Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Storage Layout
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 0  - System Domain
                    Record 11 - Processor Communication Activities
                                (Per Processor)
 DESCRIPTION - Provides measures of overall communications
               activities for IUCV and VMCF. A separate record
               is generated for each online processor.
               "Data Transferred" by IUCV includes IUCV SEND
               and IUCV REPLY.  It does NOT include the IUCV
               RECEIVE function.

MRSYTCOM Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)          Description
  0   0  Structure  216  SYTCOM              Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  SYTCOM_MRHDR        Record header. See MRRECHDR for
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR               
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN            record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER            field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM             domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                   
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC             record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD            Time at which this record was
                                             built. In time-of-day (TOD) clock
                                             format. See IBM System 370 XA
                                             Principle of Operation for
                                             explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                   
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END           End of header
 20  14  Unsigned     2  SYTCOM_PFXCPUAD     Processor address
 22  16  Unsigned     2  *                   Reserved for IBM use
 24  18  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISEVM     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP system to a virtual
 28  1C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISEMA     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP System Service $MSGALL
                                             to a virtual machine
 32  20  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISEM      Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP System Service $MSG to
                                             a virtual machine
 36  24  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISERA     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP System Service $RPI to
                                             a virtual machine
 40  28  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISEBL     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP System Service
                                             $BLOCKIO to a virtual machine
 44  2C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISEMO     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP System Service
                                             $MONITOR to a virtual machine
 48  30  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTMA     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $MSGALL
 52  34  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTVM     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             system service
 56  38  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTM      Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $MSG
 60  3C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTRA     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $RPI
 64  40  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTBL     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $BLOCKIO
 68  44  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTMO     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $MONITOR
 72  48  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUVM     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             system service
 76  4C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUMA     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $MSGALL
 80  50  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUM      Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $MSG
 84  54  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISURA     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $RPI
 88  58  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUBL     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $BLOCKIO
 92  5C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUMO     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $MONITOR
 96  60  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSVSEVM     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by VMCF
                                             from a virtual machine
100  64  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSVSTVM     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by VMCF
                                             to a virtual machine
104  68  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSVSUVM     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by VMCF
                                             to a virtual machine
108  6C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISECC     Reserved for IBM use
112  70  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTCC     Reserved for IBM use
116  74  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUCC     Reserved for IBM use
120  78  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISESI     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP System Service $SIGNAL
                                             to a virtual machine
124  7C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTSI     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             System Service $SIGNAL
128  80  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUSI     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP System Service $SIGNAL
                                             to a virtual machine
132  84  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISESP     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $SPL System Service to
                                             a virtual machine
136  88  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTSP     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             $SPL System Service
140  8C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUSP     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $SPL System Service to
                                             a virtual machine
144  90  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISESY     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $SYMPTOM System
                                             Service to a virtual machine
148  94  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTSY     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             $SYMPTOM System Service
152  98  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUSY     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $SYMPTOM System
                                             Service to a virtual machine
156  9C  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISEAC     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $ACCOUNT System
                                             Service to a virtual machine
160  A0  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTAC     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             $ACCOUNT System Service
164  A4  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUAC     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $ACCOUNT System
                                             Service to a virtual machine
168  A8  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISELO     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $LOGREC System Service
                                             to a virtual machine
172  AC  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTLO     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             $LOGREC System Service
176  B0  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISULO     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $LOGREC System Service
                                             to a virtual machine
180  B4  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISECR     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $CRM System Service to
                                             a virtual machine
184  B8  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTCR     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             $CRM System Service
188  BC  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUCR     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $CRM System Service to
                                             a virtual machine
192  C0  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISEID     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $IDENT System Service
                                             to a virtual machine
196  C4  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTID     Number of times data was
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from a virtual machine to the CP
                                             $IDENT System Service
200  C8  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUID     Number of times data was NOT
                                             successfully transferred by IUCV
                                             from the CP $IDENT System Service
                                             to a virtual machine
204  CC  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISECF     Reserved for IBM use
208  D0  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISTCF     Reserved for IBM use
212  D4  Unsigned     4  SYTCOM_PLSISUCF     Reserved for IBM use
216  D8  Character    0  SYTCOM_END          

MRSYTCOM Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                   0     20
MRHDR_END              14      0
MRHDRDM                 4      1
MRHDRLEN                0      2
MRHDRRC                 6      2
MRHDRTOD                8      8
MRHDRZER                2      2
SYTCOM                  0    216
SYTCOM_END             D8      0
SYTCOM_MRHDR            0      0
SYTCOM_PFXCPUAD        14      2
SYTCOM_PLSISEAC        9C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISEBL        28      4
SYTCOM_PLSISECC        6C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISECF        CC      4
SYTCOM_PLSISECR        B4      4
SYTCOM_PLSISEID        C0      4
SYTCOM_PLSISELO        A8      4
SYTCOM_PLSISEM         20      4
SYTCOM_PLSISEMA        1C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISEMO        2C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISERA        24      4
SYTCOM_PLSISESI        78      4
SYTCOM_PLSISESP        84      4
SYTCOM_PLSISESY        90      4
SYTCOM_PLSISEVM        18      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTAC        A0      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTBL        40      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTCC        70      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTCF        D0      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTCR        B8      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTID        C4      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTLO        AC      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTM         38      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTMA        30      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTMO        44      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTRA        3C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTSI        7C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTSP        88      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTSY        94      4
SYTCOM_PLSISTVM        34      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUAC        A4      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUBL        58      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUCC        74      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUCF        D4      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUCR        BC      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUID        C8      4
SYTCOM_PLSISULO        B0      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUM         50      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUMA        4C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUMO        5C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISURA        54      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUSI        80      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUSP        8C      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUSY        98      4
SYTCOM_PLSISUVM        48      4
SYTCOM_PLSVSEVM        60      4
SYTCOM_PLSVSTVM        64      4
SYTCOM_PLSVSUVM        68      4

This information is based on z/VM V4R3.0.
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 16:20:33.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002