XSSRQBK Back to Index page
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Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
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  XSSRQBK Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Cross system SCIF request and reply blocks
 DSECT      : XSSRQBK - xSCIF request
              XSSRYBK - xSCIF reply
 FUNCTION   : XSSRQBK and XSSRYBK are allocated when SCIF
              related data needs to be sent to a user that is
              not on the local system.  XSSRQBK is the request
              block.  XSSRYBK is the reply block.
 LOCATED BY : Stand alone blocks allocated for a single
              transaction and released when that transaction
              completes.  During the life of the transaction
              these are pointed to by MBHBFPTR.
 CREATED BY : Almost exclusively by HCPXSS.  Also allocated by
              some SCIF releated command handlers (HCPCFX for
 DELETED BY : Usually by ISFC on our behalf, if not then HCPXSS.
 SERIALIZED : Single thread of execution.
              control block changes in future releases be sure
              to increment the version counter.  Any changes
              must be done in an upwardly compatible manner
              and added to the end.
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : None.  This block is transient
              and not relocated between systems.
 COMMENTS   : None
  XSSRQBK Control Block Content Top of page

 XSSRQBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure XSSRQBK Cross system SCIF request and reply blocks 0000 0 Signed 1 XSSRQLVL XSSRQBK level 00000001 XSSLVLV1 1 XSSLVLV1 Version 1 of the control block 0001 1 Signed 1 XSSSF xSCIF request subfunction 00000001 XSSSFCWR 1 XSSSFCWR Deliver the attached console data to the secondary user (CP output) 00000002 XSSSFGWR 2 XSSSFGWR Deliver the attached console data to the secondary user (guest output) 00000003 XSSSFOWR 3 XSSSFOWR Deliver the attached console data to the observer 00000004 XSSSFRD 4 XSSSFRD The primary user has issued a read. Notifiy the secondary 00000005 XSSSFSND 5 XSSSFSND Deliver the attached command data to the primary user (SEND command input) 00000006 XSSSFFOR 6 XSSSFFOR Deliver the attached command data to the primary user (FOR command input) 00000007 XSSSFSSU 7 XSSSFSSU Set the primary user as a secuser of secondary user (SET SECUSER and SET OBSERVER) 00000008 XSSSFQSU 8 XSSSFQSU Return the value of the VMDSECU field of the primary user (QUERY SECUSER and QUERY OBSERVER) 00000009 XSSSFATW 9 XSSSFATW AT Command write request Deliver the attached console data to the user that originated the AT Command generated this output (not used on regular xSCIF path) 0000000A XSSSFMAC 10 XSSSFMAC Seclabel compare request Send primary user's seclbl to secondary's system, call ESM to do seclabel compare, and return result 0002 2 Bitstring 1 XSSFLAGS Flags None None 1... .... XSSExplicitCP X'80' XSSExplicitCP CP was explicitly specified on th SEND command .1.. .... XSSSenderAllowedClassC X'40' XSSSenderAllowedClassC Sender is allow ..1. .... XSSATSpecified X'20' XSSATSpecified AT was specified on the command ...1 .... XSSUSRBKFound X'10' XSSUSRBKFound USRBK exists for receiver on sender's system .... 1... XSSFVMAC X'08' XSSFVMAC Do seclabel compare 1... .... XSSObserver X'80' XSSObserver This is an OBSERVER request. If off this is for SECUSER .1.. .... XSSIssuerPrivileged X'40' XSSIssuerPrivileged The command issuer ha class C or both. If this bit is off the class G version of the command is being processed ..11 .... XSSDestination X'30' XSSDestination Destination system for this por of the command execution. This is a two bit flag. ..11 .... XSSDestinationPrimary X'30' XSSDestinationPrimary This request is f system. This is part of a two bit flag and must be tested along with the next bit. ..1. .... XSSDestinationSecondary X'20' XSSDestinationSecondary This request .... P.* * system. This is part of a two bit .... P.* * flag and must be tested along with .... P.* * the next bit. ...1 .... * EQU X'10' XSSDestinationFormerSecondary .... P.* * former secondary's system. This i .... P.* * part of a two bit flag and must be .... P.* * tested along with the previous bit .... 1... * EQU X'08' XSSPrimaryReadPending Primary user ha .... .1.. * EQU X'04' XSSSecondOperand A second operand was .... P.* * encountered while parsing .... ..1. * EQU X'02' XSSPrimaryIdent Primary user is an ident .... ...1 * EQU X'01' XSSIssuerIdent Command issuer is an ident .... .... .... ..1. XSSReturnSeclbl X'02' XSSReturnSeclbl Only return SECLABEL .... ...1 XSSMacMessage X'01' XSSMacMessage Issue any MAC fail message to secondary/observer None See R2 on entry to HCPQCSRD for bit meanings on a read request Bits also passed between HCPSEC and HCPXSS in the low byte of R8 None SSObserver EQU X'80' This is an OBSERVER request (as defined above) 0003 3 Bitstring 1 * Reserved 0004 4 Bitstring 4 * Reserved 0008 8 Character 8 XSSPUSER Primary userid 0010 16 Character 8 XSSSUSER Secondary userid 0018 24 Signed 2 * Reserved 001A 26 Signed 2 XSSDLEN Size, in bytes of data pointed to by the following field. If the subfunction doesn't require any associated data, both fields should be set to zero 001C 28 Address 4 XSSDATA Pointer to data. If this field is zero there is no additional data associated with this request 0020 32 Character 1 XSSEXT (0) Request extension Redefined for use by various subfunctions Following extension defined for subfunction XSSSFGWR 0020 32 Bitstring 4 XSSGWR2 Prefix length 0024 36 Bitstring 4 XSSGWR3 Formatting flags Following extension defined for subfunction XSSSFCWR, XSSSFOWR and XSSSFATW 0020 32 Bitstring 4 XSSCWR2 Prefix length 0024 36 Bitstring 4 XSSCWR3 (0) Formatting flags - Direct copy from CSLPL 0024 36 Address 4 * (0) Force a cross reference 0024 36 Bitstring 1 XSSCSLTP Data type flags. 0025 37 Bitstring 1 XSSCSLDF Destination flags. 0026 38 Bitstring 1 XSSCSLEF Data edit flags. 0027 39 Bitstring 1 XSSCSLSF Screen control flags. 0028 40 Bitstring 4 XSSCWR4 Header length 002C 44 Address 4 XSSSRCID Message source id list 0030 48 Signed 2 XSSSRCSZ Size (in bytes) of above 0032 50 Signed 2 * Reserved Following extension defined for subfunction XSSSFOWR This definition is obsolete and can deleted when development of V6.3 starts. 0020 32 Address 4 XSSSRCIDobs Message source id list 0024 36 Signed 2 XSSSRCSZobs Size (in bytes) of above Following extension defined for subfunctions XSSSFSSU, XSSSFQSU and XSSSFSND 0020 32 Character 8 XSSCISSU Command issuer 0028 40 Signed 2 XSSCSLOT Command issuer's slot number 002A 42 Signed 2 XSSPSLOT Primary's slot number 002C 44 Character 8 XSSSECLABEL Seclabel, either SEND issuer or primary user's 00000007 XSSRQSZ (*-XSSRQBK+7)/8 Size of xSCIF request
 XSSRYBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure XSSRYBK Cross system SCIF request and reply blocks 0000 0 Signed 1 XSSYLVL XSSRYBK level 0001 1 Bitstring 1 XSSYFLAG Flags 1... .... XSSYNotLocal X'80' XSSYNotLocal Request was directed at a user tha is not local on this system. .1.. .... XSSATRespPA1 X'40' XSSATRespPA1 The user pressed ATTN when the data was output. ..1. .... XSSATRespABEND X'20' XSSATRespABEND Someting Really bad happened And we took a SOFT ABEND 0002 2 Bitstring 2 * 0004 4 Signed 4 XSSYRC Return code value 0008 8 Character 8 XSSYSECL (0) Secondary's seclabel 0008 8 Character 8 XSSYUSER SECUSER/Observer (QUERY/SET) 00000002 XSSRYSZ (*-XSSRYBK+7)/8 Size of xSCIF reply
  XSSRQBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** XSSRQBK - Cross system SCIF request and reply blocks
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   0 |:RQLVL|XSSSF |:FLAGS|//////|///////////////////////////|
*     +------+------+------+------+---------------------------+
*   8 |                       XSSPUSER                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       XSSSUSER                        |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |/////////////|  XSSDLEN    |         XSSDATA           |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*** XSSRQBK - Cross system SCIF request and reply blocks
*** Overlay for XSSEXT in XSSRQBK
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         XSSGWR2           |         XSSGWR3           |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28
*** Overlay for XSSEXT in XSSRQBK
*** Overlay for XSSEXT in XSSRQBK
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  20 |         XSSCWR2           |:CSLTP|:CSLDF|:CSLEF|:CSLSF|
*     +---------------------------+------+------+------+------+
*  28 |         XSSCWR4           |         XSSSRCID          |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |  XSSSRCSZ   |/////////////| 34
*     +-------------+-------------+
*** Overlay for XSSEXT in XSSRQBK
*** Overlay for XSSEXT in XSSRQBK
*     +---------------------------+-------------+
*  20 |       XSSSRCIDOBS         |XSSSRCSZOBS  | 26
*     +---------------------------+-------------+
*** Overlay for XSSEXT in XSSRQBK
*** Overlay for XSSEXT in XSSRQBK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  20 |                       XSSCISSU                        |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |  XSSCSLOT   |  XSSPSLOT   |       XSSSECLABEL-        |
*     +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |          -(02C)           | 34
*     +---------------------------+
*** Overlay for XSSEXT in XSSRQBK
*** XSSRYBK - Cross system SCIF request and reply blocks
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |:YLVL |:YFLAG|/////////////|          XSSYRC           |
*     +------+------+-------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |                       XSSYUSER                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10
*** XSSRYBK - Cross system SCIF request and reply blocks
  XSSRQBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
               0002 00
*              0002 0*
*              0002 0*
*              0002 0*
*              0002 10
*              0002 0*
*              0002 0*
*              0002 0*
*              0002 08
*              0002 04
*              0002 0*
*              0002 02
*              0002 01
               0001 20
XSSATRespPA1   0001 40
               0002 20
XSSCISSU       0020
XSSCSLDF       0025
XSSCSLEF       0026
XSSCSLOT       0028
XSSCSLSF       0027
XSSCSLTP       0024
XSSCWR2        0020
XSSCWR3        0024
XSSCWR4        0028
               0002 30
               0002 30
               0002 20
XSSDATA        001C
XSSDLEN        001A
XSSExplicitCP  0002 80
XSSEXT         0020
XSSFLAGS       0002
XSSFVMAC       0002 08
XSSGWR2        0020
XSSGWR3        0024
               0002 40
XSSLVLV1       0000 00000001
XSSMacMessage  0002 01
XSSObserver    0002 80
XSSPSLOT       002A
XSSPUSER       0008
               0002 02
XSSRQLVL       0000
XSSRQSZ        002C 00000007
XSSRYSZ        0008 00000002
               0002 40
XSSSF          0001
XSSSFATW       0001 00000009
XSSSFCWR       0001 00000001
XSSSFFOR       0001 00000006
XSSSFGWR       0001 00000002
XSSSFMAC       0001 0000000A
XSSSFOWR       0001 00000003
XSSSFQSU       0001 00000008
XSSSFRD        0001 00000004
XSSSFSND       0001 00000005
XSSSFSSU       0001 00000007
XSSSRCID       002C
XSSSRCIDobs    0020
XSSSRCSZ       0030
XSSSRCSZobs    0024
XSSSUSER       0010
XSSUSRBKFound  0002 10
XSSYFLAG       0001
XSSYLVL        0000
XSSYNotLocal   0001 80
XSSYRC         0004
XSSYSECL       0008
XSSYUSER       0008
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:58:18 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022