VUDBK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  VUDBK Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Vestigial User Data Block
 FUNCTION   : To contain Vestigial User Data (historical data for
              resources owned by the user which have since been
 CREATED BY : VUDBKs are dynamically created by HCPASMDS or
              HCPASNRS when destroying an address space.
 DELETED BY : VUDBKs are deleted during log-off processing.
 SERIALIZED : Access to this control block is obtained by acquiring
              the owning user's VUDBK spin lock.
 RELOCATION CONSIDERATIONS : This block is sent to the destination system during a
              relocation. Any changes made to it should be done in a
              compatible manner. Offsets for existing fields should
              not change; any new fields should be added to the end.
              If changes are made to this block, consideration
              should also be given to creating and sending a
              LGRVUDBK COPY file (i.e., a relocation mapping file).
  VUDBK Control Block Content Top of page

 VUDBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure VUDBK Vestigial User Data Block 0000 0 Address 4 VUDOWNER Pointer to (base) VMDBK of owning virtual configuration. 0004 4 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use. Cumulative historical counts, accumulated while destroyed address spaces were private. 0008 8 Signed 4 VUDCPPST Count of private address space pages stolen. 000C 12 Signed 4 VUDCPPGR Count of private address space pages read from DASD. 0010 16 Signed 4 VUDCPPGW Count of private address space pages written to DASD. 0014 20 Signed 4 VUDCPXRD Count of private address space pages read from XSTORE. 0018 24 Signed 4 VUDCPXWT Count of private address space pages written to XSTORE. 001C 28 Signed 4 VUDCPMIG Count of private address space pages migrated by CP from XSTORE to DASD. 0020 32 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use 0024 36 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use Cumulative historical counts, accumulated while destroyed address spaces were shared. 0028 40 Signed 4 VUDCSPST Count of shared address space pages stolen. 002C 44 Signed 4 VUDCSPGR Count of shared address space pages read from DASD. 0030 48 Signed 4 VUDCSPGW Count of shared address space pages written to DASD. 0034 52 Signed 4 VUDCSXRD Count of shared address space pages read from XSTORE. 0038 56 Signed 4 VUDCSXWT Count of shared address space pages written to XSTORE. 003C 60 Signed 4 VUDCSMIG Count of shared address space pages migrated by CP from XSTORE to DASD. 0040 64 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use 0044 68 Signed 4 * Reserved for IBM use Cumulative historical counts, accumulated while destroyed address spaces were private. Added by release 6.3 0048 72 Signed 4 VUDCPINT Count of private instantiated addr space pages. 004C 76 Signed 4 VUDCPREL Count of private addr space pages whose frames were reclaimed without preserving page content. 0050 80 Signed 4 VUDCPINV Count of private addr space page made IBR. 0054 84 Signed 4 VUDCPPFI Count of private addr space IBR pages revalidated while on the UFO. 0058 88 Signed 4 VUDCPPFA Count of private addr space pages revalidated while on global Aging List. 005C 92 Signed 4 VUDCPFRY Count of private addr space IBR pages on global Aging List already backed on aux before reclaim. 0060 96 Signed 4 VUDCPFNR Count of private addr space IBR pages that were written to XSTORE or aux immediately prior to reclaim 0064 100 Signed 4 VUDCPXRL Count of XSTORE blocks released by migration when the private addr space page contents was already in aux. Cumulative historical counts, accumulated while destroyed address spaces were shared. Added by release 6.3 0068 104 Signed 4 VUDCSINT Count of shared instantiated addr space pages. 006C 108 Signed 4 VUDCSREL Count of shared addr space pages whose frames were reclaimed without preserving page content. 0070 112 Signed 4 VUDCSINV Count of shared addr space pages made IBR. 0074 116 Signed 4 VUDCSPFI Count of shared addr space IBR pages revalidated while on the UFO. 0078 120 Signed 4 VUDCSPFA Count of shared addr space pages revalidated while on global Aging List. 007C 124 Signed 4 VUDCSFRY Count of shared addr space IBR pages on global Aging List already backed on aux before reclaim. 0080 128 Signed 4 VUDCSFNR Count of shared addr space IBR pages that were written to XSTORE or aux immediately prior to reclaim 0084 132 Signed 4 VUDCSXRL Count of XSTORE blocks released by migration when the shared addr space page contents was already in aux. 00000088 VUDLEN *-VUDBK Length of VUDBK in bytes 00000011 VUDSIZE (*-VUDBK+7)/8 Size of VUDBK in doublewords
  VUDBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** VUDBK - Vestigial User Data Block
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   0 |         VUDOWNER          |///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*   8 |         VUDCPPST          |         VUDCPPGR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  10 |         VUDCPPGW          |         VUDCPXRD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         VUDCPXWT          |         VUDCPMIG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  28 |         VUDCSPST          |         VUDCSPGR          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  30 |         VUDCSPGW          |         VUDCSXRD          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  38 |         VUDCSXWT          |         VUDCSMIG          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  40 |///////////////////////////|///////////////////////////|
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  48 |         VUDCPINT          |         VUDCPREL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  50 |         VUDCPINV          |         VUDCPPFI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  58 |         VUDCPPFA          |         VUDCPFRY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  60 |         VUDCPFNR          |         VUDCPXRL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  68 |         VUDCSINT          |         VUDCSREL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  70 |         VUDCSINV          |         VUDCSPFI          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  78 |         VUDCSPFA          |         VUDCSFRY          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  80 |         VUDCSFNR          |         VUDCSXRL          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  88
*** VUDBK - Vestigial User Data Block
  VUDBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
VUDCPFNR       0060
VUDCPFRY       005C
VUDCPINT       0048
VUDCPINV       0050
VUDCPMIG       001C
VUDCPPFA       0058
VUDCPPFI       0054
VUDCPPGR       000C
VUDCPPGW       0010
VUDCPPST       0008
VUDCPREL       004C
VUDCPXRD       0014
VUDCPXRL       0064
VUDCPXWT       0018
VUDCSFNR       0080
VUDCSFRY       007C
VUDCSINT       0068
VUDCSINV       0070
VUDCSMIG       003C
VUDCSPFA       0078
VUDCSPFI       0074
VUDCSPGR       002C
VUDCSPGW       0030
VUDCSPST       0028
VUDCSREL       006C
VUDCSXRD       0034
VUDCSXRL       0084
VUDCSXWT       0038
VUDLEN         0084 00000088
VUDOWNER       0000
VUDSIZE        0084 00000011
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:58:02 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022