGCTM          128      8
STORSP_PLSFOBEM          134      4
STORSP_PLSFRETA          110      4
STORSP_PLSFRETB          10C      4
STORSP_PLSFSCTA          108      4
STORSP_PLSFSCTB          104      4
STORSP_PLSFSPGA          120      4
STORSP_PLSFSPGB          11C      4
STORSP_PLSFSPRA          100      4
STORSP_PLSFSPRB           FC      4
STORSP_PLSFSSGA          118      4
STORSP_PLSFSSGB          114      4
STORSP_PLSFSSRA          138      4
STORSP_PLSFSSRB          13C      4
STORSP_PLSLTDP1           9C      4
STORSP_PLSLTDP2           B4      4
STORSP_PLSLTD1            60      4
STORSP_PLSLTD2            78      4
STORSP_PLSPGDRD           EC      4
STORSP_PLSPGDWT           F0      4
STORSP_PLSPNEW            3C      4
STORSP_PLSPREAD           38      4
STORSP_PLSRELES           48      4
STORSP_PLSRELFR           50      4
STORSP_PLSRETFG           F8      4
STORSP_PLSRETFR           4C      4
STORSP_PLSSHARE           88      4
STORSP_PLSSHAR1           6C      4
STORSP_PLSSHRPE           CC      4
STORSP_PLSSHRP1           A4      4
STORSP_PLSSHRP2           BC      4
STORSP_PLSSTLWT           58      4
STORSP_PLSVATCL          140      4
STORSP_SECPASSE           88     20
STORSP_SECPASSN           78     16
STORSP_SECPEFRM           C8     20
STORSP_SECPFRM            B4     20

This information is based on z/VM V5R2.0.
Last updated on 11 Dec 2005 at 18:48:12.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2005