VSMBK Back to Index page
Control Block Contents 
Storage Layout 
Cross Reference (Contains links to field and bit definitions)
Programming Interface Information:
This information is NOT intended to be
used as Programming Interfaces of z/VM.

  VSMBK Prolog Top of page
 DESCRIPTION: Vtam Service Machine control BlocK
              This block is used to contain information about a
              single Vtam Service Machine.
              SYSVSMBK - Anchor for the system VSMBK queue (located
              in SYSCM).
              VSMNEXT  - VSMBK forward chain pointer (located in
              HCPVCLDV - DISABLE SNA command processor for a specific
              HCPVCLEV - ENABLE SNA command processor for a specific
              HCPVCTCN - VSM global IUCV CONNECT processor
              HCPVCZRL - SNABK/RDEV and VSMBK storage releaser
              The updating of all fields in this block is serialized
              by exclusive ownership of the system vtam service
              machine lock (SYSVSMLK) located in SYSCM.
              Interrogation of a field without the lock is permitted
              as long as no action is taken which could be
              invalidated by that field's value changing the instant
              after it was obtained. Otherwise interrogation requires
              at least a share of the lock.
  VSMBK Control Block Content Top of page

 VSMBK DSECT Top of page
Hex Dec Type/Val Lng Label (dup) Comments ---- ---- --------- ---- -------------- -------- 0000 0 Structure VSMBK Vtam Service Machine control BlocK 0000 0 Character 8 VSMUSRID VSM userid 0008 8 Character 8 VSMVTMID VTAM machine userid 0010 16 Dbl-Word 8 VSMTIMER Value for redisplay timer 0018 24 Signed 4 VSMVMDBK VSM VMDBK address 001C 28 Signed 4 VSMRTREE Radix tree anchor 0020 32 Signed 4 VSMNEXT Pointer to the next VSMBK 0024 36 Signed 4 VSMLOGOS Pointer to logo WEIBK chain 0028 40 Signed 4 VSMSEVRQ Queue of SNABKs awaiting SEVER 002C 44 Signed 2 VSMPATH IUCV pathid for the VSM 002E 46 Signed 2 * Reserved for future IBM use 0030 48 Signed 2 VSMMSGLM Message limit 0032 50 Signed 2 VSMLUCNT LU count for VSM 0034 52 Bitstring 1 VSMFLAG1 Status 1... .... VSMCONNP X'80' VSMCONNP Connect pending .1.. .... VSMENABL X'40' VSMENABL VSM devices enabled ..1. .... VSMSEVER X'20' VSMSEVER Global VSM path has been severed ...1 .... VSMSGLME X'10' VSMSGLME VSM message limit exceeded 0035 53 Bitstring 1 VSMLEVEL Level of support in VSM 00000000 VSMVCNA X'00' VSMVCNA VCNA 00000001 VSM31 X'01' VSM31 VSCS VTAM 3.1 00000002 VSM311 X'02' VSM311 VSCS VTAM 3.1.1 00000003 VSM312 X'03' VSM312 VSCS VTAM 3.1.2 00000004 VSM32 X'04' VSM32 VSCS VTAM 3.2 00000005 VSM33 X'05' VSM33 VSCS VTAM 3.3 00000006 VSM34 X'06' VSM34 VSCS VTAM 3.4 00000007 VSM341 X'07' VSM341 VSCS VTAM 3.4.1 00000008 VSM42 X'08' VSM42 VSCS VTAM 4.2 * Define the VSM Function Table * * This 2-byte table identifies the functions that are * supported by a given VSM Level. 0036 54 Bitstring 2 VSMFCTNS (0) VSM function flags 0036 54 Bitstring 1 VSMFCTB1 Function flag byte 1 1... .... VSMFDIA X'80' VSMFDIA DIAL function supported .1.. .... VSMFWSF X'40' VSMFWSF WSF query reply data supported ..1. .... VSMFEAU X'20' VSMFEAU Erase All Unprotected supported ...1 .... VSMFTTY X'10' VSMFTTY Enhanced TTY device supported .... 1... VSMFWFP X'08' VSMFWFP Write for Position supported .... .1.. VSMFCON X'04' VSMFCON CONMODE 3270 supported .... ..1. VSMFVTM X'02' VSMFVTM VTAM userid transaction supported .... ...1 VSMFLOGO X'01' VSMFLOGO LOGON from logo supported 0037 55 Bitstring 1 VSMFCTB2 Function flag byte 2 1... .... VSMFBRKN X'80' VSMFBRKN BREAKIN GUESTCTL supported .1.. .... VSMFLDIS X'40' VSMFLDIS Linemode DBCS input supported ..1. .... VSMMOHLD X'20' VSMMOHLD TERM MORE/HOLD supported ...1 .... VSMFDYNL X'10' VSMFDYNL DYNamic Logo updates supported .... 1... VSMCURSC X'08' VSMCURSC Changes to the MORE/HOLD settings of the current screen supported (Clear screen function also supported) .... .1.. VSMFNQN X'04' VSMFNQN Network Qualified Names supported 00000007 VSMSIZE (*-VSMBK+7)/8 VSMBK size in doublewords
  VSMBK Storage Layout Top of page
*** VSMBK - Vtam Service Machine control BlocK
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   0 |                       VSMUSRID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*   8 |                       VSMVTMID                        |
*     +-------------------------------------------------------+
*  10 |                       VSMTIMER                        |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  18 |         VSMVMDBK          |         VSMRTREE          |
*     +---------------------------+---------------------------+
*  20 |         VSMNEXT           |         VSMLOGOS          |
*     +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+
*  28 |         VSMSEVRQ          |  VSMPATH    |/////////////|
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*     +-------------+-------------+------+------+------+------+
*  38
*** VSMBK - Vtam Service Machine control BlocK
  VSMBK Cross Reference Top of page
Symbol         Dspl Value
-------------- ---- -----
VSMCONNP       0034 80
VSMCURSC       0037 08
VSMENABL       0034 40
VSMFBRKN       0037 80
VSMFCON        0036 04
VSMFCTB1       0036
VSMFCTB2       0037
VSMFCTNS       0036
VSMFDIA        0036 80
VSMFDYNL       0037 10
VSMFEAU        0036 20
VSMFLAG1       0034
VSMFLDIS       0037 40
VSMFLOGO       0036 01
VSMFNQN        0037 04
VSMFTTY        0036 10
VSMFVTM        0036 02
VSMFWFP        0036 08
VSMFWSF        0036 40
VSMLEVEL       0035
VSMLOGOS       0024
VSMLUCNT       0032
VSMMOHLD       0037 20
VSMMSGLM       0030
VSMNEXT        0020
VSMPATH        002C
VSMRTREE       001C
VSMSEVER       0034 20
VSMSEVRQ       0028
VSMSGLME       0034 10
VSMSIZE        0037 00000007
VSMTIMER       0010
VSMUSRID       0000
VSMVCNA        0035 00000000
VSMVMDBK       0018
VSMVTMID       0008
VSM31          0035 00000001
VSM311         0035 00000002
VSM312         0035 00000003
VSM32          0035 00000004
VSM33          0035 00000005
VSM34          0035 00000006
VSM341         0035 00000007
VSM42          0035 00000008
This information is based on z/VM 7.3.0 Last updated on 22 Jun 2022 at 15:57:56 EDT.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2022