Programming Interface Information:
The Monitor Records are intended Programming Interfaces that
allow the customer to write programs to obtain services of z/VM.


Control Block Contents
Storage Layout
Cross Reference


 FUNCTION - Map a Monitor record.
        Through the Monitor Control Area
        MRRECHDR    Monitor Record Header
 DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
                    Domain 5 - Processor Domain
                    Record 8 - I/O Processor (IOP) Utilization Data
 DESCRIPTION - Provides measurement data taken from the the systems'
               real I/O processors. A record is generated for each
               operational IOP, containing various types of processor
               utilization and measurement data.
   - Each PRCIOP record generated contains sample utilzation data for
     ONE operational I/O processor in the system.
   - This record is generated for an operational IOP only if the
     I/O processor measurement data is available to the monitor
     subsystem (e.g. if MTRSYS_SYSSTIOP is set in MRMTRSYS)
   - If VM is running native, this record will be generated when the
     command is available.
   - If VM is running in an LPAR, the processor may be shared,
     resulting in cumulative data among those active and inactive
     LPARs on the system.
   - If VM is running second-level, the command will not be available
     and, thus, the record will not be generated.

MRPRCIOP Control Block Contents

Dec Hex  Type       Len  Name (Dim)          Description
  0   0  Structure   96  PRCIOP              Start of monitor record
  0   0  Character    0  PRCIOP_MRHDR        Record header. See MRRECHDR for
  0   0  Character   20  MRHDR               
  0   0  Unsigned     2  MRHDRLEN            record length in bytes
  2   2  Unsigned     2  MRHDRZER            field of zeros
  4   4  Unsigned     1  MRHDRDM             domain identifier
  5   5  Unsigned     1  *                   
  6   6  Unsigned     2  MRHDRRC             record identifier
  8   8  Character    8  MRHDRTOD            Time at which this record was
                                             built. In time-of-day (TOD) clock
                                             format. See IBM System 370 XA
                                             Principle of Operation for
                                             explanation of format.
 16  10  Character    4  *                   
 20  14  Character    0  MRHDR_END           End of header
 20  14  Bitstring    1  PRCIOP_CSCIOPID     Unique I/O processor number
 21  15  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCIOPVB     
 21  15  Unsigned     1  PRCIOP_CSCVBLBC     Unsigned integer depicting the
                                             IOPs' model-dependent number of
                                             valid bytes allocated starting in
                                             the right-most portion of the
                                             measurement data for the IOP-BUSY
                                             counter type.
 22  16  Unsigned     1  PRCIOP_CSCVBLIC     Unsigned integer depicting the
                                             IOPs' model-dependent number of
                                             valid bytes allocated starting in
                                             the right-most portion of the
                                             measurement data for the IOP-IDLE
                                             counter type.
 23  17  Unsigned     1  PRCIOP_CSCVBLSC     Unsigned integer depicting the
                                             IOPs' model-dependent number of
                                             valid bytes allocated starting in
                                             the right-most portion of the
                                             measurement data for the IOP
                                             START-FUNCTION counter type.
 24  18  Unsigned     1  PRCIOP_CSCVBLPI     Unsigned integer depicting the
                                             IOPs' model-dependent number of
                                             valid bytes allocated starting in
                                             the right-most portion of the
                                             measurement data for the IOP
                                             PROCESSED I/O INTERRUPTIONS
                                             counter type.
 25  19  Unsigned     1  PRCIOP_CSCVBLCB     Unsigned integer depicting the
                                             IOPs' model-dependent number of
                                             valid bytes allocated starting in
                                             the right-most portion of the
                                             measurement data for the IOP
                                             CHANNEL-BUSY counter type.
 26  1A  Unsigned     1  PRCIOP_CSCVBLSB     Unsigned integer depicting the
                                             IOPs' model-dependent number of
                                             valid bytes allocated starting in
                                             the right-most portion of the
                                             measurement data for the IOP
                                             SWITCH-BUSY counter type.
 27  1B  Unsigned     1  PRCIOP_CSCVBLUB     Unsigned integer depicting the
                                             IOPs' model-dependent number of
                                             valid bytes allocated starting in
                                             the right-most portion of the
                                             measurement data for the IOP
                                             CONTROL-UNIT-BUSY counter type.
 28  1C  Unsigned     1  PRCIOP_CSCVBLDB     Unsigned integer depicting the
                                             IOPs' model-dependent number of
                                             valid bytes allocated starting in
                                             the right-most portion of the
                                             measurement data for the IOP
                                             DEVICE-BUSY counter type.
 29  1D  Character    3  *                   Reserved and available for
                                             future IBM use.
 32  20  Character   64  PRCIOP_CSCIOPMD     
 32  20  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCMDBC      Number of times the I/O
                                             processor was BUSY when sampled
                                             at, model- dependent, regular
                                             intervals by the hardware. The
                                             counter is incremented by one when
                                             the I/O processor is busy with the
                                             channel-subsystem tasks at a
                                             sample point. The value is right-
                                             justified with zero padding.
 40  28  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCMDIC      Number of times the I/O
                                             processor was IDLE when sampled
                                             at, model- dependent, regular
                                             intervals by the hardware. The
                                             counter is incremented by one when
                                             the I/O processor is not
                                             performing any channel-subsystem
                                             tasks at a sample point. The value
                                             is right- justified with zero
 48  30  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCMDSC      Number of times the I/O
                                             processor BEGAN a START
                                             SUBCHANNEL. The was sampled at,
                                             model-dependent, regular intervals
                                             by the H/W. The value is
                                             right-justified with zero padding.
 56  38  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCMDPI      Number of times the I/O
                                             processor generated an I/O
                                             INTERRUPTION. This was sampled at,
                                             model- dependent regular intervals
                                             by the hardware. The value is
                                             right- justified with zero
 64  40  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCMDCB      Number of times the I/O
                                             processor indicated a CHANNEL-BUSY
                                             when sampled at, model-dependent,
                                             regular intervals by the H/W. The
                                             counter is incremented by one each
                                             time a busy channel is encountered
                                             when attempting to start an I/O
                                             operation to a device. The value
                                             is right- justified with zero
 72  48  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCMDSB      Number of times the I/O
                                             processor indicated a SWITCH-BUSY
                                             when sampled at, model-dependent,
                                             regular intervals by the H/W. The
                                             counter is incremented by one each
                                             time a busy switch is encountered
                                             when attempting to start an I/O
                                             operation to a device. The value
                                             is right- justified with zero
 80  50  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCMDUB      Number of times the I/O
                                             processor indicated a
                                             CONTROL-UNIT-BUSY when sampled at,
                                             model-dependent, regular intervals
                                             by the H/W. The counter is
                                             incremented by one each time a
                                             busy control-unit is encountered
                                             when attempting to start an I/O
                                             operation to a device. The value
                                             is right- justified with zero
 88  58  Character    8  PRCIOP_CSCMDDB      Number of times the I/O
                                             processor indicated a DEVICE-BUSY
                                             when sampled at, model-dependent,
                                             regular intervals by the H/W. The
                                             counter is incremented by one each
                                             time a busy device is found when
                                             attempting to start an I/O
                                             operation to the device The value
                                             is right-justified with zero
 96  60  Character    0  PRCIOP_END          End of record

MRPRCIOP Cross Reference

                      Hex           Hex
Name                 Offset Length Value
MRHDR                   0     20
MRHDR_END              14      0
MRHDRDM                 4      1
MRHDRLEN                0      2
MRHDRRC                 6      2
MRHDRTOD                8      8
MRHDRZER                2      2
PRCIOP                  0     96
PRCIOP_CSCIOPID        14      1
PRCIOP_CSCIOPMD        20     64
PRCIOP_CSCIOPVB        15      8
PRCIOP_CSCMDBC         20      8
PRCIOP_CSCMDCB         40      8
PRCIOP_CSCMDDB         58      8
PRCIOP_CSCMDIC         28      8
PRCIOP_CSCMDPI         38      8
PRCIOP_CSCMDSB         48      8
PRCIOP_CSCMDSC         30      8
PRCIOP_CSCMDUB         50      8
PRCIOP_CSCVBLBC        15      1
PRCIOP_CSCVBLCB        19      1
PRCIOP_CSCVBLDB        1C      1
PRCIOP_CSCVBLIC        16      1
PRCIOP_CSCVBLPI        18      1
PRCIOP_CSCVBLSB        1A      1
PRCIOP_CSCVBLSC        17      1
PRCIOP_CSCVBLUB        1B      1
PRCIOP_END             60      0
PRCIOP_MRHDR            0      0

This information is based on z/VM V4R3.0.
Last updated on 1 May 2002 at 16:20:33.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2002