Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 6 - I/O Domain
                    Record 21 - Virtual Switch Activity
 DESCRIPTION - Describes I/O activities for a virtual switch's
               connection to a real hardware LAN segment through
               an OSA.
 NOTES -       This record is collected for the DATA device
               associated with an OSA in use by a virtual
               switch. When a virtual switch is
               created, the VSWITCH RDEV operand specifies
               the first of three sequential device addresses.
               One of those devices is designated as the
               DATA device. Use the "VSWITCH Connection:"
               section of QUERY VSWITCH DETAILS output to
               find the value of the DATA device.
               Device sampling should specify the value of
               the DATA device to obtain information about
               virtual switch data transfer.
               For example VSWITCH RDEV FB00 indicates
               devices FB00, FB01, and FB02 are associated
               with the virtual switch. This record is
               generated when monitor is enabled for FB02.

MRIODVSW Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)             Description
  0   0  Structure  140  IODVSW                 Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  IODVSW_MRHDR           Record header. See MRRECHDR
                                                for details.
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD
 16  10  Character    4  *
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END
 20  14  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_RDEVSID         Host subchannel id
 24  18  Unsigned     2  IODVSW_RDEVDEV         Device number
 26  1A  Unsigned     1  IODVSW_LANFSV          Queuestorage value (1-8)
 27  1B  Unsigned     1  *                      Reserved
 28  1C  Unsigned     2  IODVSW_LANIPTO         IPTimeout value in number of
                                                30 second tics. Range 2-240
 30  1E  Unsigned     1  IODVSW_LANRDD_OSAPORTN OSA-Express port number
 31  1F  Unsigned     1  *                      Reserved
 32  20  Character    8  IODVSW_VMDUSER         Name of the TCP/IP virtual
                                                machine acting as the vswitch
 40  28  Character    8  IODVSW_NICTXBYT        Total Bytes Sent out across
                                                the real device connected to a
                                                virtual switch.
 40  28  Character    4  IODVSW_NICTXBYTHI
 44  2C  Character    4  IODVSW_NICTXBYTLO
 48  30  Character    8  IODVSW_NICRXBYT        Total Bytes Received from the
                                                real device connected to a
                                                virtual switch.
 48  30  Character    4  IODVSW_NICRXBYTHI
 52  34  Character    4  IODVSW_NICRXBYTLO
 56  38  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_NICTXPKT        Number of packets sent across
                                                the real device connected to a
                                                virtual switch.
 60  3C  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_NICTXDSC        Number of valid outbound
                                                packets discarded. May be
                                                discarded due to buffer
                                                overflow, for example.
 64  40  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_NICTXERR        Number of invalid outbound
                                                packets discarded.
 68  44  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_NICRXPKT        Number of packets received on
                                                the real device connected to a
                                                virtual switch.
 72  48  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_NICRXDSC        Number of valid received
                                                packets discarded. May be
                                                discarded due to buffer
                                                overflow, for example.
 76  4C  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_NICRXERR        Number of received packets
                                                discarded due to invalid
 80  50  Character    8  IODVSW_VQSCTTOD        TOD clock when this VSWITCH
                                                was activated.
 88  58  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_SIGWRITE        Number of write signals
                                                issued for device.
 92  5C  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_SIGREAD         Number of read signals issued
                                                for device.
 96  60  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_SIGSYNC         Number of sync signals issued
                                                for device.
100  64  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_ACTIVATE        Number of times this device
                                                was activated for data
104  68  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_PCIRCVD         Total number of PCI
                                                interrupts received from the
108  6C  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_PCIPROC         Number of PCI interrupts that
                                                resulted in input queue
112  70  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_VQSIQBFC        Number of INPUT buffers
116  74  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_VQSIQOVR        Number of INPUT queue
120  78  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_VQSOQBFC        Number of OUTPUT buffers
124  7C  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_VQSOQOVR        Number of OUTPUT queue
128  80  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_VQSIQADV        Number of extra INPUT buffers
132  84  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_LANTRID         Count of active trace ids
136  88  Unsigned     4  IODVSW_LANSUSR         Count of users in Linux
                                                Sniffer mode
140  8C  Character    0  IODVSW_END

MRIODVSW Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
IODVSW                     0    140
IODVSW_ACTIVATE           64      4
IODVSW_END                8C      0
IODVSW_LANFSV             1A      1
IODVSW_LANIPTO            1C      2
IODVSW_LANSUSR            88      4
IODVSW_LANTRID            84      4
IODVSW_MRHDR               0      0
IODVSW_NICRXBYT           30      8
IODVSW_NICRXBYTHI         30      4
IODVSW_NICRXBYTLO         34      4
IODVSW_NICRXDSC           48      4
IODVSW_NICRXERR           4C      4
IODVSW_NICRXPKT           44      4
IODVSW_NICTXBYT           28      8
IODVSW_NICTXBYTHI         28      4
IODVSW_NICTXBYTLO         2C      4
IODVSW_NICTXDSC           3C      4
IODVSW_NICTXERR           40      4
IODVSW_NICTXPKT           38      4
IODVSW_PCIPROC            6C      4
IODVSW_PCIRCVD            68      4
IODVSW_RDEVDEV            18      2
IODVSW_RDEVSID            14      4
IODVSW_SIGREAD            5C      4
IODVSW_SIGSYNC            60      4
IODVSW_SIGWRITE           58      4
IODVSW_VMDUSER            20      8
IODVSW_VQSCTTOD           50      8
IODVSW_VQSIQADV           80      4
IODVSW_VQSIQBFC           70      4
IODVSW_VQSIQOVR           74      4
IODVSW_VQSOQBFC           78      4
IODVSW_VQSOQOVR           7C      4
MRHDR                      0     20
MRHDR_END                 14      0
MRHDRDM                    4      1
MRHDRLEN                   0      2
MRHDRRC                    6      2
MRHDRTOD                   8      8
MRHDRZER                   2      2

This information is based on z/VM V5R2.0.
Last updated on 11 Jul 2008 at 08:45:29.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2008